HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1995-1-9 S!G.N PERMIT J\PPLlCATIOlA' "PIllNGFIELO....-L... JO_MBEH q~ \ .~~~.. . 225 Filtll Streel ~<!. I Inspection Line: 726-3769 5prilluiielri, OR 9747l ~,.., Office: 726-3759 SITE ADDRESS: ,__ ";fC5-::1..~-~" . _..u_ -j~q,~~,(\:U":\_~ -- ___n__ I\SSESSORS MAl: _\ ~1...Lu.(L~ ____ ____________ I AX LOT: __~_~U ________._ ClWNEn:., r: "')L1)~,A.i-_t...!t.~.. ~~--~tCI!:..~'------ PHONE: _"3..~4j.-_J j 5:'.....L__________ I\DDRESS_/~c[1.r--_ :'~:..JA./ ___'__ ____ _____. CITY: __~..f.#....G...r....lc L /:;)_____ STATE: ___ _ZIP: BUSINESS NAME, FIlii-A ETc.:__.,LUt_ W -~-~-~--f?.E.(------1l4AR-T-- -.-..------.-.0.-.---,-- .~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(SI: (please check and cOlllpl"le all ilppropriate information) L Wall Freestanding __ Projecting Roof /SinUIC Face Doullle Face Billhoard Other Square Footage: t..f ~ t.JL Marquee Total Height above Grade: Verlic("ll Dimension 01 sinn or enclosUlc: '? I - I Horizontal Wit VALUE OF SIGN: / r;;O 0 ..cc. I" J... , Dimension frolll Grade II I Electrical InstClllalion: tclllOtlorn 01 Sigll Enclosure: _.__, __ (If V(~S additionill ch:ctrical perl1li 's r uir-cd) Material Sign is <:olls""cteri ..I: _,!\1dc&-__~<I,.,\f.L;~~-.f- l P l a <;./-; c... .., List ALL existing signaHc and attach 8 photogrnnh of 8ach sign: I',) Tvpe ~__ Sq. Fl(l_ ____ Ie) TVp" __\~ .ff" __. ___ Sq_ F,!I. _____~____ _._ (Il) TVp" ___ Sq. Ftg_ {dl TVI'" __ ___.__ Sq. Flg. CONTRACTORItNSTALLER:.3 '-0-n 'i CA.... f ~.i- D I".(-!-- . J-'4.:f~Ar t uY-_..51_~.__.__ STATE: (),e ~ If&t'q~ PHONE: ~ l/V. J~_~ ADDRESS: l3t~--=fl CITY: F..//\ J '2..- $L...... CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBElt: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBEll: 1''1 () I l:.:S 9 7.yo <- EXPIRES:.1- IS - 9'.5'"'" EXPIRES: '7r;;:O It, '3) 6 ZIP: OFFICE USE Si[Jn Distriet:~.r\U::'~__ Land Use: ~~ Zoning: (\ {' ...... Code Seclion: q - '1-14 (\ I Si[Jn Permit Fcc: _~ ~ .00 ____ Approved BV: _~, _~ ~ Q"ad Area: t4~t\)l0 DATE: I-q-Lt:) nmUlnED INSPECTIONS: Site (0 Iw made prior [0 siOIl placement _ __ FOlltinlj pdor to plal:emellt of c()ncretf~ _ \.. 0 Attachmenl afler fa~;tellers are illSla I.gd/prior 10 cover ~iectriGal prior to cncrnizing electrical installation Filial c( nplction of sign i stallalion .L\dtlitinnal COITlIllCI\lS and/or Condition~;: By sionature, I state anti agree. that I have c<lrcfully examined the complotl~d {Ipplication and do hereby certify that <111 information herein IS true nnd correct, nnt! I further certif\' that any alltJ all work performed shall be dOlle in accordance with tlm Ordin~nccs of tile City of Srrino'ield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to ttle work described herein. I further certify that only contraClOrs and employees who arc in compliance with OrtS 701.O!i5 will he used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all ruquired in:;pections are requested ilt the proper time, that project address is readable hom the streot, th~t tht: permit cClrd is IOr.:lllld at Ille Iront of the properly. and the approved sel of plans will remnill on the site nt all times during the il\st[lllatioll o!'iw Sigll~SJ. Sigllnture, -C tjQj(1L-_ Date (-s~1~ U~. - ~ V:llillatioll: Amount Received: ___~? Ole __D,lte Paid: _J....~-~ Heceipt NUlnhl~f: / ~C/< Received By: ./2-. -!.''''? _ ' -_._..L/~.-r.,~/---- --'-~--'~~-'--' ~ ~or' " . 'e I., , .' I :l! I , ~ " . , SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the reverse side needs, to be completed entirely. If you are the sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield Business License Number and the Registration Number from the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration I . date of each. If the sign you arc proposing to install is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in whic!) you are occupying, 'and you will be performing the electrical installetion yourself, you may sign the electrical application. If there are existing wall and/or freestanding signs, a photographlsl of each existing sign noeds to bo attached to the application. