HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Correspondence 1975-8-5 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 5, 1975 348 MAIN STREET 747-4221 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Richard Johnson 3095 Kincaid Street Eugene, OR 97405 *r .~ .r... .\ SUBJECT: Notice and Order to Comply with the City of Springfield Ordinance No. 2940 Dear Mr. Johnson: In response to complaints, the Building Department inspected the premises located at 2251 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, and found conditions to be in violation of Ordinance No. 2940, Section 1, (3), (a), in that you have discarded cartons, waste, paper, debris, and trash that ia delterious to public health and is unsightly. Therefore, this is your notice that you shall, upon receipt of this letter, cause this violation to be abated. A copy of Ordinance No. 2940 is enclosed for your reference. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Department at 747-4221. Respectfully, ./7 _ / --;:;-- ~~~~? Wendell Bartholomew Environmental Controller WB:sm Enclosure .' . . ORDINANCE NO. 291,0 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE CONCERNINC NUISANCES MIENDINC SECTION 5-1-1, 5-1-6 ADDING 1\ NEW SECTlON J)ENOm~J;\TE]) 5-1-7 RE- PEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TilE SPRINGFIELD CODE AND RE- NUMBERING CERTAIN SECTION OF TilE SPRINGFIELD CODE 1965. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 5-1-1 of the Springfield Code 1965 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5-1-1 NUISANCES. For the purposes of Sections 5-1-1 through 5-1-7 the following words and phrases shall ;nean: (1) "Person in Charge of Property". An agent, occupant, lessee, tenant, contract purchaser, or other person having possession or control of property or the supervision of any construction project. (2) "Person Responsible." The person responsible for abating a nuisance shall include: (a) the owner (b) the person in charge of property as defined above (c) the person who caused a nuisance to come into or continue in existance. (3) No person shall cause or permit a nuisance on public or private property and the causing or permitting of the same consti tutes an offence under this code. ThefollO\\'ing are hereby declared to be nuisanc~s to be abated or prosecuted as an offe~ce as provided in this code: (a) Dead Or.ganic ~Iatter and Debris. The deposition of an animal carcass or part thereat, or any excretment or sew~ge, or industrial waste, or any putrid, nauseous, decaying, deleter- ious, offensive or dangerous substance upon any premises 01' in a stream, well, sprin&brook, ditch, pond, river, or other inland 'vaters within the city; any accumulation of decompose<.l animal or vegetable matter, garbage, rubbish, manure, offal, ashes, discarded containers, waste, paper, debris, trash, " ., . . Ordinance No. 2940 Page 2 hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, rags, or other refuse matter or substance, which by itself or in conjunction with other substances is deleterious to public health or comfort, or is unsightly, or creat.es an offensive odor. (b) Attractive Nuisances. No owner or person In charge of property shall permit thereon: (1) Unguarded machinery, equipment, or other devices which are attractive, dangerous, and access- ible to children. (2) Lumber, logs, or pilings placed or stored in a manner so as to be attractive, dangerous, and accessible to children. (3) An open pit, quarry, cistern, open basement, or other excavation without safeguards or barriers to prevent such places from being used by children. (4) Any abandoned, unattended or discarded ice-box, refrigerator or other container accessible to child- ren which has an air-tight door, or lock which ma~ not be released for opening from t.he inside. This definition does not include ice-boxes, refrigerators or other containers offered for sale by commercial est.ablishments provided that the same are kept within enclosures from which children arc excluded at all times except business hours. (c) Fences. (1) A fence In a structurally unsound condition. '.' .. . . Ordinance No. 29~O Page 3 (2) Fences which present an wlfinished or unsightly appearance from public property or from adjacent private property. (a) Fences having a finished and unfinished side shall be so constructed as to present an equally finished appearance from either side and in the event they do not comply with this provision shall be con- sidered prima facie unfinished or unsightly and a nuisance under the provisions of this sub-section. (d) Used Materials. Used building supplies, tires. cartons, paper, scrap. junk, used furniture, plumbing or electrical supplies and appliances visible from public property or from private property. Such materials when stored shall be considered visible unless the same arc covered from public view by a structure or an enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground. (e) Conditions Attracting Rodents. Conditions upon a prope'cty or any premi.s e s whi ell allow , at tract or arc likely to attract, feed or harbor rats or mlce. Odors. (f) /rremlses which are in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive odor or "hich are ln an unsanitary condition. (g) Privies etc. A privy, vault, cesspool, septic. tank or drain which emlts a noxious and offensive smell, or which is prejudicial to public health. (h) Stagnant Water. or impure water