HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Correspondence 1987-3-23 . . a.ddv~~S lilU OF SPRINGl"lliLD Planning Department March 23, 1987 Mr. Don McCabe ,.', , ...34540 McKenzie View Drive Sprin9fiel d, . Oregon 97478 ~,., ~.. SUbject: Site Plan Review ReSU(~, 1875 Mai~~ngfield Dear Mr. McCabe: * This letter is to clarify the requirerrents that resulted from the Developrrent Review COlllllittee's review of your Site Plan. As you are aware, a Development Review COllJ11ittee rreetin9 was held on March 19, 1987 to discuss these requirerrents and provide for public input from adjacent property owners. No adjacent property owners attended the rreeting. . Deve loprrent Revi ew COlmlittee requi rerrents: 1. Contact Virgil Langley at the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) regarding:the' private lights you would like to install. 2. The installation of a publicly owned street light on the SUB pole lo~'~ted nea~ . the proposed driveway on South "A" Street. The light to be installed is a 135 watt Low pressu re Sodi urn (LPS) with a 12 foot mas t arm. ' - .' .- . 3. Street trees are required at 30 foot intervals along all perimeters. This nee.ds: to be shc.'/n on the site plan. 4. All landscaping requires underground irrigation. This needs to be shown on the site plan. 5. The walkWays between the landscaping, if installed, shall be paved not graveled. This needs to be shown on the site plan. 6. Locate the bike rack on your site plan. 7. Wheel plan. stops stops are requi red for spaces 10-13. The extra wide sidewalk in front for spaces 1-9. . This needs to be shown on the site of the bu i 1 di ng wi 11 serve as whee 1 8. Driveways require an 8 foot flair on each side. This needs to be shown on the site plan. 9. Unused dri veways shall be closed and replaced with new standard hei gilt curb and gutter. 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3759 " , ". . ,:' /. l,'~';._<-:~-f' f*J . "'''''''''''''.'.... . ,.' - . ".'"';i~-.~ _.,: ",._'~~:-t~~~' . . .'. .10. The installation of 7 foot wide sidewalks along the entire street frontage. .... This needs to be shown on the site plan. 11. Sanitary and storm sewer locations are to be researched and re-drawn on the site plan. 12. Because no dermlition be verified, e.g., Division at 726-3759. permit was obtained, the status of existing utilities IIlISt gas, water, sewer. Contact Lorne Pleger of the Building .' 13. Obtain permits from the State Highw~ Department for construction of driveways. . 14. Easements are requi red over the sewer located on Tax Lot 7600. The locati on of the sewer li nes shall be verified. Contact Les Crai gmile of the Engi neeri ng . Division at 726-3753. This needs to be shown on the site plan. 15. All requirements/changes shall be shown on your final site plan when submitted. 16. If you choose to install the pole sign, as indicated in your letter, the maxillllm height shall be 20 feet. 17. I have enclosed the street tree list you requested. The Site Plan will not be formally approved until the Planning Commission decision is made on the Variance you requested regarding the location of driveways. Please contact Greg Mott or IIlYself. if you have additional questions about the . requirements or the process. . Cordially, .~~ .', . r - 1.'''''. ..,":" ~. . ;.' O~ Cy hia L. Harrmn Development Permit Coordinator "'''''1'1;'' 1.. ..... . _.~ ... " ;.',\. '-', ..~"':~.':~~~;:~ I ';:":""'. .:. ~':';.: . :"~','f,!.;-\,..:f.l~~. . -." -' .'....., ':''',>fJ"'r:".:' -'t--;. 4:~~~~~~;~-!."~'~"".- ,._~~~,~. _~~:' ~~. :.t~~;~'~':~~~~ '" I. ,':,'.1" '" . . .... ;'" -.:..' ~..~_~~~ ".;:..~ .(,..'"..J. . . ....'w'..,;l-