HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-7-5 ~ ' , ,.,, . . 1,_, ........., ... . I ... city of spring! ield 225 n. 5th street SPRINCFIELD INFORMATION: 726-3153 . INSPECTIONS: 726-J769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGa (ADDRESS) . I J I /7 /Y'Ict -o~ H//J//l/ 07r 1 ~ 6. 5!/!f 4'2- //Vc)/"l 0 sj?,C/~S ST. S;?Pt-tJ. LECAL DESCRI~TION TA.': LOT '(' (j 0 700 PHOl!E &,1] 7 - :J-~8 7 OIlNER DR nOpERTY F/; C/O/<- Y ADDRESS f 'Ii <.tf" Y /J7 /9/ /!/ ZIP ADDRESS OIINER OF SIG:I (IF OTIl.ER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) (!O IV V6 C'T7Y12. /'1 Vq- m ~//V S7; NAME OF BUSIllESS, FI!l.'l. ETC. (10/1/VeCT71't woce? AUALL _FREESTANDIllG 0.100'.0 S7?t veJ' PHONE 'i? -;) J'Y"7 , C/eJ' ' S)"FTYPE OF BUSWESS S'&UJ - Sq&~I1~a", I D. USE AIID CP,AllACTER OF 'SIGN: ex IDENTITY' .8. TYl'E OF WORK: 1X-.ER1'.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE OTHER ~ C. STRUCTURAL TYPE .OF SIGN:, _ROOF _PROJECTING _HAR(\UEE _UNDER 11AR(\UE1: _OTI'.ER DlCIDE1ITAL ~ DOUBLE FACE ,..,.. f'y. '. !:i-SI:lGLE FACE _~TI-FACE ' ',: _READER BOARD J B ILLBOA.'Ul < E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR (J/l-t; IT- r /" e SYC/V.f' '/.DD~':::SS 9' 6 r L-P1-/Z e /-r ,')7, I'I:eNI: 3 Lf z - 3 '5""( G Ew6eN(! ZIt' CITY LICENSE I~BER EXP. DATE SIGN liANUFACTURER (IF OTHER T!',AN ERECTOR) elC.-E /9- T /C/ /,:;, S / ([ /f/ f ADDRESS 0/6.r ?-I"J/l Cc.r rr. c: VfC?r:I1./E' DIHE1ISIONS, DtSTALl..\TION & CONSTRUCTIOn /b r- T t-f r- T .?-r) ~ 7 ., l 1 1 , G. EXISTING SIGNS TO ~ {! ,12 e """s.W' I? '~'. ' """'fCWlfJoJtrrd-ySIf>N's j ARE THERE MlY EXISTI!IG ~IGN~? X YES ~tlO IMfBEl'. SIZE IN SO, FTG. PI!ONE q ~.2 - '3 re a I f, TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE CRADE VERTICAL DLMENSION OF SIGa HORIZONTAL WIDnl OF SIGN Dn-tENSION FRO~ CRADE TO BOTTO~ OF SICN /-::;.. r-T 3/v" ALL EXISTINC SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. IN h <.-L 0,z" 'f /VI} , I I ;>-S'cu:.r -:l- 'I SG< ,:..1' c ! , nlICKlIESS OR DEpTI!. ' DOES SIGN PROJECT BEY01~ PROPERTY LIlIE? . ~S IF YES, DnlENSION 3EYOIlD PROPERTY LIIIE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS I:ORE THA,.'; 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY 'I'P.E SIGII ERECTOR l'lUST FIL:: WI71! TIlE BU!LDIIIC DIVISION COPIES OF HIS'Itr.R LIABILI7Y AND PROP- ERTY DMlACi: WSU7.A.'4CE POLI::ES. KNO H. \/Ill SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL tHRIllC? .IV 0 ' IF YES. IIllICI! APPLY? ELZCTltlCAL SIGN _ILLUHL'IATED (I:lDIp_,=C'fl:'l LIGI!TED) ELECTRICAL CD:lTRACTOlt ADDRESS LISC. NUIillER pP.ONI: I. DESC:lIBE TYl'E OR ~ATERL\LS SICN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. 3/v If S(?~c..p() t9c..Ywrsot? J. SITE INFOPHATIotl (LAIlD U~F.) .. E.XISTING USE OF BUILDI~G OR LAND (~R LAST USE IF VACANT) ('C; n-t /h p,z.C. , K'VALUE OF SIGII: .$' ~ dc:.l .::::lINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR l'ERCllAtlDISIIIC PROPOSED USE OF BUILDHlC OR LA.'1D, C c- m f'J7 (M.. C /PJ-(. ,"~ .pI l 1 L'I P.AVE CAREFULLY E."