HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1966-11-10 . . November 10, 1966 Hr. Thanas W. Kephart 1690 South IAI Street SpringfIeld, Oregon Dear Hr. Kephart: It he, c:ome to my attention that on Noveriler 24, 1964 a letter was sent to Hr. Jim Sutherlin of 3773 Haln Street from this Department Informing Hr. Sutherlin that he had hooked the commercial garage buildIng to the trunk line sewer without the required $1.00 permIt, and that the re- quired trunk line sewer assessment was never paid for this sewer hookup. SECOND NOTICE " . " ~ ~'\ oJ",::';'':j. The assessment amount Is computed by taking the front footage of the property times $3.40 to the allowable max- IllKlm depth of 150 feet. The assessment based on the above figures equals $32i.40.3q'L ;;..f!{ We feel that ample time has passed for Hr. Sutherlin to toke care of this assessment, and now that you are the OWA",r o~: ::lIe property you should contact this Department to make arrangements to pay the required assessment. Therefore you should contact this Department within ten (10) days from the receIPt of this letter. l'ay we have your cooperation In this matter. VClUrs truly, Joseph F. Reeves, Jr* DIrector of Bulldlns & Zoning JFR/JJ ~-J (iJ~rud /1-cJ.~-r;,tP ff /j ./, . # ' ,/) '---6 1 ! "r \_~..-t fJ". , , C -f'f '" ' , " . . ~')~<.~ ",.,,.,.. n" ~/ "I". :-,....;..~""'i1l..........l 1':.., . ;"/'-"~ f;ir, Y~=m[~s ':,1. J .~,..o ': ...,.,.., , ;"'.-"" .......Il". S~~!nnf!o:d. Crccon '<C:Pho r~ ~''''''''""''. .:::..0, '-v.. ~t,~r:r .'... f.....).,'.,..."'..~. ~~_~ ,'I.. .~,~_jl:'.~\;.. Ih /....' "o'n" "'0 my '1,."..",.,"'0" &rl"'" C~ o'~V"'I':'''r "'l, ~('t;lL \, ,:.~; ""'.~ I:.. ...1i>l.......~...J II {.,.-;'4 I~ ('.10.1 .....Il,,'~ r./t .........,... ~: ~:..)~-::C:. :':,Jti JOn'i: to ~:~". ~il.l ~:l1'::h...;~.: ~i~ 0';: :),7:1 ~,t.:n ..)~~'OGt " .. ,.~. ('I~ '........''''..._.) 0". ,. '': ..._.._' ~'r 1" f', "'.'. ,_)",~ t' 'frera "'I,.....; ".,;:~,..~ ..I.,_n.. 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D01l!Slaa G:lrdono. c.o p;!..i3!J platted erA rccortled in me.' 4~ rJ. 4,2051 73. LeCPil. LCO. LXCEPT tho fol. DODe. tr~ct: Dq. ot tho intU'occ. of tic 5 In. of tho r:Ct(Cl.. H\1'I. t1ith tt.o \: In. of 36th St. (tll1o St.) run th o.lll. tho" In. of cd. ~itq.. th p:lrallcl to th'J \1 In. of cd. 38th J~. to th~ 5 In. of Lot 1. Dlk. 4~ DO\lJ1a:J G:.rdollD. th to tleo U In. of 3Bt.h St.. th to tho Fro~ leO. flL..}O LltCZlTID tlut pJrt COn\V'Jo.'l to \. leO.. by dc;:d recorded 2/19/29, illS. Mo. Pc. 560. It.:eD:!. LeO. 1~66 !.::.iot r:orth 96 ft. l~Sb fi. ~ ... ,- ......- ~ I"\_'~~"'~C ,..' v ~ f_ ~ ~ ~" ^ ^ rl .....-,-"-- ",';",...,../\,...(\" ;'"",..('\.-"\""~ ) "..,...-tJe..~ OGA-JA e.. V ...J-- ~ /A~:rl-'1<<.:5 ,;.U. KeI'JArl /' E;'~ /6'7d ~tAIR A Sl'nrj+';'; Id . . October 22, 1964 j ., Jill Suther II n 3773 Keln Str.et Springfield, Or.gon 0"(',,:.,",". De.r Mr. sutherlin: A.cord. In this office .how that your c~rclal garage Is pr.sently hook.d to the city sewer syst... Howev.r, It appears that a permit for this w.s not t.ken (,.., $1.00), nor was the sewer hookup aMOUnt p.ld. This will. ~e the front foot.ge of the prop.rty tl..s $3.40 per front foot, to the allowable ..xl.uM d.pth of 150 fe.t. At your ..rll.st conv.nlence pi.... bring the I.gal description of yOur prop.rty to this of'lce so that the proper pepers can be drawn up r.gerdlng the hook up. Any qu.stlons yOU Might hev. cen be answerad et that tllIIe. Your cooper. don will be gre.tly .ppr.cl.t.d. Yours truly, 2 -If) -/~ I~ Q-:\,.Q. Aob.rt T. Allan Director of Building .nd Zoning ATA: vp .'