HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-9-23 c g. ;U,5 \(JL ~""'J' ~yrt Page 1 of 1 11~'IIIII'l;i1lf~':i;.ltllj_ Geoled1nical & Construction Services Daily Field Report Client: EWEB Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: 09-23-09 500E, 4th Ave, Plant Expansion Project No,: 2087168 Eugene, Oregon Springfield, Oregon Report No.: E-24039 Inspector: A, Fenstermacher ?f15'1 4o.L-j ck.1l Gnc~ ILeA, ID No.: 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of: Reinforcing Steel Weathe~: Ciear Continuous Inspection: D Contractor: Wildish Building BP No,: 2008-00225 Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed preliminary inspection on the reinforcing steel for filter building, south wall, east section (slab to bottom of roof), north interior easUwest high wall (slab to top), Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties and supports, A final inspection will be performed prior to concrete placement. Jake Stucky (Wildish) was asked to notify our office when additional, services are needed, , To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008) and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, 7)::::; ~ , ' Ae-- Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Siocum (em ail) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield MLM:sc ,~: This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to who,m it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection. Inc.'s written authorization. 7ffJ NN Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541 ) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 2954DBAiljXrtRrnd' Eugene, Qegm97402' ptme(541)684-3849 'fax(541)684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844 ' fax (541) 382-4846 \'., A"'P.P~ ...Yttl ~ 11:"'II~lrt;"I~it'~;"IIJ~dl~l. GeoIed1nic81 II. C..onslnxmnServffis Compressive Strength of Concrete lASTM C 39\ TIME OF TYPE OF TEST FRACTURE** 11:55AM 5 I 9:55 AM 3 I 10:00 AM 4 I I CLIENT DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, EWES 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 PROJECT Hayden Sridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion 'J()c:..1" nSpringfield, Qregon_ J"tJ I ,_I1:O-.lIdxYi &nc~ ~. SP NO, 2008-00225 DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 08-26-09 CAST BY A, Fenstermacher 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 40-SE7 CEMENT Super; Eclipse; AEA 1 TICKET NO, 3442746 840 F YARDAGE 6,5 OF 16,0 750 F WEATHER Clear Filter building center wall, west half, DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN,STORAGE LOAD 1 SAMPLED 1st lift, TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COM PRESSIVE ''OA TE (DAYS) (IN,') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSIl I ~ 09'02-09 7 12,56 8,55 53215 4240 I I', I 28 6170 09,23-09 12,56 8.49 77530 I 09-23-09 I 28 12,56 8,51 71250 5670 I Hold I AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) 5920 "1- End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 -Columnar 4- DiagonalS-Side (top or bottom) 6-Side (pointed lop orbotlom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: flT.1 fLv--/ Michael L, Meyer Technical Manager c: EWES- Mike Stickling (email) EWES- Wally McCullough (email) OSEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,. Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River ' ('" MLM:sc 09-23-09 2087168 6616 08.27-09 4" x 8" Knife River 3/4" 3,5% 61/2" 1:00 PM ASTM C 31 This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorization. 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 SAirport Road' Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541) 684-3849 'fax(541) 684-3851 62979 NE Piateau Drive, Suite 3 'Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl \LJlL Compressive Strength of Concrete fASTM C 39\ 11:"'llilrf;'ilI~~'~;'IIIU.IH. Geoted1nrnl & Construction SP.rvices CLIENT PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion ,I _ Springfield, Oregon ?515i -mv1cLtn ex--;~ eo, BP NO. 2008-00225 ' DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO, EWEB 500E. 4'h Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 09-21-09 2087168 6607 08-24-09 CAST BY D, Delatte DATE RECEIVED 08-25-09 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER Knife River 2440KIUOKS CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" AEA, Super, Eclipse AIR CONTENT 3,7% 1 TICKET NO, 3442578 SLUMP 61/2" 70" F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 40,0 TIME 7:20 AM 49" F WEATHER Clear SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C 31 Wall in existing flume and elevated slab 80' to 120' from north end and west half of north and south walls for filter basin 1" lift in walls, DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN.') (LBS) LOAD (LBSI STRENGTH,(PSn 08-31-09 7 12,56 8.43 49910 3970 09-21-09 28 12,56 8.46 70435 5610 09-21-09 28 12,56 8.46 71200 5670 Hold AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 3:35 PM 9:10AM 9:15AM 5640 ~. 1- End Cones' 2 - Cone/Split 3 _ Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (lop or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed top or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: ;1,/f,~ Michael L. Me.f2 Technical Manager, c: EWEB- Mike Sticklin9 (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated, As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorization. 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330' phone (541) 757-4698' fax (541) ~57-2991 29540 B Airport Road' Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' phone (541) 684-3849 ' fax (541) 684-0851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 TYPE OF FRACTURE" 5 2 5 \1L {~ftJ 11:r.'II~lfl;"I~I.'