HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2009-8-18 (3) ClTY OF SPRINGFlELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00847 ISSUED: 08118/2009 APPLlED: 06/1lI2009 EXPlRES: 02/28/2010 VALUE: $ 2,069,800,00 08/28/2009 08:29 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 7253575 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Sprin~lield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspettion Line SITE ADD:RF.:SS: 304 Q ST ASSF.:SSOR'S PARCEL NO.: ,1703262401600 PAGE 02 Springfield lYPI> OF WORK: Medi",,1 Office TYPE OF USt: New PROJECT DESCRU'UON: New Building for SprinRfidd Dialysis, LLC Owner: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS Ll-C Addre,s; 3355 RIVER BEND OR SIT 200 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Type Architect I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' Contractor License CHRlSTOPHERKfflD AND ASSOCIATES, L I BUILDING INFORMA nON, # of Unit.: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type; # of .Bcdrooms: B 51 VB # of Storie.: 1 Hei~bt of Strudore Type of Heai: . - Forced Air Ga. Water Type; Ga. Ran.:e Typc: Encrgy Path: Sprinkled Building: Y I:S I DEVELUPMEJIo'TINFORMA nON I Frontyard Sctback: Side 1 Setback; Side 2 Setback; Reary'ard Setback; Sol.. Setback., Overlay Dist: # Strcet Tree.. Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: ',PUBLlC IMPROVEMENTS' Street Improvemcnt!: Sto...rn Sewer Available: Spedalln.lruction: Commercial Phone Number: (541) 485-6478 Expiration Date Phone (262) 901-0505 Lot Sit..: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft2ud Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Otcupant Load: 43,996 10,349 REQlliRED PARKING Total: H..dicapped: Compact: Sidewalk Type: DowDspoul!lDrains: Notes: I Valuation D~scriotion ~ Desc:riof;Od SPcrSq Ft Or multiplier Square Footugc or Bid Amount Tvve of Con:!Jtruction "oeolof6 RUG-28-2009 09:29 7263676 Value Dutc Calculated 97% P.02 08/28/2009 08:29 7263676 -r~~ Status Issued 225 Fifth Street. Sp<inllficld, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fox 541-726-3769 Inspection Lipe Business Estimate Mechanical CIl B VB Business Estimate Use Bid Amonnt F.. Descriotion PI.n Review CommlIndlPublic PI.n Revi.w Fire & Lire Sar.ty Mounlaingate Impenious Area Plan Review/Com,lnd,Pab Hourly Reversal - ,PIM Review/Com,lnd Reversal- Sanitary Sew.r. 1m Reversal - Sanitary Sew<< - Re Rev.rsol - SDC MWMC Administr R.ve..... - SDC MWMC Improvem, Reve...al - S,DC MWMC Reimburoe Rev<<.a' - SDC Sanitary/Stonn Reversal - SDC TraDspo Impl"Ove Revcnol - SDC Transpn Reimbar Reve...al - SDC Tnlnsportation R.v.nal - Stonn Drainage Impe Sanitary Sewer -Improvement Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement Sanit.ary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC MWMC Administration SDC MWMC Adminislnltiop SDC MWMC Impl"Ovement SDC MWMe Imprvv.mcDt SDe MWMC Reimburs.ment SDe MWMC Reimbu..ement SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin SDC SanitarylSto<m Admin SDC Transpo Improvement SDC Tran.po Improvement SDe Transpo Reimbunettlent SDe Tron.po Reimburs.ment SDe Tr:lnsporllltion Admin SDC Tnnsportation Admin Storm Drainage Impernous Area Storm DTDina~t Impervioali Are. + 12% Sto'e Surcharg. + 5% Technology Fee Uackflow Device Building Permit Fire SF F.e - Non-Residenti.\ AUG-2B-2009 09:29 5104.20 $1.00 51.00 , . ~- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 03 10,349.00 2,069,800.00 . 77,000.00 Total Value of Project ~ Ainount F.id $5,672_12 $.1,490.66 $829.96 558,00 $-58,00 $-63\.10 $-829.96 $-10.00 5-6,114.13 $-593.13 $0903.04 549,694.58 S-13,634.67 $-3,432.37 5-15,200,65 5631.10 5631.10 $829.96 S10.00 $10,00 $6.114,13 56,114.13 5593.13 5593,13 $903.04 5903.04 $49.694.58 S49,694.58 513,634.67 $13,634.67 $3,432.37 $3,432.37 515,200.65 515.200.65 $1,287,53 5536,47 S76.00 $8.726.65 51,034.90 7263676 Dat.Paid 6/16/09 61.16/09 7120/09 7120/09 7/20/09 7120109 7120/09 7/20/09 7/20/09 7120109 7120109 7/20/09 7/20109 7/20109 7/20/09 7/20/09 7/20/09 7/20/09 7/20/09 7120109 7120/09 7120/09 . 7/20109' 7120/09 7120109 7120/09 7120/09 7120/09 7120/09 7120/09 7120/09 7120/09 7/20109 7/20/09 8/18109 8/18/09 8/18109 8/18/09 8/18109 .Plee 2 or 6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM200~-00S47 ISSUED: . 