HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1996-4-23 SENDER: -Complete items 1 and/or 2 fOt additional services. -Complete items 3. 48, and 4b. . Print yow name and address on the reverse of this fotm 80 that we can return this card to you. . . B -Attach this form 10 the front of the mailpiece. or on the back if space does riot ~ permit. ~ -Write .Retum Recsipt Rsqu9Stoo" on the maUpiece below the article number. ~ -The Return Receipt will show to whom the articte Was delivered and the date 'S. delivered, '\ ... Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 48. Article Number ! 2. 13D 'D'S+ \44 ~ '4b. Service Type __ i o Registered WCertlfled II: '" o Express Mail 0 Insured i o Retum Recelplfor Merchandise 0 COD : 7, Date 9t pellvery .2 , '1 -.1.. "5-'1.b [ 8, Addressee'S Address (Only II requested ':l' and lee is paid) co r= '- '" 0> '" a; 0> .. ~ " > l!! 0> = C o '" S ~ ~ -r(~ct'Nell o lu J('Cltt.v.itll IV\vt?\-mtVl1'? ~ 11 ILj MfiU..t1 ~vft Q il! ?o'(\Mfle..-tCit I~ CnYil " [Fl'eceived'By: (Print Name) Iii 0: ~ ! 6.s1!~ra;:;;::g~ .!! PS Fonn 3811. December 1994' V: niL\- Mf.lA,vl~' BUILDING I also wish to receiva the following services (for an extra fee): ' 1.' B Addressee's Address 2, 0 Resilicted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt First,Class Mail - 11 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Postage & Fees Paid I USPS I Permit No, G,1 0 _ I I . Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box. I , ,> '" '\ \. ",' "" " .. , ........, "Xi-:-::'~,~,::,,,.' ~'.:).-I~:Jl.:J~:~~" ',_ ..........J .._......~..'" ,.\v..~.- . \:.j;:\ Le',," ~'::--'~ "- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET ,SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ;j ) i i ~ ~~._.::-._...,....._,......~._._---_.._.._.._-_._~_._-_._. " ., ; 11 r-. t " ~, " ~) -.Adol . . . SPRINGFIELD r.)I:..Vi)J;.....'I~:!.t.j i :,;l.~!i:;f(:}..:' nU"~':i I ,:.i.'J/: , :::"'f! rJr'11 i ::.:; iU.! i SI'IIINGFIELU. 011 Ui".I7,' (541) 726,3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 April 22, 1996 Ron Tracewcll Tracewell Investments 1714 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 1714 Main Strect, Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Tavern Expansion Dear Mr. Tracewell, At your request, the Community Services Division/Building Safety conducted an inspection of the building at the above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed usc as indicatcd. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Strtlctllr" i I. The wall opening between the two buildings was installed without obtaining required permits 'or inspections approvals prior to completing the work. The structural components that require inspection approval have been covered or concealed to a manner not allowing for adequate inspection. A site observation report 'from a licensed engineer vcrifying thc structural integrity or necessary repairs to thc affected work shall be provided to the is officc before occupancy approval can be issued. 2. The office arca shall be provided with a permanent source ofhcat, and mechanical ventilation capable of providing 5 cfm 'of outside air per occupant. ".' - 3. A minimum of one accessible parking space, striped, signed and permanently maintaincd shall be provided. Accessible parking spaces shall be at least nine feet wide and have an adjacent access aisle that is at least six feet wide, Thc accessiblc parking spacc shall bc locatcd ncar thc shortcst practical acccssible routc to the building cntry, 4. Bllilding, plumbing, mechanical and clectrical permits arc rcquircd for the restroom addition. Plans and spccifications for thc proposcd building altcrations and thc intcndcd usc shall bc submittcd to this officc for review prior to permit approval. . . Planning , I. Minimum development standards are required to be met any time there is an expansion by less than 50% or 10,000 square feet. If an expansion greater than this is proposed, site plan review would be required. The following are the MDS which would be required to be met if this site expanded: 2. Parking and circulation areas must be paved and striped with wheel stops or linear curbs installed for parking spaces abutting landscaping or structures {ref. SDC 31.0 I O(2)(a)}. Thc requircd number of parking spaces for a restaurant/tavem is I parking spaces for each 100 square foot of gross floor area, 3. A 5 ft. Wide planter strip will need to be installed along the frontage of main (or equivalent landscaping elsewhere). The planter strip must contain a minimum of 10 shrubs (5 gallon in size or larder) per 1000 square feet of requircd landscaping {ref. SDC 31.0 I 0 (2)(c)}. All planted materials must have a permanentirrigation system unless drought resistant plants arc used. 4. Some of the curb cuts fronting the property may need to be closed {ref. SDC 31.010(1)(b). Planning staff will get a recommendation from traffic regarding the closing of curb cuts if the applicant wishes. Please call Julia Powell at 726-3632 for more information. 5. Any outdoor storage areas or trash containers should be screened from public view, An MDS application will be required. Please contact Julia Powell (726-3632) for an application and any clarification regarding the planning issues mentioned above. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above Building Safety Code requirements, please contact me between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., I :00-2:00 p.m., or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759. ,,-- " cc: Dave Puent, Community Scrvices Manager/Building Official David Clyde, 680 East 18th A venue, Eugene, Oregon 9740 I