HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Application 1988-2-5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ,Jepartment of Planning and Devel.ment Building 'Safety Divisi 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 726-3753 (Bus.) 726-3769 (Insp.) , OCCUPANCY INSPeCT, APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD 7'1 DATE: gd. _,,- /q)'!1 JOB ADDRESS: 3931/. JYL~ &1-; 5A,~ 0-J /fl-.u... OWNER: ~~~ ~~ ~/l;-U ~ mVNERS ADDRESS: % ~) k.l:61,~$j~3CVl-.C.'1'-_II'C-jz.j~t.<.UJ.... , .' u~ tl iJv&-u- APPLICANT: ~J(;a r; J;: /Je, d 6...0. G'[' r,,,, '1 rip /d. ~f-',c.u~ U--I.....\ ~ 707 APPLICANTS ADDRESS: // il7 h1&~ i..:f. -tL ~ "<:;f y, 'n. "7 h "'Iel &~ J' D^- 9 71/ 7 7 FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~1 ~~~_ L ,I ",J '1'3'1 9'11n,- cJ ~...,;~ ~<-L</ /Ca-",./~ 7tf(p </D(.,O .:!)A6YJ ~ - ~~ fL .cf'. :') 4e?d~ /~ _ PROPOSED USE: -PP'A~. f.A',r;:..., -~-..ul.#' ~J;;.-' d'/O'/.u...u A $ 35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME ~ OF APPLICATION c,c:M, ~ :::f:F. ~g () 00/ F , THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE O,mER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. .~ ~~ ~~~:'~,fu~f!f~ SIGNATUP~ OF PROPERTY OWNER ' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF INSPECTION: RECEIPT NUMBER: 1690 ? di'-~<6 DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: DATE PAID: COMMENTS: /1tD ............ -,-~.' .SA~.~GaliEMENT' RECEIPT FOR EARNESUON~.)~\:,.,;. OPPOATUNITY .,-t'1";W ,-.--- " I m Tho" , .PvrcJ:!: ......_, ., ,....__lftllloCllyol..$P;l;";i,m!f.~~d......:....:...Coontrof,1ane.......... 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'orIddIUo"ltdltllla. .....hlbtl_ 2S UNllloIherWllI....n IDICttlId. 1M ~.'fd.~.;, ~nrr8.t,cIMd FAEEIndCLeAROt IIII......-d ~. ~CEPT ~ oow.nant.. concIltk>n.and 28 rutrlctlon., zoning OrdlnanCM, bulkllnoand..._rlctlonl;,~toft.tnftidlnl~ blnlflolalutnn," . and ,})O. .ot:hei:~. ...." ...:......................,.... 21 ",.,.....,................................................. ....,...................... ....,........."..""".".".",.".",..."....,....,.""".",.""",., 21 All bulll.Jn appllancel. wall 10 willi ~~~ end curt" roda, wtndOW Ind door 1Cf'MftI. .tonn CIOarI and wtndowI, ~ plumblrig. ...tII.llng. cooano and hMtlno ftxtu.... 29 and 1QUfpmenl, lloUr and OU tafU CtxCUII . ,." ,_ ...............1IIctr1c IIgM and r.thIoorn ftxb.nI, UghI buRlt, f " , IImpI. wtncIow bUnd.. awnlnp, IttIct* 30 ~~~I~~~~~~G;.~:c:i:.1~Qt~~,;,a;~~.I.~~.~.;:;.:~,,::~.~.,.~~.~.'~ :: Tho 101lo"lntI PIlIIOIW. PlIOfl1IlTY.I~,~~~I,1on ~I~~""~prtoo" ,UQIUl".. :....,..:,.""'.."'."...: :.'1/.......;'.....:................ 33 f.l~~;;~~~~~~ii~~~~;~~;'~~~jjj~~~~j:~~~~~i~~1:~~~~i~~~1.:r.~~~i ~ In'pecl~. II will be done al Pufe"""" expen.. wll"ln BEVEN m buaI...1 cs.y. from &.II..... MXJeptance of Ihl. orr.... Purcttu. to 1iI1.. Set.. wrltlWl approval Of dl!MPproyll 01 lhe 38 Inapecllon wlll\ln the.~ .lated time limit. II P\ITchaMt doN not ~ 01 tN ....pecllon, Ihla tfanMCt~ wlll tMl,""lnl1ld, UNLESS Bell... noUn.. Pure""'" In wrIl1ng within lWO (2) 39 bUIln... daye ther,,"1tf 01 Seller'. 'I' 10 pay tor 1M work ., .. by..1d NPOrt. . 40 IELLER REPRESENTS: Ih.t the ~ ",llno II CClftf'..ct1id to ~ public .... QtlIm, 0 . MOtte taM,; thll '" know or no mal.... 