<A'II:IE:l the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all 1nfo~ation is true and correct, and I :urcher cer:ify that all ~ork performed shall be done in accord3nce wit~ t~e 5pringi~eld Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the Cicy of Sorin~field and a1: other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws or the Scate 0: ~re~on ~ertainin~ to t~e yorl: aescri~ed ~c~~~n. I furt~er :e~tify tha~ ~y ~~~~ Co~t=ac:or ~i- cense ~ith the Ci:y of Spr:~~field is in full force and effect as re~ui=ed by Sprinr,field Codes 8-2-6()) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inscections listed on the approved pernit. _ 0 . NA.'lE (PLEASE pRI:rT1 /'f1omas' (1, /.Jet:< uvi r' PI e r T..,1; .. I? ~Ll.A~P SIC1IATURE DATE 7/'F/?) / ~ -."~ ..._-~ --'-~ I . . PLEASE READ 1) Seoarate Sizn Aoolic3cion: in l:ne .ji.gn ~,JQe. - . Electrical: Any pe~t.lssued under chis application will Includ~ wiring ~n or On sign structure, the SUPpLY wires for connection muSt be covered on an electrical pe~t. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both incern311y and externally) must contoron to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-lB of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. A separate application 1s required for each separate sign.as defined 2) 3) 4) a) Show the location of all, existing sign(s) as well as' proposed sign(s).. b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall 'signs, show the length of the building frontage. . c) Show the location of entrances .open to the public and driveways. ~en required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on .file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail vill be returned to the ,applicant with no permit being issued. Signs oust ceet eo~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive'Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign cay be erected vhich is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from'overhead elec~=lcal conduccors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which ar~ energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed vithin 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. , Insuections: / / , 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insuection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing InsDect!on {It appllcao.Le) c-..ay be cade at the same time as the Site Inspection. 1ne l'oot~ng Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is e~vateci, but prior to the place~nt of concrete. , , , Final Insuection;- to be made upon completion of all work. ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erected and before the sign is turned on. b) c) " ~ t... 1, I CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT () /:)}I/'{ 20m: TOIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIG:; REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: FOR UrY1C~ US~ UNLY /\ /'"" DISTRICT L", l,...... Dr') " t JOB I} ~<.,/'?<~X' SIG:; PER.'lIT FEE 'y~.f. 60 _SITE/LOCATIO:l _ELECmCAL _ O'l"tiER _FOOTWG OR METHOD OF AT'l"ACHMEllT ~FINAL ELEC11UCAL PER.'lIT FEE :_(j- 47; STATE SURCHA!l.GE:, -1; TOTAL: ~c ~?J . ,.." DATE (D -/7 -IS 3JECEIPT CLEPJ< 'f1)t~ LO(~. I SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFI~D BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: Ex/s l fAJj l\) /,/ L L S / Cj"c:. TV- ~ E Kr3JLt 6I/b-:D~ ADDITIO:lAL INFO~~~TICN NEEDED BEFORE PER.'lIT MAY BE ISSu~D: . APPROVED BY: () } , i , i I : I t \ j-L,?\.A",...... .........-----...., ,..--. DATE !'7 / ...~. Id,Z~ SECTION: I SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDIN~~CE " "".1' '.f