08f18f2009 APPLIED: 06fI1/2009 EXPIRES: 02/28f2010 VALUE: , $ 2,069,800.00 $1,078,365.80 52,069,800.00 577,000,00 53,225,165.80 0611112009 06/1112009 07130/2009 . R.c.ipt Number 3200900000000000460 3200900000000000460 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000821 220090000000000DR21 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000821 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 2200900000000000820 2200900000000000822 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 98% P.03 08/28/2009 08:29 7253575 -~ Status Issued 115 Fifth Street, Sprin~"d, OR 54]-726-3753 Phone 54]-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Fixture Mechanieal-Valne Sanitary Sewer - !stIOO Feet Sanitary Sewer Each AddtlIOO' Storm Sewer - htlOO' Storm Sewer Each AddtllOO' Water Line - l.st 100' Water !-ine - Each AddtllOO' + 5% Technology Fee Cnrbeut Permit Encroachment Permit Sidew.lk Permit Sidewalk Permit + Addtl Sq Ftl( }'l>tal Amount Paid Plannine Review 06/1712009 Structural .Review 06117/1009 Initial Review 06/17/2009 FiT'e Deosrtment Review 06(1.7/1009 " Structural Review 07/0112009 SUB REView 06117/2009 Initial REview 0711 512009 Public Works ReviEW 06/1 712009 AUG-2B-2009 09:29 5855.00 5596.74 $76,00 557.00 576.00 $152.00 $76,00 $38,00 Sl6.27 $88.00 5139.50 588.00 510,00 $114,136.67 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 8/18/09 8ll8/09 8/18/09 8/18/09 8/18109 8/18109 8/18/09 8/18/09 , 8127/09 8127/09 8127/09 8/17/09 8127/09 Plan Reviews I WI 06117/1009 061'251200.9 07/01/2009 07/09/2009 07/1512009 07/10/1009 7263676 API' LLH API' GRG WE KLK API' JF API' LLH DON C1'M Paee30f6 PAGE 04 ClTY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00847 ISSUED: 08/1812009 APPLIED: 06/ll12009 EXPIRES: 0212812010 VALUE: S 2,069,800.00 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3100900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3~009oo00000oo00591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000591 3200900000000000609 3200900000000000609 3200900000000000609 3200900000000000609 3200900000000000609 Final Site Plan submitted 6/1S/09, Waiting for Mark's review and signed Development Agreement, DWP applic.tion. Okay 10 keep 304 Q Street a5 address See att.ehed dOC1lment for Fire Department Plan5 Review commenf$. Fint Plan Review Completed. See review letter in documents. See att.ched document> for e..ergy code plan review approval, Revisioftl.ubmittcd 7/15/09- Distributed to Gilbert Gordon in Fire Marshal. Office and Kip Kaurman,Plan'l.:x.miner 97Y. P.04 BB/2B/2009 BB:29 7253575 Status Issued 225 Fillh Street, SpringfiEld, OR 541-726-3753l'hoDe 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Tn$plrliOD LiDe Fire De.artmeDt Review 07/15/2009 Strutturnl Revicw 07/21111009 StroUurol Revicw 07129/Z009 Plannine Review 07/30/'l0ll9 Slntclural Revi... 08I03/Z009 Fire Department Review OH/05lZ009 07/27/2009 07/28/2009 07/Z9/Z009 07/30/2009 08103/2009 08105/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 05 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COMZ009-00847 ISSUED: 08/18/2009 APPLIED: 061l1l2009 EXPIRES: 02/Z81Z010 VALUE: . $ Z,069,800.00 APP GRG Revisions submitted 7/15/09. Revised Plans Review: Medical bujldi~g for kidney diolysis. Job IIC0M2009-OO847, Occupancy Classilication: B, Construction Type:Y-B (sprinklercd). Square footnge: 10,349 sqoare feel-siogle story. Occupant Load: .132, Plans reviewed uuder the 1007 Springfield Fire Code and 2007 Oregon Structural Spedalty Code. No further fire department comments for this submitta., Refer to original plans review eommenL. dated 6/24/09. WI'; KLK Completed seeond plan revicw. ContaUed Architect by phone to disco5s correcthms sent by email. 10 KLK Revision Per En2ineer to Shear Wall Sehedule for Hold Downs. .01.1'1' EMM Call Mark Me~er at 726-3775 for Final Site Inspeelion before Final Occupancy. Tu be construeted per Final Site Phm DRC100?-oOI4. A1'P KLK Pending: Arehiteelto Revise I-Hour Rated Smoke Barrier Wall Details: Sheet A600. Details 10 and 22, Sheet .01.605, DetJil15. APP GRG Plan. Review: Hal.ardou. Malen.lo Inveotory Statement. Job IICOM2009-00847, No fartber permits required other than the operational pennil for flammable and eombunible liquids bec.u.e of the diesel generator. Plans reviewed under tbe 2007 Springfield Fire Code. To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 7Z6-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 ..m- will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. RUG-28-2009 09:30 7263676 Pal(e 4 of6 98% P.05 08/28/2009 08:29 7263676 crrv OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 06 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541.726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fa. 