HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 7/7/2009 ~ .- ....- Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 DECLARATION of JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE ACCESS AND P~V ATE UTILITY EASEMENT and JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORMW A TER EASEMENT The true and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1) DAVID M. NOWAK, Declarant herein, is the owner of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 2007-P214l as partitioned and recorded June 29, 2007 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. . 2). The owner is dividing said real property into two parcels as shown on Land Partition Plat No. 20_-P as partitioned and recorded _' 20_ in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 3) The owner desires to create easements and define maintenance responsibility on certain areas and facilities for the benefit of future owners of the parcels as described below. E) F) G) . H) DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS: A) Easement Created: DAVID M. NOWAK hereby creates a perpetual easement for the joint benefit of Parcels 1 and 2 over that certain area designated as "JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIV ATE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on said partition plat , as said easement lies in Parcel 1 for private access and private 'utility purposes. Easement Created: DAVID M. NOWAK hereby creates a perpetual easement for the joint benefit of Parcels 1 and 2 over that certain area 'designated as "JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on said partition plat as said easement lies in Parcel 1 for private storm drainage and storm trench purposes. Exclusion ofPUEs: Notwithstanding any other language herein, these easements do not allow the placement .of private utilities within any Public Utility Easement except for crossmgs. Use of the Burdened Prooertv: The owners or occupiers of the parcels affected by these easements shall have the right to use their property, including the areas described as the easements, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easements as granted by this instrument. No vehicle parking or storage of vehicles shall be allowed by any party within the access easement area, including the agents, employees, tenants, and invitees of said owners. Maintenance and Reoairs: The cost of any maintenance or repair of the driveway within the easement area shall be split equally between the owners of Parcels 1 and 2. The cost of any maintenance or repair of private utilities lying within the easement areas will be the respon~ibility of the O\vner of the respective facility. The cost of any maintenance or repair of the shared private utilities and/or the shared storm drainage system lying within the easement areas will be split equally between the owners of the parcels using the shared facility. . Successors in Interest: The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Parcels 1 and 2 of said partition, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding and inure to the heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of any of the aforementioned parcels. B) DECLARATION of JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT JOINT USE VARIABLE WI;;~ PRIVATE STORMW ATEIRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D EASEMENT JUl 7 2009 Page 1 of2 ,\', , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT AND JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORMW A TER EASEMENT on this day of ,20_ David M. Nowak STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On this day of , 20_, before me personally appeared David M. Nowak and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon DECLARATION of JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT and JOINT USE VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORMW A TEIPRE-5UBMITTAl REC'D EASEMENT JUl 7 2009 Page 2 of2 ' .' , Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 5.00' WIDE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT The true and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1 ) DAVID M. NOWAK, Grantor, is the owner of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 2007-P2l41 as partitioned and recorded June 29, 2007 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 2) TAWNY A R. PRATT, Grantee, is the owner of Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat Number 2007-P2141 as partitioned and recorded June 29, 2007 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 3) The Grantees have an existing sanitary sewer lateral from their home on said Parcell that crosses a portion of the land of the Grantor. . 