HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1991-2-13 . .. RESIIaiNTlA L.. ' ...L Rcc.,pt! COMBINATION ~CATION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIElD...JIl, . 225 North 5th Street " Springfie7.d, Oregon 97477 ~ BuiZding Division ~ , ?2 6-3 7 5 3 IIIIIK..... Job Locotion: .3,?, t' ()~ 0 )~_" JlJd// - As....o", Hap I 17-i!:>::? "?/~ -::;;> / . Ta ttq- ();;l. / CJ D . Subdi1J1.oion,' OJnGr:'1)J1AA-74:i(.J 7J7 ~C!LA~ t,) t!A~ Addrm: ~/_-=<. _ .h 7 rJ m tf)/ Phon.: /'l4L65 113 City: /i'l~;~..4.',L//./ Zip:Q? .J./7~ - ~T: tf A - ' . /' ' u Q,v~., n AMitien n Romodnl n ,'Iobil" lIoma Datil of Appl.icati07l Contractors Z ~/3~9/ DS8Cri.b. Work: ;111.4- 'Vatue' /V~ Addres3 Lt.a", N ;q:z.y'/ . d~.' j;.//' 514r.e: '."'~_~~._ Date: ~ /' -Y?~/ ' ..-c.... ......--' Gen.lfraL Ptlm>bing ~7#A' Electrical ,'.16t:har.ic.::.l SuoervisinQ'Electrician l""_", " ~2t'/'4',<""~, ,/7'1'.... -I-.~,..,. ~ ~ . . " . ~~/~ Er:;irC8 Phone /~-;>6~ / . , :~. ' ~ ~ -:,/;-'",~"\A .' ,,::-' .. ........ \.~~ .~~r' , each ~QO is rll~~!~ . .. . '- It io :h., l"uponoibit.i.ty of the pennit holddl" to 8118 that aU inop8cCions are mad. a~ tJur prep.r timc~ tJ-.at from th. stl"flllt.. and that .th. permit card is t."catsd at tho front of tluJ property. ).. .Suilding Diui:ior: ap?l"Oved plan shaU remain on tha Building Sit~ at aU timss. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST,~att n6"37~9 "'.co~tate your City designated job nun-.bsP. job cufdrcee, Cypo of i""peccicn r6quo8terd ar..d w.':an you uiU b. rflady Jor "n8pcrott.Ctt, Contraotors "r Qamar8 nQla a11d pho7UI number. Raqwc8ts rflcai;:ad /;fI/or" 7:00 ~ r..'i.U be I1Witl the Sanl. dcy, l'fIqu08tO mads afta 7:00 ~ witt bll nudo tluJ nut' :.JOrking drJ.y. R~fl'"".d r'JiIll'{......":ir."" . 0: SITS INsrr:C':'ION: To ba mad" after lJJ:oauati."n, ~ut prier tc "ot up of . forms. '0 ' (fNDERSLAB PLUH8ING. ELECTRICAL & HECHAtlICA[,: To bfl mado bofore any IJOrk is \:olJcrtld. o [Xl o o o FOOTING J FOUNDATICN: ' To be node aftel" tl'flnohcs ar. ezcauated and forms are (treated, but prior to pouring ccncr.~... UNDrRCROm,'D PLUftmJNG. S.t;JIER. ".1TER,' O.QAIflAGE: To bs nn:ls pioiol" to fiL- Lir.g tr.nch.s. ' o o UNDERFLOOR PW1-fBI,'{G ~ f,JFXYANICAG: To b. Imd. pnorto inotaLlat1.On of floor inaulatio? or "oking. POST AND BEAll: To be mad. pl'ioP to , inataUati.cn of floor insulation or decking. ~tUH8I!IG. f:T.EqqrCAr. .c MEClI- ANICAL! No :Jerk ":s to bo cOI.,.rcd ur.ttL thoss inspsc:ions kava b.en mad. and approv.d. ' , FI.~EPLACE: ,p,.iop 'to pl.aoir.g faCing materM.al.s.~ bcfora framing inspec- tion. ".,' , ' FRA1:ING: Mu3t bs requtt3tGd af~.r approvaL of l'OUgh pLwr.bing, .t,cm- eaL d mechani..:aL. At! roofi7IIJ bracing ~ chimneys, at\:. m'ol8t b. comptstod. No work i8 to ber con-' cera led "unti t thio i1l8pscticn has b,on rode and appro.ed. _:..