HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1996-1-6 r SllJl\l I'LHI\illT AI'I'Ul,;l\ jjl\l ~:~!) hllh Street $pliIlUI;"ld, Ofl 97477 /IIA LOCATION OF pHOI'OS[o WORK: 1111 A$SESSORS M~P: \ f'j~~\()~ :::::" ~~r r~~n kW s: (V ~,o" CITY: ~VVlV\9-+t~Jd STATE: Of?____ ~OJIY\l a.s a00Vf.-J '~ sr. .13 NUMUI.II Inspection Une: 726.3769 011 ice: 726-3759 ~j\G\ C03 ~CUJ) TAXLOT: ll()~Q\ ~ ZIP: UMLMJ7 BU$INESS NAME, FlflM ETC.: DESCIIIPTlON OF 1'f10I'OSED SIGNIS): (pl"ase ct,,:cl< and eOlllpl"te all appropriate information) ~ 'Wall X F",,,stalldiIlU I'roj"cllllU Roof _ Marque" ~ __..__ $IIIUI" Fa,," =K DOU~C" Oillboord __ Other QJ ~ Sq"are F"oIaUI): ____~O_ {,Ll _ I I Tot<lllh~lgllt nlJove Grade: \ ~/ Vt;llici'l1 Dimension of sign or enclosure: (). (() II \2....... Hori7on~nl . of sign or enclosure: ()iIlH~l\sitJll frulll GUill<: fJ '. I tl/ll() ~ Electrical l~lSl1lllalion: _ Y V-- 0 l~.x'[~ tu boltom 01 Sigll: ~t,. \ (If yes additional permit is r ire VALUE: Mawri:i1SignisconSlrllcledol: SVtJ!tVVLltaD : pttt.) 1~ -1- 9/ Z" /2:[;/- I IWO- _ VI <bCU ::: ~1())1)~~ list ALL existing ~ionage LInd attach a I)hotograph of each sign: la) T,YPI) Sq. FIg. (b) Type Sq. Ftg. (e) .Type Sq. Fig. Idl Type Sq. Fig. CONTflACTOfl/lNST ALLER: hlLQ.QM ?:i;l oon r ~ . ADDIII,~;S: .-12>79=; K1-rN- 'is+- . A.Jfv CI~Y: ____~~ffi---- _______ _ STATE: C()N~;lIt1JCTION C(lNTflACTORS IIEGISTflATION NUMllEll: I obdLl 1 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE '~UMIlEfI: _ *, ~_~S ___ PHONE: 5'-l\-{031D7~_ ZIP: Q1?J03 EXPIRES:_:3..~_~k__..__ EXPIRES: \()!-Lt'lk ~ OFFICE USE .. 1 S,un Dislrll:t:~QXt\i~and Use: ~ JuaCd AW{. tJr JIJJJ Zoning: . \'QI ) - C?de Section: n -'1-~2 ) . -. 00 -J ~ ,t'J } S'gn Perlllit Fee: ,~f) . Approved By: \ ^1:Jo. ) \./ .. U(../ DATE: ~ Site to LJe made prior to sign pl~cell1ellt Fooling prior to placement of concrete V Attachment . after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizing VFinal completion of sign installation HEOUIRED INSPECTIONS: AllditiOflJI COIoments and/or Conditions: By sjWl~lture, I SlalO and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed applictltion and do hereby certify that all inlormlltion her 1$ HUH and correct, (Jl1(11 further certify that ally amJ all work purlormed shall un done in accordance with the OrcJillllllcCS 01 the City Spril1ufield,. <lI~d the Laws of the Stntc of Oregol1 pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only colHrQctors : (~rnpl()v(:cs who <IrE! in conip!iance 'with ons 701.055 will be used on this proj~ct. llurlhcr agree to ensure that all required inspections arc requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, t tile permit cartq;d' ated at the front of th~ property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the install..It 011I'[;slgI1151. ~ ......, I Sigl1JlUle . ad. Dale \ t-f'1 JCLC::;-- . (:/ "'I - I \ '!?l'0 ~'L Date Paid: ,1 \ ~-\o-C\ l{J \C{ C\~ Received By: \J~~ ~ Validiltion: Amount Received: Receipt Number: . . f I ! ,. City nl' Spl'illglicld IInildillg S"I'I,ty Divisinll 225 Firth SlI'eet Sl'rillglicld, Olt 97477 ,- ", . . 1\ .... '. . , ! . ,. If you tlflVl! any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections. please feci free to p~lonc the Building SafelY Division at 726-3759. I r . ' ., . , To 'equest on inspection, phone 726.3769. This is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same workinn day, nil inspections phoned in nfter 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Fin.::ll: After ull'reQuircd inspections me conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. . ~ '. . , I Tlw inspections th8t are required for your specific sign will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. failure to request ANY of the required inspections could result in sign remov,al in order to inspect the sign at the requirc~. intcrv;)ls or work. To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior" to energizing. . \ noctricnl: ^IWc!ltlH;rll: Tl} Ilu requested when alllastcners arc instLI11ell but prior. to cover. ".. I \ . " t To be requested after cxcnv:ltion and the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the lootinu. it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. . . 'I .' fOtllinU: Site: To be requested after indicating on the lot where the proposed' sign will be located but pr~or to any work being performed for the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a Question on the I.OCHtion of the proposed sign. . Depending on your sign(sl. you 'may be ~equircd to request one or all of the Ifollowing inspections during the installation of your sign: . . INSPECTIONS To submit lor a sinn permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings Showing all dimensions. total height, and a plot plan indicating where the proposed sign will be located. If you are installif1g a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 . feet in total height, the footing detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review process is completed, and. if your signlsl is approved. one set will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need to he nt the site when an inspection is requested for the inspectors reference. ' PLANS II there Lift 8xistinu wall and/or freestandinu signs, n photographls) of Bach existing sign needs to bo attached to the application. Tile size of each existing siun also needs to be listed on the application. \111m sign you nre proposing Is IIlumlnnted, an electrical permit application also needs to bo completed and signed by either ;) supcrvisillO electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in whicll yOll arc occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. .. TIlt: ilpplicDtion Ofl the reverse side needs 1U he c~lTlplClCd entirety. If you are the sion contractoftinstall~r, .or if you me Iliring a CU/ltfill.:tor, you neet! to rnake sure tha"t bot Ii the City of Springfield Business License Numbef.and the Registration NUIl""111Cr frulll tile Statc of Or.egon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application alorlg with "the expiration dale ul cacho I SIGN PEI1MIT APPLICATION ~