'Iructural defectl; thai .11 bulll.ln appll.ncaa. 41 electTlell wiring. heating, COOling and plumbing ''''1fnI wUl 1M In good WOItllng order and tMI lhe batance of thl property Including yald will tIIln tubal.nllall, Itl pr,..", condItion .llh. 42 11m. Pure"...' I. ani 111M 10 poIMlIIOn; Ihll hi hu no notice of In, I..,.. to bI.......:I qllln.l"" PfOI*ty, that hi ha no notlctlrom 1ft)' , . . III .-no, of any "Imallon oll.w 43 "'81lng to ,he property,acept: .., ~ ~....... ...:... .... ........ .... ... .............. .... ....... .....:.......,...........,..........................,....,......,..... 4. THtS BALI WILL Ie CLoseD IN IICIIIOW. Coat. of eacrow IMtt tit..., equally between Beller aftd Pun::hIMr, II Pure"...'. f1natClno through FIdetIII Y.A., ,hen Set.... to Pfiy COlt. 01 4' ..crow. lIaft..- ciolino Purchalll' will 0'" porttoft ot the puftlhae pJIoe 10 &el1rIl'. .' . will be m.o. tfwougJ'llllCfOW. and.1I f1lgU"'eectOW fta. Includtng regular man"'l, collection 48 ,.... will be ahared equally ~ Pul'Ct\allf and .1..... 2-29-88 . 47 CLOSING: TIme II of Ihe .....,ce ot Ihl. ~t. TrMMCUon 10 be okJeed on Of belote . . . . . , . , .. , . , . , , .. " to. .. .. or.. lOOn fherellf'I.-.. nn.nc&ng documentl can be PNPar.d and 48 ml""et.bllllll111 dell.,.,.... Thl. I "" III.... . "ctoMd'" when the ... tlOned dMd or oontflOt.. r.uorded and tund. are d1WurMd to Bel'-. 40 P088ES8tON: Seiter to fMnOYIIlIIl petIOMl PfOS*t, nol eotd 10 Purctt.... and deliver .. ' . to I)Uf'ChUIl' on: It) ~loIlng; (2) 0 .,.... dap.fIef Ck)e1no: 131 a . . , . . . . . , .. to. . . ; 50 I'RORAT1ONI: ProrateI for rwrta, QIrfWd,......... ....... on --..mId obttgmloM, InIurMce ~ (It .............,. extIttnO poOc)1, end othII jnpekl ~ .ttrIbut.... li1 lotheproperty....llbemllde..ot;(~o.te"'""'-.entttllldto,. . . . . ,(2) 0..... .-,.afterotolfna;CI 0 On,.. :.1.0.'-:.:................,..,.....,..,.......,...,' ..10..., 52 PurchuIl'to~Set"lttrouoh-=rowlorhMttngf\lelonptlml""lfmI' p talnltt1ecllo...... .Si6jrtopeyI:lIYllfllJtlntllCClUldlOu.dMI",,",--"entn..,to~ 53 BINDING UFECTICOIUINT: ThII 'I' II blndJng UP9ft IhI tletra, perICJIMI. , ' " ~ . , ... "Ian. of PurchIIIl' end "Ief." an. clollno,,- Purch..... will owe. !W portion of Ihe purch... prklIlO 8ll1er. Pu"",-,. rtoM undIr Ifti. I' and In 1M PftlpIft)'.. not tIIfgnatItI without IhI written oonIIftt of rhl8If1er. SUen aonllftllNll not tit M :..ro;;::~':r--_.;.;{~hiai",.;-:' ", '., ....to~liio.~_lft~_'i...._..ftllli__UIol.., ~ (110Upon_":"OOIOHor......1o'tiio__.ft.,ft. '.__IIlZi~...~:COldweil..Bank8r.'.C1i-ent..TI'I:lSt,,~t III * ::~=:.::..'='~~~~~.:.:~I~T~~'7;Jr.~.~.~.~~.o:..~~~..~.~~~~~.~ :: naa..AUGALLY........~.NOTUfil.... .., __... ,nLeGALADVIC&. 01 " .. 23 lO - = UCDIT ...1AItIf1!8f 1IOM1'f: The ~ BrOIler '" . 1 ''**PI of...... ~ fn)m Puruhuer In IhI turn of: ..~.~ .t,Y':'. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. , . . . . . evidenced br 0 c.llh. 0._ .....,..'''......1.......,.,."........:.:... ~ ~_._, - _upon,.r.eceipt..of, selle.rs, ,written.ac""""'anee..'.'..... Her I:M ' " , , , COldwell IliiIlker ' --...~ , U'''''lI'-2433' ~cu18"RQ;; ,.:". .",..,.,... ','" :"::::X::.".":" ,lItn"" ~14'2'" Wll'" i';"~l"l"'" "i".. ";;1"" .;;::=.."..".'