HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6025 11/18/2002 . . . " ORDINANCE NO. 6025 (General) AN ORDINANCE ADDING "TRANSIT STATION" TO THE SCHEDULE OF USE CATEGORIES FOUND IN SECTION 19.060 (BOOTH KELLY MIXED-'USE ZONING DISTRICT) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 19.110 (5) SPECIAL USE STANDARDS, TO CLARIFY THAT THE 200 FT. SETBACK REQUIREMENT FOR BUS TERMINALS AND HELIPORTS FROM RESIDENTIAL USES SHALL NOT APPLY TO "TRANSIT STATIONS;" AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is the basic guiding land use policy document for the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, The "Purpose" section of the Metro Plan describes it as a framework plan and it is intended that more detailed refinement plans, programs, and policies should supplement the Metro Plan (E. Relationship to Other Plans and Policies, page 1-5, Metro Plan); and WHEREAS, Springfield's various neighborhood refinement plans, including the Springfield Downtown Refinement Plan and the Booth Kelly Conceptual Development Plan, are adopted supplements to the Metro Plan, and are authoritative in stating the land use policies that will guide development in the City; and WHEREAS, The Springfield Downtown Refinement Plan and the Booth Kelly Conceptual Development Plan, supports pedestrian-oriented connections with the Booth Kelly District as well as the support of multimodal transportation opportunities; and WHEREAS, The Springfield Development Code was adopted in May 1986 and revised in March 1998, to ensure that development within the planning jurisdiction of the City of Springfield is of a proper type, design and location; and WHEREAS, The Springfield Development Code implements the planning policies and land use designations set forth in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan; and WHEREAS, the current Springfield Development Code, adopted in 1987 and amended in 1992 and 2000, is in need of modification to reflect changes in State law and local public facilities and services needs; and WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth procedures for amendments of the Development Code text and those procedures were followed; and WHEREAS, on October 15,2002, the Springfield Planning Commission unanimously approved a resolution recommending approval of the proposed amendment of Article 19-Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has conducted a public hearing on November 5, 2002 and having considered the matter in regular session on that date, is now ready to take action based upon the above recommendations and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing held in the matter of adopting the amendment to the Springfield Development Code adding "transit station" to the schedule of use categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District) of the Springfield Development Code and amending Section 19.110 (5) Special Use Standards, to clarify that the 200 ft. setback ORDINANCE NO'----6025 PAGE 1 OF 2 requirement for bus terminals and heliports from residential uses shall not apply to transit stations. . NOW THEREFORE, BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Article 19, "BKMU Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District" Section 19.060 "Schedule of Use Categories" is hereby amended in Subsection 8 "Transportation Facilities" by the addition of "(e) Transit Stations" to the list of transportation facilities as follows: "(8) Transportation facilities, (Section 19.110(5)): (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Bus terminals Docks and marinas Heliports Helistops Transit Stations D D S S P" Section 2. Article 19, "BKMU Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District" Section 19.110 "Special Use Standards" is hereby amended to clarify that the 200-foot setback requirement for bus terminals, heliports and helistops does not apply to transit stations as follows: "(5) Transportation Facilities. New bus terminals, heliports and helistops shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential use (transit stations are exempt from this requirement). Noise attenuating barriers shall be constructed where necessary to mitigate land use conflicts. " . Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. FURTHER, although not part of this Ordinance, the Springfield City Council adopts the findings set forth in the Staff Report which demonstrate conformance of this amendment to the Metro Plan, applicable State statutes and applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules, and is attached as Exhibit B. ADOPTED by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this 18th day of November 2002 by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this-11L day of November c ,2002. ~ATIEST: City Recorder . REVIEVVED & APPROVED ~ TO FORM 'Cy) ~ ~ ..,) Lr...f\ \~ DATE: \0\2 q 120(J~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE NO. 6025 PAGE20F2 . . . Exhibit B City Of Springfield Development Services Department October 15, 2002 Staff Report Applicant: Journal No. City of Springfield 2002-09-0306 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Request: ProcedureType: To amend the text of the Springfield Development Code, adding Type IV -- Legislative "transit station" to the Schedule of Use Categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District). Section 