>"~ - ,-'.'~ lour City D.signattid Job Numba Ie: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER r."ISPECTION: To b. rm.ds after aU. insulatu,n a:1d requi.red vapor barriars ora in placer but berfcro any lath, gypSW1f board or watt covering is appl.isd, and before any. inDula:tion is concealed.. O DR!WALL If1SPE:r:rrON: Tc b9 mads aft.l' aU drywU is in placs, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: StBsL Loaation, bond , bfla1flD, grouting or v.ertioals i~ aacordancs L1ith U.B.C. Section 2415, O WOODSTOVF;:. Aftllr installation is ccmpLetu1.. O CURB & APPRCACH APRON: A:te~ forms , are erllated but prior to pouring ~n.::ret.. ' O SIDEWALK & DRIV!:IIAI: Fop aLL con- crsts paving ~thin strllot right- of-way, to be mads attar all e%ca- vating ccmplsts , form. work" cub-. ~ ~ baa. ma:t~rjal :in ~ta:::~. O .!'ENCE:' Wher: complo:te -- Proui.ds gates or movable sectiens through P,U,E. o .~ <9'/o//.? , DEMO~ITIO!1 OR .'fa1'!' 3Un;:;JCS :J Sani~ 8fAJ~!' :a:ppea .::t p:.op~:-t";j rir.o =:J Sspti.1 tank p:.omp~d 0.-..; fi.l'i.ad :.rith ira:Jdl ] FinaL - .flhsn aDoUS it.:::lS ar. c:;r.rpl.ted ' ar~ whern demolition ii com?lot~ or struc- tur. mDvlld an:! ?rcni3ill :Zean.lli up. Mobile Hemes I :J Btooking and 5.C-.p :J Plumbing connsctions .- SWill' end r.:a:Br :J El"ctri.caL Conjuration - Block:.r-3, sat-up and plumbing ~scticns 1r.~3t :s a?pro;:,d before Nqu48ti.ng aZ.ll,J;ri:aZ :.r.si'flc~io:1 :J AC~flSGo"'i BUi.:.di.~ ] Fi~Z. - I.ft&l' 4?O'1'c.r.flS, skirti"f, decks, flee. arer ccmp:'llt&a. o .'. Atl. proj~at conditiOns, DUCI:' as tits instaLlation of s::ro.t truB, cG::rpl.Jtivn 0: ;;,a l'6quirsd laiuiscc.pir.g, Gt.o., must bs satisficd b(Jfol'e t1-.s BL'ILDli;C FI:/AL .zan :. l"3qtlsst.:zd. .f: ~ .. ..... " D. FI/IAL PW~iNG'- 0' FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL' ELECTRICAL D-" " ' 0' . " ?INAL' BUIGDINC:. Ths Fi~al Building Inspection must bo requeDta:i afterr ElsotricaL, and lfechanictiZ. I71spectiono haUG beBn mads and approlJ#d. . ~iter finaL ?!wr.bing . , -:- ~. ....... ~ -..' ., 'ALL IlANHCLE5 AND CLEANCUTS IIUST' BE ACCESS~BLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE /l.1DE "AT NO C05~ TO CITY ~ I I F~;e of: . . r~' jJCb Numbel': I Zona: !Lot Sq. Ftg. I':l ;)1 wt Coverage .'1 of StonBs ,Total Height i Topography I lITEM SQ,FTG !"'ain I GrJ'aaa I CaMJOl't IACCeSBOl'lJ ~~oonc_~ erou. rm TYPE Intemr Corner --. TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. IUCH.UC) 1.5 '" Building psrmit State SUraharge Tota 1 Charges I ITEM NO.' FEE I Fi.rturss' '. ~ -~,..\~:. ',~.... I Residential (I bath! I Sani tary Se1JQl' IWater . ... . I-?'