HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-5-6 . . .... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELOo OREGON 97477 I~FOR~TIO~: 7Z6-37S3 CIlY OF SPR[~GF[ElD SI~ Ca'STRUCTIO~ ~'D ELECTRIC~L I~STALLATIO~ CO"BI~AnO~ Al'PLICAnO~/PER'IIT ISSPECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7:6-3~OI LOC.\na' OF SIG~(ADDRI:SS) ?~l D I'IAA/ A.) '5;,"1'-_ . t', . LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ . . - (, O:'SER OF PROPERlY L-,.Q..." ~ ADDRI:SS 2.31 0 ~ IV TAX LOT>> / '"7 () ,,;.; 'd '- /0 \jJ .OJ I.....\~ \ \<. S"l""> . PHO~E ZIP OliSER OF SIG~(IF OTIIER ntA.' PROPERTY Ol\~ER) ADDRI:SS "2-~ 10 \\"'A. 10J So..,.... ~A.'lE OF SUSI~ESS, FIR'I, ETc.o:::::AL.T"\~' , ;T:L ~ ~L-O 1Iu4-1-'-- ~.~ PHO~E 72h - I , 2.. "7 TYPE OF BUSI~IESS,4tlO7.l ~.DA-t. R-. - ERI:CT RI: LOCATE ~ ALTER O'mER TY?=: QF SIG:-:: .........,.ALL ~ ROOF ~IARQUEE OTIlER FREESTA.SDI~G . PROJECTI~G READER BOARD BILLBOARD , SIG~1 CHARACTER (CHEC~: APPLIC.\aLE [T~~!Sl: ~IDENTIlY NON-IOE~nlY PROJECTI.~G SECO~DARY -.. ' _ ~ INCIDE~'T')'L SI~CtE FACE DOUBLE FACE ~IULn-FACE TYP!: 'OF ;,Otl.,,;: VE~OOR.S. CC~."!t.\C7:il:S: SIGN EREr:;DRLt:."77l:::I2/~ .fJ'1 g;:?-t/t~ Rt:a?/VA/'/<,. ,.I1A:::/f:<fA,/;; ADDRESS /'r.~ .T1<"~~~_h'-""/? - ,B,/o .c:;~ J-~~--- . CIlY LICE~SE ~lr.,laER [,,1, -'7' 7 I :::?, ~~ SIG~ lIA.SUFAC'T1JREn (IF OntER nt'-, ERr,crORl ADDIlfSS ______ ELECTRICAL CDNTIUCTOR /" ADDRI:SS / EXPo DATE PHO~E~ 7_1'?~2- ~ ~. PHO~E PHO~E LICENSE NtDlBER 'DO!ESSI c::s. (:.;ST....l.L..;.. ~c:.; ..\SO CC:-;STRUCTIO~ I~FOR.\tU IOX: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE /S;-' VERTIC~L DDIENSION OF SIGN ?_/ DI~IE~SIO~ FRO~I GlUer. TO BOTTO~I OF SIGN~;S / ./ THICK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN OOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYONO PROPERlY LINE YES V NO IF YES, DIHENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE " KOTE: IF PROJECTION IS :,:ORE TII~S I~" OVER PUBLIC' PROPERTY nlE SIG~I ERECTOR ~:UST FILE WITII THE BUILDI~IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS' PUBLIC LIABILITY A.'O PROPERTY D~L'GE INSURA.SCE POLICIES. " .-, WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL lilRI:IG? _yeS ~O 'IF YES, ~lfICH APPLy?",_ELECTRI~,!.lIGN ILLU~IINATED (n/DIRECTLY LIGfITEO) DESC~IEE TYPE CF ~.\TF.~L\LS SIG~! IS CC~ST?.'1CTF.D O? /.LV/~,...." ,.., A....- ~ ~t:!?~- _~ _~ I a PROVIDE UL MmBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN 'f ~ , .:a:OR''910~ (LA;..'O USE) nEXISTj.'G US.E OF BUlLDI::G~R NO (llR LAST USE IF VAC~'IT): , ~ - s:...h . ~ ., . ... j .. _.. /2--.. 'L-- ,.-~ _. ___ _..____ PROPOSED USE OF BUILOING OR J.)J;O~ O'~_ ,<:;;~___6l/dljl#~' . CHECX ONE .IF APPLICABLE: }gNOCOR BUSII/ESS _OlTTDOOR ~IERCH~~DISING " EXISTING S~GNSiS:91:COO~j ARElJIERE EXISTI~G SIG~O / IF YES, Oe;CRIBE ~.EXIs:r~NG.s~~N~J9R ~US_I~ESS. FlR.'ol, E'rC.. L Ud::.... ~ _ t:;de:;:;u / / .:.:{"~--'--=r o I ' . - II / . -. . _ ~ . . .,' t.:a.i"kff' durv ~~_h_ <I hvA-t"h ~ - v:~ ALL EXISTWG SICNS ON PRE.'IlSES(SA.'IE TAX LOT): ~ " , ~ HORI:O~TAL WIDTli OF SjG~I~ " ,,- I HAVE CAAEFULLY EXANISED. ,the completed application for pe.:rmit O1nd do hereby certify thl1't all infomation hereon. is troe and correct. and I further certify that all work perfo~ed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance, tho Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the Stato of Oregon pertaining ~o the work described herein. I fur~her cer~ifr ~h3t my Sign Contractors Llee~sc with the City of Springfield 1s in full force and effee~ as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9-].20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved per.ti~. ---:-:=::? --:2 . NAME (PLEASE PRIm~--L-Y-F... ~)/l/j\./" SIG~:ATUR~tfU~(T74tt....'" ":.., .:..o..::omzy;&-d'-/: L FOR r.