4) The grantor is dividing his lands into two parcels as shown on Land Partition Plat No. 20_- P as partitioned and recorded _, 20_ in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 5) As a condition for approval of said partition by the City of Springfield, the Grantor desires to create an easement to cover the existing sanitary lateral that benefits the lands of the Grantees that crosses a portion of Grantor's lands. THEREFORE: DAVID M. NOWAK, Grantor, hereby grants, transfers and conveys to TAWNYA R. PRATT, Grantee, a perpetual, non-exclusive, appurtenant easement for private sanitary sewer lateral purposes and maintenance thereof over and under that certain area designated as "5.00' WIDE PRIVATE SANITARY EASEMENT" on said partition plat (LPPN 20_-P ) as said easement crosses the northerly portion of the panhandle section of Parcell of said partition plat. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1) The intent of this document is to create an easement that covers the existing lateral. Should the lateral be found not to lie within the described easement, the centerline of this easement shall adjust automatically so as to follow the centerline of said lateral. 2) Costs for maintenance and repair of the private sanitary sewer shall be the responsibility of the Grantees. 3) Upon completion of any maintenance or repair, the Grantees shall return the disturbed area to its condition that existed prior to said work. 4) Grantor shall at all times, and without restriction, have the right to use the easement area for purposes not inconsistent with the purpose of the easement. 5) This easement is not personal or in gross, but is appurtenant to each and every portion of the lands of the Grantee. 6) Said easement shall run with the properties herein described and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O 5.00' WIDE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT JUl 7 2009 Page 1 of2 jt,., , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this 5.00' WIDE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT on this day of , 20 David M. Nowak STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On this day of , 20_, before me personally appeared David M. Nowak and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon 'PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O 5.00' WmE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT JUl 7 2009 Page 2 of2 ; .' ~~ -' ~ .' i '. I .,. '" " '. i' Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Reco~ds ) r "\ ~() I l~~'.~~~J35 \.---- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $3 \. 00 .l0.:207.:0200".J4433500200-':1 0612912007 09:17:56 AM RPR-EsnT Cnt:1 Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $10.00 $10.00 $11.00 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT WHEREAS: Garth B. White and Dannika D. White, (Grantors) are the owners of a tract of land described as follows: Lot 56, E.M. HINSHA W PLAT. as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. in Lane County. Oregon. THEREFORE: By and through this instrument the Grantor desires to create a relocated private utility easement across the parcels,a: tt: L:l:'=:~ ~\':~,;.; :;:;.h;::~. The easement area is described as follows: Refer to attached Exhibit' A' FURTHERMORE: This easement does not prevent the use of the easement area by the Owner, Successor or Assign of either parcel .to be able to access and maintain the underground utility. No penn anent buildings or trees shall be placed within the easement area. The true consideration for this easement is SO.OO. ~ r.,d~ Garth B. White Dated this :Z.-I day of March, 2007. (f)",^--- L0'~A- Dannika D. White Dated this l..1 day of March. 2007. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON } SS COUNTY OF LANE BE IT REMEMBERED'that on this () \ day of March, 2007, before me, lhe undersign~d, a notary public in and for said County and Stat~, personally appeared the within n7l~' (;0..-1+-. B. VJh>t€. ,"lit! Vo.l\t\.Io. 'V ~ n. /( of'!$ll:..f'r1 (1(') :_ . ...~...,y-"" ilA, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged 10 me that he/she executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. f.'