HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-9-28 .. '}; ct\ (;q. , .'.. ~ I 69600-BEL-09-00152 9/28/2009 12:18 pm Approval Code: 909041 ".,' City of Springfield. ,. Electrical Autho.rizatio.n To. Begin Wo.rk E.mailed To: c_perkins@ym~il.com Check on status of permit .::. ~'y Phone: 541-726-3753 or Email: permitcenter@ci.springficld.or.us Itr0::r~=~::i7~'~)'L~~~'r"~TYp.E:dF~w6Rk~l,{?"f-',..-~2''':15 ~;,{gL.. :.~~~, .':-' I 0 New ~ons~c~.~n . ',. . 0 Addition/alteration/replacement 1~.t;:'~"~~~{~~~i::ATEGORY?OF.:'cb"t.isTRUCTiON~~~?r.:?!_(: ;1(l~_.~?~~,:~."~ I [~} 0" '""ily dw,II'" OM,lti.'",,"y OComm"'i~ 0 A,,,,,oO' 1l:';:ij.l!i'\!"~~OB:siTE'IN~ORMAfioN;ANiii:ooCAfION?~j>.',:~z.:;:"i'\; I Job Address: 952 R ST I City/StllltlZIP: SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 I Suite/bldc./apt.no.: I projut Name: 'A09.324: I Cross Streelldirections to job site: ~;..:_ ~f~,'.~l.';'~-'h; j;.:PLAN,REVIEW' :';~:<-'-"' ~li. ~-~~.;";,;:'(~.~;".: DHazardousll>c3lions DAs~rviocotfeedettBledB1600 ampsotml;ne Please check all lhalapply o A scrviceotfeedel beginning al400 Amp~ where the availabk fault currenlel(ceed510,OOOAmpsal 150 Vohs 01 Icss 10 groUIld el(ceeds 14,OOOAmpsfot8110lhcr installalions DBuildingsmorethlll1threeslories DM~rinBslllldboatyards OFloalinllbuildings OCommercial-useagricullural ,buildinll~ Oloslallalionofal50KYAorJarcer sepenllcly derived sys O"A","E",ol"I-2"or"I-J" DRecre8tionaJVehiclel'81ks OSupplyvohageformorethan600 supply volts nominal o Fire pumps o Emergency systems o Addilionofanewmololloadof 100 HP or more DSil(ormorcresidenlialunilsinone struclure o Uealth care facilities I Tn.plp","'o.: \'ID''::;'~h)l~ .~~ 1~"~.;~:~~t~~~~1fDESCRI~ti9~Cn:;.wdR~,~~~~:~~;~~~~ e]ectrical forhvac I Q~ ;'~:%7~'/zJ : . I I $55.00 I $6.00 I ~I $61.00 I $7.32 I $l051 $71.371 Description ~~ch ~j~i_tP::~~~ <'S5F. Branch circuitswithoUl serviee or feeder Branch cin:uitseach additional circuit "-'.=., -"'~, . $55.00 .$6.00 withoulservice ISubtOlaJ I Stale surcharge (12% of permit 10Ia]) I Technl?logy fee (5% of permit total) I TOTAL PERMIT n:E Nllmc:RiteE]ectric Pbonc: 541-895-4466 Fax: 541-895-4366 Email: cyerkins@ymail.com Ir~:C':;,~-t:i~~~~:t~C:O-NjRAC.tC)R~;ffh~~~:~_;-:::::t"~~~~," '.:;'i~~?~~/;'I Elec lie. no.: C335 CCB lie. no,: 178518 Business Namc: RITE ELECTRIC INC Contact: Addrcss: PO BOX 842 City/StattlZIP: CRESWELL, OR 97426 Phone: 541-895-4466 Fax: 541-895-4366 .~ ..~/;-..' C\ \Y ra-"? '\:..., C\.., Email: heidi@c-pcrkills.com City tic. no.: Metro lie. no.: \~rf" ~.~~~ ~Ij.l.. Supcn'ising Elcctrician's lie. no.: Supen'ising Elcctrician's Name: 2970-s clyde perkins Numbcr of inspections included In paid serviccs: Rcsidentinl Service; 4 RcconncclOnly: I AIIOthcrScrvices: 2 Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your pennit will be e-malled or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection. LorYlvit>9 -' ({) I ~ 6'1 nrYI' . Q8o!o9, NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days If a penn It is not obtained. The local building department may detennine that an Authorization To Begin Work Is null and void If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site unlit replaced by a Permit Status Issued, ' , ' 225 Fifth Street;Spriugfield, OR 541-726-3753 PhuDe, ' . " 541-726-3676 Fax " 541-726-37691nspectiun Line CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01289 ISSUED: 09/0112009 APPLIED: 09/0112009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 952 R ST ASSESSOR'S ~ARCELNO.; 1703261305800 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Heating System PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Heat Pump Owuer: Address: TRUST DATED JUNE'9, 1995 952 R ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 TYPE OF USE: New' Residential Phuue Number: 541-742-1543 . ' . I CONTRAC~OR INFORMATION ~ Contractor Type' Electrical ~l. Mechanical Contractor ;. RITE ELECTRIC EUGENE HEATING & COOLING License 178518 149452 Expiration Date 09/2512011 10122/2009 Phone 541-895-4466 541-726-7654 I ,BUILDING INFORMATION I # ufUnits: Primary Occupancy Gruup: Secundary Occupancy Gruup: Primary Cunstructiun Type Secundary Cunstructiun Type: # ufBedruums: .: # uf Sturies: Height uf Structure Type uf Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Bnilding:" nla Lut Size: Sq Ft 1st Fluur: Sq Ft 2nd Fluur: Sq Ft B~semcnt: Sq Ft Garage/Carpurt Sq Ft Other: Occupant Luad: I DEVELOPMENTlNFORMATlON I Fruntyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: , Side 2 Setback: ' Rearyard Setback: Sular Setbacks: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd:' Paved Drive Rqd:' % uf Lut Cuverage: I ~UBLlC IMP~OVEMENTS I Street Impruvements: Sturm Sewer A vailable:- Special Instructiun: Nutes: NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Paee 1 uf 3 REQUIRED PARKING Tutal: Handicapped: Cum pact: Sidewalk Type: TTENDu,ll;DSIluuts/Drain.:requires you to A, llvl', V,~"VI' .