."". -- "746~"''''''''''''''';A:''H8rlow'''':'''-';'''''''''''''-'+' ... - esp 8,." y.._",...,..Or.egOll.. .......No, .........."......,'__ .."..""".",,,.......',,.......,.., .......No. 464~,615..". "_I ............"...,,,,,....,,.........,,. 02 03 10 ., .. AOR.....NT TO PURCHAM: PurchaMf..., _. . , rwoelpt of .ClOmP....., nned In oopy hereof 'llftk:h PutchaMr haI tully rMd and vndIf'IIandl.nd aoknowlldgn th.1 he hu not rICII~ Of f'IIl<<I on an, ~ ~..... 01' ,... .tlt~ '!"'t wt'llch aN not '*-In ~ _. OIedo'conIIKIIObe'....,.,...lftlhl~of: ~~ ':... ~... .,,,.:~. ...... ....,~.... "','.'4' .....:..... ~;. ..... ...... .,..... ':.' ':" ...........,. .................. ,.... . ';;rr~rl~~r~e,(1.f~'i~~'::..:'....~,.~ o.;~~~.:;;7~~-rr' ..,; '........, AM ~:~,o., PM g ,g ". 97477 ///~Y-<...........- ;J~) n....,., ., .. .. 10 11 " ,-~. .':.-.- ... i . . 11-1'1{ '" . . LISTING J\GRmlENl' , nus LISTIN3 AGRED1ENl' ("A,~",.......,t") is entered into this 27th day of August , 1982-, by and bebo1een AMERICAN SAIJllG') AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a California co..t"'.."tion ("American") and Harlow Realtv, Inc. , a Oreaon Broker duly licensed as a real estate broker ("Broker"), license # 780100692,' as follows: 1. Property" American is the owner of that certain t'''V~ known as Cascade BuildinQ and located at 3834 Main Street. Sprinafield. OR , ("Property"), Exhibit A. ^-- 2. 'Purpose. Arrerican desires to entertain offers for the purchase of the Property on the teIll1S and conditions set forth herein. 3. !\DPOintment as l\qent. For the period _.......cing on August 24th 1982-, and expiring on February 24th 198~, subject to extension or termination as set forth below, American grants to Broker and Broker a........t'~s the listing, to advertise, solicit and procure a qualified purchaser a__"t';.able to Arrerican to buy the Property on the following terms and conditions: Price: $120,000 MinimJrn Earnest t-bnev DepOsit: $4,500 Terms: Cash or certified funds at closing. or 15% cash, 85% loan at American Real Estate Group's prevailing interest rate. Buyer must qualify for loan. 1. # , , , . . . Closinq Date: Within 30 days after acceptance offer , by lIlrerican. 4. Broker I s Duties and Marketin1' 4.1 Broker, for itself and its sales associates, shall use due diligence of its firm in an effort to obtain qualified offers for purchase of the Property on the terms set forth herein or' upon such other termS as Alrerican may accept, in its sole discretion. 4.2 All advertising and t'~_.~;.i.on of the Property including signs, brochures, flyers, newspaper and other print and electronic rredi.a materials shall be subject to the prior written approval of Alrerican for cost, format, content and rredi.um ("Marketing Plan"), Exhibit B. Broker shall pay all costs associated with the design, production and iIrplerrentation of the Marketing Plan as , approved by lIlrerican fran time to tin1l,' and except as provided in paragraph 6. a. Broker shall not be entitled to reiJrburseJrent or contribution by I\Irerican for such costs. The initial Marketing Plan, approved by Alrerican is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and Broker agrees to imrediately iIrplenent such Marketing Plan upon execution of this Listing Jv:;r.;;.