HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2005-8-26 (3) August 26, 2005 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Certified Mail Shawn Bargouti 9160 SW Graphite Terrace Beaverton, OR 97007 Re: 2251 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon . Dear Mr. Asayed: . This letter is intended to provide a written follow-up of the conversation I had August 19, 2005 with the site manager Casey Piquet, regarding the required licensing for Dance Halls within the City of Springfield. Dance Halls are defined in the Springfield Municipal Code (SMC) as any hall, room, pavilion, or place, except a private residence, in which a dance is held and charge is made for admission thereto. It is my understanding, and also confirmed by Mr. Piquet, that dances have been held at the above referenced location without obtaining the required license from the City. Section 7. ]6~ ofthe,SMC provides in part: . . -' ", -.' '. '-'7' '. ~ .:; . -'~ ,,- ." ~ ::;;:"''''. t -.- .,' ," '; No PeTso!l-sliallestllblish, maintain or operate a dance hall within the City unless a license .~.~ "~" ~ .' ,-,-' '. . .- .. ....". '" ..... ,.. for that use.is.obtained from the city. 'Every place or building where a dance hall is carried o~:~heth~i:for'li.ire:or'not, shall be deemed a dance hall subject to the provisions of sectionsof7. ]66 to'7. 168." ". . The reason for my site visit on August] 9,2005, was to inform Mr. Piquet that the dance hall license application to the City, applied for on August ]6,2005 by Mr. Mathew Murin ofN & S Enterprises, Inc., had been denied and the application fee would be returned. The dance hall activities were considered as a change in use from the original land use approval. Without securing additio,nal appn;JVals from the City's Urban Planning Division, the dance hall business license cannot be approved. I informed Nir. Piquet the dance hall activities must cease and any further.dance hall event would be subject t? a civil infraction.' . Respectfully. ~. . <.,. -\:' . . ....,..;;.;.-" David f. PUtmt' ' Cc: ::j~~'.~rii.jtliCliikof1)oiice '., .... ._ _..' ,_ )oe:Leahy;.CitiA,it6i-ney._:'_::' :'_:'.:"::::'';~ ,. ;:.-,:;:. ,,~:: :..~.::::: ::.::;'. ~ "J'."~"-';: ":. ;~My': ~~b~AsaW' ~udrl~~ ){& ~~E,~t~\'g~ts};~!:I~~:~'~:; :;'.:';;~.; :~f;~.:~; .~~::. ;::'::,::; ::. .:::;: ~!~ ,,':~:: !:!.:: ':: :.: ," asar ye .. ,.."" . . ,.,..' . .~,,:.(.;.., Casey Piquet, Site .Manager .. , . '.' .. ~ ....-... . , ...... . '. - ~. .~. ~' .' - . .. .,-,...., 1" ." .". ... .......:-::-.\.!";:-:. '.)'-~':::.~: :..:.....,:,.". .,....... . . ~ . .....r... ..~ .1':-.;;.:". . . . ....,... ",+ . ............. .'1" . .: ~ . ..' -: ... !.. . ,...... .... - . , '., .',-, . .'. .'. :..:-. ~ ~". " .~ . . .. ....'.' .,. .... r- _~..""J':""":jh !r,~j~"'_'J:' .:af1'J. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 c 4t .. --..--:-~~- I 1_. OF THE RETURN ACDRESS_ ~O_l~ ~T.O?:T~~ ~N_E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --------------cEfiiifIELJ nffAIL ~; I I ~ 1 ,I ~ , ' $ 04.420 10/07/200!. Mailed From 974/, US POSTAGE V\~~~~ti~e '. :.,~,~ ,r \ 11,1"1,,,111,,,11,,,1,,,11,,,11,1,,1,,,1,1,,1,11,, ,11",,111 " (~ Shawn Barcouti 2nd '~..31-2- V \ ^ 11663 SW T~al_Blvd_AP.LG - '7 P-'\ v ) Beaverton, S. . . ' , , . ..... , (' " '1ol~1t::~U;,.... ;,~l,rif!?, ri'''' ,<Qi.1~'1.1,f.Q~ , t, ~.., .: ~ ~}:'''--RETUR'N,_,T,O .,SENDER '_ ....'.\,. :;~, ::.UNCL.;A:IHEO.,'-. ," ,1;;,,,. J. , UNAElLE'TO' FORl.>ARO ElO; '974'7746750,2 * 1'ess':"os62J.'-0'7'"39' m!i,I"ilil',',II,',:,II'iil;I;,I,lli,lliil,lii,II'ii"I,1,',lill 7001 1940 0002 2036 _ ~98_4 _ _ _ . .:.J - - ~- .------- --- lP;iI<?'V'-4%'T%9 ;: ~~------== ----"-.~:...:.._- 047J82008083 ~ Ii' . (., --'" --.- y ~ \. " " . ~,.:.~ Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted "Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so !~~~~e_can return the card to you. .jr~ · Attach.;this <?8rd to the back of the maiJpiece. or ~rront if space permits. 1. Articli:;Addressed to: , '~'1";:I-r ; SY\!u.ur\ \3a..rc.ou.