HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fire Damage Report 1988-12-6 I ,l? 475 716 324 n I 0 'fY"\c:wvv RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNA.TIQNAl MAIL (See Reverse) ! 5en1 to i J..-nfp,ro.J-i()Y1c.R :x ~el and No. ll! }Y,<< I()~t-,C. o P.D.. Slate and ZIP COdl1 "3 .: J;:ucaeJr.{I QK q,'IO ,_ 0 ci Postage S 0- ~ dS ~ t: I Certihed Fee ("')5 ~ 1 'l( ~ I Special Delivery Fee I~ ~ ~ I Re"""ed De"'e'y Fee ~'?( ~ I Return Receipt showing ",/ ~ to whom and Date Delivered Y '" ~ I Return Receipt showing to whom, or"" Dale. and Address of Delivery .. S ITOTAlPostagea.nd~!3,es'~,,~ S 1"'\ /. I .., . l...lIf r.~ rl Dv o o Postmark or Dal~';t:' . <::t .....~ ~~ ~ ,/'; · ~ <:::;.<<J f',;;q; ~ t.A . (''reo _P: _' U') ,'lI~~" -".,' Q. I ,,-.. ....,. >;t~10/ Fu-nclo. pYle 11 , C?o STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE. CERTIFIED MAIL FEE. ANO CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (S88 fronl) 1. 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Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. .~~ CITY 8{" :::;r'~+NGrl:::L:J DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 225 NORTH 5th STREET SPRINmlEI n nRFr;nN.-2Z.1!:77 'I ) . '. .- ,,' ~ . .'" ,,-' '{+ol rJ.. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTAA/ION PLANNING / IJUfLDfNG PUBLIC wonKS METAorou IAN WASTEWAfUl MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTIi S mEE,. SPIJINGFIEl.O. on 97,177 (503) 72(j,375:1 CERTIFIED LETTER December 6, 1988 Internat'l Funds Inc. Box 10365 Eugene, OR 97401 Subject: Fire Damage Inspection at 1710 Main Street Springfield, Oregon. City Job #881057 At the request of the Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department, the Building Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of the fire damage at the above address. The inspection revealed damage which must be corrected in order for the building to comply with applicable City Building Safety Codes. The following items must be repaired or replaced: Structural 1. Portions of the existing roof and ceiling structure have been fire damaged and require repair or replacement. Building permits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. If you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, please call the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. Sincerely, fil-;h~~ Don Moore Structural Inspector CC: Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal '\ Charles Lynch Real Estate (IMPOBTANT ME.GE) FOR IleYttJ I z -12-- TIMEJ{ .. I 0 ~ Rg /OS' fJ f.{~.~ v '%3 (p () . -'t... OAT!: M OF PHONt=' TElEPHONED ... \ A.M. P.M. ARI;A cc:oe Nl....JNIOER eKTE~C\P'.I )C II PlEASE CAll )C I I Will CAlL AGAIN I RUSH I SPECIAL A nENTION CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU I RETURNED YOUR CAll MESSAr:r:: , 11(() m~ by , I -- - . ~<6<610S7 FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAL~RD DATE : ~ / 1- 2- '1- '1 Y . . " TO: Building Department FROM: Springfield Fire Department SUBJECT: Structural Damage to Building "* Address or location of building /1)0 m~ Name of o~mer .e~, ~ 1=. Type of building ~ (J...H:f,/' ~ ~ o.--vz-o.. .(Dwell i rig, Store, I~arehouse, etc.) ~ Estimated value of building $ //s-cro ~ Estimated loss to building $ /~ ~ Date of fire II-.l.~-S'V .. Location of damage in building c~ ~ ~ er".d~. ~ 't U-Jo-<<'- (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) ~ ....,.J . " r.......' '~."'i' Structural weakness as a result of the fire (Burned rafters, Seams, Joists, etc.) . - Additional pertinent information ~<J....(.-... w-Jf ~ , 1 .:!d('!-<!~ ~A,~ OAJUt ~ a:z;z - [w/~ ~ ~M/J- ~ ~ ~~ ~- . Electrical Hazard f?~~ .~ ::4 .~- (Wiring, Outlets, etc.) lJt:7~ Signed I 'I ~ I cc: . ~ / / cO A~#& ~-ees ) ~ S',,~61. W/"e/t:;" S'~ 4!!e: ~~ ~ ~/,v-fr~.- #~ R ..