HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-4-17 .' ,.' . . ." CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SP'RINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FOR~TIO~: 726,3753 CITY OF SPRI~GF[ELD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~'o ELECTRICAL I~STALL\TIO~ CO"BINAnO~ APPtrCAnO~/PER"[T I~SPECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7:6.3~ti9 LOCAno~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) 38,"1/ /"V1'</ /;'; . LEGAL DESCRtPnO~:../7 n k.3f 4./ ....-:."- ._0'" O"~ER OF PROPERTY r""T... L5 4<",. ........-/ //....." ADDRESS 'j'y(J 0 S,AJ. <:.>//2f.k're 5~.1t- ~O. l/orf16-J. Oil'. ~~ .' TAX LOT' . Z70(') .~..,:) PHO~E LL3?/';'~:9: -~~ ZIP if} 7 2.. 7_~ ~" ~~~ SIG~ C,"IR.-ICTER [CHECK APPtrC.\BL2 fTb,Sl: PHO~E_ O\;);ER OF SIG~(IF O11IER THA.' PROPERTY OII'NER) ADDRESS ~~'IE OF BUSl);ESS. FIR'I. ETC. TYPE OF BUSI~ESS ~ hO~h: _ ERECT RE LOCATE ALTER OTI!ER' TYPE OF SIGN: ./ I1ALL .......FREEST,\.'DING ..:.... ROOF _. .lROJECTING \ ~IARQUEE --'READER BOARD OTHER BILLBOARD IDENTITY PRDJECTI~G _ .JNCIDE~'TAL ~ DOUBLE FACE NON-IDENTITY SECO~D.'RY SINGLE FACE MULn,FACE VE~OORS. CO:;rR\CTORS: SIGN ERECTOR~e ~A J 4., /Z~i ~NS ~~",,/ ADDRESS~ <:' _,--Lf"1 .?h A/ ,F<:-.$7' CITY LICE~SE ~lJ)19ER~r .(/~~ SIG~ ~LI.'UFACTIJRE~ (IF 011IER TIL'-' ERECTORl ADDRESS / /U7f ,/ OI;\IEXS I O~:S [:'"ST..\ LL\ r IO~ A'~Vca~;STRtJCTION INFORH.1..T IO~: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE /r VERn~ OI>IE~SIO~ OF SIG~ /9' y /' HORI:O~TAL WIDTH OF SIG:I 7' / Dt~IE~SIO~ FRO,I GRAue TO Borro" OF SIG~ r. THICK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIG~ / /1' /5*, g X'a DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~O PROPERTY tr~E YES ~ NO IF YES, DI"ENSIO~ BEYOND PROPERTY LINE / . NOTE: IF PROJECTro~ IS '.;ORE 111A.' IZ" OVERitUB IIC PROPERTY TIlE SIG~ ERECTOR ~;UST FILE I'ITI! THE BUtLDI~G DIVISIO~ COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.'D PROPERTY OM I~SURA.'CE POLICIES. WILL SIG~ HAVE ELECTRICAL l/IRI:IG? YES 0 IF YES, ~"HICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIG~ ILLU~II~ATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) - - O-"c//.,- /J~-/-'//. 'l OESC!HeE ;VPE OF ~4\TF.~L\L5 SIlj~! IS CO~!ST?.uCTEO O!= . /? X {/ //\/ dr1 /J r'd (:/$ x /;t ~~A <)/"" 'AI .~J.?; /? <:" ~ PROVIO{ ui. ~lI"IBER IF APPLICABLE /'f J. ~ '. VALUE OF SIGN / "7~ ~ SITE ~'lATIO~ (LAND US,E)ZEXISTI~G USE 0 ~ILD;NG OR LANQ (OR LAST USE..IF VAC'\"T) :_..._ __ .______ ~r?dc/;I:J - (1- ~J}'V1" ._._.__ ......_________._. . I ----;HONE~6:6~./L~-= A ELECTRICAL CONTR.-ICTOR ADDRESS ~,l_ .e4r ~ __EXP.DATE_._..___ PHONE_ PHONE LICENSE Nlr.-IBER --_._-~-..-~.-....._'.__.- I PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LIND: (J--.Jh> ~..1?r JdlL I CHECK O~E IF APPfrCABLE: INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR MERCH~'DISING EXISTING SIQlS (SiGN CODE): ARE TIlERE EXISTI~G SIG~S? _YES!LYO IF YES, OESCRIBE ~.ElISTING.SI~~~..F~R ~USI~E~S. FIR\!. ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIG~S O~ PREmSES(SA.'IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~\IINEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct. and I further certify that all ~rk performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance. tho Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wor.k described herein. I further c~rtif that my Sign con.cracto.. .License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield C' Codes 8~2-6(~1 d 9 -20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. __-, NAME (PLEASE PWIT) .l},ttl!).o "'''_I/;/~; S1G~ATURE A _ ~ ~ '-'~":DATE 0/7-'8/ 4:lJrilll.._ FOR OFFICE USE O~LY ~ . SIGN DISTRICT~H EF~NE DISTRICT C -4 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIG~~ ~ INSPECTIO~S REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION /FooTl~G OR 'IETIIOD OF AlTACH.'IEN-r _ELECTRICAL ~I~A ~'.OTHER FEES: SIG~ PERHIT: OiARGES : '5' ~() ELECTRICAL PER'IIT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PERmT: ~ 5' .DO . . .:., PLEASE :-.e:A() 1) Se03r3te Si~n Ao~lic3tion: A separate application is required for each separate jl~n as Jctinca in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any per~it issued under this application will include wir- ing In or on sign structure. the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Ill~~inated signs (both intcrn~lly and e~tern3l1y) must conform to Sections 9.7-~ (4)G(S) and 9-7-13 of the $prin~rield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Reauired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets or plans dr3~n to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising ~e5s3~e on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to" property line~. structual details of support framing, bracing and footings: naterials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- tric31 equip~ent and lighting; size and location of existing signs on proper:y for the s~~e business, all as required to determine compliance with t~e Sprin~ii~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, show the following information on the plot plan" (plan showing property lines and location of signs): "a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show t~e length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the loc~tion of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) \ihen required, bec.:1use or design, size, etc.. engineered drawings and calc~lations nust be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to desi.n standards on file at the Building Division Office. S) Plans of insuf:icient clarity or detail will be returned" to the ap- plicant with no "pernlt being issued. 6) Signs nuSt meet corner vision clearance requirements as "described in Fir:. .9 of the Springfield ~ot:lprehen3ive Zoning Code. ~OTE: ~o sign r:l.ly be erected which is less than 12 feet 'hori:ontally ~ertic.llly fro~ overhead electrical conductors in e~cess of 750 volts. or less than S feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. I . 7) D) If .1 si.;n is not installed Iii thin 60 days after the date of issue of this per.:'Lit." the pet7.1it" Sholl! be void. 9) [nsocctions: 3) Site tns~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Foo: ],~:-: 1;"I~oection (if applicable) may be made at the S3mC ti~e ~s th~ Site lnspe~tion. The Footing Inspection is to be maue 3fter hol~(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Fin.ll t~sDection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electric.l1 - All electrical signs ~uSt be inspected for electri- cal hoo~ up .lfter the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. C.lLL FOR TIlE REQU I RED ISSPECTIDSS ON TIlE. 24 HOUR INSPECTIOS LINE AT 726-3769. ~ SPECIAL CDSDITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOS OF SICS: , ADDITIOSAL INFO~'~TIOS NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~~Y BE ISSUED: PLANS REVIEliED BY: t, , \ '. "~'t!