HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1985-10-18
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Office of Community & Economic Development
Planning and Development Department
October 18', 1985
Mr. Bob McClellan
Cashway Properties
P.O. Box 269
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Dear Mr. McClellan:
At your request the Springfield Building Division conducted an
occupancy inspection of the building located at 3755 Main Street,
Springfield, Oregon. The purpose of the inspection was to determine
the suitability of the buildings for various uses proposed by the
tenant, Carl's Automotive. Since three separate buildings are
involved, we will address each separately in this report.
Proposed uses:
o Sales and upholstery in front - B2 occupancy classification.
o Engine tune-up and motorcycle repair - H4 occupancy classification.
Structural Soecialty Code and Fire and life Safety Code (S.S.C)
1. The combined floor area of the building exceeds that allowed by
the Code for buildings without a sprinkler system. In lieu of
sprinkling the building, an area separation wall can be
installed to effectively divide the building into two buildings,
with the floor area used for auto repair not to exceed 5,000
square feet. The wall must be rated for two hour fire
separation and must extend from the floor to a point 30 inches
above the roof, and extend to the outer edges of horizontal
projecting elements such as roof pvftrhangs. Parapets of area
separation walls are required to ::nave non-combustible faces,
including counter flashing and copping materials. Openings in
the area separation wall shall be rated for one and a half hour
fire protection.
2. The portion of the building used for repair and handling of
automobiles shall either be provided with a mechanical exhaust
system capable of exhausting 5,000 C.F.M.. of air and exhaust
pipe extension ducts extending to the outslde of th€!lbuilding,'
.225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Two
or provide sufficient unobstructed openings to the outer air
wnich, in the oplnlon. of the Building Official, will provide
sufficient cross ventilation to meet the intent of the Code.
3. Two personnel exits are required in the area used for repair and
handling of vehicles. They must be separated by at least 48
feet, measure at. least 36 inches wide by 80 inches high, swing
outward, contain hardware that can be opened from the inside
without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort, and
have a five foot landing on the outside which is no more than
one-half an inch below the threshold height of the doorway.
Exit illumination must be provided at these doors.
4. Provide fire extinguishers as required by the City Fire Marshal.
Coordinate the requirements with that office.
Mechanical Specialty Code (M.S.C.l
5. Install mechanical ventilation in the rest room capable of
exhausting a complete change of air to the outside every 15
6. The existing furnance flue does not meet Code requirements for
installation. Replace with proper double-wall flue material and
maintain required clearance from combustibles. Coordinate
requirements with the City Mechancial Inspector.
Electrical Safety Specialty Code (E.S.S.C.l
7. Commercial garages are required to be wired in metallic conduit.
8. Remove the non-metallic cable near rest room entry.
9. Remove extension cord wiring used as permanent wiring to serve
the refrigerator and permanently mounted light fixtures.
Plug unused openings
Install cover plates
in electrical boxes with knock-out seals.
on all switches, outlets, and junction
11. Provide. general maintenance repai r of Wl rlng in uphol stery shop
area and install boxes for switches and outlets. Remove all
extension cords being used as permanent wiring.
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Three
Proposed uses:
o Auto storage on west - B3 occupancy classification.
o Auto body on east - H3 (with H2 paint spray) occupancy
. classification.
Structural Soecialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code
1. The portion of the building proposed for auto body repair is of
sufficient floor area to require fire sprinklers in the building
unless the following measures are taken:
A. Provide a one hour occupancy separation wall between the
areas proposed for auto storage and body repair. Openings
in the wall shall be rated for one hour fire protection.
B. Reduce the floor area of the body shop to under 1,500 square
feet (not including the spray booth).
C. Provide one hour fire separation between the paint spray
area and auto body repair area, or install an approved
manufactured spray booth. The spray booth area must be
sprinkled and meet all other provisions for safety specified
in the Fire and Life Safety Code, Mechanical Specialty Code,
and Electrical Safety Specialty Code.
2. In addition to the above measures, the following must be
A. Provide two personnel exits in bot~ the auto body shop and
paint spray areas. The doors ln each area must be
separated by a distance equal to at least half the diagonal
dimension of the area served. Specific requirements for
the exits are identical to those stipulated for the engine
tune-up shop discussed previously (main building).
Provide exhaust
produc i ng four
pOint at or near
ventilation in the auto body repair areas
complete air changes per hour, taken from a
the floor level.
