HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-6-29 ~\ .- . ~ . ...;1 I N FORMATION: 126-3151 . I ~ I . _.d. I. ......, SPRINGFIELD city of springfield 225 n. 5th street * INSPECTIONS: 726-3161 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION IV -f.-~ 7 S/ ei ..,""" ,;...., A. LOCATION OF SIC:I (ADDRESS) '. Ol-d)- 5 I yY) r7- IN (')'J 3(0 42- 5 J:V)~till-lt1'o.1 StJ ~It> 1)1 LECAL DESCRI~TIO:l OYNER OR PROPERTY 17 t<-'€: Sf' . TAX LOT -I" 0"3 I 0 () PHOllE :PC! 2 -)Jb of(.lHNr) ADDRESS . oS ,I:l.. P1IIf' ZIP i' I OllllER OF SIC;! tIF OTHER TIWI PROPERTY OWllER) ADDRESS NAME OF BUSItlESS, FI!l..'l. ETC. R ~S In.JUS+ li'r'o..l PHONE .s:u I!>lPrv TYPE OF .BUSIl:E5SJI1Jdh't" I S'tpr'y. , I D. USE AND CI!A.~CTER OF 'SICN: .8. TYPE OF WORK: . .LERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTIlER C. STP.UCTURAL TYPE 'OF SICll:, ~~ALL _FREE5TANDIlIC ~~ ROOF _PROJECTINC _MAR'1= v IDENTIrY'- ~oF-SI~N ...L- (.51 N' I... . _INCIDEllTAL ...1\-<-11) h'--I~:':ii',~ -,' -g ...-'.~ .:.~~~ ~ONDER HARClUEE ~OTI'.ER .s liON \'0 GoQ oN .F y:t.S/r N fa Po l-E. ._?,,' i +5I:-ICLE FAC!: __'lliLTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD // . . 1/ ".,'. E. VENDORS. CO:-lTRACTORS: . SIC:l ERECTOR c,.VeCL 4- 't Itl'. StG:>~ 't b /r4PI-{ t CS .J.oD?~SS 9r;, S- /....o.v-ch. M. ElAO " r~P CITY LICENSE lru:1BER,~ . SICN IWIUFACTURER tlF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) PHON!: 3 ct"'2- - "3 S' {, O. ZIP '17 tEaS- EXP. DATE ADOPJ:SS PP.01IE F. DIliF.:lSIONS, U1STALL.\rION " CONSTRUCTIOn . G. EXISTI:-IC SIGNS TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE CRADE VEP.TICAL DIME~ISION OF SICN HORIZOIlTAL WIDnl OF SICN DDlE~ISION FROX CaADE TO BOTIO~ OF SICN nIIC,WESS OR DEPTlt '/~~T 41=T" ~FT f3FT -;?/u /1 '~e j?ew,- oueliQ ARE TIlERE MIY EXiSTI!IC ~IGll~? ..,i,YES ~tlO IMIBE!'. SIZE IN SO. FTC. ALL EXISTING SIGNS1 I FOR EUSINESS, ETC. ,4/..-L W ' C-L- DOES SIC:I PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LWEl _'itS ~NO IF YES, DIHElISION BEYO~ID PROPI:RTY LI:~E NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS ::OR!: THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY 'r~. SICN EaECTOR HIlST FILE WI71! THE BUILDI:1C DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.!>. LIABILITY AND PP.OP- ERrl D,\}IAC~ I:iS\i?ANCE POLI::ES. H. tnr:r. SICN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRWC? JI.' lJ . IF 'itS, IIHICP. APPLY? ELZCTI\ICAL SIC:I _ILLU!lL'IATED (INDIP-'':Cm LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CO:ITP~CTOI\ ADDRESS LIse. NtIl1BER pr.cm: ~ ~ I. DESC:l.IBE TYPE OR ~ATERL\LS SICN IS . CONSTRUCTED OF. ~lc.I /'i€A-u:1? f?t.-VWrao J. SITE INFOPMATIOrl (LAIlD USF.) -- E:USTING USE OF EUILDINC OR LAND (OR LAST USE IE .VACANT) t6Will1eKf'.r/4.( .~ ~ K'VALUE OF SIC:I: -If /::z-O AINDOOR Bt!SINESS _CU'!'IlOO? l'ERCHAllDISINC PROPOSED USE OF BUILDINC OR LA.'1D: (onfh/:;1.!fl'1L c::;.ft:IPI I La I P.AVE CAREFULLY E."WlInE::) the completed appli~.1.tion for permit and do hereby certify that all, 1nfo~ation is true and correct, and I fur~her cert~fy that all ~ork performed shall be do~e 1n accorc~nce with the 5prir.~f~eld Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the Cit~ of Scrin~iield 3nd a1: other Ordinances or the Cicy of Scrin~:iald and the laws or the Scace 0: Ore2on ;:lertainin~ to t:~e "-'orl; Clesc::,i~ea ntatu.n. I furl:her :ertify chap.: ;:):" :::~;~ CO.,C::".:lc::or .roOi- cense ~ith the City of Spr~~~field is in full force and effect as re~ui=ed by Spr~nr.fi~ld Codes S~2-5(3) and 9~7-20(2). I ,,-,ill request all requi=ed sign insDeccions listed on ~he approved per::ic. NA~1E (PLEASE SIC:IATURE L~_ :.:.