HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Easement 1994-1-19 , . j..-- I . I' .. 1 1?e.~(" 10: .L uca.s mcQ....dla., 318.'l1~ sirce.r ~f"I7J~t.l~ oe q7't 78 . o .' I ~ 10 /' J'o 9404225 i! , RESTRICTIVE EASEMENT Hi!~JAN.19'94ff05REC 2 10.00 !~i!~JAN.19'94ff05PFUND 10.00 !~~J~N.19'94ff05A&T FUND 20.00 Darrold L. Stutz and Lesley J, Stutz hereby place a >- structures from being built on easement restricting permanent the area 5 feet wide across the eastern end of the fol lowing described real property located in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon to-wit. 8eginning at a point that is 2273.38 feet East and 1513.5 feet South of a slone that is 32,44 feet East of the Southwest corner of the L. Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81. Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wil lamette Meridian: run thence South 0" 01' 30" East 24.35 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod being the Northeast corner of that property described in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded September 26, 1977 as Reception No.77 6t067, Lane County, Oregon. thence North 89" 44' West 89.87 feet along said North Line of said property described in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded September-26, 1977. as Reception No. 77 61067, Lane County, Oregon to a 5/8 in6h iron rod set on the Easterly right-of-way of North 39th Street, thence North 0" 01' 30" West 27.35 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence South 89" 44' East 173.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence South 0" 01' 3D" East 3.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod: thence North 89' 44" West 83.38 feet to the place of beginning', in Springfield, Lane County Oregon. \ I 1-. j ) ',> . ',.". . 9404~~S . 2 .J/. EXECLUTED in duplicate this ~. day of December 1993. r\ t 11 ..p ~I ".. . ~l;r(;r, A, -. 'pJ ~Ul:, .V ./ ./ lLe: /Z_ Slulz Darrold L. 0-v_' (,,', Lesley.)'. STATE OF OREGON )55. County of Lane Personally appeared the above named Darrold L. Stutz and Lesley Stutz and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be their volunlary act and deed. Before me: ,5~/~ N~ry Publ ie for Oregon ...., OFFICIAL SEAL ': ~i U~lD.^, !{. STAHL ..,. N:lT,WX P,lJ.~.L!C.OREGON cmJ.....;:.s.....r.: ,'W.002639 MY COMMISSlot' EXPIReS OCT. 31,1994 , c "O:c ";eo':: ~ v. 3: .... ~1"'g ~ ::... t; ." ,..., - - . " ...:::: ~ .... 0 '" " u "'O"'c . < ~ c >.- '" ~ <=:-:-0 a: -' ~ ct:CJ ~. ,;, '-:' fj.~ "'I ~ ~ I '" >. u 0 C c' .. t.L l: tt~ ~~ 0 c - . - ,... Ou ~ ~~ u...'" 0- . 0 .c.J:: :: 0') .c.c- 0'(; cc_ -a. c c "." C ,... " " o.c 0>.e 00 ~ UU Q.l C c.J C :::I .. . . '; g. -E ;2 ~ c c ~ . jj >. ti)u ...:u.~ '" '"