HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1993-5-24 ~, SIGN i'L:liIVllT AI'I'L1CATlfJ 's'~ :~/~)~:lllhSII'(:I:1 ~ Sp.ill{Jlit:ld, on fJ7477 . ~#,~ LOCATION OF Pll0Posm WORK: c:2.h~ ~ /\~;SC;SOI1~; MAP:_...L0{}~~ l-. oo.......__TAXLOT: ?C-H/J~;.tt:::.. ....,.-, W 2 (" 50..& 14 AI,.J 5f': CITv._.........2f? f1;7, . NUMIJEII CJ3Jl;:;-P . Inspectiun Line: 726-3769 s.-f::-: 726.3759 75n I ~flJJ ~ ADDnESS: ,'fob - ?b3 f ( )b}k'JJ t-r/tfl-.6errJo-/E/L./ r'l1tfZ..tc. ~(i,.J) q74-77 PHONE: OWNEn: STATE: O(l.. ZIP: IlUSINESS NAME, F1f1M ETC.: H kD pflfP,-,"v/l..t ' i?-~ DE~Cltll'T10N Or: PHOPOSED SIGN(S): (please check nnd complete all appropriate inforlnationl XW"II Freestanding Projecting Roof Marquee * Si"'U1c Face Double Face Billboard Other Square Fllotaue: )D CP Total Height above Grade: , " /4- -0 ' , .. /0 -0 VI:rliC<l1 Oirllunsioll of sign or enclosure: .., I " ~ -0 l)illll:llsiOIl frulll Grade 10 bottolTl 01 Sion: 1/'-0" VALUE: I ~ 1:)0 . t:JO I FLc.h:)tc.6;.~ ~.s Mal(:,ial SiUll is cunst,fueled of: ALuw> IIJVM I kc.:.N l-f C- /.;/. '-. '-" n~ P l.isl ^I.L' exislinO si!lllagc IInd attach a photograph of each sign: . . .... ,k'O'</C t1),;/ -r/i"t <; g,1..1X" ("I Typ" ........_._ Sq, FlU, (bJ Type Sq, Fig. (<:) Typ" Sq, Fig, Id) Type Sq, Ftg. CONTI IACTOI I/INST ^LLEn: E3 VI ~ e..if. '? j",,,,, ~ f'rw)/, ##\ c..p , OA1C.PJ"r ,-",It t-O. PHONE: 4i3S' - 554-C., ^DOHE~;S: 1'2-10 CITY:, ?/--; 4- 2-= 1Z--"2-c::>-,,!1 mYIJUSINESSLlCI'NSENUMBER:____.1.!:_.~~'l..~. EXPIRES: (;,- ~o - 13 OFFICE USE J SOU" D"t"Cl:_..CJ..~,bffili10 if(' 0Qd'Use: ~?J.IT) Ouad Arca: ,-!) (~IV 0JL~ Code Sectiort< ~C( - rJ - \4 (\ ') ) Si!l" P",,,,il Fcc: 0000..-:40.00 Approved By: \J.J~) _ '~'1-Qt'O-r _DATE: ~-~<q"'--~5 t::.uq ~G- STATE: tJe.. ZIP: CON~;r1 IOCTION CONTHACTORS HEGISTRA TION NUMIJEI1: ~24</D-' EXPIRES: ZOl1l110: nEOUIHED INSPECTIONS: ____._._. Site 10 Ill: 11I;UJC prior to slon.placement. Footillo prior 10 placement of concrete " - /} Atlachment ~. 'Electrical ;It~r faswners arc /prior to energizing inst.allcd/prior to cover VFinal' cOroVletion of sign installation ^llllilitlllJ1 COlnnwntS ..lIuJ/or Conditions: " Ily :-;itlll.lture, I St[lW ;Jl)d agree, that Illave carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein IS tnll: .1IHI.currcct. ilnd I lurthcr cerlily 'that allY iJllll all work purlorl.ned s~lall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City 01 SplillUlildd. alld tllO l(IWS 01 the State of Oreoon pertaining to thc work dcsc"rilJcd herein. I further certify that only contractors <llld {~r1jploy(:es who ;HC in compli<lllce Witll ORS 701.055 will lw used on this project. Ilurther <lUree to ensure thtlt all required inspeclions me requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is loented at the frollt of the properly, and the approved set of plans will rcmnin on the site at nil times during the installation 01 the sion(sl. SiunatlH C E:C/q~(i. '7t"W U>' -c J.. ~ Date ')- I fl -'1'3 Receipt Number: ffiCU ~04t "",,;" ~{o.~ Received By. / /l~ Villidatillll: Amount Received: . " ...., 'I .... SIGN PEnMIT APPLICATION The .IIJplic;:llioll all the levcr.se side needs to he completed entirely. If you arc tile sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City 01 Springlield Ousiness License Number and t~e Registration Number frum the Stale'of Oregon Constructiun ContrlJctors Board arc listed on the application along with the expiration dnw of caeI'!. ~ - . " .. ,\, -, '. " .~., \ . , \. -i'.. . ..' " . . If the sign you arc proposing is illuminated, an clcctdca', permit application also needs'l'o be 'completed and signed by either tl supcrvisinO uluclriciall, IirnitctJ sign electrical contrLlctor. or II you nro the buslnoss ownor who also owns tho.bulll.Hnu In which you are occupying, and you will be performing Ihe electrical installation yourself, you may sign Ihe electrical ;]ppliC.1tion. .:, II there are existing wall andlor freestanding Sigl,1S. a photograph(s) of oDch oxisting sign needs to bo attached to tho applicatioll. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To sutJrnillor .'l sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height. and :J plot plan il)dicaling where the proposed sign willl>c located. If you arc installing a frccstnnding sign which exceeds 20 fed in total heioht, the fcatino detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. ,After the plan review process is completed. ~lIld, if your siUI\(s) is i1pproved. one set will be returned to you. The approved .set 01 drawings need tu be (ll 1IH: site whell (III inspcction is rcquested lor the inspectors reference.', INSPECTIONS " OepcrldinU, on your siUlI(sl. you m<JY lw required to request one or <lll of the followino inspections durino the inswllation -,'''()I your sign: " ~;i,c: To be requested <.lIter illdicntillU UII the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work heing performed for the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a Question on the lo(;ntinn 01 the proposed sign, FoolillU: To he fl:quested after excavation and the lorms are installed. but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be clcctrjc~1 conduit placed in lh(l looting, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ^lIJr:llIncnl: To he requested when all fasteners arc installed but prior to cover. E:lcctrical: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign'is made. but prior to energizing. Fini1l: ^fter [Ill rcquirco inspections arc conducted and approved and.the'sign:installation is complete. The inspection's that [Ire required for your '~pccilic sinn will be indicated on the application during the plan re;v'iew process. failure to request ANY of the required inspections coul~ result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals 01 work. ,; To r'cqlJest an inspection. phone 726.3769. This is a 241lour recording: On the recording you will need to leave your City Dt:siunalcd Job Number, location of where the siun is beillU installed. the type of inspection you are requesting. and when you will be WilUY for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same workill\] day, all inspections phoned in alter 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. If you have Jny queslions regarding the ~pplication. required plans or inspections. please feel free to phone the Building S,llelY Division,at 72G-3759. \' " Cily III' Spl'ingrirld , Bnilding s"rt'ly Divisillll Z25 Fil'Ih Slreet Sl'ringlirld, OR 97477 ,