HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2009-9-29 Mechanical Authurizatiun To. Begin Wurk E-mailedTo:erogers1976@aol.com Check on status of permit By Phone: 541-726-3753 or Email: permitce.nter@ci.springfield:or.us I D NewCollstruc~~n '~'-:~}d~tion/afteratiOnirePJaCernen1 IlI!lL lL~,~/lijt~CAfEGof(YlOF,CONSfRUCTION~~~~';;:~~~1 10,m """lIy dW'.~I" 0 M,h!:~~lri:O C,""+"'I DA"'''~O' B"ildi" 1 I Job Address: 416' _ .,. ' , I .City/State/ZIP:, ~P~~~.oFIELD, .?~' 97477 . I Suite/bldg.lapt;no.:-.'~::'2.:'~'"'":;,, I Project Name: Lee & Sharon ~esidl:nce '" '1 em" SI,,,"d;,,,.,., to j,b ,II<: I TUJ,:map/parcel Installation of mini split heat pump system '. .. I Name: Brian Rogers Phone: 541-554-9331 I Email: erogers1976@aol.com Fax: 541-988-3182 I CCBlie.no.: 17Ho6' 1'-'&:', I BusincssNllmi:'SUNSEi<HEATiNo&'lAlRiN& CAr-in!: ir: Iii!: VJGhr{ - -- -- -. ..- ---" "1--..... ~."..... I CODtad:' J-\lJ I nUntLCU UI\lucn I nil,) rcnlVlIl Iv I\lV I I Address: 5729MAiNisi:B-o'X124SU Uti '~-H~':\l'lJuui~c~ fCF1 I City/SlatelZlp:"SPRINGFIEi6}oi 9~4~iIUU. I Phone: 541-988-3181 Fax: 541-988-3182 I Emoll; erogers 1976@ool.com I MetTolic.no.: City lie. no.: Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your permit will be e-mailed or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your. inspection. NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days If a permit is not obtained. The local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work is nuil and void If it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances . ' 69600-BMC-09-00139 9/29/2009 1 :07 pm App.-oval Code: 067580 I Dfscriplion , - Qty. Ell,. Totol . l~ijDiill;n;'f~em~~~i4\0~iEJ.::~~~\:t~~it'~~~i~~~Setl I First Appliance Fee $79.00j I Subtotal I Stale surcharge (12% of permit total) . I Technology fee (5% of permit , total) 'ITOTAL PERMIT l<'Ji:E $79.00 $9.48 $3.95 $92.43 ~q-lL\yq ~~ ct\JC\\cA' I' ATTENTION: OregDn law requires YDU to follDW rules adopted by the Oregon Utility NotificatiDn Center, ThDse rules are set fDrth in OAR 952-001-001 OthrDugh OAF! 952.001- 0090. YDU may Dbtain cDpies Df the rules by calling the center. (NDte: the telephDne number for the OregDn Utility NDliiicatiDn Center is 1.800.332-2344). / ~V ~ 9:/,((j ~~v \0 . CO . c::f'\.. ~<-R~ 0.-\ This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit I' .. " , Status Issued" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01449 ISSUED: 09/29/2009 APPLIED: 09/29/2009 EXPIRES: 03/29/2010 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phune 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspe~H!'~,Line:~ ....,.. ,SITE ADDRESS: '. ,'4~6 EST "ASSESSOR'SPARCEL;NO,:; 1703352403000 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Heating System TYPE OF USE: New ',. < PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Installatiun ufmini split heat pump system in residence ResidenHal Owner: Address: MIHULKA.CHRISBEN & SHARON M , 416E ST.;<"; ,"',,/ :'..:: , SPRINGFIELD' OR. 97477 t: .' ~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Mechanical Contractor SUNSET HEATING & AIR INC License 171706 Expiration Date 08/18/2010 Phone 541-988-3181 BUILDING INFORMATION I # uf Units: Primary Occupancy Gruup: Secundary Occupancy Gruup: Primary Cunstructiun Type Secundary Cunstructiun Type: # uf Bedruums: # uf Sturies: Height uf Structure Type uf Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lut Size: Sq Ft 1st Fluur: Sq Ft 2nd Fluur: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carpurt Sq Ft Other: Occup~nt Luad: n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I 1-11 I <:NTION: OregOIRIi!.Ql!!