HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Notice 1998-11-2
Notice of Limited Land Use Decision - Site Plan Review
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
November 2, 1998
Journal Number
Howan Inc.
2783 River Loop Road
Eugene, OR. 97401
Fern W. Weiss, Weiss Revocable Trust
III C Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Site Information
The subject property is 0.44 acres in size and is relatively flat. It is located north of Main Street,
east of 19th Street. The site is also described as Tax Lot 90 I on Assessor's map 17-03-36-42. The
property is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and the Metro Plan designation is Commercial.
There is no refmement plan for this area.
Reo uest
The applicant has submitted a Type 11 Site Plan Review Application to, the City of Springfield for
approval of the placement of a modular office structure at 1920 Main Street. The applicant has not
identified a precise use, however a wide variety ofbusineshind-professional services are pennitted
in the CC district.
. Preliminary Site Plan Approval with conditions as of the date of this letter.
Other Uses Authorized bv this letter
- None.
Written Comments
Limited Land Use decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 100 feet
of the proposed development allowing for a 14-day comment period prior to the staff decision. No
comments were received,
The application was accepted as complete by the City on August 11, 1998 and contained all
infonnation required to initiate Type 11 Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with SDC
Articles 3 and 31.
Finding: The applicant has complied with all submittal requirements, therefore this criterion has
been fulfilled.
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SDC 32.120(3) states: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having
sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development."
Springfield Utility Board (SUB) currently serves this area. All new water meters will be placed in
the public right-of-way at a location identified by the developer. The applicant should contact the
SUB Water Division for detailed infonnation conceming the construction and modification of the
water system facilities. Backflow prevention devices will be required for this service. Please
contact Bill Scott at 746-8451 extension 3397 prior to installing water service.
Finding: This area can be served by City water, therefore this portion of criterion 2 has been met.
, Electricity
This area is served by SUB from overhead utility poles located in the rear of the property. Please
coordinate electrical need, fees and charges with the utility provider.
Finding: This area can be served by electricity, therefore this portion of criterion 2 has been met.
Sanitary Sewer
SDC 32.100(1) states: "...sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development
and to connect developments to existing mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply
with the provisions of this Code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the
City Code, and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations..," SDC 32.100(2)
states: "The City Engineer whall approve all sanitary sewer plans and proposed systems
prior to development approvaI."
Public sewer is available to serve this site. An 8-inch line is located within an easement at the
north edge of the east property line. City records indicate an existing manhole and at least 2 sewer
stubs located within the easement. City Engineering staff have indicated that the applicant is
required to connect to one of these existing stubs rather than into the manhole as shown on the
proposed site plan. . No public sewer construction is required for this proposal.
Finding: City sanitary sewer is available to serve the proposed development, therefore this portion
of criterion 2 has been met.
Finding: Because City Engineering staff require that the proposed sanitary sewer connect to an
existing stub and the preliminary site plan show a manhole connection, this portion of criterion 2
has not been fulfilled,
Condition: Sanitary sewer lines and a connection to an exiting sanitary sewer stub must be shown
on the Final Site Plan.
Storm Drainage
SDC 32.110(1) states: "the approval Authority shall grant development approval only where
adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City storm water drainage
system have been made as determined by the City Engineer,"
There is a public stonn drain within Main Street that has the capacity to carry the runoff from the
proposed development. The existing parking lot is partially drained by an existing strip drain on
the street side of the driveway. This drain does not appear to be functioning properly due to an
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apparent lack of maintenance. The applicant will be required to clean and maintain the existing
site drainage system. The remainder of the parking lot appears to drain to the existing grass area to
the west. Prior to site plan approval the applicant will be required to provide a plan showing the
existing and proposed grades on the site and the parking area and to provide a drainage system to
direct all of the site runoff to the public drainage system.
The proposed site plan does not identify where the roof drainage from the proposed building will
be directed. If any portion of the roof runoff is collected by the new drainage system, the
contributing area must be identified, along with the associated drainage piping, on the Final Site
Plan. The applicant shall obtain an OOOT Facility Permit for any new storm drainage connection
and volume.
Finding: Because adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City storm water
drainage system have not been made, this portion of criterion 2 has not been met.
Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, provide a drainage plan indicating the existing and
proposed grades on the site and the parking area and showing a drainage system that directs all of
the site runoff to the public drainage system. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the
design of the drainage system shall be included.
Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, obtain an OOOT Facility Permit for any new storm
drainage connection and volume.