19.110 (5) Special Use Standards, is also amended to clarify that the 200 ft. setback requirement for bus terminals and heliports from residential uses shall not apply to "transit stations." I. Executive Summary Lane Transit District, together with the City of Springfield conducted a lengthy public process for selecting the location of a new transit station in Downtown Springfield. The selected site is located within the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District. Article 19.060 of the Springfield Development Code lists the allowed uses that can be located within the District. "Transit Station" is not among the uses listed. Until recently, transit stations in Downtown Eugene and Springfield were little more than an aggregated group of bus stops. As such the Springfield Development Code did not envision a purpose-built facility as a "transit station." Thus the Development Code does not mention "transit station" in any of its zoning districts, with the exception of the recently adopted Mixed- Use District. In 2000, L TD constructed a true transit station facility in Eugene. L TD now plans to construct such a facility in Springfield. As such, an amendment to the Springfield Development Code is needed to locate a transit station in the Downtown. The proposed text amendment adds "transit station" to the Schedule of Use Categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District). Section 19.110 (5) Special Use Standards, is also amended to clarify that the 200 ft. setback requirement for bus terminals and heliports from residential uses shall not apply to ''transit stations." Staffhas reviewed the criteria for approval of text amendments of the Springfield Development Code and find the proposal to; be consistent with those criteria. Based on the staff review, it is recommended that the proposed text amendment be approved. Jo.lVo.2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 1 Article 8 indicates that the Planning Director, Planning Commission, City Councilor a resident of the City can initiate amendments to the SDC. Such amendments of are reviewed under a "Type IV" procedure and require public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council. Type IV procedures are detailed in Article 3.100 of the SDC. In this case, the proposed revision to the SDC is being initiated by the Planning Director (staff). Article 14.030 (2) requires that legislative land use decisions be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, providing information about the legislative action and the time, place and location of the hearing. Findings: 1. The Planning Director has initiated this amendment of the SDC to add "transit station" to the Schedule of Use Categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District). The amendment also includes a modification of Section 19.110 (5) to clarify that the 200 ft. setback requirement for bus tenninals and heliports from residential uses , shall not apply to "transit stations." The amendment is not site specific and falls under the definition of a legislative action. . 1. A "DLCD Notice Proposed Amendment" was mailed to the Department of Land Conservation and Development on September 25,2002, alerting the agency to the City's intent to amend the SDC. The notice is generally required to be mailed to DLCD 45 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing. ORS 197.610 (2) waives this requirement under emergency circumstances. The City has requested that the proposed amendment be considered under this emergency provision. 2. The proposed text amendment affects only those properties within the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use zoning District. Mailed notice of the proposed text amendment was sent to both property owners and residents living within the Booth-Kelly District and those residents living within 100 feet ofthe District. This notice was mailed on September 25, 2002. 3. Notice ofthe public hearing concerning this matter was published on October 2,2002 in the Springfield News, advertising both the hearing before the Springfield Planning Commission on October 15th and the City Council on November 4th. The content of the notice followed the direction given in Section 14.030 (2) of the SDC for legislative actions. . Conclusion: Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 . Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 2 . . . Procedural requirements described in Article 8 and Article 14 of the SDC have been followed. Notice requirements established by DLCD for amending the Development Code have also been followed. IV. Decision Criteria and Findings Article 8 describes the criteria to be used in approving an amendment to the SDC. It states that in reaching a decision, the Planning Commission and the City Council must adopt findings which demonstrate conformance with "1) the Metro Plan; 2) applicable State statutes; and to 3) applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. " Criterion #1 "Conformance with the Metro Plan" Findings 4. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is the basic guiding land use policy document for the City of Springfield. The "Purpose" section of the Metro Plan describes it as a framework plan. It is intended that more detailed refinement plans, programs, and policies should supplement the Metro Plan (E. Relationship to Other Plans and Policies, page 1-5, Metro Plan). 