HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1964-10-12 -- -- ---=:::- # -~ '. - . (~ .- l~: I ,(; l~_ ;, 'd I ~ / P.'I..'. U. -', RESOLUTION 4! 1 \iHEREAS, application has been made to the City of Springfield for permission to install a septic tank by Top Line Equipment Company at 3000 Main Street, and WHEREAS, said property is not presently served by sanitary sewers, and liHEREAS, the site has been approved for ,septic tank operation in accordance with the County Health Department's specifications attached hereto, and there has been heretofore filed with the City a certification by Sidney P. Lathrop, registered professional engineer, that the area planned for use as a drainage field consists of natural earth with no fill, NOI" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield that the aforementioned Top Line Equipment Company be, and it hereby is permitted to install such septic tank in accordance with the specifications attached hereto upon the foilowing described property: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of the railroad right of way with the south line of the J. C. Carter Donation Land Claim No. 58, Notif. No. 7485, in Township 17 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette, Meridian, and running thence east on the south line of said claim 8_57 chains, thence north parallel with the line of said railroad 46.70 chains more or less to the north line of the claim; thence west along said north line 8_57 chains to the east line of the railroad right of way; and thence south along said line 46.70 chains to the place of beginning, being a part of said Donation Land Claim No. 58, in Lane County, Oregon, excepting therefrom a tract of 0.396 acres deeded to Lane County for a road, and Except therefrom the following: That certain tract of real property conveyed to Win lock Handle Co., a co-partnership, by deed dated July 6, 1945, and recorded August 6, 1945, in the deed records of Lane County, Oregon, in-Book 293, page 606; . Also except that certain tract of real property conveyed to Cascade Lumber Terminal Inc., an Oregon corporation, by deed dated September 22, 1945, recorded September 25, 1945, in said deed records in Book 297, page 666; , Also except that certain tract 9f real property conveyed t9 Cg~~~de LYmb~r !~rm~nAl ~nc., Qn Ore~9n ~Q~PQr~~~on by dead dnted D~cember 30, 1946, recorded Janunry 9, 1~47, in said deed records in Book 339, page 178_ , ~-I . ~ jL.J '-- . -. . , ,I 1, 'f '- \ ecJ ,. 'I - h ) :\J '--..... ~- ( L9 The expressoondition upon which this permit for installation of a septic tank was granted are the conditions and specifications set forth on the attached specifications dated October 5, 1964. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 12th day of October, by a vote of o 5 for and against. -~~~)..~ Mayy /- - ATTEST: C-li) ,i t; ,.: ' _ t>-J...:>,:" _-" ,>t--( City Recorder ----- 2j .~.~J t ",../:t--, - - ~ (~'i,~bl~ ~ (. ___ '- ~."Cl 1'1 --'V - ':+,n../ -~~ii,~\flil.~_ .. ...-"'17":' ','\ ',\\' (":.\t~';il,~::.;.,;::;::t,~.-:-:-...._ _.~" "'1 ~,r'\""Ht '_~'--r.",,_.I.r~~,~_____ ,-c,-, - l~ 'III""~ 1..... ....J'. . ~'l,\,\l~''''h'' .~.~ -""",:", .:,' "..'i"'!''t,I"I,1 'I !\I'~II"".:~"r';,.,.'J'l''':'':.