HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1996-7-23 . oeVCi (:;'i.i'-Nr :;;-nVIC[ '; nri",;!U :~;I 'J.. 2::.') nrT}: ::: i"/ ifF 1 SPI'IINGFIELD, UH 97,,/7 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 July 23, 1996 Terry Bradetich 865\ Thurston Road #7 Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Occupancy Inspection ~ 3650 Main,st't'eet,lSpringfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Espresso Drive Thru & Bakery * Dear Mr, Bradetich, At your request, the Community Services OivisionlBuilding Safety conducted an inspection of the building at thc above address. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the building for the proposed use as indicated. Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code Requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Plumbing . All plumbing installations, additions or alterations to the existing plumbing system require plumbing permits and inspections. . To prevent the entrance of potentially hazardous sewer gas into the structure, all unused plumbing connections shall be properly plugged or capped. Mechanical . Plans shall be submitted to our office for review of the addition, alteration or repairs you are making to the existing mechanical system. A fier plan approval and the work authorized by the permit is completed, inspection approval shall be requested from our office. Electrical . Permits and inspections are required for the installation, alteration or repair of any electrical system. Property which is intended for lease, sale or rent must be done by an electrical contractor who is licensed by the State of Oregon. Planning Any time a business changes use or expands by less than 10,000 square feet or 50%, the site is required to meet minimum development standards (MOS). The following improvements are required to met at this site: Occupancy Inspection 3650 Main Street July 23, 1996 Page 2 . . a) Parking spaces need to be striped with wheel stops or linear curbs installed for parking abutting landscaping, structures, or sidewalks. For this particular use, the required parking should be cqual to the number of employees at the busiest shift. Parking spaces should be locatcd a minimum of 18 feet from the driveway curb line. b) Street trees must be planted along Main Street. Street trees must be a minimum of two inches in caliper, six feet in height and selected from the enclosed street trce list. The Springfield Development code requires one street tree cvery 30 feet. c) Install a five foot wide landscaping strip (or equivalent landscaping) along the frontage of Main. The planter strips must contain a minimum often shrubs (five gallon in size or larger) per 1000 square feet. All plantcd materials must have a pcrmanent irrigation system, except where plantcd with native species or plant communitics. Ifpcnnanent irrigation is not used, a nursery pcrson must submit written vcrification that the proposed plant materials will have a 90 perccnt survival rate over a five year period without an irrigation system. d) The driveway curbcuts along Main Street are less than 100 feet from the closest intersection (36th and 37th Street). This is nonconfonning and it needs to be closed. The area ofredueed curbcut needs to be replaced with sidewalk, curb and gutter and landscaping. e) The placement of an espresso cart requires planning approval prior to the placement of any carts on the premises. Please contact Sarah Summers at 726-4611 for additional information, If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact the appropriate inspector noted below between the hours of 8:00-9:00 a.m., I :00-2:00 p.m. or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726-3759. Sincerely, ~~~~-I?tU5t }lJL~ Bob Barnhart k,3~Shaw Building Inspector Plumbing/Mechanicallnspector ~hL-..H Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector BB:tn cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager/Building Official Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Coordinator Jim Greer/Art Willet, 1612 Colombia Street, Vancouver, WA 98660 i: V'f ~ ?i.Pf8D . (V1('AAM ~. C;; SENDER: i i "0 -Complete Ilems 1 andlor2 for additional services. BUILDING I also wish to receive the 'ii . Complete items 3, 48. and 4b. , followlng services (for an CD . Print your name and address on the revers~ of tht~,,~~ 80 that we can return this extni fee): f card to you. ~ " ...._"_._...--~.....~.~..'..- \,~,. ai ~ -Attach this form to the front of the mailpl8C8. or onthe baCk If space does not 1. 0 Addressee's Address U ! pennlt. ~ CD -Wrilo"Retum Recsipt RequestfJd" on the mallpiece below the article number. 2.0 Restricted Delivery G) '5 -The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date en c delivered. Consult postmaster for fea. a o ~ ]l 3. Article Addressed 10: ,S 1Z:.11-t6'ber{)!:)4- /l)() ~ f-y:ty-ry ~cu1~1l'6V1 4b.ServiceType ~ " 0 Registered {57Certified 0: !!l ~ 181 'Th 1A...oY8t\:vJ \Lei I"' I 0 Express Mail 0 Insured .~ ~ ~I Vl.:1f1e.1d ,Df. cn47~ ~ D~t~:f~":~:~:Merd1andise 0 COD i ~IIIJ ~ 1 1998 g, ::l 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's AddfrSs'if(OnIYif",quest8cJ -:1 Ii:; _ and fe8 is paid) .! i 6'Sl'r=..~ftj) ~ PS Form 3811, DllCiimber1994 ~ Domestic Return Receipt ; UNITED STATES POSTAl SERVICE . Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box. -'-=='\ ~~CiD~U\..I.:1'"/17~~Ti':iif."'I~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET ~PR'I\'GFIELD OR 97477 First.Class Mail ] Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G., 0 JUL- 5-96 FRI 15:57 PAK MAIL U279 P.01 . . .. .- .' :;1""N{~:'lhl.U , ,,' ,'\'l8fI' oJ 1r Ii', ' .~. OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION 2>>.0.. P~t 's'{J..fJ,.'O{:1.'f7.'f-7J (:."'1.1 .-.:".:j:-::.; l-ilX (!i.171 ~''?<j.;:{;fj:' ..., 2" - :3 (p8} . .' . , : . ..',. ;: ;, j . .. ...' :, :' :: i',' I', ~ . j j : ;, "',' CIn OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION .e==~~==========~===;========~~~:~&3=========~~~=D~aa_____.__esessee~=========== DATE: 7-3 - 7C ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: 36.7"0 /1"",.".... .n JOB NUHBER: .s- p.,tf I Ol/NER: J,,,., CrurlArt w,1(J PHONE NUt1BER:/,Jto,675'-73.J2 X O'.NEi\'S ;,ilDI\ESS: /h I;). ~/D/'IIL;,. 5././ j/a/Jt':CJol/t'/!0# q~fo Co APPLICANT: r.:...r, PJd....4 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 915"1 71. IA rrl--.., I/o! 1Je ? ~ FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: ?tt-u., 1.'1 I' ~ ===c~maa~3e=========================~~C.D====~===~~;;;;=_~.._DDgC~._...=ee.e=eaa PROPOSED USE: t:fff~~Jt? 1)f't'..e, Tl. i' IA + Ii'o tr e-t' " (/ .' I. A $35,00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION /J THIS APPL ATION FORt1JIIUST BE SIGNED/Br- THE OIlNE OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECT W~ / ( / \ ;-.c _ X, ""'" "",," "/ --------------------------~--- ------------------------------------------------ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , . ~._-------------------_._----------------------------------------------------- DATE PAID: DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF CERTiFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, COMMENTS: RECEIPT NUt1BER: DATE OP RErORT: ~ PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION . '. - ," -....-. ,.