HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-6-7 F '-;'" . It/fORI1Al: .:1 LI..:. 726-3753 So. Ftq. Hain ~q. fllJ. Access. SQ. Ftq, Other !leI" . Add "',1 ter ~eD. --rence Demo Change/Use Other- - I :~ ~ ~ r~ I I I Job Address -gB7,<) /-?7#/A/"':?7 LIlY ", SI'Hlm;IIElU --..~ COIIBWMION APPLICATION/PERMIT E!IERr,y SOURCES; Heat \later Heater Ranl1e_ Valur of I-Iork.: '/'l ..__ -~./ / t!!/. .v- Uu'i It;ino Permi t Info: F~~ilv nesidencc With . 0" ,. j I NSI'ECTlUll lINl 726-3709 ' le9al Description Owner 8,,,,,; 7ii.pY;;N~~q--~~?T 1'_' ,'''dress ~5" ~/^'" ~,.... Phone -<- ~, ,5')2>.r?- D, .t? /"'? . Construction Lender Describe \'/ork{ i.e.. Bui ld Single Attached r.araoc) ,\ddress Ul)!LiIl 11I1r' I /~~.cL.7.j;.,...."" ~~ .~~ - h ,./-:. _..-...,.....--......~ ~...."..... , .... {name hone no. Primary Structural Electrical ~1echanica 1 CONTHACTORS PLUlmlllG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I i i I .I ?,'if5'-27'??1 I I r-tCHAll?L' '- a. I I .pnt I I I I I I II I I I I I I (nclme J {address} ( 1 irs. no. 1 (~xojres) (Ilhone no General Plumbina Electrical ttech-'nic-,l /:. ",'#' .. Z:-;;..' .:;-~__~~. --..BL. ...li.L C/lARGE JIlL. Each single fixture Residence of .-.Ill..- J:.IIAll ...!llL.. furnace/burner to ~~_c_ OHl', sq. FT. '2 -,-Relocated bU-if"dincj"""". (new fix. additional) IS. F. r.es idence r 1 both I IOuPle, (1 bath) each IAdditional bath -I~!ater service Isewer I Storm Sel'ler -I _I I- I I , 1 '1-' I I I I I- I New circuits alts. 01' extensions lor ICOHI1./INO. FEEDERS I nSlo II/a 1 ter/re 1 oca te ~ih_ fpprlpr~ or amps.1 I Floor furnace and vent I Recessed wa 11 ~~~rp hp~tpr ~nrl I I' Apoliance vent ..eoarat!! I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan wi t11 sinnlp. duct I Vent system apart from I heatino or A.C. I Nechanical exhaust hood Mtd rllJr t I Uood stove/heater !SERVICES I ITemporary Construction -1'Ci';a;1Qe in existing rros id~nr~ I Imultifamily, conl!\. or Inrltl~trial I 1 I I TOTAL CtlARGfS I TOTAL CHARGES HIIEnE STATE l-\U REQUIHES that tile Electrical \~ork be done by an Shall not be valj-J until the label has been si~ned hy an Electr-ic,)l '1 I I I amps.1 Electric,)1 Supervisor I SSIJA/lCf or PrP.!11T l!OTAL C/lARGES ~h'. /.57-'"'" Contractor, the electrical l1ortion of this permit and returned to the Building Division I IIAVE-Ci\[!(rully-tXMlIr/CD VIe c:ompleted ap~lic(1tion for I}crmit, and do hereb.v ccrtify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certifv that any and all Hork oerfonned shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringficld and thp. laws of the State of Ore(Jon oertaininl) to the work described hel'(~in, and that 110 OCCl'PAflCY I~ill be made of any structure wilhout the nermission of the lIuilclinfl Division. I further certif that my re~istration "lith the Ouilder's Ooard i, io full force and eflect ., re~uired by OIlS 701.05S, tto,ll il e,emut t e "? lor e'emntion IS noted hereon. and that '::::,::::::':::::::;~ ;:':~~" ';;:'::::~~'" ~':,,:::.~; ,~"" '~~ .,,-r~lLcJ ~1 ~, FO~ or" Cl USE Zooe L c... Fire 70ne Flood Plain __Tyoe/Cons t. Bedrooms Stories lJni ts Occy load Occ.Y Group 7'- 2. s~. SQ. S~. x Value x Va I ue )( Value TOTAL VALUATIOII OUILOIllG PER/'lIT (ha r']es an::: SurCharges Plan Ck. _ _ __ ___ __ __ _ 65!/Oldo Plan Ck. JOt/Oldo I Fence I Demo I Sidewalk - --- - - --- ---:-_1 A/-C Pavin9 LS. ..