HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-9-11 ,. '.. RESI~TIAl-.. . APPLICA!'ff!Iv/PERt1.IT, , 225 Worth 5th Street " " SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 7f~y#t:'7 So w- 7'-k::"-/'?<:u . . 2:A~ ~V~ -!i>-. Phone: -;;'1 / -~ 4./75> c::>,X>. Zip: .::9/'1'/.8 .lob Location: /79..::::> ,,;So?"#/....-Y" ABG8BGOl'"= Map # SUbdivision: GtJner: ~t-,I V/A , Address: City: ~~ QNm" n Addi ticn l KI Remode! n .'fobi 1.a Homo -::;7: Tc:r: Lot U Describe 11'01'1<: ../,v(~a( ,.;e(.,~~<J;U Data of Application Contractors General &-5' .s:::J C> ' /'"JWH~ i Plumbing i 1-Iechanical I C:~~ctri.!;" 1 I Suoe"!i~~~;".1g_Electr~cian Value /7tP 70 ~ Bldrs Board Re~. P~nnp AddrPRR , Li!=Oc. II Rcce~pt ,II I 'f J ':5,'" ,/......,...,...,....., ,.,...' '" '..'.. .~ "'~~ ~\\\\qO ~ .... '.' . Siqr:ed: Data: tJJh~ 'I; V'J,I/JIIJ I ' .-. Exo:!:ces I I l I It i.s the rosponDibility of ths permit holdsI' to 888 that aH inopections are r.:ade at the proper tim,;~ that Qcch .::ddr6BB is roa:!abZs froom ths street, and that the permit oard is located at the front of the propsl'ty. ~Bui!di~ Diui:;ior: approt:ed plan shall remain on tha Building sit:: at all times. prrOCSDURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordel") state yOUl" City desigMted job number, job addJ'css, typo of itI3pec~ic'l requested ar:d when you tJiH be ready for inspection, Contracto1'S Ol" lA.mers name and phone number. Requests received bofel's 7:00 C':'J l..~ll be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am LJill ba made the 11CZt :.JOrking day. Rf!t'f!,i~pr1 rnJ'l,,!p,.tir.1j!1 O SITE INSPECTION: To be mde aftel" excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any I tJOrk is aovcl"ed. O FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be roods I after trenahoa are excavated and I form~ a:re erected, but prior to pourtng acnareto. fV1 pNDSRGROUND PLlJM3ING. SEWER. W.1Tg~ ~.'iAI~. To be nn:Je prior to fil- 7f:'F.gTrenehes. . Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number 10: "I"\:If INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be rrr:zde after all insul.:1tion ar.d .. roquired vapor baITiers are in p laoe ,?,'- r.'.;; but b.efol's any lath, gypsum board or LXllZ. covsl'ing is applied, and befoY's any insulation is concealed. ~ DRYWALL lNSPECT!ON: To be made aftel" all dryLXlZZ is in plaae, but prior to any taping. O. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beams, g~utina 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. ~ o UIlDE,9FWOFt PW/.$I:l11> & /lANIe To be mads p~o inGiallation of [1001' insutation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be mode pri.or to instalLation of floop insulation 01' deoki"1l' RO!JGl/(f!LlP.!BI!'~ eT;ECTR!cAl & MECH- ANICAL:- No :.JOrk 1.S to be cOL'ered .until thCSB inspections have beer. made and approve:!. fIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing materia ls and bcfore framing inspec- tior:. FRA'~INr.: Mu3t be requeoted aftep approval of rough plwrbing, aleatl'i- ca1. & mechanical. Al! roofing bracing t chimneys, eta. 17r..tst be . compLoted. !Io Wl'k is to be con- , cealed untH thio inspection has . be~n TTXldc and approved. 1~ I o gJ, D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms a:re erected but prior to pouring aon.:!rote. SIDEWALK & -DRIt'E1II.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-LX:.Y.. to be made after aU exca- vating complete & foPom work & sub- . base material in place. . o D ~ENCE: Wher. ca~plQte -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. add'~S- DEUOLITION OR NOVED BUlLDIi/eS :::J Sani ta:ry se:Jer aapped a:t prOpcl'tJi lir:o '. _. j . . '.,.,..,..t".~llhlft'r.M'!.,,:i1 l.-lJiU..fJ' ~ Septic tank p:~cd and fi Z l';:~ LJi th aro:JD l I Final - f.?um above ite:ns are completed ---1 and when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and pr~mi3es olllaned up. Mobilll Hemet; :::J BZocking and Set-up :::J Plumbing conne~tions .