HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 9/3/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVF RECEIVED I Current Planning Staff: G. Kaljl, J. Donovan, Liz Miller, M. Metzger, Ussa Davis, SEP 3 2009 L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Umbird, Dave Reesor, Steve Hopkins, Molly Markarian 'Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department B . '0.. () f\ A Ii-. _ -r- 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, Engineering/Public Works y. Vll L.- 'O.f!yUL/\ Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2102) . Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only 'Ronni Price, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District "Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P .5. (GrOV/lh Mgmt Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/Subdivisions) 'Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility Distrid (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(' only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (if applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (' If In Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ("f in Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Usa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) . Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, PW Dept. 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant. Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) "Will Mueller, LID Norm Palmer, Quest ColjlOration (agenda Dennis Nuuanu Santos, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Susan Palmer, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHlJUSTlCE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS "MENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATiE September 3,2009 TO: of q p~ (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If your written comments are not received by Friday, September 18, 2009 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on September 22, 2009. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant. If the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday. . will receive a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: September 22, 2009 @ 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. DISCRETIONARY USE #DRC2009-00034 MORSE BROS/KNIFE RIVER/METRO ROCK Assessor's Map: 18-03-01-00 TL 701 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Address: Vacant - near S 18th & S "F" Street Existing Use: Vacant Industrial Applicant submitted plans for the operation of a portable asphalt and concrete batch equipment, with portable office at the Springfield Quarry site. Planner: Mark Metzger 2. SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2009-Q0035 MORSE BROS/KNIFE RIVER/METRO ROCK Assessor's Map: 18-03-01-00 TL 701 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Address: Vacant - near S 18th & S "F" Street Existing Use: Vacant Industrial Applicant submitted plans for the operation of a portable asphalt and concrete batch equipment, with portable office at Springfield Quarry site. Planner: Mark Metzger 1 . ~City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review . -. Applicant Name: Morse Bros., Inc. (Contact: Tim Marshall) Icompany: IAddress: rAPPlicant's Rep.: Todd Sadlo Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Listed under 'Metro Rock and Construction Co' I Morse Bros., Inc. dba Knife River an MDU Resources Company: rnrnn"'nll IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-03-01 I ~,~T 701 I Property Address: wr ~ :~JrSlfeet, Springfield, OR 97477 (~I ~o SF S+) ISize of Property: 21.2 Acres (g] dba Knife River an MDU Resources Company I Fax: 541-928-649 I 54 I -928-6494 32260 Old Highway 34, Tangent, OR 97389 Phone 503-232-0404 Attorney at Law Fax: 503-232-7466 1532 SE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214 Phone 541-928-6491 Fax: 541-928-6494 3i260 Old Highway 34, Tangent, OR 97389 Sauare Feet D Proposed Name of Proiect: Knife River Batch Plants at Springfield Quarry Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Operation of portable asphalt and concrete batch equipment, with portable office. I Existinq Use: Vacant Industrial INew Impervious Surface Coveraqe (Includinq Bldq. Gross Floor Area): 24,530 sf Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next . -. , , a a U (LC;zP:>9 -tJ3P:k - 0 w . \ 'S; J'" ir' \A..- \0 Associated Applications: /""\1 'i""-{,,,,- ~11 - -!:.V\t-J 'I"~P Siqns: II"'" M H\' \-., Q.2 I Jo{'J.C'7.<.'-<4- ( =?L.l - \:>'-' Pre-Sub Case No.: Y (C '2<07 -(5(15h::; Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: D (2...c 7RoC, - 00b 1;J~ Date: '1 hloer Revie"lIIed bv: ~_ IAPPlication Fee: $ II, n7...7 ,(';\) I Technical Fee: $ ti)I, /0 Postaqe Fee: $(b~. ~ !rOTA~;,S;$ _ t!o...:i~3, 10 J.Pfi9)ECtliUMBi)at~iV~9- ttlo-03, SEP - 2 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 r\ri...inoi ~I inmlti~~ Tab 3: JUSTIFICATION NARRATIVE Contents A. Backgrou nd Info rmation: ............................ ............................................................................ 2 B. Description of the Proposed Use............................................................................................. 4 C. Justification for Request: ........... .............................................................................................. 8 Heavy Industrial Zoning District .......................................................................................... 8 U rba niza ble Fringe Overlay District..................................................................................... 9 Discretionary Use Standards ................................................................... .......................... 12 Pu rpose.......................................................................................................................... 12 Process for Discretionary Review. ................................................................................. 12 Discussion of Plan Policies. ............................................................................................ 12 Compliance with Code Section 5.9-120 B. Discretionary Use Standards...................... 13 Compliance With Site Plan Review Standards................................................................... 20 Purpose................. .................. ........ .................................................. ............................. 20 Ap plica bi Iity. ......................................................................................................... ......... 20 Su bmitla I Req ui re ments........................... ................................................. .................... 21 Site Plan Review Standards ........................................................................................... 33 Proposed Conditions of Approval.................................................................................. 36 Conclusion................. ........................................................................................................ 37 a. b. c. 1. 2. 3. 4. d. 1. 2. 3. 4. e. f. Oi';lto Received: SEP . 2 2009 Original Submittal JI/stification Narrative Page 1 Knife River - Discretionary Use and Site Plan Reviev.' (as Type Ill) A. Background Information: Applicant/Owner: Morse Bros., Inc. dba Knife River, an MDU Resources Company ("Knife River") 32260 Old Highway 34 Tangent, Oregon 97389 Telephone: 541-928-6491 facsimile: 541-928-6494 Site Address: 800 S. 181h Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 (Springfield Quarry) Tax lot: 18-03-01-00-701 ("Subject Property") Size: ,,21.2 acres. Proposal concerns approximately 10 acres of the parcel ("Site") Plan District: Heavy Industrial Zoning District: Heavy Industrial (HI) Overlay Zoning: Tbe Subject Property is within the Urbanizable fringe (UF-lO) Overlay. Portions of the Subject property are affected by the Drinking Water Protection Overlay and Floodplain Overlay. No development is proposed within designated floodplain, floodway, wetland or riparian setback areas. Applicable Criteria: Springfield Development Code (SDC) Sections 5.9-120 B. and 5.17-125. Location: The Site is outside of Springfield City Limits, inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and subject to Springfield's land use jurisdiction by way of an intergovernmental agreement with Lane County . JUSTification NarraTive Page 2 I- . I Date Received: . ,1 SEP - 2 2009 Knife River - DiscreTionary Use and SiTe Plan Reviey,' (as Type III) Original Submittal u__~ The Site is located on a private easement that is east of S. IS"' Street (if S. IS'h Street were extended south), and is on the southern bank of tbe Mill Race. It is part of the Springfield Quarry, which is also owned by Knife River. Mining and processing of aggregate is occurring at the Springfield Quarry, on the west side of S. IS"' Street (if S. IS"' Street were extended south). Access: Access to the Site is by way of 2S"' Street (south) to South F Street, then west, to a private easement and bridge across the Mill Race, which ;s also the access to the Springfield Quarry. Crossing the Mill Race and turning right accesses the Springfield Quarry. Turning left, access to the site is by existing road between the Mill Race and wetlands associated with Quarry Creek, which flows south to the Willamette River. The access road across the Mill Race and City access streets are all paved. Land Uses: The Site is currently vacant, with the exception of a dirt/gravel road, and electric power lines that traverse in an east-west direction. Site Characteristics: The lO-acre Site is relatively flat with an elevation of approximately 46S feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) or mean sea level (MSL). The northern edge of the Site is the south bank of the Mill Race, and the western portion contains Quarry Creek and associated wetlands and riparian areas. There is also a pond in the southwest comer of the Site. The Subject Property is roughly rectangular, with a panhandle extending from the southwest comer. The panhandle contains a segment of Quarry Creek, which is not hydraulically connected to the Mill Race, but flows south, to the Middle Fork of the Willametle River. No wetlands or existing vegetated riparian buffers along Quarry Creek or the Mill Race will be disturbed as part of this proposal. Adjacent Zoning and Land Use: The Subject Property is a separate tax lot, adjacent to the Springfield Quarry, which is located immediately west of the Subject property on land zoned Quarry and Mining. A mill, and other industrial uses are located to the north, across the Mill Race, on land that is also zoned Heavy Industrial. Adjacent land to the south and east is owned by the applicant; is outside the UGB; is zoned EFU; and is currently in farm use. (Filberts, non-producing walnut orchard, and beet seed crop). Land Justificatian Narrative Knife River - Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review (as Type III) f , Page 3 08t~ f.{~c~lved: StP - 2 ZOO~ ;\ Original Submitt,,1 . . further to the east and south contains some residences, is outside the City's UGB, and is zoned Exclusive Farm Use by Lane County. Utilities: No public water or sewer utilities serve the site. Electric service is available, and water for minimization of potential dust is provided under established rights. No additional public utilities are necessary for the proposed use. Fire Protection: Springfield Department of Fire & Life Safety. A fue-protection system utilizing a pump, the existing pond, and a hydrant, will be designed and approved prior to construction. Previous Actions: 1999: Springfield Hearings Officer decision that operation of asphalt batching facilities is an outright permitted secondary use in the Quarry and Mine Operations Zone; 2006: Planning Director's Decision in file ZON 2006-00037 that operation of portable asphalt and concrete batch equipment is allowed on the Site without annexation, because such uses do not require extension of urban services (see Tab 5 for copies of both decisions). Proposed Use: Operation of portable asphalt and concrete batch equipment, with portable office, approximately six employees. Application Procedure: Type III Review. A separate application has been made for this project for Type I Approval, Drinking Water Protection Overlay B. Description ofthe Proposed Use The Springfield Quarry is zoned "Quarry and Mining Overlay" by Lane County, and the adjacent Subject Property (Tax Lot 701) is zoned "Heavy Industrial." The Site is within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), and the County has delegated planning authority for the Site to the City by Intergovernmental Agreement. Land within the UGB is