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where the' proposed,sign will be located. If you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 feet in total height, the footing detail n~e~s to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer or architect. After the plan review process is completed, and; if your signls) is approved, one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need to be at the si~e' when an inspection is requested for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Depending on your signls), you may be required to request one or all of the following inspections durin!1 the installation of your sign: Site: To be requested after indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work . being performed for the installatien of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the proposed sign. '" To be requested after excavation 'and the forms are installed, but prior to pourinll concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the footinll, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. Footing: Attachment: To be requested when all fasteners are installed but prior to cover. Electrical: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior to energizinll. Final: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. The inspections that are required for your sign installation will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to request ANY of the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. .r To request an inspection, phone 726-3769. This is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, all inspections phoned in after 7:00 a.m. will be.JT'~de the following work day. ."; '~,:;., If you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections. please feel free to phone the Building Salety ~ivision at 726-3759. '~ City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 " 225 Fifth Street a ~ ~p .Inspcction line: 726'379~ \ Spri'\Qfiel!1, QA 97477 . ~ 'ti, Ollicc: 726-3759 q~' SITE ADDRESS: ____ -- \'1n'V'\.:r;;--l\S\q'~'-~~-~------f"\LI:-;:;:~--------__--n-- I\SSESSOAS MAP: .... L~ :..}.<)\J.L~I)"... ...___ _ ________~ __dO... __ ___ _lAX LOT: __..V_~!..!l.L__ ____._____n___ OWNER: ._h.DL '1)_SIJ__L.'..[k;'_SL____J<U<.,-'-____. PI lONE: _ '2..'-!'1-ns..L________ I\DDAESS:_-ifl1-.'7-._ -:,At'lA:j ~ ------....---- ---- ----~- CITY: _.~_f_$...f#~J:...tt5: LP____.____ 51 ATE: ____ _ _____ ZIP: BUSINESS NAME, FIIIM ETc..:.....M.W _~ - ----.-f?E:~T----A1N~T-----~--------'- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): Iplease chcck and r;omplr;le ;,11 appropriate information) L Wall Freestandina Projecting Root /Single Fac!; Doullle Face Billboard Otllcr , , , Square Footage: _!::i3~l~.____ Total Height above Grade: I Vertical qimension at sign or IlncloSUlC: __ :;;.__________ Dimension frolll Graclo III Ell;ctricallnst,lllatillll: ____ Yn K; 0 III bottom 'of Sign Enclosure: ___.__ _" _ (If yns additiOni'll cl~:ctrjcal permit's r" ired) Material Sign is ::onSIIIIGtCd Ilf: --0(i..O- Q__._____ _.._ _ _ _ ______ VALUE OF SIGN: List ALL existing signa!le and Buach B photo(JrBph of each sign: I,,) Type _____ _,-1'11''::'' __ 5'1. r-'!I. .._.__._.______ _I',/'-::r . ,,,) Type _'t_:~~ .__. ____ SII_ FlU. __________ ____ Ill) Type Sq. FlO. ________ Id) Type __ _____~ Sq. Fig. CONTRACTOR/INSTAL LEA: _3-1-:"<jh...L __~.1:J.:"~~;l_e...u(_ I\D~RESS: J ? ~:.:.:fL__. J-J':i-f..QfY-' '0 ,t:.' ___ ...$.L-'. ___ _ ___ CITY: FtA ye."" SI.--,_ _______STArE:_O ~ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRA nON NUMBE": c.. 'f Lt'" C( 5- CITYBUSINESSlICENSENUMBEIl:_._fi...Q.. I b3 ____ "",." . *" ) JI I /4 1;'::) I 3~G PHONE: 3Y'f,7~~ ZIP: 9 7 ~ 0 <. c EXPIRES:..1- 15" _. ;/S- _EXPIRES: ...250.(... ,3 ~ ~~\,\.~_. Land U.e: ~'~ Quad Area: ;4.. ~ ZooinO: ~ Codc Scction:. C\, f') - \4. l\ ') Silln Permit Fee: _ ~~~ ~='~'APproved By: lJ C'fl2~~ ..J OFFICE USE Sign District: IlEOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to sion placement tJ Allachmcll( at/c;" fa~;tellers are installed/prior 10 cliver ___ ~Icctric:al prior to enerui2ing electrical installatioll _. _._ Fon1in'] pdor to placement of concretf Adllitional Comments and lor Condition~;: DATE: J-q.L{~__ ( -/JFim' ~iion of sign installation By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the complcll;d npplication and do hereby certify that all informiltion herein IS true and correct, anti I fUrltler cerlif" that