-~':'~:.._' nrWk8aJJuJ'- i 'Nt.i NOTARY PUBUC - OREGON ' liJotary ~blic for Oregon , "',' COMM;SS/ON NO. 408441 h MY COI.tIlISGION EXPIRES JUL\'t7,2010 My Commission EXPires:}~ 11: 20 10 THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE PARTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. :" P . . ., !;; .,' . ',' ;' ,. .". . I!"'":: '.~~.";1 " ,'{t ;~. ,- '.:;' Goebel Engineering & SUlveying, Inc., 310 Garfield Street, Eugene, OR 97402 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUl 7 2009 Aft~r Rec:ordln~ Return to: , " '( , " ~'.~ '. . ~ , i EXHIBIT' A' A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 56, E.M. HINSHAW PLAT, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY OF SOUTH 47TH STREET, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 30.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SOUTH 47TH STREET; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, SOUTH 0'13'00" EAST 5.0\ FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT -OF-WAY, SOUTH 89'47'00" EAST 7.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 5.00 FEET OFFSET FROM THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 56, SOUTH 89.'44'00" EAST 143.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID PARALLEL LINE, SOUTH 0'\6'00" WEST 8.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89.'44'00" WEST \24.\\ FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63'48'32" WEST 2\.08 FEET; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 7.00 FEET OFFSET FROM THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID SOUTH 47TH STREET, NORTH 0'13'00" EAST 17.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING \,232 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, ALL WITHIN SAID LOT 56, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. #-' REGISTERED lo. . PROFESSIONAL . . LAND SURVEYOR ~-P A-CJ l J~6. 196' J . SC~l T J.~~;8EL . 22GO, "'_d.. _.. _ _. ,. ; ';W\'::'IP/~!.L_~{07 I N.'.PU8-DATA:C~G"!D.05\NOTES\UTIU1Y ESMT EXH A.wl,iO PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 7 2009 ~ .. 2006-015440 111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "$41.00 00786701200600154400030035 03f08/2006 09:35:04 AM RPR-ESftT Cnt=2 Stn=15 CASHIER D1 $5.00 $15.00 $10.00 $11,00 ,");' ? I~,i- ,I' 0 ^ 'I': ~...... -- \.': " Diva_Ion of Chle' Deputv Clerk L.ne Count.y Doeds and Roco~de 1'0 ,0 II GRANT OF EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT For value received, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Garth B. White and Dannika D. White (G......;,...,), hereby grant, transfer and convey to Trent L. Miller and Laura L, Miller (Grantees), II pCrpetual nonexclusive easement to use II strip ofland thirteen feet (13') wide described as follows: ' Refer to attached Exhibit 'A' I, This eaSement is not personal or in gross but is to be appurtenant to each and every portion of the following ...v.....;y owned by G.......w.>: Lot 57, E.M, HINSHAW PIAT, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, 2, This easement is 6'.......J over and across t'.~.....;; owned by Grantors in Lane County, Oregon, described as follows: ' Lot 56, E,M. HINSHAW PIA T, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. 3. This grant is made upon the following terms: -~ 3.1 Grantees are granted the rightio use the variable width ea.,..~.....; strip, including the existing i'oadway, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragraph 1, or any portion thereof. G........., are further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and m..:....;........oo of such public utilities as may be needed to serve the ...v.....;; described in paragraph 1, or any , portions theieof, 3.2 Grantors and Grantees sball at all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement t"O t' ...;; in Ii good and traversable condition. The cost of such maintenance and repairs shall be paid by Grantors III!d Grantees in "'."'o,;:on to their use. Grantors shall pay the real property taxes on the easement strip. ' 3.3 O. ....;v..., shall, at all times and without restriction, have the right to use the easement .._......:y and roadway for purposes not inconsistent with Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein granted, 3,4 This grant of easement sball run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefits of Grantors and Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Goebel E.,' ":,,,.: & Sl ";b' Inc. 310 Garfield Street tI30 Eugene. OR 97402 . . SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: Garth B. Whlte and CannUla D. White 445 South 47'" Slreel 3..;..,,;'.1d. OR 97478 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL 7 2009 ~ Dated this 24 day of fdJ .2006. ~, -13. u;;f;".2C- Garth B. White STATEOFOREGON ) ) County of Lane ) On this ~ day of Cthrv~ . 