HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1986-12-2 .. RESID~IAL" APPLICATION /PERlIIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet Sp~ingfieZd, O~egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-:575:5 ,I.;' ,-, . SPRINGFIELD Job Loc,tion: 2 ~ -? '7 /Yl ~ 17 /le12T A.a,sGo" Nap ~ :3 ':'--I?O~3fL,i/2 T= Lot ~ IJ.3../9?J Subdivision: (;Jncr: ~.h~ /..tI/It.DM.. ~. Address: ~,~9 &? J?1..aAAu City: I I I I N!':,J Addi ticn Remodel ,'!o!Ji Ze Roma I2~2-r0 Date of Applic:aticn :,:onrrc.:;:;ol'S Phone: /flf.6 - Rtj/ / Zip: I if' .~h' ~ &7l. Value _ Acii-es3 I~ <f:tLdAJtt~I/~ 5{~/ Genera! 6> aA.<.., Plumbir.g I E1.ectrieal Ne~har.ic.=l '-, If"ccc"t, ~ '5 '" '/ "I 'i ~ / / ( . '- "-.. /r cli - O(c I O\ejej4, Ito ) ~J "* Si~cd: It: J z.-;:l. -[(b Date: Li::;c. H' E:::=Jiras Pi:or:.: / / - ;;} IL..$(- Co,nst7"Uction Lender !e ia ths respomn.bility of the permit holder to Bee that all. inDpections aI"e r.:ade at the proper timc~ tr.at c~ch .:;darS83 is rec:.::a.;:c -rom the street, and that the permit card is 1.ocated at the front of the property. t!Jui!di:--.g rr;ui::wr. approved pZ-an sh:::U remain on tM Bu:~Z.ding sit:; at aU times. -;J.70CEDUR~ FOR Il.'SPECTIOll RSQUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desig71.1ted job number~ job adC:rcss~ typo of ir.::;pea=icn 'aqucstcd ar'.a w::en you /JiZZ. be ready for ir.spcction~ Contractors or Owne::-s nClne end pnone nur.Jbcr. Requss":s received befcl'o 7 :Ot) :: ..iZL be made the same d(;.y~ requests made after 7:00 am will ba made the ncxt :.;orkin;; day. !nqm:rl-,/i Tl'!!':'rlf"r..,ti.r:r.q ] SITE IllSPECTIO,V: To be made after excavation.. but prior to set up of forms. ] : UIID~RSLA3 PW/.!3I!IG. ELECTRIC,lL & . l-fECHA.,'!IC:'L: To be made bejore any work is covered. ] FOOTING & FOUND,iTION: To be 1l'r2de after trencnes are excavated and forins are erected.. but prior to pourir~ ccnCl'et~. U!mSHG.~U!.!D Pr,Uf.f2ING. SEWEP.. WATER.. DRAIllitGE: To be rrruf.~ prior to fi'l.- .Ur..g trenches. ] ] VlJDEHFLOOFl PLUf.J3ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaLLation of f!oor insulation or decking. POST Al:V BEAN: To be rr.adc prior to installati.on of fLoor insLOLation or decking. ROUCH PLcr.~BI.?C. ELECTP.ICA!. & UECH- AliICAL: No work is to be cOL'ered ur.tiL tnese insDectior.s r~ve beer. made arui approve.:i. FI.~EPLI.CE: Prior to placir.g facin.g mcteriaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA!~nlC: Nuct be l'eque::;ted af;er approv~L of rough pl~bing, electri- cal & mechani.:a~. AU roOfing bracing ~ chimncys~ at.:. nr~st be . completed. //0 wOl'k is to be C01l- ~ cecled unti l this inspection has . b~en made and approved. ] ] ] ] .Your City Dcaigr.ated Job Nwnbel' Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul.::;:ti:m w.d required vapor barriers are in place bu.t before any Lath, gypsum beard or wU covering is applied, and beforc . any inau Zation is concca Zed. r(PDKttJ / I DE:tOLITION OR ;~:QYE; E:J.TLDI;:CS ~ Sani:ary ~e'.Jer capped ::t P:..OP~l't";i t.i.r.o ~ Septic tank p-.J:?ed cr.ui. fi7.Z;:~ uith ~a:Ji1Z. d Final - rlhen cbcve ite."71s arc cc::oletcd ~ aY:d when :ier.lCEtior. is c~Zeto 01" st:-u.:- ture moved c:uu: pr;:mises :::1.l!ano.:i up. ~v 'Mobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbir.g connections 8~al' ar~ wa:el' ::J Electrical Ccnr.cation - Blockir4~ 8a:-u~ and.pZumbing conr.cctions r.r~st CC appl':;l~CC beforc requesting eZea:rical inspec=io~ ~ Ac.::oessoI"".:" !fuilding :J Fin.:21. - Aftcr p:Jrc1:es.. etc. are complc:~d. skil'ting~ dccks~ o DRYWALL nlSPECTTON: Tc be made after all aytXlll is in place.. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location.. bona beams~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaLlation is ccmpletcd. o FIllAL PLVf.