=:l3) /HtJP1M,f (I, I3.PLzrI//Ir'p f' /~7...~. fI, ~h.flt.,~ OAT! vP.? IF? I - f~ . . dll PLEASE READ 1) SeDarat~ St~~ ADotlc~tion: A separate application is requi=ed for each separate sign.as de lined loa tne.. .:I16n ~.;)Qe. - 2) Elecerical: Any perode i..ued. under.ehi. applicaeion will include wiring in or an sign seructure, ttte SUPPlY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical pe~t. Electrical connection ~t be =ade only by a Scate Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both lntern~lly and exeernally) must contoron to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be .ubmitted with two complete sets of plan. showing di- mens~ons ano neight of !igni advertising message on sign; location of sign on propercl with di- .mensians to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footings; QAcerlals of construction far sign and sign structure: electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ com~llance vith the Springiield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). ALso,. show the follow., .ing information ,on the plot plan (plan showing property lines,and location of,sign.): I I a) b) 4) Show the location of all. existing sign (e), a. well as' proposed sign(s)., Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. Far wall signs. show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrance. open to the public and driveways. When requi~ed, "because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standard. on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. " . " Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no perrdt being issued. Signs cust ceet CO~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive"Zoning Code. " " IIOT!:: No sig:> !:laY be erected which is Ie.. than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from' overhead eiecc=ical conductors in excess of 750 voles, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign i. not installed within 60 days after the date ,of issue of this permit, the permit be void.. shall. ",/ / S) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insnections: a) Slte Insnecrion --to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Foo~in2 !nsoection (1= applicable) may be cade at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Fooc1ng Inspec- tion 1s to be made after hole(s) 1s ~v~t7ci, bue prior to the placement of c~ncrete. Final In.oection, - to be made up~n completion of all work...' ~lectrical - all electrical .ign. must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 18 ereccea and beiore the sign is turned on. " . b) e) ~ FOR !FoE REQUIR!:D INSRECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR, INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 fOR UFfo"H':r.; U.s~ U~LY SIClI DISTRICT ee/.ltYZOllF. DIS=CT ~.J..L"'./ 0.' JOB 9 'J?I:5 / 8' .s to'IAL SQUARE FOOTACE OF SIG:1 34..{1J ~GlI PEll.'!IT FEE: , 'l.,C),OO ! J j' r I , REOUIRED INSP~CTIONS: _ SITE/LOCATIO:l _EllC=c.u. _OrnER _FOOTIlIG OR METHOD 01 At'l'AC1lME:1lT ~lAL ELECTRICAL PEll.~IT FEE: --() 44 STATE SURCllARG~ j, toTAL: f6 6. (; 0 7 - s- ~ RECEIPt .16/2c.01 ~' j' 1 " DATE j' J ) CLERK SPEC~ CONPITIONS to BE SATiSFIED BEFORE,ERECTIClI OF SIG~: . 12'1' ;NEE.D C-/ ry' ~M II) ~AJ 77:2.,#}-CTl) S /. , .' ,... ~ h-- '. ~ ~, l'-.;:)it:: " ADDITIONAL INFOR.".ATIC:1 NEEDED BEFORE PEll.'lIT ~Y BE ISSliED: SECTION: -; /',7 ~ ~ Ut-;L 9' -7L- '7 ---") DATE '1,-1-;(3 APPROVED BY: SPRINCFIELD SICN OROIN~~CE ~~~~ ~ - ~"..... ." '. . I ' . , I ~ I . city of springfield 225 n. 5th street - j A. LOCATIOIl OF SIC:! (ADORESS) LECAL DESCRI~IOIl OY/lER OR PROPERTY /7 l<..