2006. r...~_..ally appeared before me Garth E, White, and acknowledged the foregoJnt to be his v untlU'y act and deed. . ) I Kfff' otlU'y Public for Oregbn My Commission expires: ..J2...,... , 12.. 1.J'JIt . ss \.c- .._-.~~~~c~:~ COMMISSION NO. 387531 MY COMMlSSlO/l EXPl _ CEMB.El\ 12" 1--.-. --- .--" ' Dated this 2-+ day of (~ (() .2~ Daiinika D, White STATEOFOREGON- ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this K day of .QbI1J~ . 006,~nallY"rr.......JbeforemeDannikaD. White, and acknowledged the forego to be her v IIntlU'y act a deed. - I OFFICIA~ SEAL AMANDA J ESTEll ' NOTARY PUBliC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 387531 MY COMM1!!St..ot! EXPlRF.S EC_E~B_ER_12~~'k" J?~ Dated this /0 day of 1IYIe:. 1-,:. k .2006, ~~~~~~~ Trent L. Miller ..-=-- STATEOFOREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this ~. Q day of mq-rC' .\r---, .2006, personallya,.........J before me Trent L. Miller, and acknowledged the foregoing to be his vo un . UUDSEY J.IIAMAR ~ .1, HOTAR::GON ' " COMMISSION NO. 3691104 · , In' COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE S. 2007 NOiiiifPli c for Oregon \ MyCommission......;.'"'~11 0 .'~ -;:}f)o 7 Dated this lo dayar ' KoA~ cJA.l JJ\(}.. Laura L. Miller li1J)f}U\ -' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this ~ day of l'Yl0Y'r 1^- . 2006, pelSQMlIy appelll'ed before me Lu\ll'll L. Miller, and acknowledged the foregoing to be her vO~D ~~? deed. .' UNOJr~~' N~tll~'are;' \ \ ) NOTARY PUBue.OREGON My Commission expires:( '--^^-.t:i?))j:~Q'rnllREC'O ,,' COMMISSION NO. 369004 , 1\.. \I\ll.#"lllIM . ' In' COI.IMISSlON EXPIRES JUNE S. 2007 . ,.,' .... . '," --- JUL 72009 ... ~. ,.... , ii.1 'I DuuDIT'A' A PORlWWJF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE S'WEST OF THE WII..I.MwJ In MERIDIAN BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTIIWEST CORNER OF LOt 56, E,M. HINSHAW PLAT, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT.oF-W A Y OF EAST47TH IS l.LW.nl, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 30.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGIIT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID EAST47TH STREET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGIIT -QF-W A Y AND FOLLOWING ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 56, SOUTIl89'42'36" EAST 150.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTIIERL Y LINE, soum 0'17'24" WEST 13.00 FEET; THENCE NORm 89'42'36" WEST 124.1 I rnnl; THENCE sourn 63'48'32" WEST 28,90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE , AFOREMENTIONED EASTERLY RIGHT .oF-WAY OF EAST 47TH STREET; THENCE FOlLOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT .oF-WAY, NORm 0'14'24" EAST 25,89 rnnl TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ALL WITHIN SAID SECTION 32, SPRINGFIEW, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. /'- REGISTERED . '\ I PROFESSIONAL : , LAND SURVEYOR ~rL -~. ~.A-9 o GON - JU 16,1967 SCOTT J. GOEBEL " :?280 , : ';';rWi~DIF;_~tkJ/'f!!) 7' I ',' .... .' .' .-' '.' '. '.'-. '>.,' ,I" .. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUl 7 2009 -. f~ -' ,~ 1')-8 t' \' , .-:J: l,j.!;r / :.),~ -- ."",' ..._...e~'_'--~W"'--' GRANT OF EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT For value received. receipt of.:.mch is hereby acknowledged, Trent L. Miller and Laura L. Miller (Grantors), hm:by grant, transfer and convey to Garth B. White an!! Dannika D. White (Grantees), a petpetual nonexclusive easement to use a strip ofland thirteen feet (13') wide described as follows: . Refer to atlached ExhIbit . A' 1. This ___; is not personal or in gross but is to be 'Tr~:"'_.MlI to eaeh and every 'portion of the following property owned by C _~_'"~; Lot 56, EM. HINSHAW PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. 2. This easement is granted over and across r-.r _', owned by Grantors in Lane County, Oregon, described as follows: Lot 57, E.M. HINSHA W PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. 3. This grant is made upon the following tenns: 3.1 Gnmtees are granted the right to use the thirteen foot (13') ....~.... strip, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragraph 1, or any portion theteot: Grantees are further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and mainteDllDCC of such public utilliies as may be needed to serve the ~,u~.u"i described in paragraph t, or any portions thereot: 32 G.