-=.....:.....t. 4.3 In addition to the foregoing responsibilities, Broker shall prepare written biIronthly status ~ct^"~;.s for subnission to I\Irerican, including items such as names of persons or organizations who expressed an interest in the F ~v"..... cy, the status of discussions, 2. , , ; . . . if any, with such persons or organizations, and a description of marketing efforts undertaken and response thereto since the previous J. Ct^-'.&. "'". 5. J\rrerican's DJties. J\rrerican agrees to permit Broker to post its "For Sale" notice on the Property and J\rrerican shall keep the Property neat and well naintained. J\rrerican shall _y.....rate with r Broker to nake the Property available for showing - and i.n..t"'-~~ion during reasonable hours including' evenings and weekends, if necessary. 6. Camli.ssion. 6. 1 J\rrerican shall pay to Broker a cannission equal to five percent 1-.2.%) of the selling price of the 'E-~~i which shall be due and payable if, and only if, a sale is oonsumnated between American and a t'_v"'.....ctive purchaser introduced by Broker pursuant to an offer a_Gt';.OO by J\merican during the tem of this . !\qrG"'......t or any written and approved extension. A sale shall be deerred conslml'ated when a grant deed conveying the Prq:lerty fran , AiTerican to the purchaser has been recorded. 6.2 Upon termination of this A".""........t, Broker shall. subnit to AiTerican a list within seven (7) business days specifying the naIleS (including' fim or CQlt:larly of affiliation), addresses and telephone numbers of each party, for or with whan Broker negotiated or showed the Property. If all or any part of the Property is conveyed by American to a purchaser noted on Broker's list within sixty (60) days after the expiration or termination of this .'.,,_G"',.....t, J\rrerican shall pay a ccmnission to Broker as provided above. 3. .' , . . 6.3 'nle listing broker shall ""'^"t""rate with other licensed real estate brokers. If a licensed real estate broker other than Broker is the effective prOcuring cause of such purchaser, the Listing Broker shall cause t.'1e procuring broker to agree to accept one-half (~) of the cc:mnissionstated above. 6.4 Broker shall not be entitled to a c,cmnission in the following circumstances: a. A sale or lease consumnated by 1\irerican to a purchaser procured by Arrerican and not procured by Broker; provided, however, in the event of sale under this section, J\merican, agrees to reimburse Broker for its out-Of-pocket .....t""-'.ses, previously approved by 1\irerican, pursuant to the Marketing Plan, as per, the Marketing Buliget, Exhibit C, but not 1ncludinq any profit, overhead, s.,~_....arial, travel, entertai.mrent or,long distance tel..~......... charges, except as rray be agreed to by Arrerican in its sole discretion. b. Broker shall not be entitled to any additional cc:mnission if, after sale, 1\irerican enters into a leaseback fran the purchaser. c. Sale to any of the following: N/A 7. Deposits. Broker is authorized to a~~..t'~ the earnest rroney deposit fran a pro"'t"'"~~ive purchaser of the Property on !\r."erican's behalf. Broker shall forthwith notify Arrerican of the receipt of any deposit. 4. . .,,::. ' . . . . 8. Early Tennination. 