HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-1-25 .. ~..Ioi~ . :city ~p.r...i~,eld 225 n. 5th stre/~\ C/6-JJ '~" .' SPRINCAELD . ~~ . INFO RMATION: 726'3753 INSPEC'TIONS: 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) . . \ ~ l) '1 LECAL DESCRrrTIO~ . ~ I.A <; \ ... 1> sj )"; h ~ 'OIlNER. OR PROPERTY C.h....l....c.\~ IJtvfLLOl'l- ""-"'...:ri r( I-l 1_ ADDRESS J..32 \A 0 ^() L ""'L SI'''-.; Nt l< il\.L-J.. j . J OIINER OF SIGN (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OIlNER) AL.. ,,'LJ W..... (), I'Ll) 'ot...\ ADDRESS i) 10 O\'LYL L..l;..>-l~ k,,,,t,L~~, by) '114 n..s I - PL -t'l->.f, PbL-'J fVr.l\.o>l"lL TYPE ~....(j\J ~'T ~ J. TAX LOT 'J!" PHONE 7 Lrl - 1J 1.1 .., .ZIP Cj 1 Lj 1 7 NANE OF BUSIIIESS, FIRM, ETC, PHONE ]~) ..,7,,; OF .BUSIl:Ef,S (}, q ~(,.r! 4>fl.rl// '0"";<..1 . 13. TYPE OF WORK: LERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE '01' SIGN:. _IIALL _FREESTANDIIlG D. USE AND CI'.ARACTER OF SIGN:. , ~IP71ITITY INCIDEIITAL _DOUBLE FACE ~SINGLE FACE __'lliLTI-FACE '. Xp.EADER BOARD _BILLBOARD .~ _ROOF _PROJECTING ..x.. MARf!UEE _UNDER llARf!UEE _OTIIER ,:E. VEND~CTORS: <n I'; , "::,;,:O"SIGN ERECTOR '~ ~ ';': , , "",',' ~ : .~. ','" " . . ~ .fJ>D!'..ESS .. :' :,- ," , CITY LICENSE Il\J!1BER ";i,:' ~--,-'" ~ ~ . EXP. DATE ~"(()(6f1A~ ~ . ,zrr l' OTHER TF.AN ERECTOR) f.. ' DIl1ElISIONS, IlISTALLATIOll & CONSTRUCTIClll . '..It:: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE . ~ C, f( . , VERTICAL DlliENSION OF SIGN ''1'f." HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN 'f'r:, 1/ DHlEIISION FROH GRADE TO I BOTTOM OF SIGN 'if /1' nlICKlIESS OR DEPTH 7 ----, G. EXISTING SIGNS .. ARE THERE ANY EXIST!!IG ~IGNS? _YES J$JIO 1!UlIBE!\ SIZE IN SO. FTG ~ ALL ~XISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. , DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES IF YES, DUlENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NO':'E, IF PROJECTIOn IS 1l0RE T1lAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TPY. SICN ERECTOR. l.lUST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIER LIABILITY AIm PROP- ERTY D~~GE IIlSUP~NCE POLICIES. XNO H. nI~L SIGN RAVE ELECTRICAL I/IRIllG? Vi=:.:; IF YES. WICP. APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGll ' 'I _ILLUMINATED ~INDIPJ': IDLIGP.TED) , . . .,-1" ELECTRICAL COil C R ()J d! /fJcJr B/l CO,</N'8:7" c,p ADDRESS " A T TII/", Tft'1c.... . I LISC.NUMBER/ pl:cm: ' " J. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS '. ." '. X . CONSTRUCTED OF. '. f1EiAL... FRAt1F f,Blfclc.. , PJ...f/snc:. (t..e.XA'f\J'j 'S/6-tIJ /14<;cRTS. \ ' ECEc.iRICtfL INSIDe;; - WII/ /t.OT BE.. oPr=.ellnl7tU<,C AI -r[,.,_, rrL!1~ r K'VALUE OF SIGN:' -!f;;;..,o(l';().& 0 J. SITE INFOPI~TIOlI (LAllD USF.) __ EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (~R LAST USE IF VACANT) .ttCfb/L /lQ.ll("\UU ( ,I " ~INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOO:t l'ERCHAllDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: Il. ~J>; L l\'~(~NU'r . L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXMIINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify .that all informacion 1s true and correct, and I further certify thac all work performed shall be done in accordance with the $pringfield Sign Ordinance. the UniforD Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sorin'tficld and all other Ordinances of' the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of Oregon percaininR to t~e worl~ describeu n~4~~n. I further certify tha~ my ~~~n Co~troctor Li- cenSe with the City of Sprin~field is 1n full 'force and effect as re~uired by Sprinr.field Codes 8- 2- 6 (3) and 9-7-20 (2) . I will t:eques t all reQuir.d .i&Jl< "",",ecdons lis ted on ttie approved ' permit. '. . NAME (PLEASE pRINTl 't.. L I:HJ "^I 1>--1 N'f-, -/j fl.-o \oJ..) , SIGNATURE 11 (l...,~ v-./" iL_-!--v--..." .DATE l/'l._,/q-o ....-..- . .., . ,~ .........,. . READ . .. ..,'.' . ~LEASE I! . J 1) i Seoarate Si~n Aoolication: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign as defined in th.e ~ign ~ode. . . Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will includ'e wiring in' or on sign- structure, tne supply wires for connection must be covered en an electrical permit. Electrical connection must'be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illumi~ated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 'I , 2) 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- menslons.and height of sign; adv~rtising message on sign: locat~on of~sign on property with di- mensions to property lines. structural details of support fr~ming, bracing and fcotinzs; ~aterlals of.constr~ction for sign and sign structure: electrical equipment and lighting: size and location 'of.existi~g signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to detercin~ com~liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article.7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing infor~tion on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): , , . . a)' .:Show'the t';~':tion of all existing sign(s) as ';etl as proposed sign(s). b) Show t~e length of the street-frontage taken' uP' by the'busines. or building. For wall " . ,signs..' show the length of the building frontage.. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. ' I When required. because of design, size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office., , Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to th~ applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must! meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehenslve Zoning Code. !! " NOTE: No sign ~y be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical: conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froc overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void., i. . InsDccrion's: 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) ";1 " 'a) Site Insaection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usualiy, the Footine Insaection (Lt appl1caole) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. Ine rootlng Inspec- tion is .to be made after hole(s) 1s ~av~t~ci, Dut prior to the placement of c~ncrete. Final Insoection:- to be made upon completion of all work. ~lectrical - all electrical ~ign~ must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1.5 erected and before the sign is turned on. ' . . " I! CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 'b) c) FOR SIGN DISTRICT, ~. ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FObAGE OF SIGN :J{)'14 i1 REOUlRED INSPECTIONS: ~SITE/LOCATIO~ ~FOnTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT ::t-ELECTRICAL i: LflNAL' . OTHER On~-lCi:: USi:: CJ'./ ONLY JOB 11 '1 {)()12/1 , . , " . SfGN~PERMIT FEE: '27~~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT """, . ~7.: STATE SURCHARGE: n. 82!2E. DATE :J /;;P-4.o RECEIPT J&OU.g CLERK flli J0 TOTAL: SPECIAL II I! CONDITIONS , " . ., ;< ERECTION OF TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE SIGN: ~ ~ ADDITIONAL . , INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE i! ISSUED: m,,,,, ", .?~L. ru~s ~tt SECTION:__If(), fY1n.1 V) - SpRIN~FIELD SIGN ORDINANGE Z,/l()/QD. ~...-... -