HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1978-9-27 Il)ld I .)'./. j L.. ."-,4. >f. .'-1..... '. .i'i'L1CATllH: 1111l SICi.l l'll~HI r .Iotal Value S.............. rce Inl' penllit............. . ~._-- --_.~..- .,._----------_._-~.__.__._- Appl ication is herby Illade tu (preel: ) (all:(',' ) (,'c locate) ;\ :.i'lll i1celll'dillq Lo >I'PI;iFic,Jl.iC>lls alld description rJiV'!;l belm'l aUd'dd,liled I'lilllS sublllitted. l"",,,, of 5"" IA"d'""1/1.;':p~~,51i~~q. A'm, of ",,'om ",d Add,'m~~4~)i~,~q...q.. Owner of Slgn (Ilallle and Add'.ess)................................................ .~L........ Sign Erector (lIallle and Address)........................ .......................... ~...... --- ________._h_____ __~..____._ _...._. .__.___._ .....__.~___.._ o Ir-IElIS lUllS , CUllSTI<UClIOIl & IIIS1AI.LATIUIJ 1IIIIJlU.1AIIO:.j V I. I f S' ,/ f II " 'I' I I Fr' , /1 . '11' I. . 0 'th.-3 I' ert. {e1UJt 0 JUIl.....,..,-......... O'll. \'1(l, 0 ,'1'111....7"....... IIC.lleSS 01 ~ ........ Total.llei(/ht Above G"arje...'7I<~... . ....... O'ojectilllllleYlllld l'I'opel't.y Lille..I............... Natenal Sign 1S COllstructed of... .v..-..-...............................................'" Type,of Sigll (Check Appl iCilble I . IS) Idelll.ity Sigll......~:.... Sin,/Ie Face.......... I.Jall Si,/I1.......... '.Ianluee Si,)I,.............. ~Ion-idelltity Sign.......... Ollllhl(~ Fi1ce....~. I'ole Si'lll.......... I','o.iectillg SiUIl........... Ilillboard.................. 1'llJlti-rilCl~ il,...,.... Poof Si,.ilI.......... Ot.!ICI...................... ---_._---------~._._--- -_._-~_.__._._------- r agree to el'ccl a Si'lll ,lcco,'dill'J I.u t.!l{~ ;lIlove descTipl.ioll, 'al.tMl1rd plalls and specifications and the Elecll'ical illld~~es 'h4c Y' ~'. Spl'iIlUfil~lcJ", (h'ClJOIl., Applicant Sign lIere.~..(../~:....................... i'I101le 1III1Ilbr.I,.7:r.::-?:-:.(<?.(.~. Appl icat ion ilpp"ovcd b,lSr'd "11 ,~I'<:I illll', l~~;~tiod~:" '/srillficl;h:nnJ~"s ive r) UYzr'X.,eL7'-7~4)<rl'0.'. . . . . . .. . .9.~? 7-7 ([ __~- JD-r A1l12o lA=:.---D NOTES: 2)y . " 1. f_le,"-~',i_~:l_~: All)' p0n"it is'ill''d IlI1dr" IlIi5.<lpplic'l/.ioll I.JiII illcllldc ';J'J'!J! ill:1nr~lI\ti\!r , stnlclure. Tile sllpplv 1'/lI"'S fo,' C[lIIIH:C!.1l1l1 of 51'111 "'11;,1: I'I~ (flVI"'cd"'}!! ,"11 eil'~ct;r1calo pen"it. E]ecll'icilJ COflll0cti[llllll[lSl he lIladc uflly i,y a Sill'iIlIJfiel.(1, 18c.clrsed~Elece:.tr'1caf'! '.' COlIl,'actor. . ;= ;:' ~ -, ~ ~:;;:'i{ ,., :"'l p~ t... IT" U"" .)00 .- -:c: t- ..~ ..-. t- :; 2. i'J,lll~i~.g~LII..i.~:e,(~: Tllis illll'lir;lI.il1l1 i'.l.o III' ''1i1J11IiLL,.:d l'lilll I.I'!O <:fl~\I'l:C;~.~I~I:$9flfc-l,,J.~iIS~ .~ driH'1Il to sC.11c. shm.,i1lfl rliIlH'W'lOIlS iltlc!' 