~ ADDRESS . -S }:l. W1p . . ,,' I ." ,... INFORMATION: 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION oS J C; A.J ..:;:t t.. ;;1...;t.51 yY) f7./N (')'J 3~ 42- S J:1')~dlll'o.l St. fOlPl)/ s,.. TA.~ LOT -(" (') '3 I 0 [J . PHONE :3 Cf 2 -).r b (J~-) ,ZIP OtmER OF SIC:I (IF OTHER TIWI PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS NAME OF BUSIUESS. PI!!.'!. ETC. R..:5 In.cJus+ li"I'o.. I .8. TYPE OF WORK: lERF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER PHOIlE .s:u /l:>/pr v TYPE 01' .BUSWESSJVlJt(S~h" I S'l.pr'Y. .' f D. USE AND CP.A.'lACTER OF 'SIGN: " 1p'~"'N1l Y ~.E.\:..........o;;;;-:;-...?- 1(-' C. STP.UCTlJRAL ,TYPE 'OF SIGN:. .K UALL _FREESTAIIDING .~ROOF _PROJECTING ...-.. '..~)' I II _D1CIDE!ITAL LDOUBU: FACE- f'o~e. s "N _MARqUEE ____UNDER !1ARqUEE , LOTP.ER S IIbN '1'0 E.c oN F 't:/S/( N \, Po l.-E: _SI:lCLE FACE _l!ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD I. r.-:".. E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SICN ERECTOR e. Veo.,. 4- 't \J-l' StG~ ~ b ~41P/.i [ CS .J.DO?.ESS 9 b 5" L- o.lrCh..s-f.c. e. \A,CI P '^ P CITY LICENSE II\r.1BER .i.... - t' SIClI t~IlUFACTURER (IF OTllEa TF.AN ERECTOR) ADDRESS I. f. DIHF.llSIONS. l'uom: 3C{J., - 3S'r, o. ZIP <;r '7 <./ 0 S- . EXP. DATE ,... .PHONE ~ r=- 'j :7/,," G. EXISTINC SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTI!lC ~IGNM LYES NO IMIBE!'. SIZE IN SO. FTC. ALL EXISTING SIGNS I FOR BUSINESS, ETC. /1- {A...-- -r:> f?--<' ~ .e. ~ 0 tr e P'J ~ ., TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIME:!SIOIl OF SIGlI HORIZONTAL WIDTIt OF SIGN DllIE11SIOll FROli GRADE TO BOTrOli OF SIGN llISTALL.\1'IO:1 (" CONSTRUCTIOn I~Fr 4PT Y.PT - Q..- 51,,,,,,5 DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYO:lDe~ PROPERTY LWE? _YES IF YES. DIHENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LI1lE NO'!'!: IF PROJECTIOn IS Il0RE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TP.7. SIG:! ERECTOR I-lUST FILE WI,H THE nUILDI:IC DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/Ilf.R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}\ACE WSURANCE pOLI:rES. TlIICKlIESS OR PEPm LNO H. tn~ SICN HAVE ELECTRICAL tJIRWC? IV D. IF YES. \lHIC!! APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIC:I _ILLUl1L'lATED (INDIP."cm .LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COtITRACTOR ADDRESS LISC . NUMBER PP.ONE " r. DESCRIBE TYPE OR :'ATERIALS SICN IS _CONSTRUCTED O~? It( tt..J (1 &' /';7 f J. SITE IllFO~MATI011 (LAND UfF.) -- EXISTINC USE OF BUILDI~IG OR LAND (<1R LAST USE IF .VACANT) (LOU4f1'JeMr~L i I, K. VALUE OF SIC:I: .f/ :?-70 .2lINDOOP. BUSINESS _OUTOOO:l. l'ERCllAllDISIllG PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LA.'l0, ('oW/U1C.ftU~L S~c..e..J I L. I ?.AVE CAREFULLY E..~n:rE~ the completed application for permit and do hereby certify tha'c all 1nfo~ation is true and correct, and ! further certify that all work performed shall be d~ne in accord3nce with the 5p~ir.gf:eld Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as acopt~d by the C~t~ of Sorin~field and a1: other Ordinances or the City or Sprin~field and the laws or the State 0: Ore ROn ?ertainin~ to t~e uorl~ aescribea n~~~Ln. ! further certif~ tha~ ~y ~:~~ Co~t~ac:or ~i- cense ~ith the Cicy of Spri~~field is in full force and effect as required by Sprinr,field Codes S-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign insnections listed on the approved per::ic. NA.'lE (PLEASE PRIm _ jlJpmas (P, 15.ettarf/1J e