HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-9-11 ~ftl ".,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,',,, ~I&(,~,""", CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED TEST DATE 09,11,09 1 0,02,09 10,02,09 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 Reviewed By: jJ;.-;(.~ -- Michael l. ~eyer Technical Manager ~ Compressive Strength of Concrete fASTM C 39\ PROJECT ~'Y) BP NO. Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion \ \ . SpringfieW, O.regon 11C>..'--ICt-( V\ ~ ncl<t- [( \, 2008-00225 EWEB 500E. 41h Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97440 DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. CAST BY DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE D, Delatte 09-04-09 4000 psi 4000 psi 2440KIUOKS AEA; Super 1 TICKET NO, 3443062 72. F YARDAGE 9,0 OF 55' F WEATHER Overcast The south section on west wall of filter basin, SACKS CEMENT 18.0 Bottom half of wall. AREA (IN.') 12,56 WEIGHT (LBS) 8,30 COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 4840 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 9:10AM TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 60840 ..1- End Cones 2. Cone/Splil 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (lop or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed top or boltom) c: EWEB, Mike Stickling (email) EWEB, Wally McCullough (email) OBEC, Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,, Kevin Fitzjarrell (em ail) Wildish Building Co,, Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc 09,11-09 2087168 6641 09,05,09 4" x8" Knife River 3/4" 5.1% 6" 7:30 AM ASTM C 31 TYPE OF FRACTURE'. 5 This report andlor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330. phone (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road' Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541) 68<hl849 . fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3. Bend, Oregon 97701. phone (541) 382-4644 'fax(541)382-4846 ,?Q. ~fEI Compressive Strength of Concrete IASTM C 39\ 1'"lllflll""'lml""iW!I _ Geotechnical & Conslru(;;!pl ~ CLIENT EWEB 500E. 4"' Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97440 PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion i') nc:.. r1 \ \ ~pringfil\ld. Oregon :nv I nO-\jCH'V\ bY1ClCr Q.tl. BP NO. 2008,00225 DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 09-10-09 2087168 6590 DATE CAST 08,13,09 CAST BY D. Delatte DATE RECEIVED 08,14,09 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8- STRENGTH PLACED 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER Knife River PRODUCT CODE 2440KIVOKS CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, 3/4" ADDITIVES Super; Eclipse: Air AIR CONTENT 4,2% LOAD NO. 1 TICKET NO. 3442258 SLUMP 61/4" CONCRETE TEMP 76. F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 10.0 TIME 8:40 AM AIR TEMP 64" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C 31 POUR LOCATION Slab on grade for FTW pump base, TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN'l (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSIl 08,20-09 7 12.56 8.52 62405 4970 09-10-09 28 12.56 8,57 83110 6620 09,10,09 28 12,56 8.48 82980 6610 Hold AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) 6615 TIM E OF TEST 12:05 PM 9:30 AM 9:35 AM TYPE OF FRACTURE- 2 5 4 .. ,_ End Cones 2. Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (lOp or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed top or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on,site test results. Reviewed By: fJ1.7(.~__ Michael L. Meyl Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC, Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co.' Kevin Filzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,, Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the clienllo 'Whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, infonnation contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 750 f>.roN CamelI Avenue' Corvallis, v'c~v,. 9733O. phone (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road. Eugene. Oregon 97402, phone (541) 684-3849 . fax (541)684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive. Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone(541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 ~fEI kfZ- ~1~jllrlrl:'IKlll~'~I'J\.I'II" l'k-..I.,...~.:....J& ('~~ Compressive Strength of Concrete lASTM C 39) EWEB 500E. 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED JC\'fl Hayden Bridge Water DATE Filtration Plant Expansion PROJECT NO. I \ Sp'ring!ie!d, Oregon n -.I REPORT NO. Ho.