{~!n \:"\LlD:\rrO~j .' CLERK DATE DATE .' . I' . . . ,. CITY OFS:PRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO~: 726-3'53 CIlY OF 5PRI~Gf[ELO SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ A.'D ELECTRICAL I~STALt.ATlD~ CO~IBINATlO~ .\PPLICATlO~/PE~I"T IXSPECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6-3709 ~~ORK: LOCATlO~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) ...3/9 ,'q / /V1 A / ;.; LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17/)?_ -=r / -4 / TAX LOT' 1.."7 0 C> .- ~ OIlSEROFPROPERlY,/"";-", L'S 4;~//,.;-..,' PHO~E L/i<;/t:-::z.8-~ ADDRESS 9'<7() 0 S,.0. u//,-5kre 5'"'-",t.- :5':${). dyn~. OJ? ZIP 97?_;), c:-- ~..,.. OliSER OF SIG~(IF entER THA' PROpeRTY OllNER) ~~. r:.!) ADDRESS PHONE I~ ~A.'IE OF BU5ISESS, FI~I'. ETC. lYPE OF BUSINESS I( /) I SIGN CI"Jl.\CTER (CHECK APPllC.\BLE fTE~!S': IDENTIlY NON-IDENTITY PROJECTING SECOSD.\RY ALTER TYPE OF SIG~: -' IIA~L ..-'FREESTA.'DING . _ ROOF _ .lROJECTING 'HARQUEE READER BOARD OTIiER BILLBOARD _ J'NCIOES'TAL .JE DOUBLE FACE SI~GLE FACE fIULTI-FACE RE LOCATE OTI!ER' VE~OOR.S. CO~:TR.\CiORS: SIGN ERECTOR. -t7e /A I A, 1'%.< ~.N.s ?;::;d' //7-../ ADDRESS~7 r ~,k-h.Q.pp <7 CITY llCE~SE SI.r."BER..ALJl.L-V~"'-V SIG~ ~IANUFAcruRER (IF OTIIER TIL....' ERECTORl ADDRESS / ELECTRICAL CDNTJl.\CTOR ./I' -/41/ ADDRESS ;I'~~ ~ / OD!E~S [C~;S. 1:~ST.UL\rrm: :\s9""Ca:SiRUCTION INFORHnIO~: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GlUDE /'1' veRTI~ DnlE~SIDN OF SIG~ ~/....r /' HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN 7' " DWE~SION FRO" GIU~r. TO Borro,., OF SIGN . f'. TIlICKNESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN / // ~~" 8' X.a OOES SIG:I PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES. L NO IF YES, DINENSION BEYOND PROPERlY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTION IS '.lORE TIlA.' I;:" OVERtfUB .-IC PROPERlY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IUST FILE IIITII THE BUILDING DIVISIo., COPIES OF . HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY '\"D PROPERlY OM . INSUJU.SCE POLICIES.. ' WtLL SIGN tL\VE ELECTRICAL IIIRI"G? YES 0 IF YES. WHICH APPLV? ELECTRICAL SIGN ILLUmNATED (INDIRECTLY LIGfITEOl - - 0- "Co //. ,- ./? ~- /'/;.. 'l DESCRIeE TYPE OF ~.\TF.RIo\LS SIG~! IS CO~!ST"!JCTF.D O~ . /J )(" U /A/ 0/1 /") rd" /,( X //'0- /:r~ ~/t <);q:A .~-O JtI /? <: / . . PROVlO{ ui. .''''BER IF APPLICABLE If //..;.. VALUE OF SIGN .I '"7~ ~ SITE I~'L\TlON (1.0\.'0 US,E)--EXISTING USE ~BdILD~NG OR LANQ (PR ~ST USE..IF VACA.'IT): r~r7R1C/jJ L (I-c/.~JJ'V/1" . ~ -, ._ _.-.0_- I PHONE_?:"6'; /L:2..k' _EXP. DATE i PHONE PHONE LICENSE NID1BER PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR [.,\/;0: I'J--Jh> ~..1?r /J7L / . OIEcK ONE IF APPPCABLE: INOOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR ~IERCH'\"DISING ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES &0 IF YES, DESCRIBE ~.E:!IST!NG..SI~N~..F~R ~USI~E:5S, EXISTING SIGNS (SiGN CODE): FIR.~. erc.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES (S,\,IIE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA'IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sig~ Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield Dnd the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further ce~tif that my Sign cantracto. . License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield C' Codes 8~2.6(~1 d 9 -20(21. I will request all required sign inspections I isted on the approved permit. . _., . . NAME (PlEASE PRI~)....tkI/;n P'~_/,0/<<; SIGNATURE A ~ M ';-~':DATE ~/7-,f}/ <!r~,~ - FOR OFFlCE USE 0;-:[.'( " a SIGN DISTRICTt:o.f\tH E*?