-.; - I'Curb Cut -- --~:75---1 Conm/lnd P-,>r' _F","" nes PE'r Fef' Systems Development I Chuoe (I. 57,) PLUI10l/lG PERMIT C~ilrges and SurCharges ------------ ,ElCCTRICf.L rER/llT Cha rQes and Surcharges /fECIIAl/ICAL PEP,/11T Charges and Surcharl')es ITotal (amb. Permit -TOTAL /5: ?S . . . . . C'-. " \ I .J '. " COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) PERMIT VALIDATION I. Applicant to furnish -A. Job Address 8. legal Description 1. example- Tax lot JOO, lane COU;lly Map Refe/eoce 11 03 43 2. example- lot 1. (Hock 3, 2nd Addition to ~prln9fjeld [stales C. Name. ctc. or owner and construction lender 0: Energy Sources' 1. example- heat/electrical ceiJin'l/or forced air QdS 2. examOle- wdterheater/clectriC;I~/or solar E. Square footage or valucltion, etc. - ), examo)e- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq, foot garage 2. eXdlllple- TTnew project, checknew _ if addition, check. add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. "example. construct sin!Jle family house with an attached gar~ge 2. examale. remodel existing garage into family room J. eXdlllole - convert single filfllily residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of \'Iork. as defined in Section 303 {a} of the Structural Specidlty Code If. OESIGN TENI ANO COIITRACTOIlS To avoid design or const'.uclion 'delays, Uuilding Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or Job site corrections, etc. . II. Abbreviated Plumbing, NechanicaJ, & Electrical Schedules A. Except ,',here blank spaces OCcur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Nechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the BUilding Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item{s) to be installed are not Covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUIlOING OIVISION STAFF Illll FIll OUT ALL FEES AIID CHARGES 011 TIlE SCHEUUlES O. As noted on the CAP. the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor. for signature by his electrical Supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. - III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the appl icatian, and no plans l'Ii 11 be processed unti 1 these fees are pa i d. A 11 0 ther fees anll cha rges d re due ilnd payable when the permi t is issued. . .' , PROJECT CONDITIONS TO 8E SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPArlCY: I I Perm it Cl erk V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY J Permit appl icant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: ~ . Additional Project Information: , PLANS REVIEWED BY: I~ nameLfl?.AZ~ ;9~t5;?f> signature d~J0 //r ""do te . ~;;- ~. ,1 Owner ,;q,,,,,,, 7hp".r;NiI"',,~,? ,'.ldress ~S ~/.N ~,.... ,5'JZ>A:. 2:'/ -?,/Z? Construction Lender ;/ .:;. 1"~"lcrlU" lIlIl IZo-)]69 Job Address leqJl Oe~criplion ,\JJrcss UL~ J lill HAil Primary Structural Electrical !techanical CONTRACi(ii(; Genera 1 Plumbino I Electrical I 'lp.ch,lniC.,'d I -1ill..:. ItHOIU1AT: .:/ ll,,:' IZ6-)];) So. ftQ. Hain ~q. fllJ. Access. Sq, Ftq, Other !leI;' Add ft.t ter ~eD. --renc~ Oemo Change/Use Other - - . LilY ,,' ~1'HIfMI(7~ COIlBl/lnTIOII ^PPlIC^TIOII ERMIT ~~ no. EIIERr,y SOURCES: Ileat Hater IIcatcr Rani'Je . '3iS?S P#/N"'?'7 -'"'X-.. '~,.., ~~ f --- I. Phone Value of I-lark: 4(,W&:>. -~ (!uil(;inQ Permit Info: Ueser be l-Jork(i.e., F.lr.lilv l"lp.sidC'ncc Hith "ltached r.arao(') /Ms)-:;9.cL T~ ~F ~_, ,_ ,4.:-p ~~~". - ._- ---= ~/,..... . . - lndmcJ Phone {address} {exniresl ( I ics. no.) .,. Bui Id Single Ii I~ I~ I~ -~ (ohone no. J I ! i 1 ] 7~S:- "Z77?: I I (n,lme) lexoires' (llhone no (address ) ( I ics no.) M[CII^1I1C^l sq, FT. furnace/burner to ~ DTU's ~.......