WhlCh attords or for mosquitos or other insects. An accumulation of stagnant might afford a breeding place (i) Combustible jllaterials. Anv combustible materials as defined and declare,! Ilaz:nc!olls i,n the Fire prevention code as contained in this code, Section 7-6-1 et seq. (j) Stored Vehicles. Any lnoperable or dal!wged, stored vehicles , I"hether licensed or unlicensed, im:l uding any vchi c I.es partially or I"holly dismantled, or any part or parts thcrcoC, exposed to public viel' from either public property or adj:ll:ent. privat.e propert)' for a period of more th:ln 20 days, provided that the sallie may be kept upon premise (s) for periods of not to c.:\ccl'd ~- . . Ordinance No. 2940 Page 4 30 days upon a special vehicle storage permit being obtained from the Department of Public l'lorks. Such permit m;]y be extended for one additional 30 day period. No more than one permit shall be granted for a premise(s) per year. Not more than one vehicle shall he allowed by such a permit. (1) Nothing herein shall prohibi t the storage of any such vehicles not in violation of other provisions of this code, where the same are covered from public view by a structure or enclosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground. (k) Other Nuisances. declared to be a nUlsance by thlS Any other condition code.'! Section 5-1-6 of the Springfield Code 1965 lS hereby amended to read as follows: "5-1-6 PUBLIC NUISANCES - ABATHIENT - ALTERNATIVES. The procedure provided by this article is not exclusive, but is in addition to any other procedure provided by this code or other laKS. Furthermore, the city manager or other officer delegated responsibilities therefore may proceed sWDmarily to abate a health or other nuisance which unmistakenlv exists, and from which there is imminent danger to human life' or property." Section 2. There is hereby added to the Springfield Code 1965 a new section entitled 5-1-7 to read as follows: "5 -1- 7 ABATDIENT PROCEDURES - SEPARATE FRO~I PENALTI ES. The requirements to abate a nuisance is not a penalty for violating this code hilt is an additional remedy. The imposi- tion of a penalty does not relieve a person of the duty to abate tire nuisance; hOKever, abatement by a person responsible for a nuisance within 10 days of the date of notice to abate, or if a written protest has been filed then abatement Kithin 10 days of the council's determination that a nuisance exists, will excuse the person responsible from prosecution for an offence under this code." Section 3. Sections 5-2-1,5-2-2,5-2-5,5-2-6,5-14-6 and 7-1-5 be and the samc arc hereby repcah'(l. -<)- .1..'-, ....... . . Ordinance Nu. 2940 Page 5 Section 4. Section 5-2-3 is hereby renumbered anu uenominated Section 5-2-1; Section 5-2-4 is hereby renumbered and denominated as Section 5-2-2; Section 5-2-7 is hereby renumbered and denominated to be Section 5-2-3. first reading given November 19, 1973. Adopted by the Council this 17th day of 1973 by a vote of -5- for and -1- against. December Approved by the ~layor th is 1'1 JJ:.clay 0 f i}-. ,.. ,,.-,' , 1973. ---; ./,' - " \../ '.'_.....c....( ('v ~l A Y 0 R \;'" -/" j ,; --r ui.. I ..... -. ..,_"-l......v'.'-1L.~' ...... ATTEST: /;~~f~[ j /], RtCOJWER I" -Z':". , ',./ , ,. t. t(~. !-;:. {...i eln _c_ ~-. . . o \ 0~ \- ~ .... ;'. -"" "" CITY OF SPR,INGFIELD FOURTH AND NORTH "A" STREETS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 . R~, ON CHEer-ED Unclaimed. I) t ell ..... . - Ileus I"tUd,,.s,;N' un orm . _. ,'nsw', ' , ,.er:l Add,c~s No SlJch str"f" - mbor No . .'_nu _ SUCh oHr=e _in stitt . - -~ On n..._ timan fQ ............ @ IE ~ "if' fi W ~ ~'A" W.__ INo. 300934 J-~ (i'j] & 0 [1" :~ -- ...d .:r...,.':~ _-' -~~ '" (,', ~ ''-'''---, " fI"r' '}J' ,., - -- ~ ,~. ~- / " ;, AU:~-~~ ::- ~. - .,.~~ /97S _ ~t\.\"",~--:;,,~\',-:"_z....-;:"- "3~ R-\\" ~."'-~ . . ...~ ~ -- ,.,(,., ~ -=.-- --...--- < Q . .,~, .<.,..,--- C/J ;, ~ '~S,,,,,,,,t"u~\'~.J;l.. . AUG -5'75 0 y- > --.;_. ':- :- i.. .' .:__..... ~"r-:i.~.....--..,-. Zi'" ~~'i~ ::.6 5 : /: ~ -- -......::......-...._.._m___. f[5i9J156'i~'~ --l; ~ -:-h. ;;-// . ......_~....__.h...h__ g--:/./ (~V,l'~ i\ \ 110 '.J\'::J r&7 \ ,~. ~.L) , ~ . - .. , ~. . ,,", Mr. R'chard jejhnson._ -~.._..._-..._- Eugene, y.----" ,I I ~ --"'. . '> ./ /" 'I /, 1" ;, ,~.; 1 .! .' :- - , t_'~~~1 7' <is' . SENDER, Compl", ;tem, 1 .nd 2, .., Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on ~ rever~, w I. The following service is requested (check one), i!! !"" IX] Show to whom and date delivered...u....... 15, ~ 0 Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35, , :0 0 DELIVER ONLY TO ADDRESSEE and (j show to whom and date delivered__..____.... 6SjI' o DELIVER ONLY TO ADDRESSEE and show to whom, date, and address of delivery hn.'h...n"'.....n.'._.".'____"....h__'. 85( 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED To; ~ Mr. Richard Johnson !:l i 3095 Kincaid Street ~ Eugene, OR 97405 '" " '" ~ '. 'y 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO."/ CERTIFIED NO. 100934 IN.SURED NO, . I ,~\\~ ,j H '" '" " en (Alwa:,~ ~~hln signature of addressee or agent) ;;f 1- have received the article described above, _ : SNATURE . a J DATE OF DELIVERY POSTMARK => ~ 5, ADDRESS (Complete only if requested) " '" '" ::! ..,..... :Y a 6. UNABLE TO OElIVERYCAUS7J .. ~ __ ~ .1?F~~ U /I ;= . _,'l.,~1":"GPO' "'0.,,,.803' . t ,.i ~~ , , l ~'V . 1\ ~ I ~-- ./'.,."" ~, i '1 'G' ~ #..." ", ,