HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-9-28 City uf Springfield Electrical Authurizatiun To. Begin Wurk E~mailed To: levimichaeI2722@hotmail.com ..~ Check on status of permit .'<, By Phone:'541-726-3753 or Email: permitcenter@ci.springficld.or.us I 0 New Construction 0 AdditionlalteratiorJreplacemenl I [~); ",2f""]]Ydw,i];~g .\ [jM,I;':'",,;;;' ~'~,fOcommerCia] o Accessory JobAddress:6848 C'ST'... '" ''',;". City/State/ZIP: SPRINGFIElp, OR 97478 SuiteJbldg.lapl.no.: Project Name: LEASK Cross Street/directions to job site: I Tax map/parcel no.: t.:~m 'RELOCATE SERVICE~AND WIRE ADDITION Name: ART LEASK Phone: FII~; Em.llil: Elec lie. no.: C455 'CCD lie. no.: 185086 Business Name: LMJ ELECTRIC LLC Contact: Address: 1851 GRANTST City/State/ZIP: EUGENE, OR 97405 Phone: 541-729.8727 . Fai: Em.llil: IcvimichaeI2722@hotmail.com Metro lie. no.: City lie. no.: Supervising Ele~trician's lie. DO.: Supeniising Electrician's Name: 54345 ROBERT S YOUNG Number of inspections included in paid services: Residential Service: 4 ReconneclOnly: 1 AlIOther5ervices: 2 Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your perrnit will be e-mailed or faxed w~in one business day, with Instructions on how to schedule your inspection. 69600-BEL-09-00154 9/28/2009 6:48 pm Approval Code: 063594 D 'b() q' \ (j Pleascche,kall thalnpply DHazardouslo,a,ions [JAservi,eor feeder rated at 600 amps or more Dsui'dingsmorethanthrees,ories DMarinas and Ixlatyards DFloatinllbuildmlls DCommer,ial-u.eagricultura' bUIldings Dlnstallalionofal50KVAorlarger , seperalcly d~livedsys O"A"."E".or"1-2"or"I,3" DRecreationalVehicleparks DSUpplyvohage for more than 600 supplyvolisnominal DH~a'thcarefaci'ities Total $58.00 $162,00 ;;~:~'t~~ $36.00 o A seJViceor feeder beginning at 400 I\mpswherellleavailabl~fauh currenlexceed510,OOOAmpsal 150 Vohs or less 10 ground exceeds 14,000 Amps for all olller installations o Fire pumps o Emergencysyslems o Addition of anew mOlor load of IOOHPormore o Six or more rcsidenlial units in one structure I Description I Stand-alone limited energy, residential IServices2pOampsorlcs5 IBranch circuil5with service or recdcI eachcircuil surcharge(12%ofpcrmillotal) fee(5%ofp~rmiltOlal) PERMIT FEE .~ 'f\\~ ~:\.\.. V \" $256.00 $30.72 $]2.80 5299.52 ~cf\ \D'~ \ ~ C{}<., 'V:- ~ NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit is not obtained.' C!on200't -0/060 /7/77 9~/o 9 The local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work is null and void If it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit I ~"- Wvc., - r J Irp-(A C\rf CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01080 ISSUED: 09/10/2009 APPLIED: 07/27/2009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: $ 106,610.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phune 541-726-3676 Fax ,541-726-3769 Iuspectiun Line SITE ADDRESS: 6848 C ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702353202300 Spriugfield TYPE OF WORK: Single Family Residence TYPE OF USE: Additiun Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Additiun to. Dwelling: !st Stury- Living Ruum plus Add'l Ruum, and 2nd Stury Wurk Out Ruum. Owner: ART &'KELLI LEASK REV LIV TR Address: 6848 C ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Phone Number: 541-726-9437 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Electrical Mechanical Contractor ANDY HALVORSON INC LMJ ELECTRIC LLC LOWES WEA THER1ZA TION License 125532 185086 176741 Expiration Date 05/03/2010 01109/2011 06/19/2011 Phone 541-221-5717 541-729-8727 541-485-2282 BUILDING INFORMA TION I # ufUuits: Primary Occupancy Gruup: Secuudary Occupancy Group: Primary Cunstructiuu Type Secundary Cuustructiun Type: # uf Bedruums: VB # uf Sturies: Height uf Structure Type uf Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Buildiug: 2 Lut Size: 25.00 