\;YJ'l'n:.t" I f:-1,-"" ~I'" .... .... ,,, " 'II j. ','v,. -;' '\.1..-.,-" ',..1 . :::'J 1(, r' -""[1:' '''[, ';'1 ',..,.!!',i'rl'I"iltl';;'!'"O ,',' ,,.";iI-"i:!11 '1,.",.,,1:1Q", ..'~ ' 1':,'1} :I:I'~, '1.:J.:'llitr~~~~':<~J/i:h:~'~"~:"~3;~~'1:'1 (1Ifi.1ii:.l;':;l1 . r.--r-::._~ I ,. ..,.ril"II",~II'llrf"lIlflbt~'~I'II.~":;'~:' '~~~'ll:iI::J';lllllh,lr!IlI.'II',\''''' '1~,~....~,../-:;j;c-'"?1~ II. ,h..' I~ ''''''1',,'': i :. :'''llll''I~lrll''lm~;'I'''I''''}'('~'''''''III''!!, '1,110,1, ;:H,',,:..} .._t,?=:;""_':;m'l;~\ \,1"".1'" ..',- 1'1:'," I",. I" 'I JJil'j' r'J'; l,r'" , ., >, l -I.',/'[:'f"'" 'I: ';.:',.{,\\ ~\!;;4,'~~f"'.~':!(':,L,: ;;',1::1 11!!P{td.!~::d:Jii.iL__1~!~l1hl!i.;j N XI)Y:~nt,L...k;!~;;}~~, ~;tl~~"::.k~:~~~._1-l~=~~~mt:-S:'~::"._(Q'"'-~ - - :;'W&~~~;tXt~1.~'?;'--=-:~-=- ~.. _'_ ~ , ,I 1-, I '~' ., C', :j ~ I, I ' '.', ......~.- - . i~ ,I I ..i' ~^-.~ I. '-,_u, \.; l........ LANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE eUGENE, OREGON 97401 HEAL.TH AND SANITATION PHONE 142.\111 Septe~ber 25. 1964 SI-S Mr. Robert Allen, Director Building and Zoning Dept. City of Springfield, Sp~lngfield. Dregon Dear Mr. Allen: .,. At your request. a representative of this department undertook an investi- gation of that portion of the Springfield Mills property which faces Main Street. just east of 28th Street. The purpose of the Investigation was to determine whether it would be possible under the Oregon Sanitation Laws to install a subsurface sewage disposal system to Serve the proposed Top Line development for a te~porary period until publ ic sewers are available. Because there are varying opinions on such matters as whether. the proposed installation will be in a recently filled area, and whether the area can or cannot be sewered at the present ti~e; the following position is taken by this department. There can be no decision as to whether a septic tank and drainfield can be installed on this property until the following infor~ation is received by this office. , I. Verification fr.Offi either the City of Springfield.Engineer's Depart- ment or a private RegIstered .E.ngineer that the soil in question is not recent fill material. ' \ .2. A firm date as to when the site will be sewered. The viel-ls of the Lane County Depart~ent of Health and Sanitation in regards to the necessity of having sewer service for all the greater Springfield area is well known. however; if the above requested information is furnished this office. a prompt deciSion. based on the evidence at hand, will be made. Very truly yours. , HAROLD D. LYMAN. M.D., Director CliE : ab ~:~~ C. W. Ell iott. R.S. Sanitarian ..n.~' ~....~ ._..__ " . r ':. " ,,!" .. ......~ ;,"'", ""~;-< ~ 1.-' <i )....}..~ \.' '...,./,... l../' SIDNEY P. LATHROP " ,.L- j ~-JJ .:-J I --- ".'1, "\. .., ,. r'l '- f, ' . , W l' : i --'-" I (~ " " ~. .."...r--l -- fl\\ - .. e1J. .,.,,_,,"'._'..1~L.. ,:.".:.:. ''',. _ ---..i -.-.-.--.- " ,;......_"........... CONSULTING ENGINEER '6<<lO S. W.~NYON COUR.T PORTLAND. OREGON 97221 292.6788 AREA 503 October 1. 