-" Utilit follow rules adopted by the Oregon t forih Notification Center. Those ru~e~ ~~e 9~e2.001' in OAR 952.001.0010 throug " I by 0090 You may obtain caples of the ru es " h center (Note: the telephone callmg t e '. Utility NotificatIOn number for the Oregon Center is 1.809.332.2344). Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phune 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 I~spectiun Line '7";"" ". ; ,; .t~ . .~'. I '::' alu~tion Descri"tion I Descriptiun Tvpe uf Cunstructiuu $ Per Sq Ft ur multiplier Square Fuutage ur Bid Amuunt Tutal Value uf Pruject ~ F,,~. tiWU Fee Descriptiun + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technulugy Fee 1st Appliance Heat Pump + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technulugy Fee Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add' Amuunt Paid $1l.52 $4.80 $79.00 $17.00 $7.32 $3.05 $55.00 $6.00 Tutal Amuunt Paid $183.69 I Plan Reviews I Date Paid 9/1/09 9/1/09 9/1/09 9/1/09 9/28/09 9/28/09 9/28/09 9/28/09 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01289 ISSUED: 09/01/2009 APPLIED: 09/01/2009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: Value Date Calculated Receipt Number 3200900000000000620 3200900000000000620 3200900000000000620 3200900000000000620 3200900000000000674 3200900000000000674, 3200900000000000674 3200900000000000674 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the folluwing work day. IR"~ Ruugh Mechanical: Priur to. Cuver Final Mechauical: When all mechanical wurk is cumplete. Ruugh Electric: Priur to. Cuver Final Electric: When all electrical wurk is cumplete. Page 2 uf3 Status Iss u ed 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR, . 541-726-3753 Phuue, .". 541-726~3676 Fax' :" 541-726-3769 InspectiunLine CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-01289 ISSUED: 09/01/2009 APPLIED: 09/01/2009 EXPIRES: 03/28/2010 VALUE: By siguature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examiued the cumpleted applicatiuu and do. hereby certify that all iufurmatiuu hereun is true and currect, and I further certify that any and all wurk perfurmed shall be dune in accurdance with the Ordinances uf the City uf Springfield aud the Laws uf the State uf Oregun pertaining to. the wurk described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY .will be mad~ uf any structure withuut permissiuu uf the Cummunity Servic'es Divisiun, Building Safety. I further certify that unly cuntracturs arid empluyees who. are in cumpliance with ORS 701.005 wilhbe used un this project. I further agree to. ensure that all required inspectiuns are requested at the pruper time, that each address is readable frum the street, that the I\ermit c~rd is lucated at the fruut uf the pruperty, and the appruved set uf plans will remain un the site.at all times during cunstructiun. .". Owner ur Cuntracturs Signature ~i ~: 11 1 f. ., Pa2e 3 uf3 Date 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, Oregun 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number' COM2009-0 1289 COM2009-0 1289 COM2009-0 1289 COM2009-01289 Payments: Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS cReceiotl ,RECEIPT #: ~~Q"'.:..''''.l.'''.......... 1 ' '. At',..,.. " " ,'" '. ~. . 0 '- ,...." ... " __'"'_~~. .....~. '.' ',"m. "';. City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 3200900000000000674 Date: 09/28/2009 Description ,Add, Alter, Extend Cire .Add, Alter, Extend Cire Ea Add + 5% Teehnulugy Fee + 12% State Surehaqie 'PaidBy'. ONLINE PERMIT CHGS Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received NJM ONLINE RlTE In Persun ELECT Payment Tutal: Page I uf I 12:t8:36PM Amount Due 55,00 6,00 3,05 7,32 $71.37 Amount Paid $71.37 $71.37 9/28/2009