- scwer and wa:er :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot.up and plUmbing com:ections m'.lst te approvsd beforc requesting elec:rical inspec:io~ :::J Aooessory Build-:.ng ] Final - Aft~r p~rch.es, skirttng, decks, otc. are oomplsted. D All project conditions, ouch as the inBtaZlation of street trees, 'c~lotion of tho required landsccpir..a, etc., must be satisfied bcfor~ the BUILDINC FINAL can be 1'3quest3d. ~ FIlIAL PLUMBIllG ~FI/lAL MECnANICAL ~ FINA~ ELF:CTRIeA~ I CJ ~ FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and appl'o~.ad. D ~AJ.~ MANHOLES AND CLF:ANOUTS nlJ~T OF: ACCESSIBLF:, ADJUST!fEflT TO BE MADE AT flO COST TO CI'!'Y I Page! of 2 Tota1. ChaI'oas lITEM I NO'1 FEE Rl1s. So. rta. I Naw/Extend Cil'cui t8 I I I Temporary S.rvice 1 I, INtw SEPt/tce rdtw,k.:) I JOB NO, I Zona: Lot Sq. Ft,;. s ~f lot C{)1}el"agt .f of Stonos Total Height Topography lITEM I Main I GrJ'ace I Cal"oort I AccessorII SQ. FTG /'7,~"" TOTAL VAWE IS.D.C. flJC.l.UCJ 1" :r Sui 1.dina Permi t State Surcharge Total Chargea lITEM NO. I Future' 'I I Residontia~ (J bath) I Semi ta:ry Sewer I Water '67?R.m ~-0 Pl:mrbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.a.rge Ele~trical Permit State SU1'charqe Total Charaes ITSM I Furnace ETU' S I E=hauo t 1/oo.:l I Vent Fcm I wOOdstO:J9 ~Cl" 6v-MttJI Permit Issuance Me.:hanic:z L Permi t State surchal"OC TCJtnl. Char(7P.lf -- ENCROACRMENT -- ISe~~rit~ DeP03it I Storage I Main terzance I Permit Total ChaMCS I Curbcu: I SidOLJa ~k I Fcm.:e I Electrical Label I Mobile Home I ~OTAL AMOUNT DUE:" SOLAR AaESS REQ.- Occuoonclf G~. ~ ~C< Ti.(oe/Cor.st: WT TYPE I [,at Fac.. - 'S!> 1d...I1::! I Setbacks I P. L. House Caraqe INorth lEast South IWest Interior Corner Panhand~e cut-de-sac x Value I 13.'3::1 /761hC(2- I I I I ,/76'7&!!:(2- I I, I 1 '2-8. 50 I ~-1~1 /34.931' FEE CRARGE 52/'O 2-0 ,tJ-O 72. ,~o ~."3 7(P /3 I, CRARGE -;22 /:iC .', I ,'5'7 ,~,-o I ~t'7.1f0 I 3,00 I I ('p3.00 I, NC. CIIARCE I I I I I /5 "0 I I I J 7:'- I /5,75 I, I FEE I I 2-f1. 'II . -,,- - oq.,,: ou:. _ L-COG~ AN Bedro","s: '5 " 11 I En.arq,u Sou.rces . Tiloe I I Heat ' Access. I I Water Hp.atp.l' I I Ra'lge I I Fireolace I : Wood:; tOl,:e Fees ...' ..' " -', Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the expreos condition that the sa'id construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings.. and m:::y be 6ucpended 01' revoked at c.r.y time upon vic~ ~. ~ti.on of.~y ~rOVi8ior.8 of Ba~( Ord~na~e8. ...: \ \ '. .. " . ..... '. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt H: I Signe~: ,J' 9>:5 .:5'3 Plumbing Permit Norpel'con DhaH construct, install, aZ~er 01' change c.ny nelJ 01' e:isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in.part~ unless such pernon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e.:rcept that a pe:oson may do plw:tbing work to property which is owned~ teased or operated by the appLi- cant, . .' Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires th.at the clectroical 1JOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of. this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electl"ical Contl"actor. '. Mechanical Permit '- .), ';;" " , e_E~~dPU- 0-2-5-JO uat:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all ir.fo:omation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall be do:18 in accor- dance :.nth the Ordin.mces of the City of Sprin(Jfic1.d~ and th~ [q..:s of tho . State of Oreg.:;n p~rtaining to the work described here:.n~ end that NO ocer.;. PANCY oJiH b. "",de of any structurz without p.misaion of the 8uilding Di- vi{Jion. I further certify that O:1Zy contra~tol's ar.d e:npZ:Jyees who are i71 ca~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project 9//1 1C}cJ D..ltr.