HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1996-5-31
May :ll, 1996
Mr. l\:kr )(r)'1
RIO: Ei,,:rg)' Cock 1 nsuiation Requirements for \'\!arehouse
l),:m Mr. )(r1'1:
I understand that you "ish Lo insulate a portion of a building loc-at<:d at ~6(11) Main Str",?l in
Springfidd, Th,' portion under consideration is the extreme south end of th,- buiiding,
;'lpproximall~ly 45 feet by 70 fc:d' (ahollt OJJr' l1alf~rllu: s{'(tioIl11ltlrknl "13" 011 lh: CItWdl,d JJWpl.
I !'lIrLl-h':T llnck:rsl;.lnd that :::\ gas heater now exists in th~" building. Orq;on Elh'T~' C(Jck. \-ltll':':~ Hot
rl~qllirc a~ldilion 01 insulCllion to Cln exisling building if you ,. ,..N~~illH~r increase the o\:l:I-all
lIeat gain nor increase the overallllt.~at loss of [he building for \vhi<;h a pCflllil is bt~illg
soughl." [paragraph 1312,3,2 Alterations. 2),]
You haw indiclkd that vou arc planning to USe R.~5 in the cf'iiing of II,,: building, R-2.> will
exceed any code rcquirenH~llls for a ceiling in a heating or cooled huilding ill our clilu:ut'
z,,"e. I-Iow,>wr, if additiol/al h,?ating is to be added to tlh~ building. the w,lii" "ill haw I,) I..,'
insuifllcd, as this "iii increaSe the existing heat loss of the building and no longe:r quality lor
i),"agraph 131 ~.3,:::,
Th;lllk you for your iIlql1ir~,r about tht": Oregon Ener!,':, CO(\t" rl'"quirc"rncllts.
quc'stions, or if I C8n be of further assistance, pkas,~ call me at 744-:3777"
I l' vou haVe anv
. .
J\jhn McCoy
Energy, 1\1i1.ll:1gcrncllt Rc'prl.:~Sclltativc:
cc: Lome Pleger, Plans Examiner
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