Condition: Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall repair and clean the existing site drainage
Storm Water Quality
SOC 32.110(4) states A development shall be required to employ drainage management
practices approved by the City Engineer and consistent with Merto Plan policies which
minimize the amount and rate ofsurface water run-offinto receiving streams....The
following drainage management practices may be required in order to relieve demand on the
City's piped drainage system and to alleviate future costs ortreating the piped
discharge...(b) Permanent storage basins...(g) On-site filtration or skimming of run-off,.,"
Storm Water Quality Measures will apply to this project because the pavement area exceeds 5,000
square feet. The applicant has not addressed this issue in the proposed site plan and the required
drainage plan shall inCv'l'v...te Storm Water Quality Measures, At a minimum, the applicant is
required to install a dry well for roof drainage, including an overflow connection to the site
drainage system and multi-chambered catch basins for the parking area with an oil-filtering
medium within the inlet chamber of each catch basin. A list of typical Storm Water Quality
Measures is available from the City's Public Works Oeparbnent.
Finding: The applicant has not incorporated drainage management practices into the proposed site
plan, therefore, this portion of criterion 2 has not been fulfilled.
Condition: Incorporate Stormwater Quality Measures into the required drainage plan.
Public Utility Easements
SOC 32.120(5) states: "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements
with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to
fully service the development. The standard width for public utility easements adjacent to
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street rigbts of way sball be 7 feet.... Wbere feasible, utility easements sball be centered on a
lot line."
The local utilities have directed city staff to require 7 foot-wide public utility easements (PUEs)
along all street frontages during the development review process. SDC 35.060(1) gives staff
authority to require public utility easements as a condition of approval of this request. There are
no PUEs recorded on this site and none are proposed. Springfield Utility Board has also
requested a 7-foot PUE that is centered on the existing overhead electrical secondary line.
Finding: Because no PUEs exist on this site, this portion of criterion 2 has not been met.
Condition: Prior to final occupancy, provide proof that 7-foot Public Utility Easements have
been dedicated behind the right-of-way line along Main Street and in the rear of the property
centered on the existing overhead electrical secondary line.
Street Trees
SDC 32,050 states: Except wbere tbere are pbysical restrictions, street trees sball be spaced
at 30 foot intervals. Street trees sball not be closer tban 35 feet from the perpendicular curb
line of intersections of streets, nor witbin 5 feet of alleys, private driveways or fire bydrants,
The site has 2 existing street trees, three are required for the property frontage. The appropriate
location for the additional street tree is in the existing planting area on the east side of the
Findings: Because one additional street tree is required, this portion of criterion 2 has not been
Condition: Show on the Landscaping Plan, an approved street tree placed east of the driveway.
Conformance with Article 31 (Site Plan Review Standards)
SDC 31.050 (0) requires: "A landscape plan, drawn by a landscape arcbitect or other
professional approved by the Director, demonstration compliance witb tbe standards of tbis
code," SDC 31.140 (I) states: ",..Areas ofa lot wbicb sball be planted include: All required
setback areas...at least 65 percent of eacb required planting area shall be covered witb living
materials within 5 years of the date of installation, Tbe minimum planting acceptable per
1000 square feet of required planting area shall be as follows:
3. At least two trees not less tban 6 feet in beigbt and not less tban two incbes in caliper,..;
4, Ten sbrubs, five gallons or larger.
5, Lawn and lor groundcover may be substituted for trees or sbrubbery, except wbere
required for screening, when tbere are adequate provisions for ongoing maintenance,"
The applicant submitted no landscaping plan but instead indicated that the existing lawn in the rear
of the property will remain after construction and will fulfil planting requirements. A site
inspection revealed that the existing groundcover is not lawn but rather a sparse population of
grasses mixed with a variety of invasive plants.
The site plan also shows a 10 foot planted setback between the proposed structure and the front
property line as well as an existing planting area in the southeast corner of the property between
the parking lot and the sidewalk, no plant species are shown. These two planting areas are
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currently inhabited by vegetation of the same variety and physical condition as the rear yard and
do not meet the planting requirements of the SOC. The required 10 foot rear yard setback shows
no proposed planting.
Finding: Because the existing on-site vegetation is inadequate to fulfil the planting requirements of
the Springfield Development Code, this portion of criterion 2 has not been met.
Condition: Provide a separate Landscaping Plan, drawn to scale by a landscape architect, showing
a description of planting methods and a specifications list for all materials and plant species to be
used. Plant sizes shall be listed at the time of installation and shown on the Plan at mature size.
Plantings shall be of sufficient density to achieve 65% foliage coverage within 5 years.
SDC 31.140(1)(4) states: "Except where planted with native species or plant communities, all
new required planting areas on private property and public schools shall be provided with a
permanent underground irrigation system..."
No irrigation system is shown on the proposed site plan.
Finding: Because the existing on-site vegetation is inadequate and new planting is required, a
permanent underground irrigation system or native vegetation is required to fulfil this requirement.
Condition: Show either a permanent irrigation system, or native plant species that do not require
irrigation to become established, on the Landscaping Plan.