~:"'." and Gnmtees sIlall81 all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement property in a good and uaversable condition. The cost of such maintenance and repairs sball be paid by Gnmtors and Grantees in r"r"~'- to their use. Gnmtors sball pay the real r' -r-", taxes on the easement strip. 3.3 G.~_.. shall, at all times and without .~..:.~on, have the right to use the easement to _ "'r--~J and _.. ~_:, '"".' for purposes not inoonsistent with Grantee's full en;.. .___ of the rights herein granted. 3.4 This grant of easement shall run with the land and sbaIl be bindin& on and sball inure to the benefits of Gnmto'" and Grantees, their heirs. su..~.. or assigns. DIvi8ion o( Chie' Depuly Clerk Lan. County Deeds and Records 2OO6-O1~~1 AFTER RECORDING RElURN 10: Goebel E'., 4", '. ..:. "4. & Surveying, Inc. 310 G8IfleId Sbeet #30 ' Eugene. OR 97402 SENDTAXSTA.~.,,"..1O: Trent & laura Millet 421 South 47" Sbeet Springfield, OR 9'1478 1111111111 11111111111 III~IIIIII 11111111111111111 $41.00 0078~.~~oual54410030632 03/08/2006 09:35:04 All RPR-ESIlT Cnl.=2 Stn=18 CASHIER 01 sa.DO $t8.DO $ID.DO $lt.OD PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUl 7 2009 , ~- Dated this..:1-, day of cl",,, ....".....X 0 2006. -_J.-J-~-4/L Trent L. Miller STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this ~ day ot<-~ \XlV' 4 _ 2006, personally'T' ."'.. ,J befon: me Trent L. Miller, BOd acknowled, ged the foregO!l.g to be his \olunt~t"f and deed. , ~. . UN~~ Notary'--P1i1l11cforOregoo\ ,.' m~mi~= MyCommissionexpiles:WUM,,'2, -":;)r'lFI/ Il'ICOIlMISSlONElII'mJllII!UOI Datedthis .rn daYOf~"'\ill...hU ,2006. ~nlill.-m..,-~Q~ r... , ,Lawa L Miller .I STATEOFOREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) 00 this.xl day of: \Qr\\ y,.....-,-\ 2006, personally ~,__J before me Laura L. Miller, BOd acknowledged the fon:goiDll to be ~ deed. . . (I) UNDSEY j, HAMAR J ' .. , 'IIOTARY~~ON lroIiiyPublicforOregoo \ . COMMISSION NO. UOO04 My Commission explresi:, \ '^" ?-.." ~ ......, II\'_EYflREUIEUOOI ". " -{ Datedthis '2.4 dayof F--b .2006. ~~6,W~ Oartb 9. White STATEOFOREGON ) ) County of Lane ) 00 this ~ day of -" r.Y" ''l. VI l ' 2D06, personally appealed befure me Garth E. White, and acknowledged the fORlgOio&Ci> be his v lUItmy act and deed. . ,,> \ 1i5.:lr' >. Public or breggft My Commissjoo expires: Dr<> r . (:1. g 1JJf!, ss I~- .~=- .~ .~..o.~: ,lI'I <nMS!lIOII WS ceeeJlBSl It, ~ i Dated this ...24- day of {jj. , 2006. . .: ~ (J)1...;n" . '" . IiWhite STATE OF OREGON ) ) os County of Lane ) Oo!i"" ~ day of c:P .hl.VU~ ,,2006. personally appealed befon: meDannika D. WhWl, and acknowledged tho "'-6' - be ?JJ;;:;;t:.Jdeed. J-Es:}r ~ OFFlCIAI.llEAL Notary Public for Oregoa' , AMANDAJES'TE8 Myr__,__,_ . J) J'" ">/'V1.9 NOT_PUBlIC.OREGON ~~exp"": Fr.. L h,...a- COWISSION NO. S87531 . ~- R , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUl 7 2009 1IiZl!!IiiiI'l_,,~..,,~.'- ,.'" , " , ~ .__..'..,,111...." ...o.l..J." ,.", , ...... .,._......." II. ".. I. _.. " _;,_JlI"......~ ,., ,.........._ -.--.- ._,. , E:xtu.uu 'A' A PORTIPW?F TIlE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 sourn, RANGE$WEST OF TIIE WILLA1-uH 1 r. MERIDIAN BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLWWS: BEGINNING AT THE NOR1HWEST CORNER OF LOT 56, E.M.lDNSHA W PLAT, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEINO ON TIIE EASTERLY RlOfIT -OF-WAY OF EAST 4TfH STREET, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 30.00 I't.t.l FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RlOfIT ANOLES TO, TIlE CENTERLINE OF SAID EAST 4TfH STREET; THENCE LEA VINO SAID EASTERLY RlGfIT-OF-W A Y AND FOILOWINO ALONG TIIE NORTIIERL Y LINE OF SAID LOT 56, sourn B9' 42'36" EAST 150.00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTIIERL Y LINE, NORm 0'17'24" EAST 13.00 FEET; THENCE NORm 89'42'36" WEST lSO;Olnr.l TO A POINT ON TIIE AFOREMENTIONED EASTERLY RlGfIT-OF-W A Y OF EAST 4TfH STREET; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, soum 0'14'24" WEST 13.00 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.04 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ALL WITHIN SAID SECTION 32, SPRINGFIElD, LANE COUNlY, OREGON. 7 REGISTERED .. PROFESSIONAL ; LAND SURVEYOR' ,~;.&/ ~ tn....EGON , J\ilY 16.1987 SCOTT J. GOEBEL 2260 .., , ''''r'T- ~-q: I ",; ',',''-,,--- Q ---, H . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUl 7 2009 II II ~I III I