~eTC~ USE~ -'---"' . SICN DISTRICT"-' ,,- ,':l .i i, ZONE DISTRICT' TOTAL SQUARE FOOTACE OF SrCN rNSPECTIONS REQUInED: _SITE/LOCATlD~1 _FOOTING OR HEl1l00 OF ATrAOi.'IENT _ELECTRICAL qo Vil~AL /""" .......... \. -. _TlTHER FEES: \ " SIG~ PER'lIT: ',~Qi.\RGES : ~~: EUOCTRIClL PER'IlT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL FEE FOR PER'IlT: ,"'i ...;..:.... ;. :J a) .Site rns~~ction to be ~de before tho sign is the FOO:'l::~ {:l,;cection (if applicable) ray be nu.J- ti~e 35 tn~ Site Inspection. The Footing InspectIon IS Co ue- m&ue .lfter hol~(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. .;., PLE..\,jE :-.C.\U . I) Seolr3C~ Si~n ~~,tic3tion: A separate application i separlte ~L~n as ~et1nCQ 1n the Sign Code. 2) Electric31: Any per~ic issued under. this applic:acio inr 1n or on si~n stru~ture. the supply wires for co covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connect only by .1 Stue Licensed Electrical Contractor. III internally and exter~ally) ~st confo~ to Sections 9-7-1S of the Sprin~iield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted sets Qt pl~ns dra~n co scale. showing dimensions and vertising oes'3~e on sign; location of sign on prope to property line,. struccual details of support fr3m (ootinls: D3ccriats of construction for sign and sig tricl! equip~ent anJ lighting; si:e and locntion of property for the s~e business. all as required co d wit~ the Sprin;iiclJ Sign Ordinance (Article 1 of th Code). Also. show the iollowing infomation on the showing property lines and location of signs): " .a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as wel b) Show th~ length of tne street frontage caken up buil.:!ing. c) Show the location of entrances open to the publi .) When required. because of design. si:e..etc., engine c3lc~13tions ~ust be prepared by a licensed enginee: to des i." stan~3rds on iile at the Building Division 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be ret~ plicant with no per~it being issued. 6) Signs ~uSt meet corner vision clearance requirement! Fi~. 9 of the Springfield Cocprehen3ive Zoning Code. o 7) ~OTE: ~o sign 03y be erected which is less than 12 ~er:ic31Iy fro~ overhead electrical conductors iT volts. or less than S feet in any direction from OVt lines whiCh are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. 0) If .:I. si;o is not inst.11led ldthin 60 days after the this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. 9) Insoectio"s: r CITVeF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Work. OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( F- '" ~ 4 N~ B Oate5-1 19~1 ~~ Rec'd Fro~1 H/1SJ 1111\ (l Addres.lo~t==)~ e .1v~ Si Cu'.. .-.... ,-" V~) '~fJOl ~ 56497., i (th r ( ( " ( (' , (. :~. ( ( ., " (, ~) ~rr' ~ CJU (, (' ..,;.~ "'~ Amount Received c c:; ,W CaA.) ^-.-J n.o "'--"'dTf"IU:O SIQ""ATUIIlC ( .."Cl.TO".T.......I,IU ".II(TIUI.. 1:1,101('01:. Olt 'uo, ..."., .. BY G. ( I CUiRK b) Fin3J r~sDeetio" - to be made upon completion of all work. DATE c) EJectric31 - All electrical sims ~st be inspected for electri- cal hoo~ up 3fter the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. C,\LL FoR lllE REQUIRED ISSPECTIO:<S ON TIlE 24 HOUll. INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769, ., ~ SPECIAL CONOITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTI~~ OF SICN: AODITIOSAL INFO~\~TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: ./JE b P Fi.!) (." 1'-.,: !