HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-5-16 rrT:~'\~~:L1ill v TWf~ U~ ." Job Address ;2 /..5- .2 l.e?al,Oe"ription /7 03 L11 Y ,"' SI'H JrIGr I [lU COIIBJrIMIOIl APPI.ICATIOIl/PERMIT ., I E!IERtiY SOURCES: Ileat Uater Ileater RanrJc__ llfOlUtAl:.:1 ll.... 716-375; $0. HQ. "~lain ~q. !"ll). Access. So. Ft9, Other Ile\~ Add JI.lter :~eD. --rente Oemo Change/Use Other- - Describe Harkt i.e.. ilui Id Single ~ttached r.aranel !:r';.;,,",~::.:7," 1:sc I 1 -, 1 I 1 I I I = -D.0l; ~\, \ ~l 'IL =lcQ,OO I ,)\ . I I I I TOTAl CIIARGFS' TOTAl CIIARGES I TOTAL CIIARGES nil J 11 Ie;') ,00 /' WIIEnE STATE L.'I.J REQUIHES that tile Electrical \'tork be done by an Electric....l Contractor. the electrical r'lortion of this pemit shall not be valH untq the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervlsor and returned to the Building Oivision I HAVE CAfl[fULLY [XMIlfI[() Vu? complelt'd apr1ication (or lJcrmit. tlnd do hereb.v certify that all infoJ"/!lation hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and thp. Laws of the Stclte of Orenon oertainin9 to the work described hel"ein, and that 110 OCCl!PMICY ,...ill be made of any structure without the nermissioll of thp' llllildin!l Division. I further certify that 1ll,Y re!1istration ~Iith the Guilder's OOclrd is in full force dnd e((ect as required by or:$ JOt.O!i5. tiltH if cxemot the basis for exernntion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and er.lplo,Yees I...ho are in conl:>liance with ons 7111.055 \.,"j d on this nroject. , .f) ~_d -----om ~if '7' / / " - Mill'''' sJ :J I. I-/J o:z. 7PO Owner ~C\. '\\t'\ \{\()\ll\j-; .~ l:5\Ol\V\CW "ddres'C!;J/ <;=; ~ fY"l) (Jf\ ) Phone constru~~~~' ^ J fJfJ q 14 0 i) Valur \,\\Q rX\ Nr\ t~ I J) (ex:O,) ,\Jdress UDILrl Ill\/l Phone (address) \lIallleJ (I ics. no.) Primary Structural Electrical !Iechanical CornJ'Y}erc/f1L.. COr/TRACTORS (nilme) . Genera 1 A/IC -?6fj"D (clddress) )VrJ'1' .s 1t ( 1 ics. Pll,mbino Electrical t1er.h"nic,,1 ,/1 M c. A b,nVf"':l~ , d.J PlUf1BIrIG ELECTRICAl ~1[(I1A1l1 CAl 1';U.1 -----lEach single fixture -----/Relocated building (new fix. additional) IS.F. P.esidence (I holth I -----louPlex (1 bath) each /Additional bath IHater service I Sewer I Storm SCI'ler -----I -----I -----I I I I I CIIARr.r I rrr JILl Residence of '" LClUlRliL flfI, I ,- I I I I I I /- I I furnace/burner to /.lP,d17V OW's SQ. FT. New circuits alts. or extensions I Floor furnace and vent ,____ I ~eccssed wall I-----r-n~rp h~~tpr ~"rl VP"t I Apol iance vent o;eoat',Hp I Slat ionary evap. cooler I'Vent fan with sinnl~ dun I Vent system apart from I heatinn or A.C. ~Iechanical exhaust _l!noc1 ,"Ind rlll("t ISERVICES -----I I Telllporary Construction IChanl'Je in existing rf'sidf'.Oi~ Imultifamily, COOI!l. or lorlu<:.tri;1I 10f alllPs.1 cor~I./I1l0. FEEDERS I os tall/al te-r/re locate _ r1i<:.trih.-.L~C.Qpr<; IOf I I 1 lIood stove/heater I I I amps.l I I I ISSUAtrCF nr PFmllT /lNIE(ple..e nrint),1?, "'I A r Ie --z;:. / J1-tLiA./ 1 ~ , vl FO~ x x Value Value Value SIr.Il^TURF. orFIC, USE Sn, So, S~. lone Fire lone Flood Plain Tyoe/Const. Gedrooms Stories Uni ts Ocey Load Occ.v Group Ftg. nther x TOTAL VAltJATIOII OUllDlflG PERI,lIT Ch"r']es an~ Surcharges Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65!/OldQ Per Fpp Pldn Ck. r~es 30t/Oldn Ppr Fe(> Fence Systcr.ls Development CharQe (I. 5") ------------ PlU'1BHlG PERMI T Charges and SurCharges ------------ Demo ,ElCCTRICf.l rERI:1T Charqes and Surcharges IIEClIA" I CAl PEP.lH T Charges and Surcharl'\es Sidewalk ------------ ..1 AIC Pavinq .._tZ:::Lnr ) -' Curb Cut ,1\5 I ITotal (amb. rp.rmit I rOTAl ::.-_~ :~i ~ pi I I i I I (ohone no. ) I i ; , I ! I , I li.L .CJIARGE . \~,1S ... COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) . I. App 1 icant to furn i sh .A. Job Address B. legal DescriPtion 1. example~ Tax Lot IO~, lane County Map Reference 1/ uj 43 Z. eXolmple- lot 1. 1l1ock 3, 2nd Addition to \ ~pringfieJd (stales "C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender i D. Energy Sources \ 1. example- heal/electrical Ct'ilinq/or forced air Qas 2. examoJe- walerhealer/electl"ica llor solar E. Square rootage or valuation. elc. - 1. examolca ]250 sq. foot house. 500 SQ. foot garage 2. example- ITnew project. checknew _ if addition, cheCK add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct sin!)le family house with an a ttached gar~ge 2. examole - remodel existing garage into family room J. exanlllle - Convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of \'iork as defined in Section 3D3 (a) of the Structural SpeCialty Code II. OESIGN TEN! AND CONTRACTORS To avoid desiC)n or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regard i ng des i9n in forma t1 on or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Nechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except './here blank spaces Occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need (ill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropria te j tem( s) to be ins ta 11 cd 8. Full Plumbing, f>lechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated Z. If the item(s) to be installed are not Covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUllOING OIVISION STAFF Will Fill OUT All FEES AIID CHARGES ON TIlE SCHEUUlES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor' for signature by his electrlcal Superv1sor. The general contractor 1s not authorized to sign the electrical label. - III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Bui Iding Division Staff wi 11 prepare a type Wrl tten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check iees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans \.dll be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees anu charges are due and payab 1 e when the permi tis issued. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPArICY: . I ~ -~1 " . PERMIT VALIDATION ~. ~~~ i(;:\\t <b u/1 \5 I '~, .~ ,~ ; ./ Permit'Clerk I ~ Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Add i ti ona 1 Project I n format i on: ]. PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signa ture_ , I .. date ,1