Sq Ft 1st Fluur: Sq Ft 2nd Fluur: Sq Ft Basement:. Sq Ft Garage/Carpurt Sq Ft Other: No. Occupant Luad: 7,405 683 276 R-3 143 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION. 1 REQUIRED PARKING Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Sular Setbacks: 20.00 6.00 , 9.75 26.75 41.00 Overlay Dist: #Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % uf Lut Cuverage: Tutal: Handicapped: Cumpact: 26.00 - r ,'. . ~. . ~ . r~: ~ ~ I~~' . SHALL EXPIRE If T\IIrUBEI<NMPROVEMENTS 1 ',Ieo rEP,M\T C PERMII'" I"UI Street hit"rovements~ UNDER THIS Sidewalk Type:' 'e"~ 1'0 . ,',() i ri\Jt'\I/-C DONED FOR 101\1' Oregon law r9~,ulr8o ", ~' Sturm Sewer AvailiiJjle: OR IS ABAN ATTENT D'uwnspuuts/Drains:6g011 tJ.,ilty Special i~~t';~~tr~~~AY PEStorm water to. tie into. existing svstem tollow rtUleSc~~~~'r -Th;;S~ rules are set forth f.\.1~ 1 I UU' " Notlflca 10~.00; -'00'; 0 through 0.'.". 932'~0;- Nutes: In OAR 95 btain copies of the ruleo by 0090, You may Ot (Note' the telephcne calling the ceng~ an Utility Notification number tor the, r; goo 332-2344), , Center IS' . 'I Pa~e 1 uf 4 Status , Issued, ~. 225 Fifth Street, <Sp~ingfield, OR" 541-726-3753 Phune " 541-726-3676 Fax. 541-726-37691nspectiun Line Description ~:~ . "'J Tvpe of Construction R-3 VB 1&2 Familv R-3 VB 1&2 Familv R-3 VB 1&2 Familv . SF/Duplex SF/Duplex SF/Duplex " . I'. \. Fee Description Plan Review Residential + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technulugy Fee 1st Appliance Building Permit Fixture Gas'Outlets 1-4; , , Plan Review Minur - Planning Plan Review Residential Sanitary Sewer - Impruvemeut Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC Sanitary/Sturm Admin Sturm Drainage Imperviuus Area Vent Fan , + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technulugy Fee ' Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add Luw V ultage - Residential Perm ServlFdr 200 amps 0.1' less Tutal Amuunt Paid CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/C~mbination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01080 ISSUED: 09/10/2009 APPLIED: 07/27/2009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: $ 106,610.00 I Valuation Oescriotion , ,III _I )' $ Per Sq Ft ur multiplier $96.83 $96.83 $96.83 Square Fuutage ur Bid Amuunt 682.00 143.00 276.00 Value Date Calculated $66,038.06 $13,846.69 $26,725.08 $106,609.83 07/27/2009 08/06/2009 08/06/2009 Tutal Value uf Pruject F~p~, P~irf I Amuunt Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $356.23 $110.07 $51.81 $79.00 $737.24 $76.00 $7.00 $119.00 $122.98 $44.09 $57.99 $24.13 $380.53 $18.00 $30.72 $12.80 $36.00 $58.00 $162.00 7/27/09 9/1 0/09 9/10/09 . 9/1 0/09 9/10/09 9/10/09 9110/09 9/10/09 9/10/09 9/10/09 9/10/09 9/10/09 91\ 0/09 9/10/09 9/29/09 9/29/09 9/29/09 9/29/09 9/29/09 2200900000000000846 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000645 3200900000000000679 3200900000000000679 3200900000000000679 3200900000000000679 3200900000000000679 $2,483.59 I Plan Reviews I StructuraIReview 07/29/2009 Initial Review 07/28/2009 07/29/2009 APP LLH Public Wurks Review 07/29/2009 08/04/2009 APP LKW Storm water to tie into existing system PlilDnine Review 07/29/2009 08/05/2009 APP DDK Paee 2 uf 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD" Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01080 ISSUED: 09/10/2009 APPLIED: 07/2712009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: $ 106,610.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR . 541-726-3753 Phune 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspectiun Line To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. AIUnspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. . ~e(]lIiretUnsnections I Fuuting: After trenches are excavated. Fuundatiun: After furms are erected but priur to. cuncrete placemeut. Slab: To. be made after all inslab bnilding service equipment, cuuduit piping and uther equipment items are in place but priur to. cuncrete. Pust and Beam: Priur to. fluur insulatiun ur deckiug, Fluur Insulatiun: Priur to. decking. Shear Wall Nailiug: Befure cuvering sheathing with finish materials. Framing Inspectiuu: Priur to. cuver and after all ruugh in inspectiunshave been appruved. Wan./lnsulation: Prior to,cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Ruuf Sheathing Drywall:"Priur to. taping. Huld Duwns Installed: Special Inspectiun perfurmed priur to. placement uf cuucrete. Pruvide repurt to. City Building Inspectur. Fiual Building: After all required inspectiuns have been reqnested and approved and the building is cumplete. Underfluur Plumbing: Priur to. insulatiun ur decking. Underfluur Drain: Priur to. cuver ur placement uf cuncrete. Ruugh Plumbing: Priur to. cuver and including required testiug. Shuwer Pan. Priur to. cuvering and including required testing. Palle 3 uf 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Issued .. - .,......- . PERMIT NO: COM2009-01080 ISSUED: 09/10/2009 APPLIED: 0.7/27/2009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: $ 106,610.00 225 Fifth Street, Spriugfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phune 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspectiun Line Final PIU:~bing: When all plumbing wurk is cumplete. . . , . . Underl1oorMech,anical. Priur to insulatiuu ur decking and including required testing. Underl1uur Gas: After line is.installed and required testing and,capped if nut attached to. au appliance. Ruugh Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if nut attached to. an appliance. Ruugh Mechauical: Priur to Cuver . Fiual Gas: When all gas wurk is cumplete. Final Mechanical: Wheu all mechanical wurk is cumplete. Ruugh Electric: Priur to. Cuver Electric Service: Appruval required priur to. utility cumpany energizing service. Final Electric: When all electrical wurk is cumplete. Luw V ultage: Priur to. cuver. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the cumpleted applicatiun and do. h'ereby certify that all infurmatiun hereun is true and currect, and I further certify that any and all wurk perfurmed shall be dune in accurdance with the Ordinances uf the City uf Springfield aud the Laws uf the State uf Oregun pertaining to. the wurk described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made uf any structure withunt permissiun uf the Cummunity Servi'ces Divisiun, Bnilding Safety. I further certify that unly cuntracturs and empluyees who. are iu cumpliance with ORS 701.005 will be used un this pruject. I further agree to. ensure that all required inspectiuns are requested at the pruper time, that each address is readable frum the street, that the permit card is lucated at the frunt uf the pruperty, and the appruved set uf plans will remain un the site at all times during construction. Owner ur Cuntracturs Signature Date / " 1,; Paee 4 uf 4 225 Fifth Street., Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 PhOne '. City of Springfield Official Receipt Developme'nt Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000679 Date: 09/29/2009 7:24:01AM Job/Journal Number COM2009-0 1 080 COM2009-01080 COM2009-0 1 080 COM2009-01080 COM2009-0 1 080 Desc~iption ~.,. 'Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less .:Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add , Luw V ultage - Residential ;'+ 5% Technqlogy Fee + 12% State. Surcharge ONLINE CHGS ,ONLINE PERMIT CRGS Received By NJM Check Number Batch Number Item Total: Authorization Number Amount Due 162,00 36.00 58,00 12,80 30,72 , $299.52 Payments: Type of Payment Paid By I' How Received Amount Paid .... ONLINE LMJ ELECT 'Online Payment Tutal: $299.52 $299.52 j, ' cRcceintl Page I of I 9/29/2009