SDC 31.160 (I) states: "Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required:
(a) Where commercial...districts abut residential district and no approved screening exists."
(2) Screening shall be vegetative, earthen and/or structural and shall be designed to minimize
visual and audible incompatible uses from adjacent properties.. .screening shall be continuos
to at least 6 feet above ground level... The following standards shall apply: (c) Structural
Screening, A fence or masonry wall shall be constructed to provide a uniform site-obscuring
screen." .
The subject property abuts residentially zoned property on the north. An existing 6-foot high
cyclone fence is in place along the entire length of the northern property line. This fence is not
Finding: Because the existing fence between the development area and the residentially zoned
property to the north in not sight-obscuring, this portion of criterion 2 has not been fulfilled.
Condition: Show a sight-obscuring sCreen along the north property line on the Final Site Plan.
Conformance with Article 18, (Commercial Zoning Districts)
Setback requirements
SDC 18.050 states: "In all commercial districts, each lot shall have planted setbacks of not
less than the following sizes:
(I)Front, Street Side Yard and through Lot Rear Yard
(a) Building Setback: 10 feet
(2)Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks When Abutting Residential Districts...
(a) Building setback: 10 feet"
Page 5
The site abuts property zoned CC on the east and west and Low Density Residential (LDR) and
High Density Residential (HDR) on the north. The proposal shows approximately 14 feet for the
front yard setback, a 136-foot rear yard setback, a 6 I-foot east side yard setback and a 20-foot
setback for the west side yard.
Finding: Because the proposed structure is set back from the property lines by at least the required
, distance, this portion of criterion 2 has been met.
Lot Coverage
SDC 16.040 (I) states: "For development areas less than 1 acre - building coverage shall not
exceed 35% of the total development area."
The proposed structure covers 3 percent of the 0.44 acre lot
Finding: Because the structure covers 3 percent of the lot and the maximum coverage allowed is
35 percent, this portion of criterion 2 has been met.
The Metro Plan, the draft Natural Resource Special Study, the Springfield Wetland Inventory map,
and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted.
Finding: No significant natural or historic features, as identified by these inventories, are located
on this site.
EgresslIngress Points
SDC 32.080(I)(c) states: "Access to designated State Highways shall be subject to the
provisions of this Article in addition to requirements of the Highway Division, Oregon
Department of Transportation."
The existing parking area is accessed via a curb cut on the north side of Main Street. Main Street
is a State Highway and is under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Department of Transportation
(ODOT). Prior to the development of the site an Approach Road Penn it will need to be secured
from ODOT. ODOT has indicated that the Approach Road Penn it will not be issued unless the
exact use of the site is known. ,The applicant indicates that this will be an office building but has
not proposed any precise use.
Finding: Because Main Street is a State Highway and the applicant has not obtained an Approach
Road Pennit from ODOT, this portion of criterion 4 has not been fulfilled.
Condition: Prior to Final Site Plan approval, obtain an Approach Road Penn it from Oregon
Department of Transportation.
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Street Improvements
Main Street is improved along the frontage of the subject property and no street improvements are
SDC Table 32.2 indicates that the minimum width for a 2-way CommerciaVPublic Land
driveway is 24 feet and the maximum width is 35 feet.
The preliminary site plan shows a 26 foot wide driveway serving the existing parking area.
Finding: Because the existing driveway width is within the minimum and maximum allowable
widths, this portion of criterion 4 has been met.
Sidewalks .
SDC 32.040(1) states: "Sidewalks and accessways shall be constructed, replaced or repaired
in accordance with the Standard Construction Specifications. Sidewalks and accessways
shall be located as follows: (b) On both sides of local streets at the time. the abutting property
is developed..."
There are existing sidewalks along the entire property's frontage of Main Street.
Findings: Because sidewalks currently exist along the street frontage, this portion of criterion 4
has been fulfilled.
SDC 18.070(4) requires 1 off-street parking space for each 300 feet of gross floor area for business
and professional offices and personal services and "In any case not less than 4 ofT-street
parking places shall be required." ,SDC 31.180 (5) states: All spaces shall be permanently
and clearly marked...Old striping shall not be visible after being replaced by new striping"
SDC 31.180(8)(a) slates: "Parking spaces for disabled people and accessible passenger
loading zones that serve a particular building shall be located on the shortest possible
accessible circulation route to an accessible entrance of the building." SDC 31.180(3) states:
"All paarking stalls fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, planted area or structure shall be
provided with a secured wheel bumper..."
The existing parking area is in poor condition. The concrete is severely cracked in places allowing
weeds to take root and grow. The existing curbs on the west and the east are broken in places and
some portions are missing. While staff cannot require that the lot be reconstructed or overlaid
with asphalt, the applicant is encouraged to conduct the repairs and maintenance needed to ensure
safe and convenient vehicle and pedestrian access. Part of this issue may be resolved by the
requirement to provide a drainage system for the entire parking lot.