5. The Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan, TransPlan, was adopted in 2001. Under state law, TransPlan is a functional plan of the Metro Plan. 6. TransPlan TSI Transit Policies #1 and #2 (Chapter. 2 pg. 27,28) made findings and established policies that support and promote (1) the improvement of transit facilities and (2) the development ofa Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT). 7. A Downtown Springfield transit station is listed as capital project #1135 in TransPlan (Chapter 3, Page 37). 8~ A planned Springfield Transit Station is designed to improve the accessibility, attractiveness and convenience of transit use for Springfield area transit users. 9. Lane Transit District (LTD) has stated that the Springfield Transit Station will be a hub in the first segment of the new BR T system that is in development. A downtown location for the Station is essential to its function as a hub linking service to Gateway and Thurston, as well as Eugene. 10. The Springfield City Council participated together with L TDin a lengthy public process to select a downtown location for a transit station. On June 4,2001, the Council approved a resolution (01-41) specifying a site south ofS. A Street, near the intersection with Pioneer Parkway East, to be the appropriate site for the planned transit station. The site is within the Booth-Kelly Zoning District. 11. Section 19.060 (8) of the SDC (Booth-Kelly Mixed Use Zoning District) does not list "Transit Station" as a permitted use. The term "bus terminal" is listed as a discretionary use in 19.060, but it is generally construed to mean an intercity bus transportation facility such as those operated by private bus companies (Greyhound, Trailways, etc.). Jo.lVo.2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 . 3 . 12. Insertion of "transit station" in 19.060 (8) would facilitate the development of a downtown Springfield station and improve the accessibility, attractiveness, and convenience of transit use in the community. Insertion of "transit station" into the SDC would also facilitate the action of the Springfield City Council to select a site for the station in the Booth Kelly Mixed-Use District. 13. Section 19.110 (5) states that new bus terminals, heliports and helistops shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential use. Amending 19.110 (5) to read: "Transportation Facilities. New bus terminals, heliports, and helistops shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential use (transit stations are exempt from this requirement). Noise attenuating barriers shall be constructed where necessary when' abutting residential or commercial uses." would make clear the 200-foot exclusion shall not apply to the location of a transit station. Transit stations would still be required to install noise attenuating barriers as needed when abutting residential or commercial uses. Conclusion . The findings shown above demonstrate that TransPlan supports the improvement of transit facilities and the development of support facilities for BR T. L TD and the City of Springfield have determined that a downtown location within the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use District is the appropriate location for a new transit station. Amending the SDC to include "transit station" among the list of permitted uses in the Booth Kelly District is consistent with TransPlan TSI Policies #1 and #2 that promote and support transit facility improvement and BRT development. Criterion #2 "Conformance with Applicable State Statutes" Findings 14. The Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 267 describes the status and general powers of Mass Transit Districts including Lane Transit District. Section 267.200 (7) empowers L TD to "construct, acquire, maintain and operate and lease, rent and dispose of passenger terminal facilities, motor vehicle parking facilities and other facilities for the purpose of encouraging use of the mass transit system within the district." 15. ORS 267.200(8) allows transit districts to "enter into contracts under ORS 190.003 to 190.620 with units oflocal government of the State of Oregon [i.e., the City of Springfield], whether within or without the district, or with the State of Washington or with public agencies of the State of Washington, to act jointly or in cooperation with them or to provide mass transit services to areas under their jurisdictions...". . 16. ORS 267.210 requires transit districts to prepare a general plan for transit service within the District. That plan is intended to be completed in cooperation with cities and counties within and adjacent to the district. The plan is also intended to promote coordination and planning of future construction, improvement and equipment acquisition of the district, governmental agencies and private interests to assure maximum efficiency and use of Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 4 . mass transit in the district. LTD's General Plan for Mass Transit specifies the development of a transit station in Downtown Springfield. The location of the Downtown Station was determined through an extensive public involvement program coordinated with the City of Springfield that culminated in a resolution passed