C. Wall and ceiling surfaces must be smooth and ledges shall
be beveled at 60 degrees to horizontal to prevent dust
D. The south wall of the building is locatd less than five
feet from the property line of the adjoining lot. Please
provide evidence of common ownership of both properties, ~
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Four
provide four hour fire separation for the entire length of
the south building wall, including a parapet extending to a
.height of 30 inches above the roof.
Energy consuming equipment shall
either the auto body or paint
equipment has been specifically
not be placed
spray areas
des i gned for
or used in
unless the
F. Coordinate fire extinguisher requirements with the City
Fire Marshal.
Electrical Safety Specialty Code
3. Repair the electrical conduit system and rewire lights properly.
Ceiling hung lights may be cord connected to outlets above using
short cords with no strain. Coordinate electrical wiring
maintenance repair requirements with the City Electrical
Proposed alternate uses:
o Welding shed - H4 occupancy classification.
o Storage of non-combustible materials - B4 occupancy classification.
Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safet\!. Code
The proximity of this building to the west property line requires the
west building wall to be four hour fire-resistive construction if
used for welding, and one hour F.R. construction if used for storage.
In addition, if the building is used for welding purposes, exits must
comply as discussed for the previous occupancies. The proposed
storage use will require one personnel exit.
We recommend that welding activities be incorporated into the engine
tune-up building in order to minimize modification requirements for
the accessory building.
Electrical Safety Specialty Code
Provide general maintenance repair of the wlrlng system. Coordinate
requirements with the City Electrical Inspector.
Mr. Bob McClellan
October lB, 19B5
Page Five
Permits will be required for the above noted modification or any
additional modifications you may desire. They may be obtained from
this office. Please note that the electrical work must be performed
by a contr~ctor licensed in Oregon for such work.
In order to operate an auto repair shop on the property zoned for
community commercial (CC) use, a special use permit must be granted
by the City Planning Commission. Application for the permit may be
made through this office.
Specific questions regarding the above requirements and
recommendations may be directed to the inspectors at 726-3753.
Oon Moore
Structural Inspector
~te~ 'w~~m?n'=-
Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector
/~., M.. ..
Jim Matteson
Electrical Inspector
cc: Carl's Automotive
3755 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon 97478
Attn: Nancy Simmons
cc: Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal
"' .'
Office of Community & Economic Development
Planning and Development Department
October 18, 1985
Mr. Bob McClellan
Cashway Properties
P.O. Box 269
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Dear Mr. McClellan:
At your request the Springfield Building Division conducted an
occupancy inspection of the building located at 3755 Main Street,
Springfield, Oregon. The purpose of the inspection was to determine
the suitability of the buildings for various uses proposed by the
tenant, Carl's Automotive. Since three separate buildings are
involved, we will address each separately in this report.
Proposed uses:
o Sales and upholstery in front - B2 occupancy classification.
o Engine tune-up and motorcycle repair - H4 occupancy classification.
Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code (S.S.C)
1. The combined floor area of the building exceeds that allowed by
the Code for buildings without a sprinkler system. In lieu of
sprinkling the building, an area separation wall can be
installed to effectively divide the building into two buildings,
with the floor area used for auto repair not to exceed 5,000
square feet. The wall' must be rated for two hour fire
separation and must extend from the floor to a point 30 inches
above the roof, and extend to the outer edges of horizontal
projecting elements such as roof pVflrhangs. Parapets of area
separation walls are required to ~nave non-combustible faces,
including counter flashing and copping materials. Openings in
the area separation wall shall be rated for one and a half hour
fire protection.
The portion of the building used for repair and handling of
automobiles shall either be provided with a mechanical exhaust
system capable of exhausting 5;000 C.F.M., of air and exhaust
pipe extension ducts extending to the outside of the building,
. 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753
3' ~'5"
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Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Two
or provide sufficient unobstructed openings to the outer air
~ich, in the oplnlon of the Building Official, will provide
sufficient cross ventilation to meet the intent of the Code.
3. Two personnel exits are required in the area used for repair and
handling of vehicles. They must be separated by at least 48
feet, measure at'. least 36 inches wide by 80 inches high, swing
outward, contain hardware that can be opened from the inside
without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort, and
have a five foot landing on the outside which is no more than
one-half an inch below the threshold height of the doorway.
Exit illumination must be provided at these doors.
4. Provide fire extinguishers as required by the City Fire Marshal.
Coordinate the requirements with that office.
Mechanical SDecialty Code IM.S.C.)