~L.uJNE DISTRICT' C -4 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN 4. ~ ru INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION ~FooTING OR ~lETIIOD OF ATrACH.lIENr _ELECTRICAL ~I~AJ _.OTIlER FEES: SIGN PE~'llT: OL\RGES: ~5~o ELECTRICAL PE~IIlT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PE~\IlT: j 5' ,DO ---..~-"'":"::.--:----- . .:., PlE....SE ,c.<O I) Se03r3t~ Si~n Aa~lic~tion; A separate application is separate ~l~n ~s JctlnCQ in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: ~y per~it issued under" this 3ppli~3tion iog 1n or on sign structure, the supply wires for con covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connecti .on1r by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illu intern311y and c~tern311y) must conform to Sections 9 9.7-1S Ot the $prin~tield Sign Ordinance. 3)' Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted' sets ~t plans dr3~n to scale. showing dimenslons and! vertising ~ess3~e on sign; location of sign on proper: to property lines. structual details of support framil Cooti~ss: ~3tcri31s of construction for sign and sign trical equip~ent 3n~ lighting; $i:~ and location of e: pro?er~y for the s~~e business, all as required to del with tne Sprir.~fi~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Code). Also. show the following infot'!!1ation on the pl showing property lines 3nd location or signs): 'a) Show the loc3tion of 311 existing sign(s) as well b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up b), buildii1g. c) Show the loc3tion of entrances open to the public' 4) ''ihen required. bec3use of' design, size, etc., engineer c31c~13tions ~uSt be prepared by a licensed engineer 0 to desi.n stanc3rds on file at the Building Division 0 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be return plic~nt with no pef~lt being issued. 6) Signs ~ust meet Corner vision clearance requirements a 'S Fi~. 9 of the ,Springiield ~ocpfehensive Zoning Code. . 7) ~OTE: ~o sign cay be erected which is less than 12 fe or:-Y'ertic311y frol:t overhead electrical conductors in e: volts, Of less than 5 feet in any direction from overh, lines whiCh 3fe energized at less than 750 volts. I 0) installed within 60 days after pe~it shall be void. the dal If :1 si;n is not this per::lit,' the 9) [nsoect ions: .) No. B 5 6 2'9 8 / ~ W\ \~) ~9?' \ I. From \) f L\. JXU\t\\ f) Address l (/=\ ~ ~ \ ~ N.. () 1 Q ql\4m t- ( \~~. Dale ( Rec'd ,'t); l,,: ) '. . a' t CITY OF SPRINGFIE~D c... City Hall Springfield, Oregon . Department of Public Work. ( OFFICIAL RECEIPT ,---Q..~ 'C\ {J ( Received For: ( (" .~ (" ,,-t: (' ( .r'\\r~ S.CX) ( f ( I~S Amount ~'f ( b) Final r~soection - to be made upon completion of all work. ( Site [nsoection - to be m~de before the sign is pl~ the roo~ l:':~ l:'\~oection (if applicable) J:l.ay be l:ade ~ .tn~ samd ti~e 35 tn~ SLt~ Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be maJ~ 3fter hOle(s} is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. ~u Received , . : L~ AUTHORIZIIO SIGNATURE ""Il~TO".TU"".UlL ""I"TI:.. ",IlUOIl"I, 0.. IT.U" ., CLERK DATE c) ElectTic31 - All electrical signs cust be inspected for electri- cal hoo~ up 3fter the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED ISSPECTIOSS ON TIlE. 24 HOU~ lNSPECTIOS lINE AT 726-3769. : SPECIAL CDSOITIO'S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOS OF SIGN: ADDITIOSAL lNFOR.'l....TlOS NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~IAY BE ISSUED: PLANS REVlEl'ED BY: , ..1 ..1 DATE ""I --, ."