The applicant states that this development will be an office use. Four spaces are the minimum
required for a development of this use and size. One van accessible handicapped space is required.
The site plan shows nineteen 16-foot by 9-foot parking spaces striped on the existing concrete
parking area. Two of the spaces are shown as handicap accessible. One is van accessible;
however, it is the furthest parking space from the proposed structure.
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Finding: Because the proposal shows the van accessible parking space is not located on the
shortest possible accessible circulation route to the entrance of the building, this portion of
criterion 4 has not been fulfilled.
Finding: Because the proposal shows more than the required number of parking spaces, this
portion of criterion 4 is fulfilled.
Finding: Because the existing wheel bumpers on the parking area are in poor repair and not
secure, this portion of criterion 4 has not been met.
Condition: Revise the site plan to show that the van accessible handicapped parking stall and
striped access way are located in a position closest to the entrance to the structure.
Condition: Prior to final occupancy, clearly and pennanently mark all parking spaces.
Condition: Prior to final occupancy, repair or replace the wheel bumpers on the parking area.
Bicycle Parking
SDC 31.080 (9) states: "At least one secured bicycle rack, designed to hold a minimum of3
bicycles of an approve design shall be provided for each parking lot. Parking lots having
more than 15 automobile parking spaces shall be required to have one additional secured
bicycle space for each additional 15 automobile parking spaces or fraction thereof,"
No bicycle parking is shown on the site plan. Four secured bicycle parking spaces are required for
this development.
Finding: Because bicycle parking is not addressed by this proposal, this portion of criterion 4 has
not been fulfilled.
Condition: Show a secured bicycle rack, capable of holding at least 4 bicycles, on the Final Site
What Needs to be Done bv the Anolicant to Obtain Final Site Plan Aooroval?
Development Agreement
Section 31.090 states: "To complete the site plan review process, a Development Agreement
shall be effected between the applicant and the City... to ensure that the terms and
conditions of Site Plan Review are understood and binding upon both the applicant and the
Finding: In order to complete the Site Plan Review Process a Development Agreement will be
required. Staff will prepare this document for the property owner to sign upon approval of the
Final Site Plan.
Four (4) copies of the Final Site Plan with the proposed changes are required to be submitted
within 90 days of the date of this letter. The following revisions must be shown on the Final Site
Plan and are conditions of approval:
Conditions to be met Prior to Final Site Plan Approval
I. Sanitary sewer lines and a connection to an exiting sanitary sewer stub must be shown on the
Final Site Plan.
Page 8
2. Provide a drainage plan showing the existing and proposed grades on the site and the parking
area and showing a drainage system that directs all of the site runoff to the public drainage
'system. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the design of the drainage system
shall be included.
3. Obtain an ODOT Facility Permit for any new storm drainage connection and volume.
4. Incorporate Stormwater Quality Measures into the required drainage plan.
5. Provide a separate Landscaping Plan, -drawn to scale by a landscape architect, showing a
description of planting methods and a specifications list for all materials and plant species to
be used. Plant sizes shall be listed at the time of installation and shown on the Plan at mature
size. Plantings shall be of sufficient density to achieve 65% foliage coverage within 5 years.
6. Show either a permanent irrigation system, or native plant species that do not require irrigation
to become established, on the Landscaping Plan.
7. Show an additional street tree east of the driveway on the Landscaping Plan.
8. Show, on the Final Site Plan, a sight-obscuring screen along the north properly line.
9. Obtain an Approach Road Permit from Oregon Department of Transportation.
10. Revise the site plan to show that the van accessible handicapped parking stall and striped
access way are located in a position closest to the entrance to the structure.
II. Show a secured bicycle rack, capable of holding at least 4 bicycles: on the Final Site Pan.
Conditions to be met prior to Final Occupancy
1. Repair and clean the existing site drainage system.
2. Provide, evidence that 7-foot Public Utility Easements have been dedicated behind the right-of-
way line along Main Street and in the rear portion of the lot, centered on the existing overhead
electrical secondary line.
3. Clearly and permanently mark all parking spaces.
4. Repair or replace the wheel bumpers on the parking area.
Additional Information
The application, all documentation and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable
criteria are available for free inspection. Copies are available at a cost of$O. 75for the first page
and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 5th Street,
Springfield, OR 97477.
If you wish to appeal this Type" Site Plan Review decision, you must do so within ten (10) days
of the mailing of this decision. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC Article 15 APPEALS.
Appeals must be submitted on a City form and a fee of $250.00 must be paid to the City at the
time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves
the appeal application.
Please call the Development Services Department at 726-3659 if you have any questions regarding
this approval or the appeal process.
Prepared By:
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Colin Stephens
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