1964 ,City of Springf~d. , Springfield, Oregon,' , Ref.: Drainage field for septic tank, for proposed building at 3000 Main St.' Gentlemen: This is to certify that the area planned for use asa drainage , field, immediately south of the ,b':lllding, consists of natural, earth with no fill over'th1s, area., Yours Very Truly, , Si~<&~}t~)f\ '''?/< ''', . ~f "'", ,". . "':'.~.\ '~::d{~~-<>!f~::'r- \ <l'vt:~, ". / ( ~h l.: :1;, \"t'- :.:;.' . -'ef -;--L~\''''- \: \. l \.: \\ ..-..... ! C~1 r---- . _.........._._._.H_~..'_.,._._~_.,.",...,. ........_.~.._....._..,..~.. ".. ~ ..'._... __...~ .. "'~ -: ~----_.:~.-.--~- _.".~__'"'._.....___............... ..,...____ "0..-.....__1_._._ ......__. l '-) :\,: ~~- )"~:."\o r- J '~.,J ,e --2 t :j -- hI.. L \, .' ~ .- f. i'. ,J i, I '-' " , I ','......----.., -............ --.-- r i'-~.'--\=i rD L ...1 --- , L \". ;:-,:....<..:;~....'i.~... '"- , -TcL-J <, SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWAGE OISFOSAL SYSTEM DATE October 5, 1964 FOR CITY OF' Springfield, Dregon BLDG, PER~IT APP, NO, FILED BY Top Line Equipment Company Equlpmeht sales & service, TO ERECT AT 3000 Main s.treet (ADORESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (IF IN A RECORDED "SUBDIVISION) SIZE OF LOT NUMBER or BEDROOMS (IF C,?MMERC I.A,l:-, NUMBER OF E~.pLOYEES) .! COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SPECifiCATIONS, : !~tem to be Installed In area of undisturbed earth. SEPTIC TANK - GALLONS MINIMUM CAPACITY WITH DISTRIBUTION BOX 750 100 3 SUBSURFACE OISPOSAL FIELD REQUIREO (MINIMUM):" (INEAL FEET \VIDTH OF, TRENCH MAKING, 300 SQUARE FEET Special Specifications: (I) 18" of gravel under 'tile, \i.j I' ~<;;: ..v ~~ no deeper th~m 12" belO\>J finished ground surface, (3) 'Area over septic tank and dralnfleJd not to be covered with asphalt, cement, or other hard surface. (4) Area mentioned In #3 above not to be used for parking, driveway or other traffic, (5) System to be used for a eaxlmum of five (5) years only - highly reco:r.mend sewerlng at earliest possible date, (6) If this system at any time ceases to function satisfactorily, withIn the laws of this State governing sewage dispo,al, tbe department may require discontinuance of the use of the toilet facilities, (7) It Is under stood that this system Is designed to serve the minimum number of toilet facilities needed to accommodate the employees of the business concerned. , DATE ID-5'-<...,'/ , LANE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 0"~ .~ ",",---, ~.. l......L...."....-cl .. SANITARIAN 54 040 05 --..- -..--.. - ~ -.--. , " - ~~'.- .' ~-.. '( .J ( ~!........ .) , "'_,J-J_c':', i' I , ! . . "i '-' I' , ~- ,-- ( .."--~.-. -. --. .,.... -.- _~':',..,~_:_:'__.._., ...:: fQ::j ....-.... ..-----.:........--..- , ' I t:.:::::j ~ ~, ..- .., t~~ . '" '\:' ". .. ..... ,,-, ,I. '.. / Ii P.RRAWfl DEED " iGJ01'1 ALL j:iEN BY TIGSE PRESENTS that "!EST OREGON Lm.BER COM?ArIT, a corpor~tion duly organized and existing under th~ la113 of the state of Cregon, in conzid0ra~ion of Ten DollQr3 ($10) and other valuable conziderationz to it paid 'by CP.SCADE V:.n"IBE~' TZ:zr'.iINAL IHe., an Oregon cor-pol"ation, does hereby grant, bargain, 3~11 and convey unto.said CASCADE LU~BER TE".f:!.!INAL INC., its successors and as~ig~sJ forever, .the fOllcHing real property, 'I.'Jith the te:ner.lents', h&redital7lents" appurtenances and water rights ~~der certificates r0corded June 21, 1950, in the water right records of Lane Co~~ty, Oregon', in Book 2, at pages 208 and 214-, thereunto' belongins, or in anyt'lise e.ppo~:'to.in1ng" situated in the coun~cy of' Lan~ a~cl state of Orezon, , bounded and described as folloui':, to ;'!it: ( I I, Becinning at the intersection of thO' 0~St. line of the railroad !'ig!lt of t'J2..Y uith tr.e sout!1 line: of the J. c. Curter DOl"'lation Land Clair.!. No. 58, !-io'Gir. No. 7485, in to\!n:>'1ip 17 South of RanGa 2 \'Jest of the Hil12.1ctte Heridian, ::!nd runnin.g thence c~st en th~ south linG of caid clo.i;;l 8. 5~r chains.1 thence nor~.;h parallel l11 th the line of" caid railroad 46.70 chains more Ol~ 1eS3 to the mrth line of the clair:1j thence \"!cst alons said north line 8.57 chains to th~ east lin0 of the r~ilroad right of WQY; and ihonce south alons said line 46.70 chains to the place of ?cg~r.nln~14bcing ~ pnr~ of sn1d Don~ti~n~L~nd Clal.m ,dO. 50 :Ln Lane Cou.'1ty, Oregon, C~aCGpt.L.ng therefrom a tract of 0.396 acres deeded to Lane OOilllty for a road, and -\ ,\ , , I. ~ , E~ccpt therGfrom the follo~1ng: That cer- tain tract of real property conveyed to Hi~11ocl~ Handlo Co.) a,co-p~rtncrohip, by d0Cd d2tcd July 6) 1945, z.na recorded Aug~st 6, 191~5J in the oec:d records of,Lane Oounty, Oregon, in Book 293; page 606; . ~' , .i-'l:3'o' except that certain ,tract of,. real- p!'op.-: .erty conveyed to Cascade Lumber Torr:!inal Inc., an Orer;on corporation, by deed dated: September 22, 19115, recorded Senter.loor 25, 191~5, in s::.id deed records in Book 297, pase 666; ! \ \ Aloo c::CC)/t that cc~'i;nin tri\ct of r9<.l:L Pl'Opol'ty COl1V()l!cu tQ Qacoodo !:iuml1ol' ~'o~'minul Xno j I (.in OrQ(:;on o Of');i 01..';l1.;1 on , by deod dated ll.:lccmbo1' 30, 19415, l'tl- corded Janu::ry 9, 1947, in said deed records il1 Eool-: 339, page 178; , .. ., ",~ - 1 b. L .-' , . '-' ~ ~..'-- ; ! I OJ I 'j i i , ! i i , i i ,I i i , I ! j. i ! 1 'I . , '..{ " _! ,I I I', , , , ~ . .J J '. \ .._~- '" f.,J , ..-.-.... . . - ..,--- '- l I, I '- r --......' -,._I~Li u__._,____., .....-... -'--'--I . \. .--............,-. l'.; , I . 1 f:::':-.''''') .'~." .., ..' --','~'..-..~.' . .\nd subJect, ho;;cver, to the l'ollcwine: (8.) the usual printed exceptions contained in policies of title 1nsurrsrcc iss'..1cd b;r CO~i~'non1'rea.th.1 Inc.; (b) eus:c'Il!c:nt for' rCO(hl8.Y gl"anted by \'ietJt . OreGon Lmnber Cornp~~Yr an Oregon corporation, to ~1inlock Hahdle Co., a co-purtnershlp~ as set forth . in dscd. dated Jul~1' 6.1 191~5, and reccrded Augu3 t 6, 1945, in said deed r8cord~ in Bock 293, page 606; (c) perpetual oas~nent to bring, trnneport and ccnvey \':n.tcl'" through the existing irrir.;otion- " d:r'ainnge ditch. including the tt:<t'?t"l3 and provisions thereof, un. g:'ant~q Ns.:cala B. G1ust:lnO'., Ehrr!1o,n "\l.. Giu;:.d;irH~. and Gregory H<< Giustina. by instrurr:cnt dated August 20~. 1951, recorded S,eptcYiic>2'r 6) 1951, in said deed records i1: Eook 4~4; 'page 582; (d) eaC0;~ent .for road~~ay along tho east dike of the t.rc.st Oregon log roed as gT'cn~ed to Ca:ncade LU..~bcr Ter~inal Inc., by deed dated September 22, 19~5, rcccrded,Septembsr 25, 1945, in said dced records> in Book 297, page 666. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the e~"e to said Cascade Lumber . Torminal Inc., its zucceS30rs .and a8signs~ forever. And said \~est Oregon turnbO'X' Company does covenant t'11th soid Cscca.de Lu.":1ber Tcrr:d.nnl Inc.. 1 its 2.uccessor's and assigns:J for'ev(;~!' > thl:lt it ie, lmifully seised in fee sit".ple of the above-daGeri::>",l e~d granted premises and haa a valid right to convey the Z3SCj that said real prcpevty is free from all e~c~~brances, except as ~bove stated and the following: (1) taJ:es fer the fiscal yoar 1954-1955; (2) terms and conditions of that certain indu:~- trial t~eck agr0emc~t'between Southorn Pacifio Co~pany, West i 'i I oregon Lmnber Co~pany and Cro,rn Zellerbach Corporation datGd , Jnnuary 25, 1944; (3) terms'and conditions or said'cer~ai~ industrial. truc\, <1gree!!!Cnt bet~;een Southern P2cHic Co:npa:ny and Cascade Lwnber Terminal Inc., dsted November 8, i945, end ,.j thut it 11111, anu its llUccsssora shall, warrant ,md defend th0 name to s~id grant~e, ito successors and ascigns) forever, against the lal'iful claime and demands of 211 pers.ens "rhOlit9Cever." except as above stated. - 2 - 1.' , > ~ :J 'Jl .- .' ~...L.:~.~... ........- . l.... (. ! ,:~l j' t~-=-"j .-..,..... ' ...----,,-.......).........,...... 4 '..' ...... -.... ...~-.,..,..... '. , . L--~ c...l i' , ....--- \" L '... iD ,-.,- b~, "0' ',I ~-"n._.__ .--- \; " ' i ..---'-1 . <.-.".. .~--.. ;, '.<;".' I~ WI?rffiSS WHEREOF) said \Jeet Oregen Lw~b&r Co~puny ,1' has caused thiz 1nstrUTIient to be exccut~d in its co~po~ate n~~e by its vice-president and secrotaY~J th~y bcing.t~~rcunt? first duly authorized, and it3 corporate seel to be hereunto affixed; this . day of July, 1954. Attest: ':JGst'vregorJ: Lu:.1Ce!l Co!n:p~"')~T r , ' I '.: ...I .' " B"Jr Vice-President Secretary .. 3 . " , , i i ~'. , 0, :J i t,.... , f "~ ..-. . .- L-- , ' t )\_, i' , -- r 1. "~-=-::.;~_'h:"_____"u __ ~_' . .. ~' j I~.j "_~""~"___" '-..,.-- , ...--..- ..,c__.,_:,__..,:,.,~,) "l i~,. ..",; ---,-,,- '. r:";'\f\rilii' ('fl' CR\=.'u'1v..,.\I.'1' ) :..> ....'1.""-_'" '.. ,~.... h COUn~Y OF' rlrtJI.rrll'lOI~~AH~ '''' ~~ On thin d2Y of July, '1954 J before i:te, 0. .110tUI'Y public in end for said. county and statG _' p~re.or..!:dly a:ppeared the t:ith:1n named J. v.. f.1cAlizter and !~. c. "Smith ~o ree kno:Hl, \';.'ho' being first dul~r e.nd ,soYer-ally r.n'io:tl1 c1td cay that he said J. V. NcAlister is ~he<Vi(::e-pre3ide~~t, al1d tn!!t -0, ,/ he sr:.~id N. C. Srtdth is tbe Sec.~0]~n:ry of Hest (lY:f'8;on Lutil)cr Co~psny, the corporation hereinbefore nnmed; that the sc21 affi:xed to tbe foregoing ir.:f.3trument 1::3 the corpo:c..~te sc:al of: zaid corpor2tion; that caid ihstr~~cnt uas nig~ed and sealed in beh81f of sgid corporation by au~horitY,of its bo~rd of di~cctcrs; end said J. V. NcAlister and N. C. Smith ac~~o1il- edged the t'xecut1on of eeid inz-crwi:cnt to DO the f!1€O act a~~d de~d of said corpo~at1on. . I!( li:ES:PIHONY \:;HEREOF I have hereunto set' my hend 8.r~d af'fi.:-<:ed rr:-:l official seal th0' ,day and year firs:i; ir.! thi~ my certificate above written. ',~ . Notary PUblic tor Cregon !viy cC1TL'7!ission e:;:pi~:-2S: .' --' - 4 - /, '- \ 1-/ "",,-.-' I ( 'I ! i " i .~