8.1 At any tiIre during the term of this A",~cc""".t either party may terminate this A.,~""",,,~,~ by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days written notice prior to the date specified in such party's notice of termination. 8.2 If, during the term of this A,~=-.oOoo';' Broker, or r its sales representatives, cease actively IMrketinq the Property in furtherance of this 1 ~~=-.oOoo.t, or if, in Pinerican's discretion it determines that Broker is not executing this A,~......"",t to serve !\rrerican's best interests, !\rrerican Il'aY tenninate this l..~c"".dlt by giving Broker ten (10) days written notice, via registered or certified mail, of such tennination. 8.3 If this l..~c<-,.....;. is' terminated prior to the tennination date set forth in paragraph 3, 'each party agrees to diligently perform all of its obligations hereunder until the date set for early termination. Alrerican shall continue to be obligated to Broker for ccmnissions earned, if any, as provided above in paragraph 6.2. 9. IndelTU'\ification. Broker aqrees to inclelmify and hold Alrerican harmless frcm any and all clairos for ~.~.sation or ccmnissions, together with reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, incurred if a broker or any other person or organization claims to be entitled to receive '-....~.sation, or ccmnission frcm Alrerican, arising or resul ting fran Broker's acts in connection with the marketing of the Property. 5. t:.. . '" . ~ . .1 . . 10. Notices. All notices of other c:amunication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or certified mail, receipt requested, and shall be .:....:..,~ received five (5) business clays after deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person to receive such notice at the following address: To J\n'erican: I J\merican Savings and Loan Association Real Estate Marketing Division 300 North Harrison, 5th Floor Stockton, California 95203 ATm: To Broker: Harlow Realty, Inc. 2433 Marcela Springfield, OR 97477 11. Entire ;"_.",.:..,~.t. 'llti.s l.."_,,,.:...~.t contains the entire agrcc::\Ont between the parties hereto and no additions or lTCdifications of any terms or provisions shall be effective unless set forth in writing, signed by both parties. The parties hereto have executed this .'\gl:'-''''......t as of the date first above W".:itten. By: BROKER: By: . fI~ J;i!:- /' A A::D.A- 1/11...<1 I -r~~; 6. td.:. I"" '. . . , . . o. ' , .. .. . . EXHIBIT A l:'N.Jt'!:.lU { DESCRIPI'ICN rms 47 AND 48, MALINDA, AS PLATI'ED AND !<n.VN.JCLJ IN FILE 72, SLIDE 35, LANE COUNTY, V!<tk>\.A~, PLAT !<n.V1<lX) IN THE CITY OF SPRIN3FIEID. LANE COUNTY, V!<tk>\.A,. . I EXHIBIT B Marketing Plan Broker to: Provide weekly verbal updates Advertise minimum 5 days a month Place in local MIS Place sign on property EXHIBIT C ~ARKEl'rn:; Burx;EI' Broker to absorb all marketing costs. '. ~ FOR - (IMPORTANT M,-AGE) tlf'Wl fU. M'( e :i-II TIME 5'.12, vot-) \-\.o~ Fk)SC!0 A.M. P,M, DATE: M OF A<'liA cooe 4-~ -q '? I,'; NI....Il'w1BEFl EXTENSION PHONE TElEPHONED 'f.. PlEASE CAll. Will CAll AGAIN \f.. CAME TO SEE YOU I WANTS TO SEE YOU I RETURNED YOUR CAll. RUSH SPECIAl ATTENTION 't:.SSAGE \ Uti\. t.lt'~ J. t. "k" , T." ~ '\ :IT r.T; ,,/l ~ C'IA..lW.o.f f1\ 11.hJ..- ~\A" ..0 \'-'U 0 (lU::i, \Il.ln~J ~ O.m....\ lY''' IS 3... 'i< '3 4 Y\A.O""':;"""'. 0A.0~ 1l..~~ fu1A by wtr~ .