HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/10/2009 T :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application ApplicatifJn o:r:yp~,. '..." '- )'<~ .:"'1:;, .." , ,,,,' -,,;:,,;.. "'mi. ::; -(Apl?licant: c!Jeck~on~) Historical Review Type I - Minor Alterations; Sites or Strudi.ir'es':' -r-"""-~'-'J'~'r I Historical Review Type II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: I Historical Review Type III: , . I Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark'InventorY .7,J I Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures o ~ o o o '. . recj Projec(Infor 1.1 . ,J 11r'(l.h4~L j ;.(4dJ;V IlrJA,w4t'-1 "'- - n' J ., . "'" J Applicant::'.c . ..- Applicant Name: , Icompany: IAddress: 8'11 lS I .....,,- IADDlicant's ReD.: Icompany: IAddress: I :5 '11-721:, '</U;J3 s-;- >f,z,MGpt ~t,jl , 0 JZ 9' 7'17 7 ..=._~...:.-',..,~ _"",""'" "'C,,^~". ';-*",' "'~".". -><1" Phone: Fax: ~ Property Owner: ~- Phone: Company: IAddress: , Fax: ';4 ~_"._ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-dJ~aS" _o/1~oO I TAX LOT NOeS): C-:II 2io--7 BtfJ I/8"Srr-le:t Prope'1Y Address: Si f-~ ;~':.A><t_::_:;.i/;h_,'~' -:'5-<+" ?"=..!i-"'::-:~,. =-....."..".... . Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: !..t7/1;'H' Ii 6t,!c< LCX?lsr r~t>l' ;=7<0''1' ?.<a'eKIf J' ;(C~Ic<"f A. LIM,6(' 7)<-ei' {'~t'/o4",J {)ll'rtf/~ 12 HOrVTrIJ: 0, A~ Ia<>.vf<, lI-\"v.L.. '. . a. . . . Associated ADDlications: Case No.: j)e.c..7...(l)Cf - Elb3::r IAPPlication Fee: $ 11 (n Q9 ITOTAL FEES: I Date: 9//0 foCJ I Technical ~~e: $ Reviewed by: ~ 80 I \l"Qou ;3 :.-- Postaqe Fee: $"" Date Received: t) PROJECT NUMBER: ; Revised L16,09ddk k:t" ~tt' 1 U lUUlI 1 of 7 ""_I_I__i ~. ............._1 , Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~~ 6/c.. Signature ...... hv\(}Uij'~ Date: [;~r'I1.r 200 7 MJ...~~.......1 (-I "W"'M1'" ;(,1fZr;,J h /~,4,w Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act i~ his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature '.\ Print . -. .~.... ;..:~$::, <:-)~~"-:-",i2.~ l '.,)"~ ... :. ~.\;: - '-;:.~~~. '~~:1:~':;::\, ,,' . . Date Received: SEP t 0 2009 Original SUbmittaL , - '. Revised 1.16.09ddk 2 of 7 . 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00037 DRC2009-00037 DRC2009-00037 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl ~~.I!I~~"..~" '..'" .... ""t. , _........~ I ..__.~.."_. '"'..";".~:. .'_: , . of Springfield Official Receipt ~~velopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 09/10/2009 1:38:24PM RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000643 Description CTY Historic Review Type II + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $160 Paid By KARIN M HARMAN Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 176,00 8,80 160.00 $344,80 Amount Paid tj $344.80 $344,80 5035 1 n Person Payment Total: I Date Received: SEP I 0 2009 Original Submittal Pal(e 1 of I 9/1 0/2009 o I BST f- en ~ co r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00037 841 "B" Street '[ r -="' I ._--,-.-... /- -, 1 f- en ~ BST 0> ~ BST I L _ SITE Map 17-03-35-42 Tax Lot 1100 North . 