HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-12-17 ...,..', , ,-;Ji , .. RESIre'JTlAL" APPLICATl ON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Looation: ~ R ""i L../ L7JI CU.d ABaeSGOrn Map # \I.r~ ~ \ l\ ') Subdivision: J:I_ . T= Lot # ('0\ \l. t!-.h.1l/~ ~u 8 8(j~fJ ~r}qg ~C!~I/", L.e~ (/IJ~~L /)#~ \' -I De8~:ribe rl'ork: W t) J \Lf?nrJ<- /J, _ ' _~"~-8cr~Kade.- , ~'~, . '~~~,&,..,:,.". '-~I r"~ ii" em -"5. -, . r II~q~q' ~..Zt.#t&~'tJD- ~ Ctmer: Address: City: n n n n Nm,l Addition Remodel .'.!obi le Hom:) Date of Application Contractors General PLwnbing ~leotrioal fit .....- , ~~e_chQT.i~ Z Constl"Uction , of;; e~ /J.~I/ - 61 <{ ~ (.. Ph'W~ ,(IR-hr'7S1 Zip: 973.ss- Address -(rA~ h' &Ol.P-f)tWl~ .. LE:nder rJ\ (C\.IM ~ q~ Rcce-:pt .II. (f)L!{V)LI - / , frf * 'l / Siqr.~ Date: / ./:Y (I, /7 f1-I " Lise. Ii ExPires PhonQ . /(1'7~7 ,;1M. <; It; is ths responoibility of ths permit halder to see that aU inopections are made at tho: proper tim€;o that c:!ach :;ddress is readab:o: from the street;o and that the pcrnri t card is tocated at the front of the property. ABui!di'!'l{J Dividor: approved plan shall remain on the Building Sit$ at aU times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rceorderJ state your City designated J'ob ntm;ber;o job addrcss;o type of ir.:;p6c~icn requested ar.d when you wiLL be ready for inspcction;o Contractors o~ Owners name end phone numbcr. Requests received before 7:00 ~ iI.>ill. be made th~ same day;o requests made after 7:00 am will ba rrr:I.de the next :xJrking day. R~nvi~~1 T~p~~~r.ir.~~ D SITE INSPECTION: To be m::zde after excavation;o but prior to se~ up of forms. O : UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . NECHANICAL.. To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be ""de after trenches are e:reavated and forms are erected;o but prior to pouring eancrete. UNDZRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W,1TE,'t DRAINAGE: To be roode prior to fil- Ur.g trencMs. o o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prio~ to instaLlation of floor insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be mad~ prior to instaLlation of floor insuLation 01' deoking. ROUGH PLUMBI!JG. ELECTR.TCAL ~ MECH- ANICAL: No lJOrk is to be covered- " w:ti 1, these inspections have beer. made and approve'::. FIREPLACE: Prior to ptacir.g faeing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAJ.!ING: Must be requeoted after app~ovat of rough plwr.bing, electri- .ca'L & meehanica'L. AU roofing braeing & chimncys;o etc. lIr..lst be ~'completed. No work is to be con- ....,..:..cec.led until thio inspection has ~be~~ made and approved. o o D Your City' Desigr.ated Job Nwnba> Ia: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after a'Ll insulatian ~n '. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath;o gypswn board or u:z.U covering is applied, and before any insulation is eoncea'Led. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dzoywaU is in plaee;o . but prior to any taping. . O ~SONRY: Steel loeation;o bond beams;o grouting 01' verticals in aacoPdance with U.B.C. Section 2415. ~OODSTOVE: After installation is ~ ccmpleted. , o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are erected bu t prior to pouring concrete. '?t\()qPJ () DEUOLITION OR :':OVED BUILDIilCS =:J Sani~ary sC".Jer ::apped ~t rn:.opi:rt'"i lir.e :==J Septic tank ~~~ed and fiZZe~ uith gra~Bt :J Pinal - [{hen ab..."'Ve item.s are completed and when demolition is complete or struc- ture moved ani! premises cleaned up. Nobile Hames :::J Blocking and S8t-~p :::J Plumbing connections s~er and WatSr :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up , and plumbing connections nr..lst ce approved . before requesting electrical inspec~ion :::J AccesGol"':1' Building :J Final - Afti:r p:Jrches, skirting;o decks, etc. are comptet~d. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lation of the required Zandscc.pir'.g;o etc., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL ean be 1'8qusst3d. o FIliAL PLUII.BIIIG D FIliAL ME~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL \' o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical;o and Mechar.ical Inspeetiona hava been made and approved. o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Fop all con- crete paving within street right- of-tx.y;o to bc made after aU exea- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base roc:terial in place. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIl3LE;o ADJUSTlfEUT TO BE MA.DE I!T NO CaST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 O PENCE: flhen co.7tpl~te -- Provide- gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' o I JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. S or lot Coverage #. of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I~bin lea:raae I Caruort I AeC'es801'U I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE evcl.Uc) 1.5 x Building Permit State SurchaJ'ge Total Cha,."ges lITEM I F1.:rtures IResidential (1 bath) I sanitary Sewer Water PlWllbing Pel'Ir.i t State Surcr.arge Total. Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I N6WIExtend Cirr::ui ts I Temporary Service I EZeotrical Permit State Surcharqe Tota l Charces lITEM I Furnace ETU'S I E:rhauet Hood I Vent Fan IlIoodstove Pernn.t Issuance Mechanica Z. Perwri t State SU:rcharoe SOLAR ACCESS Occur;anct/ C.- LOT TYPE SQ. FTG NO. FEE I NO'1 I I I I I I I NO. I I 1 I II I I 1 Total Cha"''Y,,!R -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC".J.loiLl/ Deposit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total C'haroqcs I Curbcu; I Sidewlk IFe~e 1 Electrical Label I Mobile Home 1,1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' x FEE FEE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac Value CHARGE I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I , . I I I I I I I l. I I I l5':tMl I CHARGE CHARGE ,(00 /5: (Pol. I /5. "0 rc:yc '" ._". REQ,- L-COG-l1 Type/Const: . Bedrooms: I I Enare" SOUl'cts I I Heat Access. I I Water Hl?atPJ'I I I Range I I Firev lace I I Wo0d3tove I J ~ , .. I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. I House Carage 1N0rth lEast South IWest T.mB -- Fees I I I I I I Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e:t:press oondition that the sa.id aonstroction shaLL, in all respeats, conform to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and UDe of buildings, and m~y be BUDpended or revoked at any time upon vic- latipn of any provisions of said ordinances. " . . 1 I ,. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISifl"ed: Plumbing Permit No person shaH construct, instal'L, alter 01" change any new 01" e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr.at a pe:>son may do plumbing work to property which is cn.med, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LaJ.J requires tr.at the electrical, work be done by an Eleotl'ical Contractor, the electrical po~tion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the labe l has been signed by the Electriaa Z. t:ontractor. Mechanical Permit P tan E'3:a:Jrn.n.ar va"e I. I. I I I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA.~INED the aompleted appliaation fo~ permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and a01'l"cat, and I further aertify that any ar.d all /JOl'k perfo~ed shall be done in aceol'- dance lJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lt::.wJs of tha State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described he~ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY lJill be TTrlde of any structure urithout p2rmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.d errp~yee8 who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project 1.~i.;~f!-g!J ,