HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-9-8 The fo~owlng proJect !Ill submitted hBS the Ala zoning, and does not require speclflc land usa 'VI rli!,€oval. 'H/S p : ZOnlng_~U 225 FIFTH STREET /iU'HO ~~Y.llsNA'. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9l{.,17 'R'<fll ~"l:JtI'> . q . INSPECTION REQUEST: /i72'il~~uffi~~~~ r1'y Inh Nwnber-l-g If 7-1. .4 OFFICE: 726-3759 NY/80 <.;DOR~S Iff/Sp!;; I-ffW()b'_ . 1t.. D.4 )r fJ /i "llM/f> PmJ'l'E FEE SCHEDULE BELOII 1. LOCATION OF ~ST~LATION 1:.11/0{l 8/iNDONfD :&NOr _!J Y z..2. ty~OI.~...,.. ['::I' . . A. f:fil!l- Residential-Single or Multi-Family per duelling unit. . Service Included: Address I <if) I b?e.o..;'I.. L 200 amps or less $ 50.00 , 201 amps to 400 amps $ 60.00 City j;'~A/'- Phone )VZ-f!1 S '401 amps to 600 amps $100.00 __ 601 amps to' 1000 amps $130.00 Supervisor License Number 9('"1 ..> LE Over 1000 amps/volts $300.00 II} / I. 0/ AlT Reconnect Only $ 40.00 Expiration Date IL/ (/9 . ENTlON:OregOnla . , .t.!/~", ru'es~dop'&d'8o~~py1Lg~ or Feeders Constr Contc. Number ;- '1'9 yqotlflcationCente~'M~ifJ.~?rllilQnAJtjfi!lfation or Relocation OflH 952-001-00 se rules are set forth . Expiration Date 0090. YoumaYObt~~~'i\lIn9!l~Rl9si?001_ $ 40.00 .. call/ng the cente ~~s ot~e.~e$'W $ 55.00 Signa7f Supervising Electridila'nberfortheOr ptf4~./J!etdepJlQnim~s $ 80.00 / .--, _______ Centeris 1- OlE!rr41~W~Q)llfWatIOJOOO ~olts see "B" above U ~ ~ 0-332-2344). . '.t ~ .. _\ rr-...L-.~ ",-1\ D. Branch Circui ts Ouners Namec\<.J\L~l T11'7"i~;roUfl.. \1 I . 1 ~ ~ ~ Neu, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Addresslli~ I <hf'..r:LlJ ~'i.Jl..lo ~ 1\/ $ 35.00 Ci ty j:k)u..D lI~Phone . 01lNER INSTALLATIO;-r-1()~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (lo___-< c.r.... I /7^ '?~f. 4/ O/2UO. #JOB DESCRIPTION f 1,cY,'_ .C~_ .-' , / . Permits are non-transferable and expire if uork is not started uithin 180 days of issuance or if uork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical ContractorL!DT t;'c<J"'.~ The installation is being made on property I oun uhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: ..w_ ~~~~:~-:~----~~~-~~~jTfj(-:--~--- RECEIVED BY: "f wN\! It ems Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Mqnuf'd Home. or Modular'Duelling Service or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Reloca t ion: .' One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or uith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm --L-- $ 36.00 ~) 5_ SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE ?~.C>b 5% State Surcharge I r 'i' P 3% Administrative Fee 1 .V ~ TOTAL "?ll. ~'l'