subject to an "Urhanizable Fringe" (UF-IO) overlay, which requires that the applicant obtain a Discretionary Use Permit (Type III) and Site Plan Review (Type II). This application requests approval of both applications through Type III review. Justification Narrative Page 4 Date Received: Knife River- Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review (as Type Ill) SEP - 2 2009 Original Submittal The applicant proposes to use a portion of the Subject Property for the siting and operation of portable concrete and asphalt batch manufacturing equipment. The equipment and office are all portable, and would be operated at the site as needed, in response to private and governmental demand, and in conjunction with operation of the adjacent Springfield Quarry. The Site is also (partially) located in an area regulated by the City under a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay, to protect resources maintained and operated by the Springfield Utility Board. The Overlay standards require: I} a description of all potentially hazardous chemicals that may be used on the site and 2} a description of primary and secondary containment methods and structures. The applicant has established compliance with the Overlay standards and has agreed to additional project design to ensure groundwater protection. The DWP application has been submitted concurrently with this request for Discretionary Use and Site Review approval. Compliance with groundwater protection standards supports findings of compliance with the Discretionary Use Permit standards and site plan review requirements. Quarry Creek and its associated wetlands are subject to a Floodplain Overlay. Quarry Creek and its delineated wetlands will be protected by the applicant, and no development is proposed within any area subject to a Floodplain Overlay. Parts of the Subject Property are also subject to riparian/natural resource protection setbacks associated with the Mill Race, which is a designated Water Quality Limited Watercourse (WQL W). The application includes a riparian protection report and enhancement plan that, once implemented, will vastly improve the aesthetic, water quality and wildlife habitat values of the Mill Race and associated riparian setback areas adjacent to the Site. The following description of uses proposed on the site was also provided with the applicant's request for Drinking Water Protection Overlay approval: Portable concrete batch equipment supplies a properly proportioned InIX of cement and aggregate (including sand) from mixing hoppers directly to a mix truck from an elevated discharge hood. Components of the concrete batch facility include a weigh bin for receiving and weighing aggregate from the aggregate storage bin and a belt conveyor for transport to a discharge opening in the discharge hood. The equipment also includes a combined screw conveyor and weight batcher, which transport, receive and weigh cement from a cement storage bin. The measured quantity of cement is discharged simultaneously with specific blends and quantities of aggregate from the belt conveyor, into mixing trucks. The entire process will take place on a concrete pad draining to a sump, which will contain all truck wash and green cement, which will then be recycled and reused. A covered storage area over a concrete pad will provide secondary containment for potentially hazardous chemical spills. Justification Narrative Page S d' Date ReceIve ' Knife River - Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review (as Type III) ,. , . SEP - 2 2009 , Original Submittal Conceptually similar in operation to the proposed concrete batcb equipment, the proposed portable asphalt batch equipment will be used for the mixing and manufacture of asphaltic concrete ("asphalt") for discharge directly into trucks. The manufacture of asphalt requires the combination of a number of aggregates. Sand and a filler (such as stone dust), mixed in the correct proportions, are heated and coated with a binder, usually bitumen based or, in some cases, tar. The finished product can only be transported and applied warm, and cannot be allowed to cool and harden during transport to its destination. An asphalt batch heater weighs specified blends of raw aggregates into a heater drum, where the batch is heated. The hot aggregate is discharged into a mixing drum where (dry) filler and binder are added. The blend is mixed and discharged either directly into delivery vehicles or into an insulated and heated silo for storage and discharge to trucks, as needed. As we have previously indicated, the request is to allow the Site to be used for the operation of portable batch plant equipment. The proposed construction on the Site will include grading and installation of drainage controls (including a landscaped bioswale); building gravel-surfaced roadways to facilitate traffic flow through the Site; and installing impenneable foundations for the batch equipment, storage, and a portable office. These elements are all shown on the Site Plan Diagram and descriptions included in Tab 4 (site plan diagram and architectural details), labeled and described as follows: Batch Office Pad: This is an asphalt pad for the portable office, restroom, and parking. A<nhalt Truck Bed Snrav Area: This is an impenneable concrete pad with drainage collection where asphalt trucks spray their truck bed with a release agent to prevent the asphalt from sticking. Chemical Storage: This is an impermeable concrete pad on which concrete admixtures and chemicals such as lubricants can be stored with adequate containment. Readv Mix Concrete Batch Plant: This is an impenneable concrete pad with drainage to a sump to allow recycling of the water. The ready mix concrete batch equipment will be placed on this as well as any concrete block ('ecoblock') fonns. Tbe area where trucks add water to adjust the slump of the concrete ("slump rack") and any truck spray areas will be on the same concrete slab and be part of this drainage collection area. . ASDh~lt Batch Plant: This is an impenneable concrete pad with drainage through an oil separator to a sump to allow collection and disposal or recycling of water in contact with the plant or trucks. Justification Narrative Page 6 Knife River - Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review (as Type Ill) Date Received: SEP - 2 2009 Original SUbmittal