HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-6-16 r.. , l ~~;lInforrnation ,,~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting . Testing c,~.A~1 kL DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: Client: June 16, 2009 Springfield SchDDI District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-80173-210 Project Name: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston RDad Springfield, Oregon Project Location: Building Permit No,: COM2008-00437 Type of Inspection: Soils Observation P,O, No,: Weather: P0272-334-0809 Clear Field Observations and Comments On site tD observe a proof roll Dn exposed subgrade soils for the proposed parking and driveway pavement areas In the following IDcatiDns: between the existing schDol and new schDDI (see attached site plans), The proof rD11 was conducted using a fully IDaded tandem axle dump truck weighing apprDximately 55,000 pounds, Only slight deflections were observed under the wheel loads in isolated areas and nD wheel tracking occurred, indicating a relatively firm, stable subgrade at this time, ND Dverexcavation is recommended at this time due tD existing site grade, some areas will receive an additional 6 tD 12 inches of rock structure, TD the best of Dur knDwledge, the wDrk inspected above was in accDrdance with the building department approved design drawings, specificatiDns and applicable wDrkmanship provisiDns Df the International Building Codes, Inspector: Raymond Aliperti , CCB #176269 If YDU have any questiDns regarding this repDrt, please feel free tD cDntact us at 541-746-9649, Respectfully Su mitted, rofessiona/ Se ice /nd slries, /nc, - C{-~) Attachment: Site Plan c: KPFF - ugD,costa@kpff,com Hyland ConstructiDn - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead,us ,Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum,cDm Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood:com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane,edu Yolanda Bird. yolanda,bird@sps.lane,edu City of Springfield ~~(' ./(/4' ~/ ~ ~ ,<~ (; ~.9 . THIS REPORT /s PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND fTS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, /S PROHIBITED, professional Ser:vice Industries, lnc,. 1040-A Shelley Street .,Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541n46-9649 .,Fax 5411746~7163 , , NE I ," I) 1, . ^ ' . 7 ~ ' 5. \ '- ~ v' ',' L ' ' 16? A\90 '~ J ~1- d~N- ~ ~ fMV-t , ,coMf VWJ-I , ;,; ~ D 'M fr"'r .J _ AppIOX. lot4'ti., ot tt-;~.sl. FIRE lANE , , .1>SX b-Ib-o=t .,;g-~m~ THURSTON ru-w i MA TCHLlNE 0 10' 20 40, Be l:m1 ~ in'!i SCALE: 1.=40' .