1 + I i T 0 Date Received: SEP 1 0 2009 Original Submittal Thursday, September 10, 2009 Applicants: Michael & Karin Harman Historical Review Application 841 B Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Assessor's Map No: 17-o3~35-42-o1100 Tax No: 317386 This proposal calls for the removal of one very large Black locust tree from our back yard ("r on our attached site plan), The tree has developed in an unstable manner due to poor early care, primarily due to 'topping' which likely done because of adjacent power lines running through the yard and through the alleyway, The tree is also showing signs of inner decay in its trunk. Should one of the weaker developed separated upper trunks of the tree shear off, the damage to nearby property would be immense, Our intent would be to replant a tree within the next 9 months, giving us time to do yard repair and grinding of the massive stump and surface root system left behind, The back yard is not large-we have an area of approximately 50' x 54" in total, Slightly over one third of that area is covered with gravel and paved walkways, blacktop, a cement pad from an old garage and a storage shed. Other obstacles in choosing a replacement tree will be the three overhead lines coming into the house; tWo at about 11 feet, one at about 20 feet, and our underground waste line running down the center of the yard between the house and the alley way (the present tree has already destroyed one such line with its root system). In addition SUB's main power lines run along our alley way on the south border of our property, , A replanted tree would likely need to be on the same North-South 'line' as the present tree within the back yard and would probably be best planted between'5~7 feet to the North (closer to the house) than the present one. Something such as a Paperbark.Maple (our first choice from SUB's recommended list of trees to plant where power lines are present) is our most likely choice for a replant, Date Received: SEP 1 0 2009 Original Submittal -"00.1- ASSIGNMENT OF TRUST DEED BY BENEFICIARY OR HIS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST FOR VALUE RECEIVED"the undersigned who is the beneficiary or his successor in interest under that certain trust deed dated SeD te m b e r 2 4. 1 9 9,!l:xecuted and delivered by M I C H A E L E, H ARM A Nan d K A R I N M. H ARM A N , grantor, to CAS CAD E TIT LEe D , ,trustee, in which C e n ten n i al Mar t a a a e Co,. A n 0 'r e a 0 n Cor D 0 rat ion beneficiary, recorded on , in book/reel/volume No, on page fee/fIle/instrument/microfilm/reception No, of the Mortgage Records. of LAN E Oregon, and conveying real property in said county described as follows: ,is the or as Couoty, ALL D F L D T 4 AND THE E A S T 2 1 FEE T D F L D T 5, 8 L 0 C K 7,1, P L A'T 0 F WAS H 8 URN E ' S I S U 8 D I V I SID N 0 F THE S P R I N G FIE L DIN V EST MEN T & P D W ERe D M PAN Y 'S ADD I T I D N T D I SPRINGFIELD, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN 8DOK 2, PAGE 73, LANE COUNTY OREGDN I, P L A T R E COR D S, I N LAN E C DUN T Y, 0 REG 0 N, PRO PER T Y T A X A C C 0 U N T N U M 8 E R 3 1 7 386 hereby grants, assigns, transfers and sets over tn C E N TEN N I A L 8 A N K, ITS S U C C E S S D R SAN D 0 R ASS I G N S , hereinaft~r called assignee, and assignee's heirs, personal representatives, successors and' assigns, all his beneficial interest in and under siUd trust deed, together, with the notes, moneys and obligations therein described or referred to, with the interest thereon, and all rights and benefits whatsoever accrued or to accrue under said trust deed, . The undersigned hereby covenants to and with said assignee that the undersigned is the beneficiary or his successor in interest under said trust deed and is the owner and holder of the beneficial interest therein; that he has good right to sell, transfer and assign the same, and the note or other'obligation secured thereby, and that there is now unpaid on the obligations, secured by said trust deed the sum of not less than $ 1 0 9 . 