11(~iqIiL of Si~Jll; ,1r1v(~t'l.isiN.~I:l!I(~S";jqr~ QIl ~jqil~; ~:,)C~; ill:ioll of Sir)ll.0fl 1','npCrlY.I'iil.1I di"""lCiuns 1.11 l'}"(ljlCI'I.y.1 iu',,: ,I.I".\\ci],1,jt~II't,1j'(S~)rE}IlP.!)ort fr;l:nlll~J, hritCllll/ ,lllfl (of)l:ltlfjr:: .tIl.11~r.t'lills of U1I1SI.l'IIr.I.II.l1I (Ot' ~1'J1,I' 11J.HLs.-1~1Il sll'fT<:LlIre";"? . elcctl'ir.ill equiprll~llt alld 1 i(ll1l.il1~l; size dill! Ine,lt,ion fir (~;o:iSl.ill~1::sbJI1?~~1I1 Pt:~f.l\l~JL.\3 fQr .;. S,llllC busincss, ,lil i1S ""'111il'ed 1.0 d'~I.f"'llIin" cOlIll'liilll':r ,.)il.h I.h.. Sp";;;'fi.lr,icldlCi~Y G'iJde; Chapl.e,' IX and Arlicle 3001' t.he Sp,'illqfield COlllpl'f'lIctlsive Z(ltlil;~ tlllJ(!,5 i i i I . :' ~ n;.. . j I ~ 3. S(~P,ll",lte Si'ltI Ai'I>I iCill.iotl: A sepill"i1l.c appHcilt.ionls n."l'lirc~d.r()li c~0"Ssel'ai'at.c sign as 'deHiiecililLhc-Si<.ill".ci;((e: '1 ",';:E: Iii ... ::J [~. r') ...... I : I "UHlir JS:.If1~O~:; ~ I .. , I) , .~: 8 ~~ j J ! .\ . . . . . . . . . "i' . . .., . . . . . : . . . . . . f . . . . . . . . . IJilLf.~.......".t. ~ ~..... t.. .!.. ./.. .j.... I.. "l '=':'S:, I co co to I. . C') >' ;..- >- '.., 0; ==1 ! ; f <T "1 I . l~ <0 I ., ~ >- I! I I rn s: lit I Ot<r., ! . , .. . '. . CrfY OF S;:;;';.N\.:.ii-' j;:::1-D. C:~'=':"\.:I\.:~.", fHE CONTENTS HEREOF HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED . WITH ANY ALTERATIONS INDICATED IN COLORED PENCIl. BY THE SEVERAL CITY DEPARTMENTS AS INITIALED. Dale Received...._.............._.._ /" FIRE DEPT. CHECKED: Dal8-..._ fNGR. DEPT. CHECKED: Date_. BLDG. DEPT. CHECKED: Dati' .--..By lIy lIy .. " Oate Q~tllr~tl.1 ~... !>,,:.~ .:,;,:t !').; ~._/ .jf II-'~' #/' ,,;:# ~; . I I \ I ./ r . '- " ~. / -- . . c~ \' -: or;- ':':;:~'''<.~; r.;..L~~ c;.~:...oJ\...'~ THE CO,,; lOins HeW:cr Hi;VE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVE.i,. WITH AN; .',LlcRATIONS INDICATED IN COLORED PENCIL, BY THE SEVERAL CI C: DEPARTMENTS AS INITIALED. ,....--.....-.- \).,te Received.................................................., ?IRE DEPT. CHECKEO: Date ....._..__....._..--IlY. . ,(JR. DEPT. CHECKED, Date-.........._............-...-..-..........BY. ~:..DG. DEPT. CHECKED: Date. By._ :"., :'" ~."~"':"..J t.-:: . .. ....-..-. ..... ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON THE CONTENTS HEREOF HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED. WITH ANY ALTERATIONS INDICATED IN COLORED PENCIL, BY THE 't:'IERAL CIrI D<PARTMENTS AS INITIALED. OJ Ie Received......................................... fiRE DEPT. CHECKED: Date. E;lGR. DEPT. CHECKED: Date BLDG. DEPT. CHECKED: Dato Ily I\y Ily . ",t. Ileturned to Aoplicant .........__...............................Bv........"........ . ./