by the City Council in June 2001. Conclusion The Oregon Revised Statues empower and direct transit districts to coordinate with cities in the development of transit facilities. Lane Transit District collaborated with the City in the selection of a site for the planned Downtown Springfield transit station. ,Amending the SDC to allow a "transit station" use in the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use District implements a planning decision jointly made by the City and Lane Transit District as required by state statutes. The proposed text amendment to the SDC is consistent with this criterion of approval. Criterion #3 "Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules" Findings Compliance with Administrative Rules 17. The Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-012 is replete with references to transit use. These references generally support and encourage transit use as an alternative to auto dependence. . 18. OAR 660-12-0015 (6) states that mass transit, transportation, airport and port districts shall participate in the development of TSPs for those transportation facilities and services they provide. These districts shall prepare and adopt plans for transportation facilities and services they provide. Such plans shall be consistent with and adequate to carry out relevant portions of applicable regional and local TSPs. Cooperative agreements executed under ORS 197.185(2) shall include the requirement that mass transit, transportation, airport and port districts adopt a plan consistent with the requirements of this section. 19. Lane Transit District participated in the development of TransP1an, the transportation system plan for the Eugene-Springfield area. That planning includes the location of transit stops and stations within the service area. Further, L TD has listed the Downtown Springfield Station among capital projects included in, and approved through, TransPlan. Compliance with Statewide Planning Goals . 20. Goal] - Citizen Involvement. Goal I calls for "the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process." The decision to locate a transit station in the Booth-Kelly District was the culmination of a public process that lasted more than a year. That process included a Steering Committee that included the general citizenry, Open Houses, and finally, an adoption by both the Springfield City Council and the Lane Transit District Board. This text amendment is needed to implement the decision that was jointly made by the community and L TD. Jo.JVo.2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 5 . 21. Goal 2 - Land Use Planning. Goal 2 outlines the basic procedures of Oregon's statewide planning program. It says that land use decisions are to be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan, and that suitable "implementation ordinances" to put the plan's policies into effect must be adopted. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) is the acknowledged comprehensive plan that guides land use planning in Springfield. Various adopted refinement plans and specific area plans provide more detailed direction for planning under the umbrella of the Metro Plan. The Downtown Refinement Plan, of which the Booth-Kelly Conceptual Development Plan is a subset, supports pedestrian oriented development as well as transportation improvements that encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. The SDC implements the policies and direction of the Booth-Kelly Conceptual Development Plan, Downtown Refinement Plan as well as the Metro Plan. Amendment of the SDC to allow transit facilities that would benefit the Booth-Kelly District is consistent with local land use planning policies for the area. 22. Goal 3 - Agricultural Land. Goal 3 defines "agricultural lands. " It then requires counties to inventory such lands and to "preserve and maintain" them through farm zomng. . This goal does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. The City of Springfield does not have any agricultural zoning districts. This amendment applies only within the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use District, and does not apply outside the urban growth boundary. All land in the City's urban transition area carries City zoning. An exception to this goal was taken in 1982 when the comprehensive plan was acknowledged. 23. Goal 4 - Forest Land. This goal defines forest lands and requires counties to inventory them and adopt policies and ordinances that will "conserve forest lands for forest uses." This goal does not apply within adopted, acknowledged urban growth boundaries. The City of Springfield does not have any forest zoning districts. This amendment does not apply outside the urban growth boundary and, because oflimitations on commercial and industrial development without full urban services, generally do not apply outside the city limits. All land in the City's urban transition area carries City zoning. An exception to this goal was taken in 1982 when the comprehensive plan was acknowledged. 24. Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources. Goal 5 covers more than a dozen natural and cultural resources such as wildlife habitats and wetlands. It establishes a process for each resource to be inventoried and evaluated. . This amendment does not repeal, replace or void existing Metro Plan policy or 'Development Code regulations with respect to any identified natural resources. No changes to supporting ordinances or policy documents adopted to comply with Goal 5 are affected by these amendments. Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 6 . 25. Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality. This goal requires local comprehensive plans and implementing measures to be consistent with state and federal regulations on matters such as groundwater pollution. This amendment supports the location of a mass transit facility that holds the potential for contributing to the reduction of auto-dependence in the Springfield area. It has long been assumed that increased transit ridership and reduced auto use would have a beneficial impact on air quality. An Environmental Assessment (EA) completed by Lane Transit District in October 1999. The Federal Transit Administration issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on January 24,2000. LTD then sought and received a'Categorical Exclusion to the EA on March 22,2001. The EA concluded that a transit station in the Booth Kelly Mixed- Use District south ofS. A at Pioneer Parkway E., would have no significant impact on the area. 26. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards. Goal '7 deals with development in places subject to natural hazards such as floods or landslides. It requires that jurisdictions apply "appropriate safeguards" (floodplain zoning, for example) when planning for development there. . All sites within Springfield that are subject to these hazards (floodplain, erosion, landslides, earthquakes, weak foundation soils) are inventoried through a variety of sources. The proposed text amendments do not remove or exempt compliance with other Code standards that may apply to development. The selected transit station site in the Booth Kelly District is not listed on the inventories of hazard areas. 27. Goal 8 - Recreational Needs. This goal calls for each community to evaluate its areas and facilities for recreation and develop plans to deal with the projected demand for them. Willama1ane Park and Recreation District is the entity responsible for park planning, development and maintenance in the urban transition area as well as the city limits. The proposed amendment will not affect the provision of recreational service. Transit stations may support access to recreational facilities by those who are unable to drive or who choose to use alternative modes of transportation. 28. Goal 9 - Economic Development Goal 9 calls for diversification and improvement of the economy. It asks communities to inventory commercial and industrial lands, project future needs for such lands, and plan and zone enough land to meet those needs. . The proposed text amendment allows transit stations to be sited within the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use District. A new transit facility located in the district would improve transportation access to the District for both employees and consumers. Improved access would support future development and re-development efforts within the District. Jo.lVo.2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 7 29. Goal] 0 - Housing. This goal specifies that each city must plan for and accommodate needed housing types, such as multifamily and manufactured housing. . TransPlan seeks to promote the location of higher density residential development along transit corridors and near transit stations. The station could serve asa focal point for future transit-oriented residential development in the Downtown. Such a pattern can be documented as occurring in the Portland area near newly established transit stations. 30. Goal]] - Public Facilities and Services. Goal 11 calls for efficient planning of public services such as sewers, water, law enforcement, and fire protection. The Eugene-Springfiel~ Metropolitan Public Services and Facilities Plan (PFSP) is a refinement plan of the Metro Plan that guides the provision of public infrastructure, including water, sewer, storm water management, and electricity. The plan made no findings nor did it establish policies relating directly to transit stations or transit use. The transit station, when constructed, will be subject to the policies promulgated by the PFSP. 31. Goal]2 - Transportation. The goal aims to provide" a safe, convenient and economic transportation system." . Section 660-012-0060 of the Transportation Planning Rules requires evaluation of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation amendment to detennine if an amendment to the SDC significantly affects a transportation facility. The proposed SDC amendment does not: change the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility; change standards implementing a functional classification system; allow types of levels of use which would result in levels of travel or access which are inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation facility; or reduce the level of service of a facility below the minimum acceptable level identified in the Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan). A transit station located in the Booth Kelly Mixed-Use District, would serve to improve transit services for commuters and residents accessing Downtown Springfield, or who are making transfer connections to other parts ofLTD's service area. Goal 12 encourages development that avoids principal reliance on one mode of transportation. The ability to locate a transit station in the heart of Downtown Springfield, and the ability to link that station to other areas of the community with Bus Raid Transit will likely make transit use more attractive and thereby reduce the reliance of some Springfield residents on the automobile. 