/](:; C., I ~o . ,0 . , /I r.: 0, (-5 Ul L!~ / lUG; (),{( ?~~E ,. / I . j /:. i;t.. ./.t _.J f .~""""--"'l 1 ./ PlA~S REVIEI~ED BY: >- ..;.,-, \ pATE ;.~ -/4 r.'/ .:'-)' . ,... : ~. " v {. . . _ . '~.?~..""'";c.f>.'~:,:~'f;f:~:.~//r~;~?:.:=.~~?1'i:.:;;::~'-~:::~?'t;?~}'.:~}"~:~~~,~':.~~:".:~;~~:~{~~~)":~}: ,. :..... ,. ,.,:!U..~q"'''''''--:.'~.;''"':'~I.;.'''.l..'~~~....1L ....Io~_"'.U~r'~..~t{...~:"~..lu,t.;._..~.~~lIi\..;~-l:''tt.~...~. ~-!l_"~~~~~~~~.M~~~~"~~ . . .... " . ~. ' -~ '-U-fL- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 rSFOR~TIOS: 726-S7SS lOCATlO~ OF SIG~(AOORESSl ?'S' D t\AA, A' S't', lEGAL DESCRIPTlO~ ". /' () s ~ t:... 4.. I Ol'~ER OF PROPERTY ~ Y'Cot- 1.Iolr'Y \ i<. ADDRESS Z:;s (0 ""^-A-I ~ S'T"> Ol',ER OF SIG~(IF OTIIER TIlA.' PROPeRTY OI\~ER) ;J"- ~. ADDRESS "2- ~ I 0 "-:-0,.,.... So""'. ~"'!E OF BUSIXESS, FIR.'I, ET~'-T'\"'~I CITY OF SPRIXGFIElD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ "'0 ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ CO~IBINATIO:-: "\pPLICATIO~/PER.\tIT " ~r::7" y...., y""" I~~PECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7~6-3769 c::....~.... ~ ''V4...1-~ Icf-\ '- 10 I~ PHOXE72h - 1/2.. '7 I ~ BUSI~IESS-'br'r7) eJ.-J'A-t r.a...... '_-j TAX LOT' / '7 () 0 PHO~E ZIP ~1oAIY'N'r,'::::- TYPE OF TYPE OF :lO;l.K: ERECT RELOCATE ~ At TER OTIIER TYPE QF SIG~: ....-;, ALL ROOF flARQUEE OTIlER FREEST'\"DmG . PROJECTI~G READER BOARD BILLBOARD , S IG~J CHARACTER ~IDENTITY PROJECTI.'G INCIDE~'TAL DOUBLE FACE (CHEe!: APPUc.\aLE IT::~!S): NO~-IDE~TrTY SECOXDARY SIXGLE FACE MULTI-FACE VE~OORS. CO~~ft,\Ci::::RS: SIGX ERECTORL.I=-7i7:::J'2/'Y,.8C1 ~u.:: R/,a?1VA./ /<;hl'K/aA.6 . / ./_ . .1 _/ ~ / ' ADDRESS '5'~ .7:)...... ~_;;2a._j!?W'. -r~ CITY LICEXSE XlDlBER i'/, Lj :> I :<, .::S'~ SIG~ ~!A.'UFACTURER (IF OTIIER Tll....' ERECTOR) ADDRESS ~ ELECTRICAL co~mUCTOR /" ADDRESS / PHO~E..26l.7145:'2- EXP. DATE PHO~E PHO~E lICE~SE NlDlBER DI;'-;E\Sro::s. r:~ST.-'.LL:'.:C.'\ :\.'~o CC:;STRUCTION INFOR.'t.\.TIO:--:: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE /s-' VERTICAL Dn!E~SlO~ OF SIGN '2-,' DI~IENSION FRO" GRA~r. TO BOTTO" OF SIGn /~ / // THICKXESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN OOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOXD PROPERTY LINE YES V NO IF YES, DIHENSION BEYOnD PROPERTY LINE ..~ - ~OTE: IF PROJECTIO~ IS ~,:oRE TII,\., I"" OVER PUBLIC.'PROPERTY TIle SIGN ERECTOR I.:UST FILE IHTll TIle BUILDING OIVISIO~ COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY "'0 PROPERTY O~'~GE I~SU~'CE POLICIESo WILL SIG~ HAVE ELECfRICAL lilRI:'G? _YES ~O : iF YES; WH}C~APPLY/_ELECTR~IG#..:~l~W~II~ATED (INDIRECTLY LIGfITED) DESC~leE TYPE OF ~_\TE~L\LS SIG~! IS CO'!STD.VCTED O~_/.V/Z'; 4!f t'~/}........ ~.:=- r---t:5 _ PROVIDE UL :-'1J~ISER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN .. ~ ~ - , , ~:O~:i~;)-~h:US4::L:~l~~=SE~:~~~)~___.o,... A .. . PROPOSED USE OF BUILOI~C OR LAt;D~~_ ,'~~~ CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR MERCH,\.'DISING EXISTING S~GNS/S~} COD;,);. ~AAE?ERE EXISTI~G SIGJI'.: V<ES NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL .EXlST~NG"SI~N~..F~R ~USI~ESS, FIR-\!, ETC., L Ua:.... ~ _ t::d&:iAJ / ~ ", . .. i/ I. ;. .It' Cd.idtw//~) ~A~- - .M__ i~/'A ~-_.. ,~t!4rY? ALL EXISTIIIG SIGNS ON PREHlSES(S'\"'E TAX LOT): . '-?.A"' ' . , ." HORI:ONTAl WIDTH OF SiG~I~. /' I HAVE CAREFULLY E~\IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify that all ~~rk performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance. tho Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the St~:e of Dregor. pertaining to the woxk described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors Liccusc with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.7-20(21. 