HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1981-4-30 " t ~c \ f .' ." lI; :~' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 .' PUBLIC WORKS April 30, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726,3753 Mr. Milton Harris 790 East 38th Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: Occupancy Inspection at 1870 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Jf Dear Mr. Harris: At your request the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted an occupancy inspection of the building located at 1870 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon on April 28, 1981. The proposed use of the building as an auto repair and spray painting business will classify it as an H-2 Occupancy. Although additional speciality items shall be required supplementary to the in- stallation of the spray paint booth, the following list of items shall be instal- led, repaired or replaced in order to conform to all applicable codes for that occupancy. OREGON STRUCTURAL SPECIALITY CODE AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 1) A detailed set of prints and specifications of the required spray booth, show- ing size, location, installation, and ventilation as required by the Oregon Mechanical Speciality Code, Oregon Electrical Safety Code, and the Springfield Fire Code shall be provided. S.S.C. 302 (a) 2) Sanitary facilities consisting of a water closet and lavatory with a privacy and occupied indicator shall be provided within the building. S.S.C., Table 5-E 3) All water closet rooms shall be provided with an exterior window at least 3 square feet in area, fully openable; or a vertical duct not less than 100 square inches in area. S.S.C. 905 4) Engineering shall be required to determine the rema1n1ng structural intergity of the roof support system that has been damaged by previous occupants. S:S.C. 302 (c) OREGON ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE Oregon Electrical Safety Law Section 22-110 (b) states that electrical work performed on property that is for rent, sale or lease,shall be done by an Oregon licensed elec- trical contractor. 1) The existing non-metallic cable wiring shall be removed and replaced with fixed wiring installed in metallic raceways. E.S.C. 511 .- , ~ Mr. Milton Harris Occupancy Inspection 1870 Main Street April 30, 1981 Page 2. ) j " .f!! 1 ..' 2) All conduit and service equipment shall be properly bonded, bushed and tightened at all fittings. E.S.C. 250-32 3) Each disconnecting means, feeder, or branch circuit shall be legibly marked at the point where it orignates to indicate its purpose. E.S.C. 110-22 ./ 4) Each branch circuit shall be protected by an over current device rated in accor- dance with the conductor size. E.S.C. 230-94 I j 5) Electrical metallic tubing shall be securely fastened in place at least every 10 feet and wihtin 3 feet of each outlet box of fitting. E.S.C. 348-12 6) In completed installations, each outlet box shall have a cover, faceplate, or fixture canopy. E.S.C. 348-12 OREGON STATE PLUMBING SPECIALITY CODE 1) All openings into a drainage or vent system, excepting those openings to which plumbing fixtures are properly connected, shall be permanently plugged or cap- ped. P.S.C. 314 Please. 'direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, ~ ~~\.- Dave Puent Building Inspector DP/ls ilODI.2 cc: Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney . - ~ .. ...... .-" '_'.0::-'"""'"'"'. "!'!'r......,...:'<.~:__..h..... . . . /. OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION ,.. ./ 'EXISTING BUILDINGS." CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DATE: 4>1T;; .;2 7. /<; f/ JOB ADDRESS: I"'X'?D A~I//v' <5/ OIiNER: d/!/,L,.,.u ~4Ki::.I$ NUMBER OF UNITS: / 790 c'-::.-=?,v-~& Cue::... S?,{'JJV~)i'CLJ) ADDRESS: APPLICANT: <:)'//-r7r "'DDRESS: FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE: /.5 oc'cJr'tCD nl::: e.-fL L /1-tL /.r;,..J ;.6:../'<; K I~ ~P\- (-;'"Z.. 9f A $20.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM ~IUST BE SIGNED BY THE ONNER OF THE PROEPTY TO BE INSPECTED. / . f/z;:./ffv-ib-Z-Pio SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: Date of Cert. of Compliance: \. '5(,.,~5(0 Date of Report: . Receipt Number: RHIARKS: ./ , .... . ...... ~'. . ",-.'...~:... . ". .." ." ~.. ., . 3, .. ~ -.. Pub1i W k :':~;l:r~ ~_; c or s "~~ 1,1 .-:'., ., ~.Ii~~~~\~f!t;..."..... ~';:JOB AL'DRESS /"'70 1ft!} /rnfl . PW-ll 'p<91@ .2.." "Inspector', s Memo ;.. '. ,', ", ~...' - ._,;.\~". .- . "_....,~- ,. i' ',- ~" DATE 4--2..'1-81 , 'v',_, '~"-:~'\!!:"'- ., J~~~:'!.4'- ,'.- <:'-TO: .:':~s~~ ".r.,,:i.::.."':_~\"".;:\. :~~~,. ~,,"'.i,. '",.. 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