\ 1M f) b n ct tj \<--C', 2008,00225 09,09,09 2087168 6587 PROJECT BPNO. 08,12,09 CAST BY A. Fenstennacher DATE RECEIVED 08,13-09 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER Knife River 40,SE7 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG. 314" Super; Eclipse: AEA AIR CONTENT 3.3% 1 TICKET NO. 3442226 SLUMP 7" 790F YARDAGE 10.0 OF 30,0+ TIME 11:00AM 77. F WEATHER Partly sunny SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C 31 Flume: north section 0,40' elevated slab, 40',80' elevated slab and walls; south section 80"120' elevated slab and wall; center section of west wall (approximately 22' long) for fiiter basin (ftg. to bottom of roof) l"lift in filter wall. AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYSI (IN.') (LBS\ LOAD (LBS\ STRENGTH (PSIl (PSI) TEST FRACTURE.. 08-19-09 7 12.56 8.53 55985 I 4460 12:25 PM 5 09-09,09 28 12,56 8.61 74145 I 5900 1:15 PM 5 09-09,09 28 12.56 8.56 78455 I 6250 6075 1:20 PM 2 Hold I - 1. End Cones 2.ConelSplil 3 - Cotul1Ylar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed lop or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on,site test results, Reviewed By: (ja~~'~ Technical Manager c: EWEB, Mike Stickling (email) EWEB, Wally McCullough (emall) OBEC, Pete Slocum (email) Wild ish Building Co.' Kevin Fltzjarrell (email) Wild ish Building Co,, Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc ;f ,.. ~ /6' '< ~' This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, lnc.'s written authorization. 750 t#J ComeIIAvenue' Corvailis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541)~9' fax (541)684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive. Su~e 3 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl ~~ 1II1:.'nm,....h...,1l~.tlll\_ ~_~_.:.......J&~~ Compressive Strength of Concrete lASTM C 39\ EWEB 500E, 4th Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97440 CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION TEST DATE 09,04,09 09,25,09 09,25,09 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 Reviewed By: M~~I~ ~i!:r- Technical Manager PROJECT DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. ~'3r') BPNO. Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion \-\Q~(\eg;e'd~~(I~Q M. 2008,002250 08,28,09 4000 psi CAST BY DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE EWEB SACKS CEMENT TICKET NO. YARDAGE WEATHER Section of wall in existing flume, OF AREA (IN.') 12,56 TOTAl. LOAD (LBS) 48430 COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 3860 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 10:20 AM WEIGHT (LBSI 8.47 .. ,_ End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3. tolumnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed lop or bottom) c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB, Wally McCullough (email) OBEC, Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co.' Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co.- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc 09,04,09 2087168 6621 08,29,09 4" x8" Knife River 314- ASTM C 31 TYPE OF FRACTURE'. 5 This report andlor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such. infonnation contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or fuU andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 7fIJ t-NV Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4098 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road 'Eugene, Oregon 97402' phone (541)68<h1849 . fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 . Bend. Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl 11.,""":.,,,m,,"..n'l. C.AOtf'd1nrnl & C.l1I1!';tn r.tm SP.rvir:P.!; CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED TEST DATE 09,02,09 09,23,09 09,23,09 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 ~l Compressive Strength of Concrete lASTM C 39\ PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water DATE Filtration Plant Expansion PROJECT NO. \\o-~&~' b~ ~~EPORT NO, 2008,00225 EWEB 500E. 4~ Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97440 '6C\'::f) BPNO. 08,26-09 CAST BY A, Fenstermacher 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 40,SE7 CEMENT Super; Eclipse; AEA 1 TICKET NO. 3442746 840 F YARDAGE 6,5 OF 16.0 750 F WEATHER Clear Filter building center wall, west half. DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 1st lift, AREA /IN.') 12,56 WEIGHT (LBS) 8.55 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 4240 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSll TIME OF TEST 11:55AM TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 53215 REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on,site test results, .. 