HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Sewer Connection Record 1995-2-27 ~~\of'-i'illf\~"'f '~~.' ~ It' . . 9511630 CllY OF SPRINGFIELD IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND APPUCATION FOR SEVVER HOOKUP 5, (1) We, the undersigned t""I'''''~:1 owners, request pemission to connect the following desaibecfproperty to the sanitary sewer owned and maintained by the City of Springfield. We therefDre agree to pay a charge of $0.17 per square foot of the benefiting property for the first 150 feet of depth as a deposit against future assessrrents for sanitary sewer. Nea in excess of the above rrentioned 150 feet of depth is charged $0.085 per square foot. Tax Lot No. 17 02 ~1 4205006 Receipt No. I f.o 4 LID Legal Description: ,~..~'.I'" Beginning at the intersection of the center1ines of Winona Street (37th Street) 'and Oregon Avenue, fn.the Plat of DOUGLAS GARDENS ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 73, Lane County Oregpn ~lat Records: run then North 00' 06' 10' East 719.32 feet along the ce~ter1lne of Winona Street, as monumented by the City of Springfield, to a pOlnt on the South right-of-way llne of the McKenzie Highway' then run along ~aid S9uth right-of-way line ~orth 89' 19'.20' West 415.11 f~et to a 5/8 inch lron pln WhlCh lS the True POlnt.of Beglnnlng; then continuing along said South right-of-way line North 89' 49' 20' West 60,01 feet to a 5/8 lnch iron pin; then South 00' 05' 55' West 100.00 feet to a 5/8 inch ir~n pin: then . South 89' 49' 20' East 60.01 feet to a 5/8 inch iron pin; then North 00' OS' 55' East 100.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ftddress _ 3529 Main Street Fee Calculation: fi noo Sq. Ft. at $0.17 per Sq. Fl. = $ 102000 Sq. Fl. at $0.085 per Sq. Ft. = ~ Total $ 1,020.00 This agreerrent does not indude the cost of a house connection to said City Sewer, sewer user charges, connection fees, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. The applicant agrees to waive all right to remonstrate against an improverrent project for sanitary sewer to be duly initiated by the City Coundl, but not the right to 1" ","", the amount or manner of spreading the assessrrent thereof, if the sarre shall appear to Applicant to bear inequitably or unfairly upon said property of Applicant. Now therefDre, the City agrees that if Applicant complies Vvith the terms of this agreerrent and Vvith all other applicable laws of the State of O"egon, Lane County, and the City, the said applicant shall be entitled to connect the existing residence to the public sewer systems. The covenants herein contained shall run Vvith the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, adnini->~ al.... ->, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This ag, ce"." .i shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records. ti., A?B.~ V\!1erefore, the parties hava set their hand and seal this Z, - . day of r J , 1995. CllY OF SPRINGFIELD: By Qar.... L. ~U,.IAA Director of Public V\brkS STATE OF OREGON) ss COUNTY OF LANE) .\., 01 this Z7 L day of F"E:J::, , applicant and signed the abova docurrenl. 5.0[ IG.OC , 1995, there personally appeared before rre the above I) OFFICIAL SEAL . TROY MC ALLISTER NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 009914 MY COMMISSKlN EXPIRES SEPT. 31, 1995 ~~ t1hl~ Notary'Public for O"egon Iv1y Commission expires ~cPT . .3<.' /99.5- 1 Finance Departrrent Information: Trunk Sewer - Lateral Sewer $102000 Return to: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC \I\ORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 G T~ \) E..>->r-'\~' ~"A-~e:. ~ S ttA((...t!r-1 e.. S'Av4-(i;,e. 9511630 Cl) U1 .. .. en e,., o State of Oregon, County of Lane-ss. I. the County Clerk. in and for the said County. do hereby certify that the within instrument was received for record at 26 FEB'gj 8: 59 Reel 2043R Lane County OFFICIAL Records. lane County Clerk ~ \:Oo.fty [ferkl By: . . _. _.' ;.. ~~..' ).~-,