HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1985-10-29 rr. .__d . , ~~8~. , SPRINGFIELD , , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department October 29, 1985 , . , Collins Enterprises, Inc. 404 S. Main Street .lreta, CA ' 96097 .~ ,.' '.. .' , Gentlemen: , ," At your request, the Sprin9field Building Safety Division conducted an occupancy inspection of the building located at 1908 Main Street, Springfield, Ore90n. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of this building for the proposed use of sales and storage of welding supplies and equipment. The proposed use of the building will categorize it as a B-2 occupancy. The following items are to be installed, modified, repaired or maintained in order to conform to the applicable codes for that occupancy. . Structural Speciality Code and Fire and Life Safety Code IS. S.C. ) 1. Bottled gasses must be stored in exterior areas where ventilation of the storage area is not restricted. 2. The maximum number" of compressed gas containers allowed in the above occupancy category are as follows: A. B. Acetylene - 50 bottles Oxydizing Gases - 40 bottles "#/ ~ The above gases must be stored in areas separated from each other, be r- aoeauate I V se<"lJ!"!,o 1:0 nrevent OVerturni nV of the contai ner and protec~e~ from tampering. The contaIners ~ust be stored on concrete slabs or pads whiCh extend at least 5 feet beyond the storage area on a 11 open sides. 3. The i nteri or" areas sha 11 be used welding equipment and no open permitted within the building nor only for storage and sales of flame appliances shall be in the gas sturage areas. ro/J.'o/" /.6<- ~?f'-"':' #'1- i'ljJ:- . 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 .- c' . . , / Collins Enterprises, Inc. 'October 29, 1985 Page Two 4. Repair the dryrot conditions in the roof structure, and properly secure the new beam used to reinforce the roof structure over the existing car wash bay. 5. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key. or any special knowledge or effort, except that the ....... exit door may have a lock that is readily distinguishable as locked if the door has a sign stating "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING.BUSINESS HOURS." , . , "," . .t. 6. Vent i 1 at i on for a 11 i nteri or areas is requi red in the form of exterior openings equal to 1/20 of the floor area, or by mechanical ventilation capable of supplying a total circulated volume of 675 CFM of air, of which one-third must be outside air. 7. Provide restroom ventilation by means of vertical ducts equal to at least 100 square inches in area for each facility or by mechanical ventilation capable of providing 4 complete air chanyes per hour for each faCility. 8. Coordinate electrical maintenance and modification requirements with the city electrical inspector. The above Other items sidewalks, inspection items are requirements only for the existiny buildings. such as required' parking, paving, site improvements, etc., have not been addressed as part of this initial and might be required as .part of Development Coordination. All necessary permits shall be obtained and required inspections approved before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Please direct all inqulrles to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, Don Moore Building Inspector Copy to: Parr Construction, P.O. Box 7742, Eugene, OR Y7401 Mike H~dman Lorne Pleger COLLINS ENTERPRISES INC, #579 . , '" "( ~ . '. SPRINGFIELD A'DD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department October 29, 1985 I Collins Enterprises, Inc. 404 S. Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 .. Gentlemen: At your request, the Sprin9fie1d Buildin9 Safety Division conducted an occupancy inspection of the building located at 1908 Main Street, Springfield, Ore90n. The'purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of this building for the proposed use of sales and storage of welding supplies and equipment. The proposed use of the building will categorize it as a B-2 occupancy. The following maintained in occupancy. Structural Speciality Code and Fire and Life Safety Code (S.S.C.), items are to be installed, modified, repaired or order to conform to the applicable codes for that 1. Bottled gasses must be stored in exterior areas where ventilation of the storage area is not restricted. 2. The maximum number of compressed gas containers allowed in the above occupancy category are as follows: A. Acetylene - 50 bottl es. B. Oxydizing Gases - 40 bottles The above gases must be stored in areas separated from each other, be adequately secured to prevent overturning of the container and protected from tampering. The containers must be stored on concrete slabs or pads which extend at least 5 feet beyond the storage area on all open sides. 3. The interior areas shall be used welding equipment and no open permitted within the bui1din9 nor only for storage and sales of f1 ame app 1 i anCeS shall be in the gas storage areas. .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 ., ,) oF' . . Collins Enterprises, Inc. October 29, 1985 Page Two 4. Repair the dryrot conditions in the roof structure, and properly secure the new beam used to reinforce the roof structure over the existing car wash bay. 5. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort, except that the main exit door may have a lock that is readily distinguishable as locked if the door has a sign stating "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." 6. Ventilation for all interior areas is required in the form of exterior openings equal to 1/20 of the floor area, or by mechanical ventilation capable of supplying a total circulated volume of 675 CFM of air, of which one-third must be outside air. 7. Provide restroom ventilation by means of vertical ducts equal to at least 100 square inches in area for each facility or by mechanical ventilation capable of providing 4 complete air changes. per hour for each fac il ity. 8. Coordinate electrical maintenance and modification requirements with the city electrical inspector. The above Other items sidewalks, inspection items are requirements only for the existing buildings. such as required parking, paving, site improvements, etc., have not been addressed as part of this initial and might be required as part of Development Coordination. All necessary permits shall be obtained and required inspections approved before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Please direct all inqulrles to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, . Don Moore Building Inspector Copy to: Parr Construction, P.O. Box 7742, Eugene, OR 97401 Mike Hudman Lorne Pleger COLLINS ENTERPRISES INC, #579 . ,