1- End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top or bottom) 6 - Side (pointed top or bottom) Reviewed By: A . '/.Ik.._____ Michael L. '~e"r Technical Manager c: EWEB, Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (emai/) OBEC, Pete Stocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wi/dish Building Co.' Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc 09,02,09 2087168 6616 08-27,09 4"x8" Knife River 3/4" 3,5% 61/2" 1:00 PM ASTM C 31 TYPE OF FRACTURE" 5 This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inco's written authorization. 7fIJ t-NV Cornell Avenue' Co<vallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698 'fax(541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene. Oregon 97402, phone (541)6&h3849 . fax(541)~51 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 3824844 . fax (541) 3824846 ~ ~fEJ Page 1 of 1 1i'.:"'nl\lr.,'.II~I:'Uhl"\.I\'I" ~\ .;caJ & CcnsIru:fun SeIvices Daily Field Report Client: EWEB Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: 09,01-09 500E, 41h Ave. Plant Expansion Project No.: 2087168 Eugene" Oregon Springfield, Oregon Report No.: E-23805 Inspector: A. Fenstermacher l-\C>>/c\fV\ e:,nc\-~- ojlNO.: 5258882-49 ~~~'1 ICC Inspection of: Reinforcing Steel Weather: Overcast Continuous Inspection: 0 Contractor: Wildish Building BP No.: 2008-00225 Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed preliminary inspection on the reinforcing steel for filter building west wall, south section (slab to bottom of roof), Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties, clearance and supports. A final inspection will be performed prior to concrete placement. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: /Jt.c,(~ Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC, Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (em ail) Wildish Building Co.- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield MLM:sc r " SEP 1 0 7nnQ This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to lNilom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, infonnation contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, lnc.'s written authorization. 7m WI CaneI A"IfrW' CavaIIis, 0e[p19T.nl' ph:re (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757,2991 29540 B AipCJt RaJj . Eugene, 0'et;p197402' p'n1e (541) 684-3849' fax (541) 684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suije 3, Bend, Oregon 97701. phone (541)382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~e.. ~ftl Page 1 of 1 ~1:.'''IIIr.';'.n~l~l'II'111llU!l Gcv;.".,,; . .;....; & Calstrudion SeI\oioas Daily Field Report Client: EWEB 500E. 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: Plant Expansion Project No.: Springfield, Oregon Report No.: . (') J Inspector: ~q51 HCA\{CleY) IjYlcl~ K{,\,ID No.: 08-25-09 2087168 E-23733 A. Fenstermacher 5258882,49 ICC Inspection of: Epoxy Dowels Contractor: Wildish Building Weather: Clear BP No.: 2008,00225 Continuous Inspection: 0 Periodic Inspection: 0 Performed continuous inspection during the installation of #5 x 1 '-6" horizontal dowels in filter building as follows: fifteen (15) at south wall tie-in to existing building; fourteen (14) at north wall tie-in to existing building; forty-two (42) at suspended slab tie-in to existing building. Prior to installation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with compressed air and a brush. Verified minimum embedment depth of 6", Dowels were secured with Epcon A7 (ICC, ES ESR 5560/ expiration date 07-13-10). Also, performed preliminary inspection on the reinforcing steel for filter building center wall (slab to bottom of roof), Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties, clearance and supports. A final inspection will be performed prior to concrete placement. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 0212008, engineer's em ail dated 08-19-09 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: ~::I!r- Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (em ail) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OSEC, Pete Slocum (em ail) Wildish Building Co.' Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building CO,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield MLM:sc This report andlor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, infonnation contained herein shalt not be reproduced in part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, loc.'s written authorization. 7ffJ w-I Cane! AVf'fre' Cava'is, Oeg:J197330' ~(541) 757-4698, fax (541)757-2991 29540 B Aipat Rood . Eugere, 0eg:J197402 . ~ (541) 6!l4J849. fax (541) 684J851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Su~e3' Bend, Oregon 97701, phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 SEP 0 3 7nn~