1 will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit, _ ~ ~ NAME (PLEASE PWIT~..v/...;::. j)z..)tV j\..-/" SIGNATUR~ Pf?074'1...-- ":.., ':,,"::OATeY0'&-/: FOR OFFICE US~ ----- ZOXE DISTRICT C - 4 INSPECTIO~S REQUIRED: SITE/LOCATION "\ '\ - 'J~ FEES: SIG~ PERHlT: OlARGES : _FOOTI~G OR '!ETIIOD OF ATTACH.'IENT _elECTRICAL qo )(r'INAL rIlY;) . .6'THER SIGN DISTRICT /I"lM ILl, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ~~ .. woO ~. ~\)~ ELECTRICAL PER-'lIT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL FEE FOR PER-'lIT: ......_~~ ..- - ---, ---,.- . . ..:.0 PLEASE :..cAU - ~t~~ll ~.'LIU~TlU~ 1) Seo:n:1te Sili!n ..\oolio.'l:ion: r\ separ:lte applic.:1tion is required for each separate ~l~n ~s Jeiinco in the Sign Cade. 2) Electt'ical: Any perl':lit issued under" this application will include wir- ing In or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Ill~~inated signs (both intern311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7.~ (4}&(S) and 9-7-l3 of the Springiield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to he submitted with two complete sets or plans dra~n co scale, showing dimensions and height of , sign; ad- vertising ~essa~e on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to p~operty lines. structual details of support framing, bracing and footings: ~atcrials of constructio~ for sig~ and sign structure; elec- trical equip~ent and lighting; size and 10c3tion of existing signs on property for the s~~e business, all as required to determine compliance with the Sprin~ii~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also." show the following info~ation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location oi signs): .a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed'sign(s). b) Show th~ length of tne street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required. because of design, size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations ~uSt be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to dcsi&" standards on file at the Building Division Office. S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no per~it being issued. /4ce/ ; r-17 S t:, </97 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as "described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Co~prehensive Zoning Corle. .7) ~OTE: ~o sign 001Y be erected which is' less than 12 feet hori::ontally ~ertically froo overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. 8) If a si;n is not inst.llled l1ithin 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it. the pe~it Shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: P. ,~. a) ..Site Inspection to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the FOO~l~~ lnsoection (if applicable) may be made at the sace ti~e O1S the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be mad~ 3fter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Fin31-I~soection ~ to be " , , .. made'upon .. CLERK DATE ~5'-j.'-J:: &1 , eompletion.of all. work. c) Electric31 ~ All electric31 signs must be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED ISSPECTIOSS ON THE 24 HOU~ lSSPECTIOS LINE AT 726-3769, " . ,-. .'0"'",>, SPECIAL COSDITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIDS OF SIGN: , " .;' . , '. PL~NS REVIEWED BY: '. "' ADDITIONAL lSFOR.'lATION NEEDEO BEFORE PERMIT HAY BE ISSUED: ?UI L :""\ /VA . /JEbP p,eOtU771Q[ OF;, f> . '~( /' ~Ol ?~~E (J.t<.. - ; (/,(/JL-~I_'C) IV OATE ~ -/4'&/ ~.. '7 {