HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1900-1-1 1--' :~.--"" . \ , \ . , , " ~ \ \ '. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , \ SET BACK WAIVER AGREEMENT .,' KNOW-ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration of the City of Springfield, amunicipaJ corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back from the center of ~ ~ Street of ~ feet, so that the undersigned may construct and maintain an"adverti sing sign upon the following described real pr,operty, to-wit: " i! ,', . known as ~uml:ier ,3:Jl:.;J-P:of' ~A~, Street in the City of Springfield, Lane County, St~i~ 9~ego~, but ~~,~ the prohibited set back area as established by the ordinances;of the City of Springfield, but not closer than M{l feet, to the center line of said street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any reason, and at the City's request, the undersigned will, at his Own expense, remove the above mentioned adverti sing signpromptly. ' ' This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or 1 essees'-of the ab~ve descr i bed rea I property, and/or of s~ ids i gn, and upon the i r succe~sqri~~nd assigns, and ~nyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above described r~al, property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of'Lane County; Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the prov}sions hereof a mat ter of record, and not i ce to a II, subsequent Owner S of the above ent it' ed real property, and of said. sign and the provisions of this agreement shall 'be'binding upon such successors or assigns. ' owner-lessee -' owner-lessee STATE OR OREGON, ) ) ss. County of Lane' ) " On this day of . 19 , personally came before me, a notary publ'ic in and for said county, the within named- to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named. WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: r (}?S~t(gr-G ~1..' ';.'f. " lir....... ~, .r ~.:'~-.. :' ;,," ,', :..\ J' L . , ) -.- t;:r, , , , , ' , ' . ;'1 " . .."~j'~ ,,,' :. ,;' - ,'.\...;...~-' ;' .:'.. . I , '. " ,; J' ,\ ,. .~. \ .<. ,. f ..~ " \:'. ,;.:\" > '.; ". , "', . _ t. ' , ,.;: ~:". ',' I,' I' <.'l','.~ ;. ,', " , ,', 'l'.; , i ~ . ...., ': " . '. " ;"1 .J;' .',:~" ",:" ~. 'I - '. .'; . ..' '. .' ~ . ,', '.'~,/), :':;.:;:;:?:L:""" : ,', ~: . ,- "', '" ......, .' .. 'f ': ; ,..~. ,: i . 'l. ,," \ ,\,:;,.:~'l'r: ,I -. . ; r..' ~ I" .' ','" ~ \' /- C> 7J-YVf?:-C" --7~;:' ;7.-/.--: /JZ'T~ ' , I ,', i Clinton Eur;ene Comstock and Jenn Marie Comstock, 'husband " , ", ',.', , 'I " ;;' '~' ;'"i j':. '" 'f ;,'; :-'; I" I' '1' I to ;.;"di": I '. . " , . ~.. . , I ,,:.:,' .' r ' "." ' ';' ~, I' '..1 Lane SIala af OreGon ,~ " " , Ileginning at a point 1535.0 feet South 00 07' IYe'st from a 'point on the " .", " South line of t'1e Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. ,Sl,Township 17, 'i,'::" . South Ranee 2 West of the IYillamette Meridian, which last, mentioned' point, 'is 25.')1,8 chains North 8')0 50' East from the Southwest corner ,of said ' , Cloim; from soid heginning point run South 00 07' "lest 150.00 feet to tho, North right of way Hne of the McKenzie Ilighwny; thence North' 8')0 4'1' \-/eot" olong snid right of woy line ~;o.O feet; thence North 0.' 07' Fmlt'150.0 feet; thence South 890 ,44' F.nst 50.0 feet to the place of beginning in Lane I . '. . 'County, Oregon. :' .' , " ,..-:; ~- ;',.',.,' e:, .-.,;, t 11 t)-.~ '''....il.. \) MORTGAGE : THE MORTGAGOR ;nnd wife, ',..",;a~Ig'a'ge la Ihe PACIFIC FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, , " estate, . ilualed in Ihe Caunly of" , Springfield, Oregan, Ihe' f.allawing ,described real l! " ~ / """'1 " , / " ., ::.~ '.' '1 t i i I , -, , , P' ,'" , I, ;1 ~... "I " , r t. ,; i I , . , .. \" ': I, ! .:r :, .,:-,1. " , " I