5. Install mechanical ventilation in the rest room capable of
exhausting a complete change of air to the outside every 15
6. The existing furnance flue does not meet Code requirements for
installation. Replace with proper double-wall flue material and
maintain required clearance from combustibles. Coordinate
requirements with the City Mechancial Inspector.
Electrical Safety SDecialty Code IE.S.S.C.)
7. Commercial garages are required to be wired in metallic conduit.
8. Remove the non-metallic cable near rest room entry.
9. Remove extension cord wiring used as permanent wiring to serve
the refrigerator and permanently mounted light fixtures.
Plug unused openings
Install cover, .plates
in electrical boxes with knock-out seals.
on all switches, outlets, and junction
11. Provide general maintenance repair of wiring in upholstery shop
area and install boxes for switches and outlets. Remove all
extension cords being used as permanent wiring.
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Three
Proposed uses:
o Auto storage on west - B3 occupancy classification.
o Auto body on east - H3 (with H2 paint spray) occupancy.
Structural SDecialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code
1. The portion of the building proposed for auto body repair is of
sufficient floor area to require fire sprinklers in the building
unless the following measures are taken:
A. Provi de a one hour occupancy separation wall between the
areas proposed for auto storage and body repair. Openings
in the wall shall be rated for one hour fire protection.
B. Reduce the floor area of the body shop to under 1,500 square
feet (not including the spray booth),
C. Provide one hour fire separation between the paint spray
area and auto body repair area, or install an approved
manufactured spray booth. The spray .booth area must be
sprinkled and meet all other provisions for safety specified
in the Fire and Life Safety Code, Mechanical Specialty Code,
and Electrical Safety Specialty Code.
2. In addition to the above measures, the following must be
A. Provide two personnel exits in both the auto body shop and
pa i nt spray areas. The doors . in each area must be
separated by a distance equal to at least half the diagonal
dimension of the area served. Specific requirements for
the exits are identical to those stipulated for the engine
tune-up shop discussed previously (main building).
B. Provide exhaust ventilation in the auto body repair areas
producing four complete air changes per hour, taken from'a
pOint at or near the floor level.
C. Wall and ceiling" surfaces must be smooth and ledges shall
be beveled at 60 degrees to horizontal to prevent dust
D. The south wall of the building is locatd less than five
feet from the property line of the adjoining lot. Please
provide evidence of common ownership of both properties, ~
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Four
provide four hour fire separation for the entire length of
the south building wall, including a parapet extending to a
.~eight of 30 inches above the roof.
E. Energy consuming equipment shall not be placed or used in
either the auto body or paint spray areas unles~ the
equipment has been specifically designed for hazardous
F. Coordinate fire extinguisher requirements with the City
Fire Marshal.
~lectrical Safety Specialty Code
3. Repair the electrical conduit system and rewire lights properly.
Ceiling hung lights may be cord connected to outlets above using
short cords with no strain. Coordinate electrical wiring
maintenance repair requirements with the City Electrical
Proposed alternate uses:
o Welding shed - H4 occupancy classification.
o Storage of non-combustible materials - 84 occupancy classification.
Structural SQecialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code.
The proximity of this building to the west property line requires the
west building wall to be four hour fire-resistive construction if
used for welding. and one hour F.R. construction if used for storage.
In addition, if the building is used for welding purposes. exits must
comply as discussed for the previous occupancies. The proposed
storage use will require one personnel exit.
We recommend that welding activities be incorporated .into the engine
tune-up building in. order to minimize modification requirements for
the accessory building.
Electrical Safetv Specialty Code
Provide general maintenance repair of the wiring system. Coordinate
requirements with the City Electrical Inspector.
Mr. Bob McClellan
October 18, 1985
Page Five
Permits will be required for the above noted modification or any
additional modifications you may desire. They may be obtained from
this office. Please note that the electrical work must be performed
by a contr~ctor licensed in Oregon for such work.
In order to operate an auto repair shop on the property zoned for
community commercial (CC) use, a special use permit must be granted
by the City Planning Commission. Application for the permit may be
made through this office.
Specific questions regarding the above requirements and
recommendations may be directed to the inspectors at 726-3753.
Don Moore
Structural Inspector
~ 'l..-d- -
-./Ro~er Wi seman
Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector
;Jim Matteson
Electrical Inspector
cc: Carl's Automotive
3755 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon 97478
Attn: Nancy Simmons
cc: Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal