HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-9-15 '; city of springfield 225 n, 5th street . SPRINGFIELr.J __ ...w.tr.',~,;:':;;':ad'.[''''-'''''''''' -.....100-.........,...-.,.....,....,........... .~ ~ ~ -.-. ' . <1>~.)~'1Oo~"'~;1!>"..-...,,;...J.. INFORMATiON: '72G-3)~;3 __"^ 17a..&, -777rt ' . iNSPEC'TIONS: 72G-37G9 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A, LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ?JOOO ~) V\ LECAL DESCRIPTION S-e e a..+t1-(.h.~cf f,,-~e. 1'l-O;;l-DlAg<Y?OTf DO' ClINER OR PROPERTY {)tA '" '" e aLL:;!. ~ PIIONE 73 <( - 720 cj ADDRESS P,t), GQ'l 7/5"4 1.,...-etlA/J.\llV+- (JY'. ZIP Cf7135f ClINER OF SIGN (IF OTIIER TIIAlI PROPERTY OWNlm) A""'e-y:c.......... :s....r,,"'-'iP Oe"';'",: 5 ~~,"1 " ADDRESS -;3q,2. 0 P{o..ce #eO<. Fa.. (f C V'~elc PIIONE_137 - 2.. 6&fS i 11MB-'7 ~f( NMIE OF BUSWESS. FIRM, ETC, A-mp,...-:Lo- &I(,IO-'l~ TYPE OF ,Eusrr~ESS ~ (.),',!>~+/cy B, TYPE OF liORK: ~F.RECT _RELOCATE _OTHm C, STP,UCTUHAL TYPE OF SIGN: ALTER +\lAI.L FREE:~TANDIlIG ROOF l'Iw'Jf-:CTING D, USE Aim CI'ARACTER OF SIGN: L}DEIITITY INCIDJ:IITAL ftAIWlJEE DOUBLf. FACE --t:.SINGl.E FACE ' ;IIILTI-FAC[',~ ::::::A:A~ - _UNDER.H~I{(~UEr. OT1!f.!t ," , : ~ E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN 1,:ItECTOR CITY LICENSE JlLr.1HER Self- I'1I0m: f.DD~~SS ZIP EXP. DATE SIGN l'lAlIUFACTUI\ER (IF OTHER TItAN ERECTOR) ADOP,ESS PEOW~ F. DUlEt!SIONS. lllSTALLATION " THICKtlESS OR DEPTH CONSTRUCTIOll /5 I rr;" 01 /6' IZ' b(f Ih" G. EXlSTHIG SIr.N~: TOTAL HEIGHT AGOVE GRADE VEI',TICAL DUIENSION OF SIGt! HORIZOlrrAL WIDTH OF SIGN OHlEI/SIOII FROII GRADE TO BOTTO!1 OF SIGN ARE THERE ^~lY EXIST!nG ~:ICN!)? x: YES IrulmE~, 110 SIZE IN SO,FTG. ALL F.XISTUIG ~rGN5 FO!{ 1~t1~;INr':s~;, [TC. / 32- DOES SICll PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ~NO IF YE~, DUlENSION BEYOND PROPERTY I.INE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOll TS llORE TlIAN 12" o\i1.;ff punt. Ie !'IWI'ERTY TEE SIGN EltECTOR 1.IUST FILE WITll TlIl'; BllT1.DH/(; IHVISTOtl COPIES OF 1l1~;/lIl\R LIABfLITY MID 1'1~tH'- ERTY DANAGE Iw;urJ\~]CE POLICIES. H, 1111:1. SIGN IiAVE ELECTP,ICAL IHRIIIC? /l b IF YES, \nircl' <"PI'LY? ELECTRICAL SIGII ILLWllNATEIJ (I1WTI'ycTLY LIGHTED) ELECT/nCAL COIITP.ACTO~ ^DDIU:S~; LIse.NUHHER prOflr. I. DESCRIHE TYPE OR r-~^TERI^LS SIGN IS CONSTllUC1,'ED ,PJ, /J ;;!. Jf/O '/)' Plvwoocx . I J'SITE INFOPJIATIOII (I.AtlD 1I~r.) -- EXISTING, USE OF WILllH:(; or~ LAND (ilR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~fo rfJ-.'j( J--.5 lot. (e $ K, VALUE OF SIGN: 2 '5090 (~' -0 I "4 .', ' . ,., ....,M,.- n I HI OR nt!:3HJ::s~r.J'rDOO?~ t.fERCIlArWISH1G - - p~O~~SJ ~~BVff:~~R 5^:.(~ ~ ~ /4... i:i5 R.. pIA.. I V" L'I !lAVE CAREFULLY EX.A!'IINED the cOll1pl,~tcll :lpplicntion for permit nnu do he.reby certify chat all inform;ltion is true. and correct, and I further certify that ;Ill ~.Jork ~erformcd shall be done in accordance with ti,e Springfield Sign Or(lin~ncc, the IJniform Sigll Co(le as adopted by the City of Soringfield and all other Ordinances of r:he City or Sprinp,ficld <1n(~ the laws of the State of JrCROtl pcr'talning to 1::10 worl~ <-1cscribNI ht:4.;J.n. 1 further ccr'ci..fy that; PI:' .'::.~!"'_ Co~tractor Li- conGe with the City of Sprinr,field i.s in futl force :md effect :105 rc(!tli.red hy Sprinr-field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-]-20(2). I will re(luc~t all retllllred sign inSDcction$ listed on the approved pennit. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ?- 71"",- ~'iA Y\ -?-1'-:-' t:? f)rlJ,-111( DATE" - I r--?:9 SICNATURE " 'r.~'-"-' , .1.' - ----------, PLEASE ReD . 1) A separate applicatiori is required for each separate sign as defined 2) Separate SiRn Application: . in the Sign COd~. Electrical: Any 'pennit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covereu on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a SUite Licen5cd Electrical Contractor. Illuminated sip,ns (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-]-l. (l.) & (5) and "9-]-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) Plan's Required: 111is application is. to be submitted w:i:i:h two. complete sets of plans showing di- mensiorts and height of sign; advertising messag~ on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and foocinEs; materials of construction for sign and sign structure; electric.,l eq'uipmcnt and lighting: size and location of.,cxisting signs on property for the same busienss. ,all as required to determin~ com!Jliance with the., S'pringficld Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield CitY Code). Also,. show the follow. ing information on the plot plan (plan showing ,property lines. and location of signs): a) Show the 'location of all existing s,ign(s) as well as propos~d sign(~). b) Show'the lengtn of the street frontage taken up by the husiness or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontage. ' .. . c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. t~en required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~c Building Divi- sion Office. '/ Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no pcrDlit beil1g issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements .19 described in Figure 9 of the Sprfncficld Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: Ho sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet hori7.onta1ly or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electrical lines which are energized ac less titan 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit. tile permit shall be void.. Insoections: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Foatinr.. Insoection (it applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. l'be Footing Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is e;~cavatcci.. out prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final Inspection - to be made upon completi~n of~all work. c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sien is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 2[, HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFlCl'~ usr:.: ONLY ~tJ-%A" SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ~() REOUIRED INSPECTIONS, U-- JOB U SIGN PERMIT FEE, / 5~ f- I,;?:) /.m1~ . -r { :j _SITE/LOCATIOH ELECTRICAL OTHER _FOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHHENT . LFINAL ELECTRICAL PERfIIT FEE, 4% STATE SURCfu\RGE: TOTAL, J~' ~ !f/;g RECE IPT J 'CJ tfL DATE CLERK .,.-' SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED DEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORfIATION NEEDED BEFORE PERflIT HAY BE ,ISSUED, > APPROVED BY' ~~~7 /0 - /1-f1€! DATE SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE SECTION, ,.1 . .", ......".......