3 5 6 , D D with interest theieon from 1 0 / 0.1 / 9 8 In construing this instrument and whenever the context hereof so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and,the neuter and the singular includes the plural, IN WITNESS'WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and seal; if the udersigned is a corporation, it has caused its corporate 'name to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed hereunto by its officers duly authorized thereunto by order of its Board of Directors, DATED S ,e p t em b e r 2 4, I 9 9 8 (If executed by a corporation, affIK corporal_a seal) (lithe slgnoref the aboVe Is a corporallon, use the form of acknowjedgmenlopposlte.) REBE CA BOWM N ~RJZED SiGNER STATE OF OREGON, , County of ) ) ss, ) STATE OF OREGON, County of --LANF ) ) ss, ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on This instrument was acknowledged before me on 0 ~ I ? 4 I q R by RFRFf:f:A ROWMAf\I as AI JTHORI7Fn ~1r:;lIlER Dr r:FNTFNNIAI MORTC-lAC-lF f:n by Notary Public for Oregon ( - -~----~.~-~-/; Ii - -., . , nFFIr:IAL SEAL j ~ JJOYBURGE' , j Iii i NOTARY PUBLIC- OREGPJi ') . "../ COMMISBION NO, 302JII5t'AL !, ~Y COMMISSION eXPIRES ~L Y ~ ~D1 :-----_.-..-.->-=~ -=-- .," -->.~. (SEAL) My commission expires: .~ Assignment of Trust Deed By Beneficiary C e n ten n.j a 1 Mar t a a a e Co. Ba East B.roadwav E u 0 e n e, 0 R 9 7 4 0 1 STATE OF OREGON, County of }ss. ) I certify that the within instrument was received for record TO C E N TEN N I A L BAN K P . D. 80 X 1,8 4 9 E U G ENE" DR 97440 Assignor (DON'T USE THIS SPACE: RESERVED FOR RECORDING LABEL IN COUNTIES WHERE USED..) . on the day of ,19_.at _ o'clock _ M., and recor~ed in book/reeI/volume No. on page aras AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO . C e n ten n i a 1 M 0 r t gag e Co. 88 East Broadway E u 9 e n e, 0 R 9 7 4 0 1 ,':,;, fee/file/instniment/microfilm/reception No. , d' Date Recel'k~ora of Mortgages of said Couoty, . SEP 1 0 200gWitoess myhand'and seal of County affIxed, Assignee Ofi~iral Submittal Name Tille BY nJ:lpUI'Y I I I' ~1 ~I -; ~l "I ~ ' .,.~ ~ 1 "t ~ r i*f"'If~eNr I ~ ~ 1 1./ I ~ ~ ~\ A. , r- ~l -f 'C "t, 1:1., (.It ~ .111 ~ ~. ~i ~~ ~ \j, ~~ ~ II\! , 'of ~!1 .~ (L1, ~I '~ O lL r O/rl :3 2""" Pe-1Iu:'" ~Art' '. bt.c~lVf " ~ Z);C;'v,. r T-7';(~e ~"f . gvt;~r 1 1 1 X -;., . j n ~"'" /(,_L M;",;,r ~ ~::I'" " #Ih'# /7-~8'85"-~-<.(J/160 :Z:>~/oI",.w" 1- TINrAcr# .'0.5/ 7dt"'- 1.fi~:Se"f ~/ ~ ~ /I"dRo51'f(' -~ /tRN()//I''-I,R If/I_ I- , /ILL. ~T u.//!7 ~ ~"'~ be) PI -y S,er-> I I I I I . ~ ~. ~c ~ J I I I ..'~,. vrP4D ; I J 1. 9.> 'I I f{ ., .fA) l N _L_ " I , ;, , ~ .. ~ J I L I I l , \,,1 / t J. I l- I T ". I q'\ / ~, 1/ ~f , ,~ I I /---,1- I l ,'{ ~I (i ~ .to 'I ' I .~ ~ ". lj: tJ ;~ ~ l {'I iJ 'l/ ~ ~ ,f I I . I ~ r' ~ " 1"'<'''(';1' \ t :i. ~ ~ - ~ IJ, , ~ ~ ~ x ~ ate Received J SEP 1 0 2009 01 ginal Submittal EXHIBIT "A" ,to " 1 ~ j II . - . ',I ' . hi,!.' . , All of Lot 4 and the East 21 feet of Lot 5, Block 71, PLAT OF WASHBURNE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE SPRINGFIELD INVESTMENT & POWER COMPANY'S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 2, Page 73, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Commonly Known.As: 841 B Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: SEP 1 : 2D09 Original Submittal .' JONES Terry (Tara) From: Sent: To: Subject: FERSCHWEILER Greg Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:02 AM JONES Terry (Tara); MARKARIAN Molly RE: Washburne Locust Tree Date Received: Took a look at the tree on September 2, 2009 Here is a description of the species from Oregon State SEP 1 C 2009 Robinia pseudoacacia Fabaceae Original Subm:tt2L_, Black Locust ro-BIN-e-a soo-do-a-KA-se-a . Deciduous tree, 30-50(80) ft [9-15(24) m], upright habit, bark reddish brown to almost black, deeply furrowed, Stems zig-zag, often spiny, with paired stipular prickles at nodes, these are more prominent on vigorous shoots and suckers, Terminal buds absent. Leaves alternate, compound (odd-pinnate), 15- 35 em long, with 7-19 opposite leaflets, each 2,5-5 em long, elliptic or ovate, bluish green. Flowers white, 2,5 em pea-type, in 10-20 em long racemes, fragrant. Fruit pod-like, flat, brown-black 5-10 em long, mature in Oct. . Sun, will grow in about any soil except permanently wet. Dirr (p, 754) calls it an "alley cat" type tree which can survive under the toughest conditions. Bees produce a delicious honey from the flowers. Twigs and bark are poisonous to domestic livestock, . Hardy to USDA Zone 3 Native from Pennsylvallia to Georgia, west to Iowa, Missouri, and .Oklahoma, So I met with Karin today at 9:00 to look a the tree. As suspected it is a mature Black Locust. The tree appears healthy for its maturity. Karin reports that she picks up branches regularly which is a tendency of Locust as they are fast growing and have brittle branches. There are three very large leaders off the trunk 15-20 feet above the ground. These leaders are not attached to the trunk at optimal crotch angles and there is included bark between the leaders. It is normal for this species to have weak crotch attachments. It is also normal for this species to have branch failures. There is evidence of decay at the union of the leaders. The leaders are supporting .lot of weight due tei the size of the tree, A conk is evident on the northwest side of the trunk. The extent of decay associated with the conk I could not determine! without boring the tree. The most northwest leader is of concern because if it fails it will damage the neighbor's garage and house. The conk is located directly below this leader which infers that this is a likely failure area. This leader is also attached to the trunk at an awkward angle. A significant snow load could cause this leader to fail. It would be hard for me to argue that the resident could not remove this tree, There is an obvious safety concern. Whether it is a immediate public safety I would rather say eventually. The maturity of the tree and the evidence of trunk decay suggests that it Vl/i11 begin a gradual decline in the near future, In order to make it safe it would require removal of a main leader which supports 1/3 of the trees canopy, That is in itself radical trimming, Removal of that large a leader would compromise the other leaders which already have questionable attachment. Removal of 1/3 of the canopy also compromises the trees ability to photosynthize and is at the limit of canopy removal for normal trees, however black locust have a tendency to tolerate extreme trimming and continue to live. There is an option to cable the tree where the leaders are tied together with wire rope. This is an expensive alternative and is usually used in conjunction with trimming. Regular inspections of the cabling is required. It is usually used on trees where a person wants