~Jh!l18!<!tllG . follow rules adopted !:1\1 the Oregon Utr'/r'ty 'Fruntyard Setback:"E' ' Overlay Dlst: ' , , Tutal,. . I~U,llll , ' Notification Center. Tr.0se ",ies Rr.~ set forth S~de 1 Setbac,R8/S P'ERM/T SHAlL EXPIRE IF TH"#\~mil;l?rees Rqd: in OAR 952-001-0010 M~B~bW~P~~:952.001- S,de 2 SetbacK: . tp~vea1j)nve Rqd: 0090 Y b ,Cumpact: R d S t'\i"T,I,.JORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT Jl:J.!C1T C ". " ou may 0 tarn GUIJ,do of the rules by earyar e a.... YO' ,'I',9t uverage. callrng the center. (Note: the telephone SUlarSetbacKs;1MMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR numberJor the Oregon Utility Notification ,^,:~\' ~:8 :,::1 ;--:~;X. 1 ': / PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I VIJllLIJl l,j l-UVV-vvt:;.-,,:;,v"t't). Street Impruvements: , Sturm Sewer Available:,' Special Instructiun: Sidewalk Type: DuwnspuutsfDrains: Nutes: .! I Valuation DescriDtion J 'J $ Per Sq'Ft ur multiplier Square Fuutage ur Bid Amuunt Value Date Calculated DescriDHun Type uf CunstrucHuu Paee 1 uf2 Status Issued CITY OF SPRI~{JJ:<lELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01449 ISSUED: 09/29/2009 APPLIED: 09/29/2009 EXPIRES: 03/29/2010 VALUE: ,., Tutal Value ufPr'uject \"'.. ~.." . Fees Paid I ."" ; ; Fee Descriptiuu::;:"";,,,,:j,_~ + 12% State Surcharge' + 5%' Technulugy Fee 1st Appliance Amuunt Paid Date Paid Receipt Number , $9.48 $3.95 $79.00 9/29/09 9/29/09 9/29/09 1200900000000001101 1200900000000001101 1200900000000001101 Tutal Amuunt Paid $92.43 I Plan Reviews , ' f: To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. " - I ~ell~!i~ed J ~,s?~ctiors I Ruugh Mechanical: Priur to. Cuver , Final Mechanical: When all mechauical wurk is cumplete. By signature, I state and agree, tbat I have carefully examiued the cumpleted applicatiun aud do. hereby certify that all infurmatiun hereun is trne and currect, and I further certify that any a,~d all wurk perfurmed shall be. dune in accurdance with the Ordinauces uftbe City uf Springfield and the Laws uf the State uf Oregun pertaining to. the wurk described hereiu, aud that NO OCCUPANCY will be made uf any structure withuut permissiuu ufthe Cummunity Services Divisiun, Building Safety. I further certify that unly cuntrilcturs and empluyees who. are in cumpliance with ORS 701.005 will be used un this pruject. I further agree to. ensure that all required inspectiuns are requested at the pruper time, that each address is readable frum the street, that the permit card is lucated at the frunt ufthe pruperty, and the appruved set uf plans will remain uu the site at all times during construction. ' Owner ur Cunt~actu'rs Signature Date ~i . . ) , ,0 Pa2e 2 <if 2 J( 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 54i-726-3759 Phone ,;" "", . RECEIPT #: City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 1200900000000001101 Date: 09/29/2009 . ,", . ," Job/Journal Number'~\} Description COM2009-0 1449 ',1 5t Appliimce .'. ,. COM2009-01449 + 5% Techn~lugy Fee COM2009-01449 + 12% State Surcharge Paymeuts: Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS , .Paid,By~"t; ':ONLINE PERMIT CHGS ../. "", :, \l .. 'I cReceiotl Received By KR Page 1 of 1 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Batch Number Number How 'Received ONLINE SUNSET Online HEATING Payment Tutal: 1:1O:47PM Amount Due 79,00 3.95 9.48 $92.43 Amount Paid $92.43 $92.43- 9/29/2009