~~'lllh'lIl\11. GAOtemnical & C.llIlstrug!jon Services Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39\ CLIENT EWEB 500E. 4" Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion IJQ ,Springfield, Oregon ') \<Yl fuq QU) l)-ric~ eel, BP NO, , 2008-00225 DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO. 09.21-09 2087168 6655 DATE CAST 09-14-09 CAST BY 0, Delatte DATE RECEIVED 09-15-09 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" STRENGTH PLACED 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER Knife River PRODUCT CODE 2440KIUOKS CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" ADDITIVES Super; Eclipse; AEA AIR CONTENT 5,8% LOAD NO. 1 TICKET NO, 3443308 SLUMP 41/4" CONCRETE TEMP 76' F YARDAGE 8,0 OF 24,0 TIME 8:40 AM AIR TEMP 63' F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C 31 POUR LOCATION North section of west wall for filter basin and wail in flume between filter N1 and N2, LOAD 1 SAMPLED 1 ,t lift in filter basin wall. TEST::, DATE 09-21.09 10-12-09 10-12-09 Hold AGE , (lJAYS) 7 '28 28 AREA (IN') 12,56 WEIGHT (LBSI 8,14 TOTAL LOAD (LBSI 45950 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSIl 3660 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST I : 9:40 AM I I TYPE OF FRACTURE** 2 I .1 I " '" "1- End Cones 2 -Cone/Split 3- Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5-Side (top or b~Uom) 6-Side (pointed top or bottom) REMARKS: Mike Stickling (EWEB) was advised of on-site test results, ; ~ . . Reviewed By: t:a~~~r Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Waily McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarreil (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) , City of Springfield Knife' River, .. RECEIVED' SEP 2 3 J009 MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated, As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorization. 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road' Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541) 6B4--3849 'fax(541)684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Olive, Suite 3' Bend, Oregon 97701' phone (541) 382-4844' fax (541) 382-4B46 ~..~. ~t~. f1< Page 1 of 1 G".,,~ ,lical & Construction SeIVices Daily Field Report .1~'IIHrt;"I~~"~~IfI'H IW!I Client: Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No.: Inspector: ID No.: EWEB 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon jq51 ~O-qdfl\ ~Y'lC~ Q..ct, 09-21-09 2087168 E-24019 D, Delatte 1080867-88 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Contractor: Wildish Building Co, Weather: Clear BP No.: 2Q08-00225 Continuous Inspection: 0 Periodic Inspection: I!'I Performed final inspection on the reinforcing steel for concrete walis for filter basin, east half of center wall and north wall and two (2) interior walls in the southwest corner of basin for gullet area, Preliminary reinforcing steel inspection was performed by our , office on 09-15-09 (ref: FEI report E-23958), Observed the placement of 47,0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 2440KIUOKS) into walls noted above, Concrete was placed by pump and was mechanically consolidated, Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" concrete test cylinders from load 1, Slump - 7"; air temperature - 481"; concrete temperature - 67F; air content - 3,5%, Load 2 air was 4% and load 3 was 3,7%, :'.Jake (Wildish) and Mike Stickling (EWEB) were advised of the on-site test results, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: 1h.1-'~ Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield ' MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whOl)1 it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andfor any part th~reof be disclosed without FEI, Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 7m 1m ComeIIAvenue' eavalrts, Oregon 97330' phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road ' Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' phone (541) 684-J849' fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3', Bend, Oregon 97701 ' phone (541) 382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 RECEIVED SEP 28 2009 ~ftl ,?\L Page 1 of 1 Ch.,~VV: ,nical & Construction Services Daily Field Report .1:".II!rt;.uI~~'~:.lllhl_ Client: Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No.: Inspector: 10 No.: EWEB 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene" Oregon '3g51 Hc<qdff'\ bY1'oLr r.~\, Inspection of: Reinforcing Steel Contractor: Wildish Building Weatl1.~r: Clear, BP-No,: 2008-00225 Continuous Inspection: D Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed preliminary reinforcing steel on walls as follows: two (2) interior walls for gullet in the southwest corner of filter basin (west section); center wall of filter basin east section and east section of north wall of said filter basin, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement, quantities and clearance, Reinforcing steel was secured with tie wire, Hook bars for slab connection and trim bar need to be installed, Final inspection will be performed prior to concrete placement. Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of our on-site observations, To the best of our knowledge, the in-progress work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 08/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: /h. -j /A..u, ---- Michael L. ~eyr Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,. Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pe~ains to the specific . process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEr Testing & Inspection, Inc.ts written authorization, 750 NN Comel Avenue' Cavallis, Oregm 97330 ' phone (541) 757-4698 ,fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirportRoad' Eugene, Oregon 97402' phone (541)684-3849' fax (541) 684J851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 ' phone (541) 382-4844 ' fax (541) 382-4846 09-1 5-09 2087168 E-23958 D, Delatte 1080867-88 ICC ~....... . ~yrtl ~t Page 1 of 1 Geotechnical & Construction Servires Daily Field Report .i~'.h'let;.I~.'