~~ k I~ !v. S~_2=~'-:'-:',-:,,~, PlUrlB/lIG ElECTRIC^l . . ...ilL CIIARGE JUL_' Residence of '...Ef.L. _CHAllG.f. Each single fixture '2 --- I Floor furnace and vent I I Recessed wol II I ~~~rp hp~tpr ~nrl -I Relocated bui lding (new fix. additional) S.F. P.esidence (I bHh 1 Duplex (1 bath) Additional bath I-!ater service Sewer I Storm Sel'Je~ -, -, New circuits alts. or extensions I e.lch I I I I I 1-1 I r -II I I I I ISERVICES -I [Temporary Construct ian IChanqe in existinl) rp5;dr.nrr. Imultifamily, coorn. or Inrfu'i.tri.11 lor amps,l I C0l11'I, /1110, r[EOERS -1?nstilll/alter/relocate . rHL (pprlpro;. Of - amps.1 -, I I I I I I ApDl iance vent ",~O.1I'iltP I Stationary evap. cooler . I Vent fan wi th ..inole duct. I Vent system apart from I heatino or A,C: I Nechan i ea I exhaus l hood .'nri dllr t . I Hood stove/heater' . I I I .li.L1.cJJAIlliE. ~ '-' tZ I SSIJMCf OF prnm T W"n' I I-I I I I , I I I I I I I TOTAl CIIARGfS TOT^l CIIARGES TDT^l CllARGES ~h". /:57-"'" I HIIEr.E STATE L\H REQUlnES that tile Electrical \10rk be done by an Electric.ll Contractor, the electrical flortion of this pemit shall not be valH until thp. label has becn signed by an [)ectr'ical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAllErUllY OA!1Hl(J) t~le cOll1pleted ,1llfl1ication fur I"Jcrmit, tUl(J do heret"v certify that all information hereon is true and correct. clnd I further certify that any and all \1ork oedonned shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the laws of the State of Orenon Ilertainin~ to the work descrihed herein, and th<1t UD OCCl'PAUCY \1ill be made of any structure without the nermission of the l1uilclinl1 Division. I further ccrtif that mv rellistration \"lilh the Builder's Ooard is in full forcp. ,1nrJ e(fect as required bV 01:5 701.D~5, tll.H if .cxelllot t e si for excmntion 15 noted hereon, and that ::,:::::':::::::;~ ;:':~: .~::::"::~'" :::,,:::.~' . " ,. '~~ .'VdUCW'd I - ro~ OrrlC[ IlSE / lone ..::::. c.. Fire lone Flood Plain DUIlOlflG PERmT Chitrl)Cs an~ Surcharges PlU'lD I fiG PERMI T C~clrgcs and Surcha rges . [l[CTRIC/,l nnr:1T Cha rQeS and Surcha rges r'ECIIAIIIC^l rEr.rllT Charges and SurcharfJes Tyne/Cons t. l3edrooms Stories x \Jnits Dccy' Load Occ.Y Group A' - :2 s~. SQ, Sq, x x Voduc Value Villue , TOTAl'V^lUMIOtI Plan Ck. Comm/lnd ____________ ~5t/[Jldn P,pr Fpp Plan Ck. nes 3D%/l3ldo Per Fec I Fence ------------ J OP,mD I Sidewalk ------------ '.1 A/e Pavin9 /,5 - --. I Curb Cut -- --~;,s:----I Systems Development Cha rQe (I. 5.. J I I I hotal ('ornb. rp.rmi t I. ---i TOTAl /5': ? s , ^,- , -.',. . . COM81NATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. II. Applicant to furnish ,A, Job Address D. legal Description 1. examole. Tax lot 100. lane Counly Map Refel II OJ 43 2, examnle- lot I. 810ck J. 2nd Addition to ~Pr1l1gtield [states C. Name, ctc. of Owner and construction lender 0: Energy Sources' 1. .example- hcat/electrical cell iOll/or forced Z. examOle- watcrtacalcr/eleClt'ic.ll/or solilr E", Square rootage or valuation. eLe. -. 1. examolc. 1250 sq. foot house. 500 SQ. foot Z. . example- 1Ti1cw project. checknew _ if add" check add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. "examole - construct sin!Jle family house witt attached gilrage 2. examole - remodel cxist1nlJ gar"9C into ramil '001 3. cxall1lJlc - COflvcrl single fdlllily residence in restaurant (change of use) G. Value of \'iork as defined 1n Section JDJ {a} of t. Structural Spccidlty Code II. OESIGN TEA/.I ANO COIlTRACTORS To avoid design or construclion 'delays. Uuil<1iug Division Staff must be able to contdct approprial persons regarding Ucsiyn information or' job site corrections. etc. Abbreviated Plumbin9,'Mechanjcal~ & Electrical Schedu A. Except ",here blank spaces Occur in the descriptio portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedule the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adj, to the appropriate itern(s) to be 1nstilllcd B. Full Plumbing. Ncchanical. and Electrical Schcdult are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the pcrmlt form the sche<: have been abbreviated 2. If the item{s) to be installed arc not covered the abbrev1ated schedules you should consult t fu 11 schedu 1 es C. 8UILDING DIVISION STAFF IIILl Fill OUT ALL FEES AIIO CIlARGES Oil TIlE SCHEUUlES O. As noted on the CAP, the label IllUSt be delivered tl nc electrical contractor' for slgnature by his electric supervisor. The general contractor is !.!..Ql authorlL__ to sign the electrical label. Appl1cant to slgn and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a workSheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff wi 11 prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. fees and Charges Plan check rees arc due and payable at llle time of lhe application, and no plans l'Iill be prOcessed until these fees are paid. All other fees anl.l charges are due and payable when ~he permit is issued. I CITY OF c~~~INl Sprlngfteld, Oreg Office of Community and Econo OFFICIAL RECEIP "..' " ..' Date !/OH8 /("198-9'_ Rec'd From / ~..~..._..~C~ :J/~~ ~ Address ~;;:; ~.~ -'- Received Fa";) t?ll5#-~~.:2 I I I. IV, V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 , PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: Amount Received A~ . 7'-Alm-lORlZEO S1GNATUR ~, p:J2- ~ r~ cZA .... /5. 7~ fnlntler BUSINESS fORMS. INC. ~ I Permi t Clerk . Permit appl icant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board becau~f Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name~;qAZE /2!?~6?'P signature .. - /~ >J~ ;~ "da te <!: . ~ .. ,;.- f-{, ,,,- '.;: . . .. Required Inspectio.w .. -, IT IS THE THAT EACII PROPERTY, RESPONSIBILITY OF TilE PER!<IT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT THE PROPER TUlE. ADDRESS IS READABLE FROlI THE STREET, AND TIlAT TIlE PERI'llT CAnD IS LOCATED AT TilE FRONT OF THE BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL THlES, PROCEDURE ,POR REQUESTINr; INSPECTIONS, Cnll 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER. job "ddrcs!:;, type of inspection re'luesteo and \-1hen YOIl will he recdy for the in::;peetion. Contractors or owners name and phone number. Requests received hcfore 7:00 amjwill be made the same day, requests received after 7:00 am will be mnde the following work day. '8?c:> <:"bY Job Address, '5 8>5" fr'~.;17 ~r Owner: 't?.c=//.~;I-; b'~,;::-~ Contractor: ~~C,,?#'C #~. -"'" Your City Dcsip,nated Job Number Is: o o D SITE .INSPECTION: To he mndc nEtcr cxcnvntio.n, hut prior to setup cf forms. UNllEHSJ.An PI,mmlNr.. ELECTHlr..'\1. f, ~1I:CIIANICAI.: To he :nade hefcre any Iwrk is covered. C()NCm~TE SI.AR INSPECTION: Tn hc madc aftcr ~II.I inslab Illli Idill~ scrvicc cquipment. conduit., pipitl~, acces:;ories and other and 11ary equipment itcms arc in placc hilt he fore any coilcrctc is pourcd. o FOOTI NG5 fl FOllNnATI ONS: To hc mnde :1["tel" tl'cnchc5 arc excavated :lntl fm.ms :JI.C crcl.:ted, all stccl in pJ:I~C, hilt prior to pouring I.:OI1l:I'cte. o 1I:--JIlEnGROIlNIJ: Plumbing, Electrical, l;a~, S;1I1itary Sewcr, Storm Sewcr, 1\':1 tcr and Dra in:JR,e I incs. To he made prior to coveri.ng or fi II in~ trcnchcs. o IINllEltFI.mm:. Plllmhi.nR., Electric:I], t1cch:lIlicnl. To he mnde prior to illst:1! lation of floor insulation, decking or floor shcnthin,~. 