SIG:'ATURE ~ (?, ~~i ('I~- ----- DATE (p/).. <:; If' " . . PLEASE READ 1) Seaarace St~ Aonlic3tion: 10 tne. ~J.gn ~:'Qe. - Elecerical: Any pe~e issued under ehis applic~eion will include wiring ~n or on sign seruceure, the SUPpLY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical perMit. Electrical connection muse be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both 1ntern~11y and exeernally) must confonn eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. A separate application 1s required for each separate sign.as defined 2) . Plans Reouired: Thi. applicaeion is eo be submieeed wieh two compleee sees of plans showing di- . mens~ons ana neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on properey with dl~ .~nsions to property lines, strueeural decails of support framing, bracing and footings; materials of conseruceion for sign and sign seructure; elecerical equipment and ligheing: size and locaeion of exisein~ signs on property for ehe same busienss, all as required eo deeermin~ com~liance wieh the Springrield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Al.o,. show ehe follow-. . ing information,on the plot plan (plan showing ,property, lines.. and location of, signs) : a) Show ehe locaeion of all, existing sign(s) as well as' proposed sign(s)., b)' Show the length of the street froneage eaken up by ehe business or bUilding. For wall signs, show the length of ehe building froneage. . . c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When requi=ed, because of design. size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform eo design seandards on file at ehe Building D1vi- :, -. sion Office. .. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or deeail will be returned to the applicant wieh no permit being issued. 6) Signs cust ceee corner vision clearance requiremenes as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield ~omprehensive'Zoning Code. . 7) II0T::: No sig:> tlSy be ereceed which is less ehan 12 feee horizoneally or vertically from' overhead elect=ical conductors in excess of 750 voles, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If a sign is noe insealled wiehin 60 days afee~ the daee of issue of this permit, the permie be void.. .' 3) 9) Ins'Oeccions: Sha~;:/ / , a) Siee In.oeceion - eo be made before ehe sign is placed. Usually, the Footin'l Inspection (i.t appJ.icaole) tr.a.y be cade at the same time as the Site Inspection. -lhe l'oocJ.ng Lnspec.. cion is to be made after hole(s) 1s ~v~t7Q, bue prior to the placement of concrete. b) , Final Ins'Oeccion; - to b~ mad~ up~n completion of all w~rk'" c) ~lecerical ~all elecerical signs must be inspeceed for electrical hook up afeer ehe sign ~s erectea and beiore the sign is turned on. " ' CALL FOR TP.E REQUIRED INSpf.CTIONS ON THE 24 HOU~R INSPECTION LINE AT 726~3769 SIGN DISTRICT CCJ~~H ZOm: 'IOU!. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIG:1 REOUlRED INSPECTIONS: DISTRICT rJ. t"'_ :? ~, J "=i'Qoo_ "-:'1 / JOH ~ :::5 / '!r5 J SIGN PEll.'!IT FEF.:_I _ ~- "? 5 ~ 0 () I r"OR Or'I-'l(;r.; us~ lJNL'i _SITE/LGCATIO:l _EUCnICAL _OT"dER _FOOTING OR ME1'llOD OF A1"IACIlMENT ./' ~FINAL ELECTRICAL PER.~IT FEE: -G- 47.: STATE SURCHARGE: ~ --- TOTAL: ~s-. 00 DAn: 7- ~ - ~3 REcmT /3&;/220 e/]// CURK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF Nee./) c;/T f' C.1/vT..e4crd~ ~ SIGN: LI Ce-7US e::- FtJ:.e S'L':;I\/.s ADDITIONAL INFOR.'!ATICN NEEDED BEFORE PEll.~IT :lAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: f?O~~ 9'-? -rJ ~ DATE 7- I-~ APPROVED BY: - SPRINGFIELD SIGN. ORDINANCE . .....".......J t