~~'llfJ~_ Client: Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No,: Report No.: Inspector: ID No,; EWEB 500E, 41h Ave, Eugene, Oregon jC\51 ,\:\C^~ldf.V\ 6Y1~ ~(\, 09-14-09 2087168 E-23934 D, Delatte 1080867-88 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Contractor: Wildish Building Weather: Overcast ElP-~Q",' 2Q08-00225 Continuous Inspection: 0 Periodic Inspection: Ii'! Performed inspection on the reinforcing steel in wall and lid within fiume, between filter N1 and filter N2 and the north section of west wall of filter basin, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade" size, lap, placement, quantities and clearance, Preliminary reinforcing steel inspection was performed by our office on 09-04-09 (ref: FEI report E23854), Observed the placement of 16,0 of 24,0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 2440KIUOKS) into areas noted above, Concrete was placed by pump and ,was mechanically consolidated, Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" concrete test cylinders from load 1, Slump - 41/4"; air temperature - 63F; concrete temperature - 76F; air content - 5,8%, Mike Stickling (EWEB) was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: /J1, ,-/.~ Michael L. MeyM Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (em ail) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (em ail) WildishBuilding Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (em ail) Wild ish Building Co;- Jake Stucky (em ail) City of Springfield MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated, As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part . thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization, ' 7m NoN Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330' phme (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road ' Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' phme (541) 684-J849 ,fax (541) 684J851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone(541)382-4844' fax (541) 3824846 -f>('c J'f',.o ('/ '" ,CJ < ('.0 ~ p A"..... ~rtl kf 11:.'ml~;41h''''lI;'lllnliliL. G...A.J~~ II .jcal &- Q)ns.tn JCtion Services Compressive S~rength of Concrete (ASTM C 39\ CLIENT EWEB 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 DATE PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Ct' ,_. .-Springfield"Oregon... , ~ 151 \-\g,'\[dRn ljD(~ Rv\, BP'iIIo. 2008-00225,' 08.11-09 2087168 6531 07-14-09 CAST BY D, Delatte DATE RECEIVED 07.15-09 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" 4000 psi SACKS SYPPLlER Knife River 2440KIUOKS CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" AEA, Super AIR CONTENT 3,5% 1 TICKET NO, 3444628 SLUMP 71/4" 72' F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 51.0 TIME 6:30 AM 53' F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C 31 Northeast, southeast and center west slab on grade sections for filter basin~, Catch basin pit slab at alum' truck unloading pad, Southeast slab section, AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE, (DAYS), (IN,') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSIl 07~21-09 7 I 12,56 8,52 58495 4660 08-11-09 28 I 12,56 8,51 74290 5910 08-11-09 28 I 12,56 8,53 72100 5740 Hold I 5825 TIME OF TEST 1:00 PM 12:10 PM 12:15 PM ..,_ End Cones 2 _ Cone/Splil 3 -Columnar 4- Diagonal 5- Side (top or bottom) 6 -Side (pointed lop or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) and Mike Stickling (EWEB) were advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: /h,-I,/1..~ Michael L ~:7 T echnicalManager c: EWEB- Mike' Stickling (email), EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC. Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Buildin9 CO,-'Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish BuildingCo,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc' TYPE OF FRACTUREri 2 5 5 RtCtl'VfD 41Jr; , J 11009 This reportand/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the clierit to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process andfor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not'be reproduced in part or'full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization, 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330 ' phone (541) 757-4698 ' fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road' Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' phone (541) 684-3849 ' fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Dlive, Suite 3 , Bend, Oregon 97701, phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 ~p.",. ~ttl ~~ Page 1 of 1 Go..,:cJ " ,:CaJ & Cons1ru<fun Services Daily Field Report 11:"llflfl;"I~~':l;'IIII~.ltl. Client: Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion _ j'!pringfielQ, 9~,:gon 0%1, ~d.tnJ?~' ~, Date: Project No,: Report No.: Inspector: ID No.: EWEB 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 06-17-09 2087168 E-23177 D, Delatte 1080867.88 ICC Inspection of: Reinforcing Steel Contractor: Wildish Building Co, Weather:_ Overcast BP}[o'.: 2008c00225 Continuous Inspection: 0 Peri6dic Inspection: Ii"! Performed preliminary reinforcing steel inspection for weir box walls south of new filter building, east wall of new filter building and north and south walls between existing building and new filter building from slab/578,5 to approximately 582,7, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances, Contractor'has one , (1) side of forms installed at this time, Final inspection of reinforcing steel and clearance will be performed prior to concrete placement. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: /JJ . 'i/~______ Michael L. Me(e'r' Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB. Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Siocum (em ail) Wildish BuildingCo,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in partor full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorizatipn. 7ffJ t--NV ComeIIAvenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, pha1e(541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road ' Eugene, Oregm 97402 ' phone (541) 684-3849 ,fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844 ' fax (541 ),382-4846 RtCf ' JUN,g 1VtD , ,g 100g