1'0S1' r. I\EAH: To be mnde prior tC' il15tallation of floor insulation, t1cckin~ or: floor shc<lting. o o F1.00H INSUI.ATION fl VAI'On I1AIUnERS: To he molt1e prior to install:ltion ol~ decking or floor shealing. o ~l,\SONnY: Stccl locntion, hond bcnms irotltinr. 01' vcrticals in :lcconlancc Idth U.B.C. Section 2-115. o o o o o D o IWC!F S!lEA.I1IH!G ANn NJ'.I 1.1 Nr.: Prior t.o inst,Il1 in& any roofin~. 0 !Xl HOUr.1I i'l.\JI'-lIHNG. ELECTHICAL f; L..::J ('"Jo.1ECII^NU^f..,;) No ",'ork is to be covered lint i I these inspecti.ons have hecn 1tI:ltle :lnt! npproved. Phone: Phone: ?~'<5?<7 FIREPLACE: Prier to plncing facing matel"i:lls. nntl hefol'e fr:uning inspect ion. 'SPEC1AI. INSPECTIONS: In nccordnncc II'ith Scction 306 of thc Bui lJing Code n special inspector shnll he cmplo)"ed hy the Ol\'ller/ Contr;lctor durillR construction of thc followill~ work. A copy of the special tcsting report5 shOll I he furnished to the Buildill~ Oivisioll. :J :J :J f:TIUJCTURA1. r.ONCIU~TE: III eXl~CSS of :W(lll P . S. I. (306 a. 1 ) ATTIC nnAFT !1TOPS (j ClllnAIN l'lAI.I.S. INSlIlI',TION f, VAI'OIl Mlm!En: .To he made :lftcr :111 in5ul:ltion :lnd reqllil'ed vnpor h:trricrs arc in place hilt heforc any ]:t th or gypsum hO:ll'd interior wnll covering .is npplicd. FRMllNG: To hc made :Ifter t.he rO{lf, nil framing, fire Idocking and hr:lcinJ: are in pl:ll..l~ and all pipes, chil11nl~Ys :lnd \'cnts al.C cnlllpll~te nnd the rOllgh clcctricoll, plumhing. 01111.1 heating wi rcs, pipes and dllct~; arc approved. :J l.A"nl AND/OR r.YPSll~1 1I0AIUl INSPECTION: --, ;]"0 hc madc ;lftCI" all I:lthill~ and -.-J ~rp~lIl11 hannI, interior :Ind cxtel'ior, is ill placc hilt hcfllrc an)" Plllsterin~:J i5 appl ied 01" hefo)'c ~yp~;lIm hoard joints and fnstener!~ :lI'C taped and fi 11 ished. FIRE r. SEPAltATION l'lALJ.: LOCated ~ ccnstructcG ncconlil1~ to pl:lns, D o After il15tallation is STRUCTlml\L \'lEI.IlS: Preformed on the job, (2722 f) mell STHENGTlI BOI.TING: DurinJ: all holt inst:lllation nnd tightin{.: operations (306 :1.5) SPRAYEI) ON FIREPIlOOFING: Stnndnnls 43-8) (lI,A.C, D h'OODSTOVES: completed. Slnm~AI.K r. nRIVEh'AY: Ikquired for nil concrctc pavilll~ \~ithin strcct right-of-\~ny, to he made :trtcr al I excnvatinR. complct.e r. form work r. suh-hasc material ill placc. f.IlRB ANn :\PPlmACII Al'ltoN: Aftcr forms arc ercctcd hut prior to pouring concretc. SI'EC1AI. GRAOINr:. FI LI.1NG: !luring r. Chnpter 29) EXCAVATION :\Nn earthwork, {306 a.ll rARKING 1.0'1': After gravel 1s in placc hut priOl' to placing nsphnlt or concrete. :J (;I.U-I.AJ.t nEArIS: Inspection Certificate, hy an npprovcd agency. furni5hclI to t.he City's nuilding lHvJ$ion bcfore hcnms arc placcd. (2:.01-U.I1.C. STDS. 25-10, \ I). *In addition to thc inspections sp'::!cified hereon, the RlIildinl: Offici tll :nny make or rCI!ui re other inspect ions of ;my construction work t.o n~ccTtnin compliance with the Building, City or Zoning Codes. o FIN.'\!. Pl.lJI'--U\lNG o FIN/\!. U,ECTIUCAJ. I X I F [NH ~[EC[[^NI C^L o FrNM. FinE IlEPAnTMHrr o CITY'S SITE Pl.AN ItEVIEW HOARn INSPECTION: ~ll1$t he requcstcd 2 days in ndvnnce of thc dnte you wish inspcct.ion. Ail project con~.itions stich a5 Inndsc.aping, pnrldn& lot striping etc. must be com;:tlctcd heforc r('f1\lcstint:: this inspection. D .FINAL !\llll.llING: ~ll1st he rcqllc~;t,d aftcr thc fin:!1 Plumbing. Elcctric:lI, ~lcchnllicnl :1I\d Fire Department inspections :lrC m:lde :lIlJ approved. No Occupnn::y of the prcmiscs call be m:Hlc until a Ccrtificntc ef Oc.cupancy h:ls heen issued h)' the.Rllilding Oivisien and posted on the premise5 S I r.NATlIlW n^TE, L:.; . ~'",; . L ; ~::'." 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