HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-8-24 (2) INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 "- Job Add",~_I.if)(J J.1"1/1 ~. "90' o.",;p';on l'l-e>~ -'3cC- 'f ~ 7:t.. .Seo. - .... ."Cltv"O"SPRINGFIElD ~ COMBINAJlCN APPlICAflON/PEA.MIT INFORMAJlON LINE 726-3153 ENERGY SOURCESl ~ () ~ -:- Addre" Phone I Sq. Ftg. Main I SQ. FIg. Accon. Sq. fig. Other . _Ne.,., __Add .KAlter ,KR.p. 1_.._F.nce_oemO_ChOng.iU,. ~ _ 5"~ _Olh" 8uilding Permit Info: O.,cribe Work ii.e.. 8uild Single Fam.l, R",iden~,,; Wit" Attached Garottel l?CP;#.R J)fl/n.4'::"ED 57&.6" 7JTi'vs,s_ ~~-V}P $-~k W'~C./;>lbG, J~P ,;r€;:hc.>b~' Heot WOler Healer RanCle - Value of Work: Owner rkH, Pc!f(rf' Crei'....:J~ flr. -".., ~7'" Phone (, /- /IF /C" I 'I I I I Addr." I I I I I"'" 1.1.' -' Conuruction Lender oESIGN TEAM (nome; (address) (Iics, rio.) (upitlu) (phon. no.) Primary CONT~ACTCRS ])A't/D c..~WC!F?;>Y. (nomel (addr.ss) flies. no.) ~ (.xpires) " (,)hane no,) Structural Electrical Mechanical G"neral plumbinq flectrical ifo:w &'Pt!!"(..4ND e'-~r. Mechanical PLUMBING ELECTRICAL I CHARGE I NO. MECHANICAL NO. I r-::I" l CHARGE I NO. FEE FEE 'CHARcr:.. SERVICES I I. I furnace;burn.r to llTU's Appiia~ce ....nt yparate Stationar;' e...ap. cooler Vent fan with single duct Vent .sydem apar' from heating or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and d~ct < Residenu of E:Jc;, ,inale fi...lure Ro1locored building (new fi.... addition<'1il S.F. il:~liden~. (I both) Sq: ft. New circuill. alteraliolls or extenlions , . Duoln (1 bOlh) each Temporary Conltruction .Addilianal bath Amen. Wotllr sen'ice S......r Wood sto..../h.olor Sto(m Sewer FEEOERS Heat PumD Air hondl.r to 10.000 CFM Air handler 0'" 10,000 CFM Amps. '!.. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE lAW REQUIRES Ihot the Electrical work be don. by the E!."'rical ContraCfor, the .I.ctricol portion of this permit .hall nol b. valid unlil 0 lob.1 has been signed by on Electrical Contractor and attached to the .Iectrical panel. I HAve CA.,REFULl Y EXAMINED the compl.ted opplicotion for permit, and do her.by certify thai 011 information h.r.an is tru. and co".ct, and I furth.r certify that any and 011 work performed shall b. don. in accordance with th. Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the lows of the Stat. of Oregon p.rtaining 10 the work delctibeQ h.rin, and thot NO OCCUPANCY will b. made of any structur. without the permiuion of the Building Di...i,ion. I further certify that my regill'falion witn the Build.r's Board is in full force and mect 01 required by ORS 701.0.55, that if .xempt th..bosis for .x.mption i. noted h.ron, and that only subconltactars and .mploye.s who or. in compliance with OKS 70~ W;l'lI be ~d on his project. Basil for Build.r's Boord f4\mption' /1 I , NAME (p"'"p.;n') Uv.'iI/d L~'c..Je/~:Y '1GNATURE li;b,." . {Jf"~ DATE g'~?'I-4~ v fOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zone ----' - ,,_ fir. Zone Flood Plain Type/Const....:;z:t'....JI../ . IlIAdraams . "alu. Vol". Value C:'orie, I Units ?ccy load . Occy GfaupK-:::z. 0::_. Ftg. Main c;q. fIg. Access Sq. Fig. Olh.r . . TOTAL V AlUA TlON ~<=> plan Ck. Commilnd 65~;,/8IdQ Per F~. Plan ClI. R.s 30~;'/Bldq Per FelIt I Sylleml De....lopm.nt ; CharQ. (1.5~;' \ I +~ PLUMBING PERMIT ~ Chargel and Surcnarge. I-li . i I BUILDING PERMIT Chorg.s and Surcharges s. ~ s. 'oco Fence <e> Oemo I Talol Comb. Permit /<!). '10 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and S,\c.."o,gel Sidewalk Alc Pew'in" TOTAL "/0. 'f~ MECH.ANICAl PERMIT Charge 1 and S",rcharg.. Curb CuI Applica~ to furnish A. Job Address B. legal Description 1. examole.tax lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. examoie.Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Sp,ingfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender . I C I T Y ,OF D. Energy Sources r, 1. examole-heot/electrical ceilinq/or forced air qc 2. cxomole.water heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuotion, etc. 1. examole,1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot gara' 2. examoie-if new project, check ne;,-if addition, c add, etc. F. Building permit information: 1. exam ole-construct single family house with an 0 garage 2. exam ole. remodel existing garagE:: into family roc ( 3. example-convert single family residence into restQurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the St,uctural Specialty Cede H. DESIGN TeAM AND CONTRACTORS To 'ovoid design or construction delays, Building Divi Stoff must be able to contact appropriate persons re~ ;.~; design information or job site corrections, etc. .. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Schedule A: Except where.blcnk spaces occur in the description pc or the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applic need fill-in only the.No. Boxes adjacent to the approF item(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Me<:hanical, and Electrical Schedules . 'ore available at the Building Division . 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedule: have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the ated schedules yau should consult the full schedule: C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL Fill OUT ALL FEES AN CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES 111. Applicant to sign ana dote Whenever possible. Ihe initial application will be used as ( worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff wi prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant c the time the actual permit is issued for his signaturE.. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the apF and no plans will be processed until these fees cue paid. AI otner fees and charges ore due and payable when the perr4- is issued. IV. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY '-. PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, name ";gnature " .' '-- ~RMIT VALIDATION ,t.' SPRINGFIELD ( City Hall Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OffiCIAL RECEIPT No. B 5714 2 ( ~ " ,. I I 1 DoteAf.Lt:l.F-~T-~ 'I. 19 81 Rec'd From PA\JI D Lo'V/cfi' V <j/-. .( Address ,g>7~? M 1-IH Received For: ( " i 'gullt-Pd> C-: P.. e:=n/y/./;r .J:.zp -IT' BjQ,C::-~! ( ( ( ( ,Amaunt Received #L (!),. lfO ~..-~~:- ~ . . V / ..... ~UTHOIt\U:O S'GN~TU,7' ( :H1:~TOH'TUIl".U~~ ~"'''T1:''S . l:u<oI:..I:, 0" S'401 !..".. \ '( ,. " (I I \ ~. d ... ... Permit Cler~ , I I I date