HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-1-31 ~I i. II .~; ....lJ .1..'''.. ,......"~ . . '{c it y 0 r 5 pr ill!; fie I d ) 225 11. 5th street ...\ '..;d~".i.'~J.~~Wl-' ."~..:J:::;:~'.%""--"'r"~~ ~....-......'''._r-~,'~~\ INr-OflMMION: 72G-J7!;3 'I INSPEC'TIONS: 72G.37G9 1 1 . . :..pnINGFIEU.l ......... ....", A. LOCATIO/l OF SIGN (ADDRESS) !q~() fi1,J~ r"5t LEGAL DESCRIPTION I 7....- (Jg - ';J-C:; .-- ?3 - OITNER OR PROPERTY 1iiU/ 1(/~rle.// .' ADDRESS r'UI.V'('w-Hy /10/ /11,,. kef- sf~((?};L, OImER OF SIGIl (IF OTIIER TIIAII I'ROPlmTY OWIlER) .5"'~~_ :54F1. , I ~ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 1'1I0NE W /()ooy 72(", - I~b~ w 97"1'77 T^~: LOT 'f! ADDRESS NAl-IE OF BUSIllESS. FIRH, ETC.{1", f,t'"J JnY' .slJe.l'-,~I.t:es , PIIOIlE TYPE OF ,BUSIt:ESS ~ -In.;) ~ ;"d- B. TYPE OF \WRK: X-ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE OTIIER FREE:;TMIDItIG D. USE Aim CEARilCTER OF SIG/I: A-IDWTITY -+ A~ft;':J UlCIDEIITAL 1 '. /if/Oj( '(1 C. STRUCTUHAL ..LIIALL _ROOF ~1AIt(1UEE _Ullm:l: 11AIWUEE TYPE OF SIGN: I'I\OJ ECTItIG ,Atlitt'h _OOUIII.I: FACE ~IIlGI.E FACE OTI!EI( ~j" / +MJ<<e- -iLhV',;'. l'.ollP:reL ____'llILTI- FACE _P,EA!lF.lt BOARD _IIILLBOARD j 1 E. VI\IlDORS, CONTRACTORS: "t' SIGII ERI\CTOR J:wel"a!/d )lVH JHt? 'E'1feHe 5 rs I.DO~:.'.SS_.l/~?'&> ,j, 5ifLJ.vl".' I r:JEffeff~- CITY LICENSE t1Lr..IBER "I'1I0m: I'" 'if 7- t'J a:?< =38 m tJ7-YcJ:l. EXP. DATE . SIGN I'~\IIUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN F.RECTOR)--" <):;fH ( 0 A q ()-'7 ul.Ji l.) \ ~tt)1Wi:r() G. ~~.STI!IC; Slr.N:'. I AODP.ESS D.l'/JJ- F. DWF.IISIONS, I1ISTALLATION " CONSTRUCTION TOTAL HEIGHT ACOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL Dll-IEIISION OF SIGII HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DHlF.IISIOII FROI'I GRADE TO BOTTDt.\ OF SIGN L3'(p" 4'0" JjO~" q'o" " '0" . A"''''''' ~' AR[, TIIERE MIY' EXISTInG ~:IG:-\S? _YES KNO l~lInE~. SIZE IN sn. FTG. Al.L EXISTHIG Slr;r-l:i FOR I~U~; ltH:~;S. rTC. TIIICKNESS OR DEPTII DOF.S SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YE5. DU1ENSION BEYOND PROl'I:RTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIO\l IS 110RE THAN 12" Q"\iETI PUB1.IC !'ROPEr.TY .TI~E SICN Eltf.CT()R I.\UST FILE WITII TilE 11Ul!.Dlllf: DIVISION COPIES OF m!;/IIER LIABILITY MID mlll'- ERTY DAHAGE U1SUPJ\NCE POLICIES. _YES ,X_NO ;R/ H. I'~\:L ,SIGN IIA~I' I:~E~~'P.ICAL IHRIIIG?-1/eS II- YI,S. ImlLI. ~.Il L\. F.1.F.C1RICA( SIGII ~ILLlI!1lNATEU CII-JIIIp.rC1'LY LIGHTED) f.LECTHICAL corlTP.J\CTOr:. ^Dl.lRES~; LIse. NUt-llH-:R PI:Oflr. I. DESr.RIBE TYPE OR t-'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTltuCTED or. /" x ,0&:>5 rd>..~ 51Pe/ {l~ /"elc/pd fY't'lHf~,' l/lHyl ftJbl";"" ~,t?I/t!'.Y'ed. J. SITE INFQP!1I\'I'IQII (I.AlID \I~r.) -- EXISTING USE 01'- nUI!.IlI.III; Ol( I.AND (IlR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~t/11;J -d-- 5e..."':"'e.. K Aw"""" ~ . VALUE OF SIGN,v 35'(')0 .11-~1 /1 ' .# 00 o.ti;IV I.A!JPY Oil aWrli~ .300 - L. .2:CINDOOJ~ IH.!SItlESS CUTDOO? J.lEflCIlAtW I~ HIC PHOPO. ED U!':F. OF m':T.LD!NG OR l.AND: 1 -I- .<'e yo 1<:' '~-e, Auto ~ ;-{"ki ,<}-rnY'r"', I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!HtlED the camp le tell :lPP l.kn t: i on (or per.mi.t: nod do he,rcby cert i fy thn t n 11 infonn:J.tion is true ;lOci c()rn~ct. .:1nd T. fnrther certify that nil ,.mr-k !)crformcd shJll be done in .1cconJ.:mcc with the ::iprinr,Hcl.d Sign Ordi.n.1.ncc. the Uniform Sir,n Code as adof'tcd b)' the City of Sorinr,[iel.d nod all other Ordinnncc:; of f:hl~ City or :)prin~[icld a Ill! the l,"I\"s oE the St.:lte of 8["e~~nn per'talnLnr, to t~ll! wor1;. oescrLbccl :h='-t.'l.n. I furt!H!r cl'rtJ.fy thal~ I'IV :::'~!". Co.,tractor !..l- ccn::c with the City of: Spri.nr,fi.cld i.s Ln (utI. fnrc!! ::md effect a~ rCf!lIi.n.'d by Sprinp"ficld Codes 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). [will reqllc.!lt all l"cqlllred ~;i,r.n inspcction:; Ustl!d on thc approved permit. NAl-IE (PLF~\SE !INT) , ' SIGNATURE ( '/M rJ .;; wtLu(J M "W ,,-tlJ~ ./ ,/ DATE /-s/-90 ." P LEA S E R" 0 . t I " , I 2) . ~~:~:~:::~~~2::;~::::::o:SSU:ds:::::t:h::P:::::::~L:: ::::L:::1::: ::::n:C::"::Co:i::r.:Ss:::::::c.il' the supply wires for connection must be covered on nn electrical ~ermit. Electrical connection must be made. only by a State Liccn::cd Elcctric':ll Contractor. Illuminated sip;ns (both internally and. externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-1, (I.) & (5) and 9-]-18 of the Springfield Sien Or- din.1ncc. 1)' J) Plans Reauired: 111is application 13 to be nubmittcd w1.th two complete sets of plans showing di- mensi.ons and hcieht of sign; advertising mc!;s,'1f;C on sign; location of siCn on property with di- mensions to property lines, strtlctural dcenils o( sUI)~ort framing, bracine and footin~~5: materials of c'onstruction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of cxisting signs on propcl'ty for the same bus.i.en~s, 311 .1.S required to dctcrminq com~liance wi.th the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of tile Springfield City Code). Also,. show ttle follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a). Show the loc.1.tion of all existing sign(s) a::; well 3S proposed sign(::;). b): Show the length of the street frontage taken \lp by the busines~ or bullding. For wall signs, show the length 0 f the build i.ne frollta0c. c) Show the location of entrances open to tlle public allu driveways. \.Jhen required, bcc.1USC of design, si.ze, etc., engi.neared drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~lC Buildine Divi- sion Office. Plnns of insufficient clarity or detail will Le returned to the applic.:Jnt with no permit bcine issued. Sign!: must meet corner. vision clcat-ancc requirement:; a.~ described in Figure 9 of the Sprincfield Comprehensive Zoning Code, NOTE: No sign may be erected whlell is les~1 tllnll 1.2 feet 11orizolltally or vertic~lly [I'om overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or 1.C:;5 th:lIl 5 feet in any direction [ran overhead clcctric~l lines which arc eneq;izt:J at less til311 750 volt!;. If a sigq is not installctl within GO day:; after the date or issue of this perrott, tile permil: shall be void, . Inspections: . 4) 5) 6) 7) 0) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be mn.de before the sign i.s placed. Usually, the E:ootin!LJnspcction (it .:ipplicablc)' "my be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is c;~cavatt.:u., out prior to tile placement of concrete. b) Final Inspection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - all electrical signs must be irlspccted for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erecteu and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSI'ECTIONS ON TilE 2[, HOUR INSPECTIotl LINE AT 726-)769 ~0JuJr{ ,( 1 - , ~ DATE \0. O4D ~RINGFIELIl SIGN ORDINANCE FOR OF!' LeE U~:il.; UNLY SIGN DISTRICT ~ ZONE DISTRICT m f!-CJ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN Jlp~~~1., REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 16 7~~ j...SITE/LOCATIOll LFOOTING OR<1iETNOD OF A'j'Tii'cmll:~i1J I J-ELECTRIC,IL LFINAL OTIlER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOIl OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORHATION ImEDED nr:FORE PEIU-lIT flAY BE ISSUED, APPROVED BY, SECTION: JOB U qoO!C{~Cf01f~1 SIGN P ElU.1I T FEE: IVJ~ ELECTRICAL I'ERHiT FEE: 16~ ~% STATE SURC1~\RGE: .1'0 TOTAL, '?i) . '1 t:J DATE . c9 J3Q{lCElPT/ wlD~ CLER~ (fYJ ) I -.... I 1f%/qf)