~IlJG All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, ca~Zetion of the requil'ed Landsccpir.g.. etc. ~ must be satisfied beforo the BUILDING FI:,lAL can bo r3quest=d. ] ] ] ] FINAL f.!E'::HA,'/ICAL o FIlIAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be rcquestcd c.f:er tho: Pi1UJ.l. PZumbin.;; ELoctri=al~ and Mechar.icaZ Inspectionn have been mado and approvad. FI....AL E!.~~~ - .~C/'L . ..~ ----.- ._-- .ALL UA/.'HCLES AND CLEANOUTS !IUST BE ACCES$IBLE~ ADJUST.'!2,','T TO BE 1.~1DE t.'!' l:O C:'ST TO CI'!'Y I P:2f:c ! of 2 o D o CURB ~ APPROACH APRON: Afto,:, forms are l!re::ted but prior to pouring co~rete. SIDEWALK & DRII'F.:rIAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-IX:.Y.. to be made aftcr all exca- vating ecmplete & form L.'Ork & zub- base material in pZtu!e. D o :'ENCE: h'her. compl~te -- Provide pates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . o JOB NO. rr:hD ~{p ( SOLAR AC.S REQ.- O~cuDarzC:J GrO'.l:J: . L-COG~ r.' Beiroor:':s: Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. : ~f l$t Caucrcg~ .i' of Stories Total Height Topogr=:;hy. I'!'E.'.f l SQ.F'TC Mair. .Gc:ra.:c Ca~c':"~ .4cccss"!":J S.D.C. TOT,E. t'ALUE (1)':'1.;;,;:;) 1.5 :: Buildir.r Permit State SurcnJr~e Totel (:OO:og03 r,",:,'.' :i==:.:.....cs .=?esiC.2T1ticZ (] bath) Sc:r.i ~r-! Se:..'c:' :ictc:" PZu:~b:.r.g Perr::i t Stc;a Surcr.arge Tet::! cr.c.racs "":'" ~cs. So. ft:::. 1~/E=ter~ ~ir~~its ;~$raTY Service EZe~trical Permit St::.te SU1'~r.a.:rae Total Charces ".,.::"... Urr..:J'C'~ E'!'U'S .::::haust Hoo.:!. 'en t .t'an :::;oasto:Jc Pen::-~t I3suanca Me.:r~r.ic::.i Permit State Surchcrac Totel cr~'Zrat?:; -- Ei.'CROACHNE::T (!(:".lritu DZP03it t;oraae .inter.ar..:,; -:r:m.t TeteZ Ci:cr>!7cS or!:JC".J7. ::aC'..J:lZk 'r:.:r. :cctricaZ Labe! :bi Ze H:JIT/e ~ ,-.~ ~.. ... A.N:JU::-: LeT TYPE Iroter-iel' Corner Panhandle CuZ-dc-sac x Value I I ;.'0. I Ci-:ARt,;E I..'':. I-..r..':..... ,'ie. FEe; C.=!;"'Ji::i:.' /('.10 / r. 0-0 TiiPc/Cor..st: I wt Faces - Setback!; I P.L. IHouse I Caraae ItlOr'th I lEast I IS""tn I I"cat I I I [nern:J SO:11.~r>.3 I I Scao il II II II II T;;':':iJ I Acceaa. Wat!?!' Hr.a~."'!' Har/pc Fircnlac~ Wooa:J:ot:c Fges BiJilding Value & Permit This perm-~t La granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aZl respect::;, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, rp.gulc.til!g the ccnstr'.J.cticn and uce of buildings, and m~y be suspended aT' revokec at cr.y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordir.anc~s. I ,. IPlan Check I Date Paid: I Recoipt #: ISig,cd: Fer.: Plumbing Permit No perean chall construct, instal!, aZ;er or change any r.e~ cr c=~c:~r.~ plumbing or drainage SystC.il in :vhole or in part;, unless suc~ pcrsor. i;:; tr.c legal possessor of a valid pLumber's license, exce;:;t; tr.at a pe:osorl r::a;; do pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or opcra~ei by the appZi- cant. . I I I I, Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t tne electrical work be done by an Elcc:ric~: Contractor, the e],ectp"~caZ r;ortion of this permit sroCH r:Ot be v::.Zii tH::il. the LabeZ has been signed by tne Elec~ical' ~ontr:;.ctor. I I I. I I I I I I I I I I, I I I Mechanical Permit Pt..al1 Excm1-ncr vat=e I HA VE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for perr::i t, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon in true ar-d ccrrect, ar~ I f~rther certify that any ar~ all work performed s;~ll be do~e in accor- dance :.nth the Ordin::znces of the City of SpringficZd. and tit.:: Lcr..:s of the State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work cescribed hcrcin~ end :r~t NO OCC~- PANCY will ba r:ndc of any structure without parmis3ior. of the 3uiZdir:.g [f~- vision. I further certify th::zt only contractors and c~pl~yecs ~r.o are in compliance with ORS 701. ('S5 l...d7-? rr ~rp,-:1 O:"l this Pl'ojcct \\ ~e~" f). - ~ -J'"y Sign:!a Dote (" \ MAILING P.O. Box 7547 EUGENE. OR 97401 . ~ -,....t.. ~ PHONE(SO~~~~e-7176 f--.J Gary Burnett Earthmoving Inc. EXCAVATING. LOADING. HAULING SHOP 12-0 WEST 0 STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 , " I I