~ \\l..l..o; .s \..0 Te.o,,\ B\\lol" A-po...t*~ G- "Bw.. v:e:\. .\on I Orl!.(f~ Qlo01 - 797'-\- 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, March 2001 Date of OaUvery I I 1 o Agent I o Addressee I D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes I If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No I I I I -' 3. Service Type I ut'Certified Mai] 0 Express Mail I o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise I o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) C. Signature x Domestic Return,R~eiPt~""--- ~~-- , "j J I I 102595-01-M-142:1 I DYes 7001 1940 0002 2036 8984 ___J ,f . ~,-~ Q L.bI '-..dt. ..,;;... ~ Q.'on:oa rd: U en I __ / ./ ei -\ \' -----'-----~..... . .......Ja"'l;J:lh jti~J~.'.'J:j=4t1.};. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET _ SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ). . CERTIFIED MAIL s~ WilL,. l I~~-~ , ------------ ~~ Jei~f[:C .: 7001 1940 0002 2036 " ~ '\ 11.1"1."111,,,11.,,1,, II,,~ 1"Jj!;~ Shawn Bar uti NAME. 9160 Sraphite Terrace .\ fA . 1st Notice Beave on, BARG~60 ~7007U091 1eo~ ~3 09/a9/05 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND BARGOUTI 11663 Svl TEAL ELVD APT G BEAVERTON OR 97007-7974 RETURN TO SENDER "3(\.)("..){""bt.~~ 97477X46?~ l \ ..: \ \ \ , . _--------L 7= \' ,.,. ~. ~ ;.. -. / 1- .~ - - - - - - - - - - 3~J;; ~~l~;a-l; ~,-o~ S;3'dOaV tJ~n!3U 3Hi:tO . .lH':IIU "Hl 01 3d013^N3 ~o dOllY U3}1:)11S 3::lVld Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space pennits. I I I I I I- I 1. Article Addressed to: I I I I I ,I I I I I 1- '1 2. Article Number I 7001 . 1'_ (Transfer from servic~/abeO ~ ; r PS Form 381!, March 2901 I Sho.Wi\t~v-~o~ q I(pD .::[L0 &r().p\oU.A w.~ 'Bao..v.e~,b~ '1'" Or~"'- Q1oo1 :-~ I ~ Slgnatuoe D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES. enter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No 3, Service Type Iil' Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Del~very? (Extra Fee) 1940 0002 2036 8946 Dom~tlc ~etuin, Receipt DYes 1 I 102595-01-M-1424I , ! J- ~- .. . . \ . \ .;0<:. . August 26, 2005 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Certified Mail Shawn Bargouti 9160 SW Graphite Terrace . Beaverton, OR 97007 Re: 2251 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon JJf Dear Mr. Asayed: This letter is intended to provide a written follow-up ofthe conversation I had August 19, 2005 with the site manager Casey Piquet, regarding the required licensing for Dance Halls within the City of Springfield. Dance Halls are defined in the Springfield Municipal Code (SMC) as any hall, room, pavilion, or place, except a private residence, in which a dance is held and charge is made for admission thereto. It is my understanding, and also confirmed by Mr. Piquet, that dances have been held at the above referenced location without obtaining the required license from the City. Section 7.162 of the SMC provides in part: No person shall establish, maintain or operate a dance hall within the City unless a license for that use is obtained from the city. Every place or building where a dance hall is carried on, whether for hire or not, shall be deemed a dance hall subject to the provisions of sections of 7.160 to 7.168. The reason for my site visit on August 19,2005, was to inform Mr. Piquet that the dance hall license application to the City, applied for on August 16, 2005 by Mr. Mathew Murin ofN & S Enterprises, Inc., had been denied and the application fee would be returned. The dance hall activities were considered as a change in use from the original land use approval. Without securing additional approvals from the Citys Urban Planning Division, the dance hall business license cannot be approved. I informed Mr. Piquet the dance hall activities must cease and any further dance hall event would be subject to a civil infraction. Respectfully, ~ 5~ David J. Puent ~ Cc: Jerry Smith Chief of Police Joe Leahy, City Attorney Matthew Murin, N & S Enterprises, Inc. Yasar Asayed Casey Piquet, Site Manager