to save the tree. 1 " .' From: JONES Terry (Tara) Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 10: 12 AM To: FERSCHWEILER Greg , Cc: JONES Terry (Tara); MARKARIAN Molly Subject: Washburne Locust Tree Greg, fairly soon after you get back from vacation, could we go out and look at the Locust and decide how to handle the situation? The,owners are Karin and Michael Harman at 841 B Street. Please call Karin to set a time you can go out there and she will leave the backyard gate unlocked, Their number is 726-4023, She is pretty adamant that they want to get rid of the tree, The Historic Overlay district requires a Type II (public notice) land use application with Historic Commission approval of: Removol or rodicol trimming of lorge established trees or vegetation; except where necessary for immediate public safety as determined by the City Engineer, I told her that if you couldn't determine the "immediate public safety" question, that she should hire an ISA Certified Arborist to look at the tree. If the arborist is not conclusive about the immediate public safety issue, then it will have to be a Type II Historic application. Thanks for all your help on this. r a4ifJI, X1003 Date Received: SEP I 0 2009 ' Original Submittal 2 /I'-i. >:.'r '/ ,._'__ I j / ' I Jq/Ci,,~" 1/1" ":'S CIJif ()fiICe/;EI'/ ~I,f~':,/)~~;i':r:../,~, 'l;71irl:cc'!I/: /J:" ':LJ~~C~.~.(:C/:~,d,I/liJ{:i;. ':.:.:' iC't...: '~:rfP>,. )J'/(>:."" hee" ~ :l. /L'~:::: 117 df"::~~i..: Y/~J I ',. ,. /,,1\, r". )"" ,,,-.,' : .',.; _: " fi-L' . . - ' ''''',' " ," .',h.e^-' IlCt) , II t:-- ',,' ,~,_;'._ ,jl(X:))' .1/(111('1: ,Ctd-,()(tfl{'t:(.'~" --.- .:' '. . - :?/;//,"".(y . <;:. ,.j~."'j :7' ,". --, . ,..,~'/-: "'-' , . '," ':;.' '. [.I>i.:j~ f.., /...,." ,J iJf..,k (A~:c"~'r /(1 leLf..: i~C "j.IUJi~' . ',"<, ,1'_ ,',' ~~:)"/~ :',' Cj(~/t...., " . ',..,' , . e>7jC):,-/t :~:-(;/. J?:ii:t,ir', ~/; I': i"'._ "'....: . ,,; ", '. .' , . II L,n (\... "if ,-':- VC::-" ;.,--.., . {t/J\~' ,rAD l;),f" .J';:Yf~'<J~" "I '- (l~;)' " ,'~~ , :-f.. E'l\i{/'("i~CetC 6';;1\/(.'. '/)';Cl~l(\;e/>~:. /1" , 'J ."i.... 'j II ow' 1 1"-'c:("c,O:,j";'~/-'-:-'I/' ;~_i, '..L/c'-J.... . ""f/': [.r-~ /F",:;:':;<'('-- et{(' /':-::.: ~)/~J~/('(,- j.'~'-i "...' ,,\ ~7< ."1 /\':> .1 / /.. i \..-....IIC-{..~(< ( J.,JC:: ..,~ ."" lilt; rr~e conckl-/~n' r.e~ort: ~o ia tIO/,; >~;"/I1' If;'!, /11:'111' AUNt: , rLffl5. 'J'~ >:']ji'-!l(':r~'I'~ L J Tree Cere LLC 80 Fedeial Lene Eugene, OR 87404 ", ,.' '.c; ?if 77 '$"pec.ies -f- Trc:eNu.mber; '01"'11,;", C. 1-1.1 fe. . , . I eqJ'e Dia; fil' I ' ""," " , 'T , f/~iiJht >I- Affe B /nc'JuLx;,j(- (j'icA ~C! ill " ' " ,; .f' I (Ye") (i,VOICe"' I ;. . .., .', //' 1/;, " if,' "1,1 ~': ;J /C/~,i '~t.:\/, e.~'deiif ' !J/f'"I-ci',/ ().,~- ;Jrj or . '.'r. _ ':. , " /f'-' "?'..) " ("'G' , , V' t'p;re/. ; {i:dj-' :ji'c.l; ,. .'," c~',~e;~,~~,/:,'; {'J' :::::(/,rJ~ , ' Nc~ ".J,!.- -. / I,' Vi,; /~ ". ,'l (.1;'" I' )r'/V' ( : ""1'--- ,- /...... ~ ..-.: ']'-1 , .'~ '" ,...., 'I ..', ' fl '- . . , ",.--. 'J . ''''~'~ . /.-.., ... -f.-./,..-, i.'y'}'}": - ; 1'. ~ _ _. . " ~_, '/ C / \; L\"'il ~ Dnte RecEiived: SEP 1 0 m09 Origins! submitta AJd.iflonCl! CeJ/1unentJ': ! . - -.!- ,. .. . -... I .', -. /-- .I () ( id' 7"c:cr Ii /1 C", " .', .' ',' .... CO'1 & ii/on Rernarl{s ,'-V i?ecommeh Jet i'~(1S' ?- (/ie. 1 IhC/'/r/ (-('Ii[id~?rf-;{. ..;;!UF/'l ... - .'- / '-' /y.j'" ,! X " ..'(f , I, l.'L../td t ; ;',;,'/ ~'I/I(...I( J-} - j' j/-- . (~flr 'J ' . f:,Jt ,J , '- /1'1 d I (~-j r~.r ~-.;.C' {,/ 1\ -, fL-", ~'I/ . ~ --./. '- ~ ,;/' ",.... t'l .