541-726-3769 [n~pec:lion Line CITY OF Sl'RINGFIELD · Building/Combination Permit PERMIT N(): COM2009-00847 ISSUED: 08/J.8f2009 APPLlED: 06/1112009 EXPIRES: 02/28/2010 VALUE: $ 2,069,800.00 lJ~nujrp.rUn~mectinn~ I Encroachment: Arter ite"'(.) have been removed to in.peet ""nditiOD of public right ofway. Curl,eut - Standard: After fnnns are erected but prior to placement of CODcrete. Sidewal~ - Curbside: After forms are erected but prior tl' placement of concrete.. Ero..inn/Grading Inspection: Prior to groDDd disturbance and aftn em,inn measures lire installed. UferElcctrica( Gronnd: [nsl.all ground rod at footing and call for i11spection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspcc:tioD. Footing: After trenches are e.cavated. Foundation: . After fl'rms are erec:ted bul prior to concrele placement. Slab: To be made after all inslab buildinR service equipment, cl'nduit pipiug and nther equipment items are;o place but prior to concrete. Floor Insulation: Prior to decking. Shear WaU Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish ",aterials, Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after aU rough in inspections have been opproved. Wall Tnsulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling lnsnlation: Prinr to cover, Roof Sheathing Drywall: frior to taping. Firewall: Located and eon.tructed according to plans, Masonry: Roof SheathinglNailing: Before covering sheathiol: with finish mutcrial, Ceiling Grid: After drywall approval but prior 10 cover. Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspec:t;on performed prior to ptacemcnl of ""neretc. Provide rcport to City Building [ospector, fire Department Sprinkler System: Prior to cover, Hydro pre..urc test, fire line now te.'L Fire Department Alarm Sy.tem: Fire Department Alarm System Acceptance Tnspection. This inspection must be requested Rnd approved prior to requesting aoy occupaocy approval. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Dcpartment have been mel. Fina' Building: After all required inspections have beeo requested and approved and t~e boilding j, complete. Underslab Plumbiog: Prior 10 filling the trench aod including required tc..tio~. Underground Plumbing: Prior to filling tht trench and including required testing, Undertloor Drain: PriQr to tover or placement of con(:ret~. Rough Plumbing: Prior to COver and including required testing, Woter Line: Prior to filling Irench and including required testing. Paee 50f6 RUG-28-2009 09:30 7263676 98% P.06 08/28/200g 08:2g 7263676 .CITV OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 07 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fox 541-726'3769 Inspection Line CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00847 ISSUED: :: 08/18/2009 AfPLlED;: 0611112009 EXPIRES: ,02f28/Z010 VALUE: " S 2,069,800.00 Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench nnd ineludin!: required testing.. Storm S....r Line: Prior to fillin!: trench. Final Plumbing: When ull ph.mbin!: work is complete. tnderfloor Gu: Aft.r lin. is installed an~ reqnired testing ond capped if not attaebed to an appliance. Rough Gas: After lille is ;lIstaUed alld n:quired testing ond capp.d irnot aU.thedlO an ."plianc... Gas Servit..: Aller line is insfslled and line ha5 been connected 10 a minimum ~f Doe appli.nec ineJudingrequired testing. Preou.. test dnne at this point, , Rougb Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final G.s: When all gas work ~s co...plete. Final Mechanical: WIlen all mechanieal work is complete. By .ign.ture, 1 state and agree, that I hove co..fnlly examined the complete~ application ond do hereby oertify tbat .11 information hereon i. h"ue .an~ correct, and J fnrther certify thot any and all work pe"onned shall b. don. in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the J,aws of tbe State of Oregon pertaining to th';'work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure withont permission'of the Community Services Division, Boildinll Safely. J further certify that only contractor.; and employees who ore in compliance with OKS 701,005 will be lIsed On Ihis project, J further agree to ensnre tbat all reqnired inspections are requested at the proper time, tbat encb address is readable from the street, thoit the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plaos'will remain 00 the .iie at all times duting e('ld~'u -~~:vn. rntlj~ ~,~ ? - 3 I - DC:; O'\'ner or ContrartlJl"$ Signature Date " , Pa!!e 6 of6 AUG-28-2009 09:30 7263676 98% P.07