HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1998-5-18 . . ~ . . GIANT BURGER May 18, 1998 Dave Puent City of Springfield , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: * Attached please review our engineer's findings on our storage structure at 3760 Main as per our discussion. If you need any thing further, please call my office at 942-2631. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Bradley J. Welt Manager BJW lajb 3760 MAIN STREET . SPRINGFIEW, OR 97478 PHONE 1.541-747-3399 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 217, Cottage Grove OR 97424 . . . , . &eoma~ May 18, 1998 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS BUILOING DESIGNERS 806 N. NINTH STREET COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE: (S41) 942"()126 FAX: (541) 942-7935 Mr, Brad Welt Giant Burger P,O. Box 217 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 RE: Portable Storage Structure Located at Giant Burger, 3760 Main, Springfield, Oregon Wind, Seismic and Snow Load Resistance Dear Brad: At your request we examined the portable shed structure at the above referenced address to detennine the resistance of the shed to overturning, ability to withstand shear loads imposed by wind and seismic events and to withstand code required vertical snow loads. In our experience wind loading controls the overturning and shear calculations for single story structures under about 20 feet in height with relatively small floor areas, Therefore we did not analyze lateral loads due to seismic events. INVESTIGA TION The subject structure is a wood frame, metal sheathed storage shed with 7/16" Oriented Strand Board (OSB) as interior sheathing, We could not determine if exterior sheathing exists under the metal siding, The wall frame appears to be 2X4's @ 24" O,C., the floor framing appears to be 2X6's@ 16" O.C, and the roof appears to consist of2X6 rafters@ 24" O.C. The interior walls are sheathed with 7/16" OSB stapled at 3" O,C, and the exterior has ridged metal siding similar to Valley Rolling Mills O,OI8"VR III placed horizontally. The roof has 7116 OSB that appeared to be 24/16 grade placed under what appeared to be 27 ga, high rib roofing similar to Valley Rolling Mills 0.018"VR III. The rim joists appear to consist of3-2X6's and do not appear to be attached to the concrete piers that support the structure above the ground. FINDINGS In my opinion, based on my experience in this area, our inspection and commonly used material grades, adequate shear resistance to lateral loads resulting from Zone 3 seismic events and winds Page I of 2 . . . Mr. 8, Welt Giant Burger Storage Shed, Lateral Load Resistance May 18,1998 up to 80 m,p.h. is provided by the existing 7/16" OSB sheathing the interior walls and exterior roof of the shed. In my opinion, based on my experience in this area, our inspection and the results of our calculations, the weight of customary stock and stationary equipment can adequately resist overturning under code required wind loadings, In my opinion, based on my experience in this area, our inspection and the commonly used material grades, the existing roof structure appears to be adequate to support a live load of25 p.s,f. and a dead load of 10 p,s,f. RECOMMENDA nONS As a result of our calculations, we recommend that l6d common nails be toe-nailed into the rim joist assembly through the bottom wall plate, The 16d nails should be placed at 12" O.C. around the interior of the perimeter wall, Drive the nails at 45 degrees starting I" above the floor elevation, Maintain approximately 150 pounds of dead weight (stock or equipment) near the transverse . center of the structure for each foot of shed length to guard against potential overturning, No ties from the floor to the piers are required to resist overturning if a load of at least 150 Ibs per foot oflength (3,000 Ibs total) is maintained near the transverse center of the shed or a load of75 lbs per foot (1,500 Ibs total) is maintained along both longitudinal walls.. If you have any questions, please call me, enc: Calculations, 2 sheets Yours truly, ~ ;Z~Q~-(L Ronald D. Rice, P,E. 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