//-"'ll, \ ,'1)[1/,' - l.<.... l~. ,/Zf t-Ci: ;1/I)Jl /1[":..-':/" ,:Ni;~ ,j"t'~j.i'.F~' {.i';'(' ,/1-.>-"-[(' fC;i/'cJ'..' _1;,'; ~ ,. I ' J C-ili<-~?~ ~ l~e/.;-;t;D(rJ /J'" f)':; to.. 67vel' t/;~~. el..Ch(~'~/il /h..,.t'/'iJ;l. f~j (" JU''':-I'E: ,,/e",,')'" I'{'re.,'," " I" /",:-" ,;'C/i -/':I)Cii '-' , - ;i;'e_ /.]{~~'-t ./' {,;Iftl f(i(./ /1/ d':Ic~Hl /'/\,01 1(", J':~/"iit..". (A. '(.'13!; 1-- {,:',;j! ~-'/'t:.,; :.,.: L::'; /J t:<.::; I /'Ic,ll.t' (,lle;( ;-:J/~//i /fl) , .J., l '-. j,j/,v",1.-' I-I', / 'i It c, _ ;Y L.'( t\ . /j '-t f ,A.... t)L.. [.( (;/1 e. j:",~ ,;>(..:,', IX V .' ~ . ~ , c. ~ t /~t.:' ,~i/,~,l/ :t);-I'~.1e 'I.;i''''/''l/~-' !/'C:6,j-~ /. {'Ci.-"iJerj-"" '/-t-.::J '/;:1eI/J., II-.Yf~_ 7/'C'E~ I -'------... / t.-i....~.)" It c.()i. ,>11cJCi'IIIC / ;T;' ' ',' i'" _ ~' 'I....... '..}. ~ . ,/". ,....... /" . ,:.l..:i.NV L.' iLJ .j'f-(::'{_/._I ~,I/~_ /. .. I . "~ . " _'. -..J.-._ J.'- .--' ~..... 1 " '-- _ '.,-' ..J (. /)VI f ._L../LI.J //, .'-: 11/1..':'." .'''' (,I ....' '-'/) t~,11 , L-i't~-J/ j);'t'uJ...ur/~ " ,- , ;/; N6 , ,', / ;}C-:<,/ /'V i /~/'~:.'iln(1 /1(:'(."; Ja,-il); .f-,7{~';i ;'/('ljJ" ~ 7 (iII C{ /)~';,~:;? j' ~!;f t. ':) ,: i .f',lcc(' ~;A /- c. ~-:-L.,. ".'/" '- , //CJ L'- ...t, C I .f (.;,,/.) r',,,;;, (jfo.,;Ai~.r' . , J 'I/;e. y ~,U ~~ /1 f. -:\~ _1 J { . ,"'. i T-!lo::-::/(" f'CI r'C < """/// .j ;fin} j'l Y'{/J- ~_, Xl/..-~' (/~ ,r la//c::J)Z Ck//I' C::./~~(.7\/ .., , i '11{' / /1<:'" < ~I'~"J" 1<' ' F ~ .' ,C ( ///" , ,n, (6 t' '/; > ?:i Il', /,;; ,'/ J-/_11=- /-?!:cc<f'j' S ; g f1 cdw re ; Page I of2 .. '. .. From: Sent: To: Subject: FERSCHW~~i:R Greg Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:02 AM JONES Terry (Tara); MARKARIAN Molly RE: Washburne Locust Tree Took a look at the tree on September 2, 2009 Here is a description of the species from Oregon State Robinia pseudoacacia Fabaceae Black Locust ro-BIN-e-a soo-do-a-KA-se-a . Deciduous tree, 30-50(80) ft [9-15(24) m], upright habit, bark reddish brown to almost black, deeply furrowed, Stems zig-zag, often spiny, with paired stipular prickles at nodes, these are more prominent on vigorous shoots and suckers, Terminal buds absent. Leaves alternate, compound (odd-pinnate), 15-35 cm long, with 7-19 opposite leaflets, each 2.5-5 cm long, elliptic or ovate, bluish green, Flowers white, 2,5 cm pea-type, in 10-20 cm long racemes, fragrant. Fruit pod-like, flat, brown-black 5-10 cm long, mature in Oct. . Sun, will grow in about any soil except permanently wet. Dirr (p, 754) calls it an "alley cat" type tree which can survive under the toughest conditions, Bees produce a delicious honey from the flowers. Twigs and bark are poisonous to domestic livestock, . Hardy to USDA Zone 3 Native from Pennsylvania to Georgia, west to Iowa, Missouri, and Oklahoma, So I met with Karin today at 9:00 to look a the tree, As suspected it is a mature Black Locust, The tree appears healthy for its maturity. Karin reports that she picks up branches regularly which is a tendency of Locust as they are fast growing and have brittle branches, There are three very large leaders off the trunk 1S-20 feet above the ground. These leaders are not attached to the trunk at optimal crotch angles and there is included bark between the leaders. It is normal for this species to have weak crotch attachments, It is also normal for this species to have branch failures, There is evidence of decay at the union of the leaders, The leaders are