HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 9/10/2009 ,ASSIGNMENT OF TRUST DEED BY BENEFICIARY OR HIS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned who is the beneficiary or his successor in interest under that certain trust deeddated Seotember 24. 199,!bxecutedanddeliveredby MICHAEL E. HARMAN and KARIN M. HARMAN , grantor, to CAS CAD E TIT L E CD. ,trustee, in which C e n ten n i a 1 M 0 r t a a a e Co.. A nOr e a 0 n Cor DO r a.t ion beneficiary, recorded on , in book/reel/volume No. on page fee/fiIe/instrument/microfibn/reception No. of the Mo.rtgage Records of LAN E Oregon, and couveying real property in said county described as follows: is the or as County, ALL 0 F LOT 4 AND THE E A S T 2'1 FEE T 0 F LOT 5. 8 L 0 C K 7 1. P L A'T 0 F WAS H 8 URN E ' S S U 8 0 I V I SID N 0 F THE S P R I N G FIE L 0 I N V EST MEN T & POW E R CO M PAN Y 'S ADD [ T ION TO S P R I N G FIE L 0, ASP L A T TED AND R E COR 0 E 0 I N 8 0 0 K 2, P AGE 73. LAN E C 0 U N T Y 0 REG 0 N P L A T R E COR 0 S, I N LAN E C 0 U N T Y, 0 REG 0 N. PRO PER T Y T A X A C C 0 U N T N U M 8 E R 3 1 7 3 8 6 hereby grants, assigns, transfers and sets over toC E N TEN N I A L 8 A N K. ' ITS S U C C E S S 0 R SAN 0 0 R ASS I G W S , hereinafter called assignee, and assignee's heirs, personal representatives, successors and" assigns, all his beneficial interest in and under smd trust deed, together with the notes, moneys and obligations therein described or referred to, with the interest thereon, and all rights and benefits whatsoever accrued or to accrue uuder said trust deed. The undersigned hereby covenants to and with said assignee that the undersigned is the beneficiary or his successor in interest under said trust deed and is the owner and holder of the beneficial interest therein; that he has good right to sell, transfer and assign the same; and the note or other"obligation secured thereby, and that there is now unpaid on the obligations secured by said trust deed the sum of not less than $ 1 0 9 . 3 5 6 . 0 0 with interest thereoll from 1 0 I 0.1 I 9 8 In construing this instrument and whenever the context hereof so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter and the singull!'" includes the plural. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and seal; if the udersigned is a corporation, it ~a~ caused its corporate name to be signed and its corporate seal to be affIXed hereunto by its officers duly authorized thereunto by order of its Board of Directors. DATED S e p t e m,b e r 24, 1998 r on ton n i~;2;j~~; ~r n~ n r n n r, t , n, REBEqCA BOWMr;' . ..JUJ+HORIZED SiGNER (If executed by a corporation, affix corporate seal) (If the signer of the above Is a corporallon, use the form of acknowledgment opposite.) STATE OF OREGON, ) ) .S. l STATE OF OREGON, County of -..LANF ) ) ss. l O~/?4/qA County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on by ", This instrument wa~ acknowledged before'me o~ by RFRF(X':A R()W~IAN as AIITHORI7Fn BIr,~IFR of r.FNTFNNlAI ~M"RTr.Ar.F (".n Notary Public for Oregon ,,,", ( ----------....;.--.-~1 T--'-'-'-'-"1~~~~u~~~- . ~ l.i NOTARY PU8LIC- OREGQ.t:!. '): · ....' COMMISSIONNO.302~ ' c' :.MY ~01-l~~IQ!'I!X~!:IU~:!; ~OOl ~ J._____h..'.. '~-'-~""..' --'''.:.. (SEAL) My commission expires: Assignment of Trust Deed By Beneficiary C e n ten n-1 a 1 M 0 r t Q a a e Co. 88 E a s t B.r 0 a d w a v E U 0 e n e. 0 R 9 740 I STAlE OF OREGON, County of }ss. , I certify that the within instrument was received for record yo C EN TEN N I A L 8 A N K P . O. 8 0 X 1.8 4 9 E U G ENE.. 0 R 97440 Assignor (DON'T USE THIS SPACE; AESERVED FDA RECORDING LABEL IN COUNTIES WHERE USED.) ~ on the dayor ,19_,at _ o'c1ock_ M., and'reco~ed in bOOk/reel/volume No, on page eras AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO 'Centennial Mortgage Co. 88 East Broadway E u 9 e n e, 0 R 9 7 4 0 1 '. ,,';;' feejfilejinstnimentjmicrofilmjreception No. . d' 'C'". Date Rece'\{,,~oril of Mortgages of said County. . SEP 1 0 2009 Witness my band and seal of County affIXed. Assignee Ori~in.a' Submittal Name - .--=:=- Title BY n,'QPUTY