~/'l? Z"#'#/H~ Plumbing pem t State SurCl-.apg6 Total Cha.Joaes lITEM Res. So. ftn. I N3IJ/EJ:tmtd Circui ts I T ....'t'.... -:J SBr1Jiotl NO. I FEE Ele~troieal Permit State SurCharqB Total Charo~eB lITEM I F'lJMuce PTU' S I E;cha;ust ,Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstovs I NO, FEE P.rmit I3Sua1tCS Mechanic~ 1 Pem t Stato Su:rcha1"OB rota 1, Charooo I . -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SscrJ.n tll DZTJOsi t I Storags I }taintllM1U!B I Permi t Total Chal'Qcs I CUJ'bcut ISidewlk I PenCe I Eleatroical Label "Mobils H:me I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' panhandle CuI-de-saa X Value C/lARGE 2..S: ...:- ~!t:;. - J. 25 ~_2-~ I. CHARGE' ". .....j,- "'. ") ."", . CI/ARCE 262> .,..... RcfCl'cr.CB Numbel's: L-COG H: Type/Cor.st: _ Bedl'OOl1ls: I ~eMII Sources I Jieat I Wats7' ..lt~l'JtR7' I Range 11 I Fi~epZace I r- 110003 t01Je TI,I')o I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. House Caraqe Access. INorth lEast ISou th IW.et .,- Faes '-.. 1 I I I I, I Building Value C&. 'Perni,it. \ This permit is granted on the upross condition that the oaw conotJ"Uction' shall, in all ~espccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, ~eguZating the construotion ~ uoe of buildings, and may be suspended o~ reuoksd at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. '. . I. I Plan Check Fee: l/Jate Paid: IReceipt H: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ohaU. construct, install, alter 01' _cha!zgo any nm., 01' eristing plumbing or drainago system in'wholo or'in'part,'unloss such poroon is the legal possessor of a valid plumb6l"s license, exoept that a psrson may do plumbing tJO~k to property which is OIJ7Ied, lsaaed O~ operatsd by the appli- ~. "~n!.,~ ~ ~ ,,,, ..A, I .' .'. ." .. ." '.' .. Electrical Permi t i " Where Soots r..au requires that the oleotrical oork be done by an Elsctrical Controator, ths electrical portion of :this permit shall not be valid until the Label hae been eigned by the Elecmoal Contractor. ' I. Mechanical Permit . ~~~~~ -;7' -t'7..!fi? / ua,s I /lAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for psl'l>rit. and do I Mrsby certify that aU information herson is true and 007'l'cot, and I further oertify that any ar.d all tJOrk performed shaU bs done in accor- 'dance rJith tha Ordinances of ths City of Springfiold, and tho La:,,)s of tho , .. State of Oregon pertaining to thB 1J01'k cS8ol'ibcd hel'sin, and that NO OCCU- PANCY rJill be nnde of any structur8 tJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I furthel' cel'tify that o~ly contractors and empZayees who are in aanpliance Llith ORS 701'O~5 LliH used on thie p"ojeat 7~~ 4?r#- ~~/.."p/~d- ;Iy~~/,.w.Y ~ /tI'M,R:f:. W~ (.J.r~"""'P7""'/, 6 <'. . ~/~>> ,__......_ ~~TY c..'I!>e-_ ",,/'1'/<: r--T'.r~#"":7,r- --j~ 7::2(;-7~6-.s- 6,/77~~t.?'#C'~~ ?--'~/~ 77J' hr,../~~.N~,T ~. ...--? ~...- /~'-J~__ ~'-./ r. ~ ;j)?~~A'Ad ':i{--r7-"'--::;"- Dat6 #