any and all work performud shall be dOlle in accordance with tllU Ordinances of the City of Sprino'ield, and the lilWS of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work dm;cribcd herein. I further certify that onlv COlltraClors anti cmployees who are in compliance with OilS 701 .0r.5 will he used on this project. I further aglee to ensure that all required in:;pt:ctions are requcsted ;It the proper time, that project address is readable from the strecl, that It", permit card is loca(o,d at 'he front of the propl!rty, and the approved sel 01 pl,,"s will remain on the site at all times dwing the installation of the signlS; ^ . Signat~re -rr---tj-r-. t./_ u.cL. ___ _Date I - f: ~ 1.. ~ V;llitiation: Amount Rcceivc{l: __..25"'~~__D:ltc Paid: __1-"3. 92__ ""'"' ,"'"",., j5:2'1CL-----",",.. '" _ ~ - ~~ ~ ~."""'<-"~.-.,..............- ~:~' '.'. , SIG0'p~RMIT APPLICATION- ..,{, ,.~-,.,..;. 225 Fifth Street __ ,.~ Inspection '..ine: 726.3769 5prll1olteld, OR 97477 ~ ~, Office: 726-3759 ~1~~E~~g=~S~~p:.~~tl~~~~~:~-'- .u'==:rAXUIT: :=a~:~-=========~==--- OWNER: .,...c;'OL'1)_S"IJ._.lA"_~~Sr._.._~~<.~_..___PIIONE: - ~Lf4..j ~ ~-L________ 4DDRESS:_./fl17-- --p1Ad~-..---- --------.- ----- CITY: __~_fl!..-t#~.J"....16~~P".--_.-__-STME: _________ZIP: . BUSINESS NAME, FIIIM ETc:_...1AW -~ - ..-...-f? E:...T ---.Jl4.i:\R.-T------- ---.------ JOB_BEll Q.,~\ DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): Iple"se check and eomplt:te "II "ppropriate informationl L Wall Freestanding __ Projecting Rool /SinOle Fact: Doullle Face Billboard Other , '. u" t}' Square Footaoe: _~~J"""'---- Marquee Total Height above Grade: J ~ I 11/ It-:; I . I Vertical Dimension of sign or lH\(:losure: __ ....:~__..:..__.___ Horizontal WiU~' In or llnclosure: DilllCllSioll frolll Gracie II ' Eh.:<:trir.al InstCillatllm: YI~S X 0 VALUE to bnltnm 'of Sign Enr.losure: _...__ _. _ tlf y(~S additiun,ll eh:ctrical permit . (C lied) OF SIGN: Material Sign is ;:ons"III:ted nl: __Md4.-_- ~-I'..d--t- tJ (If S{...,'fI:.. y ISot,) --..(:'a. ,.. 0 List All existing siona\Je and aUach a photograph 01 8ach sign: 1"1 Type _'___ ...t.l.o-''::''._ Sq. r-'(J. _______.____ (h) Typ" .___ ____ Sq. FlO. ___~._ .-".!\T Ie} Typ" __'t:!'-. .___ _.._ Sq. FI!J. __._,_._____ __._ Idl Typ"._ __.__ Sq. FlO. CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: _ .s '~l-_~J:JI-M.;1-~...i2L- ADDRESS: t3~ -=...1)____ t-kJ-f-Q::Y-.-' 0 't'.:__ ~:L-,- ---- --- CITY:L~ ___________S~ArE: 01(. ZIP: 97'&/0<- CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTrlATION NUMBEIl: (.., 'i!Lt:(5- ___EXPIRES:.1- I!; - 95""" CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: __1..~P...J_b:!. ______EXPIRES: C;~6 /.. '3 6 PHONE: 3 "/<(, i!L~ OFFICE USE Sion District: \'~~_. land Use: S?(X) __' Ol1ad Are,;: ~~ 1\')(0 Zoning: ,,~---W'- -- Code Section: __Cl:-_f}.-l~lD Sinn Permit Fee: _~~~__ __ _ Approved By: li:ro ) \ ~)() M) DATE: J... ~_~ .. \ \ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site 10 bt~ n~8de prior 10 sion placement p. _.._ FOlltinlj prior to plal:emollt of concrete '\.../ At"'c1l1nel1t ;J"f:!fa~;lerll~rS are installed/prior 10 Cliver 1i1eclrical prior to (lI1eruilino electrical ins1 allatiol1 'i:. Filial co(npletion of sion installation Additional Comments and/or Condition:i: --.--.------.------- ------ By signature, I state ~nd agree, that I have carelully examined the comploll~d application and do hereby certify that all information"herein IS Hue and correct. anti I fUflhtH certit" that llny and all work pcrformlJd sh<J1I be dOlle in accordance with tho Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the ltlWS of the State of Oregon pcrtnining to the work de~cribud herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ons 701 .O~i5 will he used on this project. I further aoree to ensure that all required in:;pections are reqlJcslCd Ht the proper time. thilt prlJjcct address is readable horn the street, that tht! permit card is locatl!d at ll1e Iront of the propmly. and the approved set of pbns will remnill on tho site il( all times during the installation of the sionls';,: Siunature -h~r.. t /_0 J (1 L __ _Dare ( - f: - '1 ~ Valitlation: Amount Receivad: ..2:2.... -...c::>. D:Jtc Paid: /' ~ -~_5"" "I Hec",pt Nu.nlwr: ~~/_2~~_Yi =~~RCC(:iVCd B-;~- r~ -~