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Permit Electrical 2001-10-24
, i' -225. FIFTH S~ET i i "\ I "~--I [.)'- '''I I, "', Ek&CAL PElTh-fiT APPLICATION : ',',: SPRlNGFIE~D,ORE(JO)'l97~7?! .__JI i c-Jr 1 'I ' b .. : . INSPECTION REQUEST:. 726=3769 -, ! fl I I ;Cityioh ~lIInher . 01- () 117 . -0 I , i OFFicE: 726.3759, 1 II'. i 'I')'" i.'] ,,'.:,.l..,i i" '. J ,r ~, . . I. r. / : ,". ).1' I;: \. .1. \,' "') , i, f" ,:1, '. 1_ '3:. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW I '1. LOCATIOl'LQF'lNSTALI.,~TIpN 'L' i . ....:r.. 11, / I - \'3'6'"3'/" '-J1II !t-i'i1/- 'S I . 'iCNc,,.'Rcsidcntial-Singlc or-- M',' - _d __C Multi-Famil)' per dwelling unit. Scn'ice Included: ;. ~ 2. CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B. Services or Feeders !. :'-' ", ( '.;.' ". ~ _ Installation, Alterations Of. ,. 1', Electrical' toilliacloLir/) 7, Relocation: /J.~ I . , J .' . Address t ?r-i/xo..'-:~Po "" S T.A......':, 200 amps or les! . ) . . \ / . \ ~;: " ',- 20] amps to 400 amps City 1;I"";-,~\hg/OPhone-U'/-7%~''t9?3 ~, 401 ampslo.600.a~,ps ~ ~/ t. 1 / "~".. J, / ' \ \ ,r . ,.:.",,' .' 6QI amps 19 1000 amps Supervisor LIcense/Number /~'.<'A'Sct:.",:<.:,,} O;'er 1000 amps/volts' / 'V" ,. ". . .i.', I ",.' J ' . ~ ~', v~" "",,' ~,~'~~f>'- ;;, ,J.~i Reconnecr,Only /);:.\~.,' Expiration Date'.. ,/'}.-. 20() 2. ''-'''i':'",<" L--- : .f. ::.: ,'-;t: ," ,", :"'*".<:d'~':?'>"';)'::;,~>;9::;~~,,'~(<;::,,':~C-,~li)~nll"Y Scni,ces'~rFccdcl.~ '. : .,: Constr Contr. Numoer' "'. ~"'7 0t:-li';.1.";"~i"~", '!'Installation;"Alteration or Relocation !. - ~.~, ----~--~~~., .'~',i~(r::>',;' _;:'}~'"ik,,:c:;~r~'~~~t'::':/~?_if::?:;~)';:',~~:",::'::,_':}~,:,:,.'"" '"" ,~;,'::.::~,1:> ,.:.' i - '~Expiration Date ~~:; ( ~ < ':"~-,~,:(";~:<:;:;'~:i,<:.,,,-,:~"~~200 aIl~pS or less':<':~i t..., :c. ';:,-"~ ;. ...,20i ainpslO 400 a~ips " 1.,;'->".; : ~ Signatu',.c ofSlIIlen;ising Electrician ~~o.~!,f 40 Ita 600 amps' ' I.'.:,":" ., ~:-.. ~.:-....: ~ Over600'ampsorl000voltssee ~.:' "....R"'"~ .7-.,,,/ ~ "B"above --__ ~ .....'., . r?,?.=--: 'C>"" . 1\ \ >,'0.'. - "r'-~v~ \ ,'.'.,:" , , . ',. ';. " .,' (, .,::::. . Branch Circuils l .. ,. I:,'.:" OWllerS N~:~~., I.'C;;1HSr+" ' \ N7?t~mti\~n ot1tension P?pa~el '. r . Addrcss? rgr:/' /M.#t.IIl' S '\ 01't;~ircui" \ r J \' ---::' '$4}:00 r., Citv S/' rj) . Phone : "l EidIi Additiona{ Ci/cuit or with Service '~I:(" . . ..._~," " 'i. ~.- ,~; 6i'Feed~rP~r~if:'~.~.'...."'4., _$ 3.00 I..,. OWNERiNSTALLATION'! fil,' /:/ __-..J, "\ - ~ ',. The insiaUation is;being made on. . E. Miscellancous(Scrvlcc/fcedei' not included) ,,;\. 'i ,'" propertY I O~\'!1 '\'l~ic~ isrioti~te'ndcd Ii ;~Eacl~insiallatioh.. i i. \\ .. . fot sale, "lease (5r'rent:, ,~",."." ,;. r. PllJ1lp"~rSrri~riti~h i / ~ ~ :$50.00 c . .', _" ;, I"~/" {,' - , ". ':'. . . <',', I: Signlqli\Iine.Lighting ,! $50.00 "O~':ncl:s ~ign"i,ure<' ;;.:, ..-': i,~ " <';":", ;: Limited EnergylRes. .' $25.00. . ,.; 'Liinited;Energy/C9ir'~1' ~ $45.00..!:il . , Minim~~: Ei~~;~;cpermi; I;S;,cction FC~~ + Sllrcharg~s \. -, /.. .. : :' \ , . 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Staic Surcharge' ' 80/0 Ad~i.nistrath'c Fcc;: I- I .' '-.. ..' 'I, . f. , . C<; ':,--; ".'" 1{ r< i~' " , , ,,' ., I""'.'" L' ,"- L:~ .;'. . ! .~. \,- ,.\":.' ~' .' ' I':'. .~ , ~ 1\ \,~',,( j'."", l. ; ," I " 1 j'" ,1 ..i l' " . r ,I ...._ I ':;;'1' .",', " . ,,,,,,,; LEGAL DESCRIPTION i70 Z. >N/ 02600 Items Cost Slim JOB DESCRIPTION T~OIl rOleclassubmilte~9.\lQtIlI>fbll0Wl~ St=-ClA (2..( -r..,.. t reqUIre srJSoillt auIlJljt~1 500 !. / a reval sq. ft or portion Permits are non-transferable and expire Zoning CJ!....- :.w:.e^' if work IS not'started within 180 days ',,, /;";01 _-" aEach Manllfd ~:D.me or oflssmll1ce hI- if work is suspende/?t~~ --,-- ~loduIar Dwelling 180 days. ',' . AuthOrized Signature .)\';;I nl,,;t: or reeoer ,i ~ ',:, $106.00 $ 19.00 I' /. ' , " $ 50.00 ,. \ , ",. ! ~, ' " ': ;t-." ",..'- .. ". '$:63.00''\,' . ,$ 75.00 -. -,$125.00_! . $163.00 . , $375.00 $.50.00 ,'},1.~:~'t. " ,.:~ , <.,"".",t."..-. , , ",h: '":..:"" '. "~. $50.00 ..t,';$69.00 :.$100.00 ..~,> ',---. ~I -,,',' 'i .' 190 :~3IH8tl8" : 39NtlH8 gL'1g'$ Z:a83~ lWtl WOZVZ 180:31tlG LLOLO09:"10: #8Ntl~1' . '. ' 'J ' ~, '''. ::::::-/2> TOTAL -' -_:.~"-- ._,-:...