supporting lot of weight due to the size of the tree, A conk is evident on the northwest side of the trunk, The extent of decay associated with the conk I could not determine without boring the tree. The most northwest leader is of concern because if it fails it will damage the neighbor's garage and house. The conk is located directly below this leader which infers that this is a likely failure area, This leader is also attached to the trunk at an awkward angle, A significant snow load could cause this leader to fail. It would be hard for me to argue that the resident could not remove this tree. There is an obvious safety concern. Whether it is a immediate public safety I would rather say eventually, The maturity of the tree and the evidence of trunk decay suggests that it will begin a gradual decline in the near future, In order to make it safe it would require removal of a main leader which supports 1/3 of the trees canopy. That is in itself radical trimming. Removal of that large a leader would compromise the other leaders which already have questionable attachment. Removal of 1/3 of the canopy also compromises the trees ability to photosynthize and is at the limit of canopy removal for normal trees, however black locust have a tendency to tolerate extreme trimming and continue to live, There is an option to cable the tree where the leaders are tied together with wire rope, This is an expensive alternative and is usually used in conjunction with trimming. Regular inspections of the cabling is required. It is usually used on trees where a person wants to save the tree, Date Recei 0 -:' . From: JONES Terry (Tara) Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 10: 12 AM To: FERSCHWEILER Greg Cc: JONES Terry (Tara); MARKARIAN Molly Subject: Washburne Locust Tree SEP 1 0 :: - j Original Submittc-., Greg, fairly soon after you get back from vacation, could we go out and look at the Locust and decide how to handle the situation? The owners are Karin and Michael Harman at 841 B Street, Please call Karin to set a time you can go out there and she will leave the backyard gate unlocked, Their number is 726-4023, She is pretty adamant that they want to get rid of the tree, file://I:\Historic Commission\HC Meetings\2009.9,8\RE Washburne Locust Tree,htm 9/8/2009 , Page 210f2 , .' " The Historic Overlay district requires a Type II (public notice) land use application with Historic Commission approval of: Removal or rodical trimming of large established trees or vegetation, except where necessary far immediate public safety as determined by the City Engineer, I told her that if you couldn't determine the "immediate public safety" question, that she should hire an ISA Certified Arborist to look at the tree, Ifthe arborist is not conclusive about the immediate public safety issue, then it will have to be a Type II Historic application, Thanks for all your help on this. T_ XlO03 file://I:\Historic Commission\HC Meetings\2009.9,8\RE Washburne Locust Tree,htm 9/8/2009 "1: ,);,:' "If: ',C " . r, I -. -- . ., "~;,,, '~"; ~,~~ ":,J .~~~~ ~ ~.r~ ... , li'~ r~..}1 .;',:. \., ~.,~.,;~~.<,': :..._.' f: .~.. :-olt ~a:i" . .-tfJ. '_,',:-~ .~_ ','l (. , _ ,,-_'t'":'_. . ~\ .\;t.:. I~r-:. II,':. :.'.~.~';~'" . \".. ."'~. 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'~;"'/"'-,; ,~,:<.\ If.- ".~ all .'.' . " I I ' ~.\ i I . , . ~ ..: : , This Is a 'conk'-outer evK:Ien~ ~f lnnerdec.ay growth in the lowest part of the lrunk: . Date Received: SEP 1 0 2009 Original Submittal