32. Goal 13 - Energy Conservation. Goal 13 declares that "land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic principles. " . The location ofa transit station in Downtown Springfield and the establishment of the Downtown Station as a Bus Rapid Transit hub is likely to increase overall transit Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 8 ridership. Transit has long been assumed to be an important means of reducing the consumption of fossil fuels in our country. . .33. Goal 14 - Urbanization. This goal requires cities to estimate future growth and needs for land and then plan and zone enough land to meet those needs. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Residential Lands and Housing Study, Policy Recommendations Report (1999) found "there is sufficient buildable residential land within the existing urban growth boundary to meet the future need of the projected population. This amendment will not directly affect the availability of land for future growth. Proponents of transit-oriented development assert that a compact urban form, supported by a well developed transit system will postpone the need to expand urban growth boundaries. 34. Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway. Goal 15 sets forth procedures for administering the 300 miles of greenway that protects the Willamette River. The proposed text amendment does not change the obligation to comply with the City's existing standards for development with respect to the Willamette River Greenway. The Greenway provisions allow development of permitted uses in the underlying zone, provided that all other Greenway requirements are satisfied. The City's adopted, acknowledged Greenway ordinance will not be changed. . 35. 'Goals 16 through 19 - Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes, and Ocean Resources. There are no coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources within the City's jurisdiction. These goals do not apply in Springfield. Conclusion The Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules and the Statewide Planning Goals clearly support transit use and the development of improved transit facilities in collaboration with local government. Lane Transit District and the City of Springfield jointly sponsored an extensive public process that led to the selection of a site in the Booth Kelly Mixed-Use District. The proposed text amendment that would add "transit station" to the list of uses pennitted in the Booth Kelly District and by that, implements the decision of the two jurisdictions. It is the conclusion of staff that the proposed amendment is consistent with this criterion. V. Conclusion and Recommendation of Staff . Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 9 . . . Based on the findings of staff with respect to the criteria defined in Article 8 for approving the amendment of the SDC, staff finds the proposed text amendment of the Springfield Development Code, adding "transit station" to the Schedule of Use Categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District); as well as the modification of Section 19.110 (5) Special Use Standards, to clarify that the 200 ft. setback requirement for bus terminals and heliports from residential uses shall not apply to "transit stations," to be consistent with these , criteria and recommends approval of the amendment.' VI. Attachments Attachment A: Attachment B: Proposed Text Amendment to the Springfield Development Code Map of the Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District. Jo.lVo.2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 10 . . . ATTACHMENT A Proposed Text Amendment to the Springfield Development Code The proposed amendment to the Springfield Development Code, adds "transit station" to the Schedule of Use Categories found in Section 19.060 (Booth Kelly Mixed-Use Zoning District). The underlined section below shows the proposed insertion of "Transit Station" to the list of uses. (8) Transportation facilities, (Section 19.110(5): " (a) Bus tenninals D (b) Docks and marinas D (c) Heliports S (d) Helistops S (e) Transit Stations p Section 19.110 (5) Special Use Standards, is also amended to clarify that the 200 ft. setback requirement for bus terminals and heliports from residential uses shall not apply to "transit stations." The underlined phrase in parenthesis shows the proposed clarification that exempts transit stations from the 200 ft. setback, but not from noise attenuating barriers where they are deemed necessary. (5) Transportation Facilities. New bus terminals, heliports and helistops shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential use (transit stations are exempt from this requirement). Noise attenuating barriers shall be constructed where necessary to mitigate land use conflicts. Jo. No. 2002-09-0306 Text Amendment to Article 19 of the SDCs October 15, 2002 11 ATTACHMENT B i~~~W~ffij li~iH~l~~~ ~~~~~E8ffi~